Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 287


Twenty-seven vine stars, thirty-five silver stars, forty-one red brocade stars, forty-five water color stars, fifty-one prosperous wealth stars, and fifty-five white-winged horse stars.

Lu Yiqian was promoted to the eighth level of the Great Dharma Guide! Such a promotion, every time I look at it, I feel thrilling!

Li Jing was already calm about this, staying by her side, it seemed that there was no need to be too surprised if anything happened, he stood sideways on the main hall, but he didn't know what he was thinking. This man said he was crazy, but he was a little crazy, and behind the madness, there was an indescribable depth.

On the other hand, a certain Hydra took out a small mirror, looked left and right, and was very dissatisfied: "Skin is shining, eyes are shining, how beautiful I am."

It has to be said that this snake has a rough nerve and dares to boast in front of Master Baihu.

The seal has been broken, and staying here will make you feel more addicted. With a wave of Bai Guang's sleeve, a group of people were brought to the surface of the sea.

The big fish wagged its tail happily and surfaced, and a group of people stood on its broad back.

"Since I've come out, this seal should be lifted." Bai waved his hand, and with a high-pitched tiger roar, a light-colored tiger shadow leaped up, leaped to the sky, and cast a majestic light!

The entire continent shook instantly, and no one could predict what happened and could only accept the arrangement of fate.

The lifting of the seal will undoubtedly push everyone into an unknown world, but it has to be said that this should be a test they should have accepted 100,000 years ago. The seal was released, and the channel of the plane was revealed. Bai brought this plane to each plane again with a powerful posture, and the magic power in the air became more intense.

Lu Yiqian was a little worried that the opening of the plane channel might bring unimaginable disasters to this plane. After all, the people on this plane were so far behind other planes. Anyway, she was reborn in this world again, and she still has feelings for it, and she doesn't want it to be buried under the iron hoof of outsiders' aggression.

Bai naturally knew what she was thinking: "Don't worry, little idiot, cross-plane aggression is not an easy task, and I also opened up the channel of this plane a little bit, and those who can come are from planes with comparable strength, and there is nothing to eat." deficit."

Lu Yiqian nodded, her Bai, she always knew her so well.

"Besides," Bai looked up at the sky, and then glanced at Lijing, "not everyone in this plane is vulnerable."

Groups of god-level powerhouses flew over in groups in the sky, the plane was unsealed, and the god-level powerhouses from 100,000 years ago also returned. How much more right and wrong should be added to this continent

Leaving the border enchantingly took a step forward, Mr. Bai didn't understand what he meant, alas, why don't you let him work as a coolie for free and continue to be his god king? tragic.

Lu Yiqian tightly grasped Bai's hand, and this time he failed to find Lu Wushuang, which was the only regret of this trip. Fortunately, the removal of Bai's seal was the biggest gain of this trip.

A group of people stood on the back of the fish and swam towards the shore. Swimming to see the mountains is a pleasure, but they don't know that the pattern of the magic dance continent is undergoing major changes!

The seal was released, and many god-level powerhouses who were sealed returned to this world. Most of those people were middle-level gods and upper-level gods. After returning, most of them went to the Xufeng Icefield and directly left this plane to go to a higher plane. , Some people calmed down, ready to go to another plane, while some people with ulterior motives stayed in this plane, wanting to obtain secular rights.

Among them, there are three brothers, Fu Yi, Fu Song, and Fu Qiong. Fu Yi is the eldest brother, a third-level intermediate god, Fu Qiong is the third child, and a first-level intermediate god. These three were sealed in an extremely barren land for 100,000 years. Fighting and killing every day to compete for limited resources, now that you come back to this world, of course you have to be a king and have a good time. The three of them flew around the human territory for a week, and they were overjoyed that there were not many masters in all the countries. They happily chose Song State as their primary target.

Once the God of Light died, the Temple of Light was paralyzed collectively, without any support. And Song Guo, which relied on the Temple of Light, was at its weakest time.

The three brothers of the Fu family rushed to the Song Dynasty with extreme arrogance, rushed directly to the palace, and carried out a bloody massacre!

It's also the Song Kingdom's bad luck. Facing the middle-level gods, they had no resistance, and they were slaughtered like vegetables, leaving no one in the Song family!

The three brothers of the Fu family cleaned all the officials, ministers and generals loyal to the Song family with bloody means, and then filled in their subordinates. In just two days, the Fu family officially replaced the Song family.

Who the king is and who is not is a distant matter for the common people. All they think about is that they can survive in this world. They can't resist fate, and they won't resist orders, but the Song family exterminated the family, and the Song state was changed to pay the state, there is always a discussion.

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At this time, in a small tavern in the former Song State and the current Fu State, there was a second-level mage and a third-level warrior discussing while drinking.

"Dude, I have a bad feeling that we're not going to have an easy time."

"The king was killed, and the new king forcibly conscripted the United States and recruited troops to attack other countries. He simply didn't treat us as human beings."

"Shh..." The mage looked around, "Keep your voice down, there are crowds."

"Boom..." Wu Zhe hammered down the table: "I would rather fight for the country in a dignified manner than fight for three idiots."

"This country is no longer your country."

"Gulu Gulu." The warrior looked up to the sky and drank a glass of wine: "Lean, you are always so cruel."

"Why don't we go to Qi State or live in Qin State." Master Leander said, "Otherwise we will really be recruited to fight unnecessary wars."

"No, Leanne, my family is here and I can't live without them."

"... "

The conversation between the two was transmitted verbatim to the people at a nearby table. In the past two days, they have heard these rumors a lot.

Leaving the border enchantingly smiled and said: "Sure enough, there are people who can't stand loneliness."

There was worry in Qin Xingluo's eyes. He was worried that Qin would also be attacked. He was blessed by misfortune, and his strength soared, so he naturally wanted to stay by Lu Shiqian's side, but he was also the prince of Qin, the God of War of Qin, and there were his relatives there, so he couldn't just let him go.

Bai looked at Lu Yiqian tenderly: "They just came out of the seal, they must be impetuous, and they will send troops to attack other countries in a few days." He glanced at Lu Yiqian with infinite charm: "And my little fool also It happens to be one country short." (To be continued)