Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 335


Lilila is a thirty-star long-haired dog who ran away from home after a quarrel with its owner and ran to the forest for three days without returning. The anxious owner posted a reward of fifty magic jade for help, and he provided the long-haired dog. Mao, if there are team members with special memory tracking abilities, or pets with a keen sense of smell, they are most suitable for this task.

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Xiaoyuehu only looked at the air and sniffed, and then accurately found the hiding place of the long-haired dog.

The little dog didn't dare to run into the depths of the forest, it only stopped at the outermost edge, and it was easy to find. The puppy stayed there for three days, but he didn't dare to look for food, and he didn't dare to run. He was nervous, and under the pressure of the fox, he obediently fell to the ground and was captured. The first task was successfully completed. To complete this task, it only takes the fox's sense of smell and a little coercion.

Angry deer is to get a hundred antlers. It is said to be a small deer, but it is as tall as a person, with a sharp knife on its head. Different from the docile deer that people imagine, these guys have sharp teeth and like to eat human flesh. They are a group of vicious beasts !

Daewoo's Warcraft has more than 50 stars, and it can have relative recognition. If it exceeds 70 stars, it can speak people's words, and it has a legal status and is treated fairly and respected. The strong live better. And the monster with more than a thousand stars got a good position under the hands of the five great beast masters, and even won a fiefdom. Of course, there are also many high-star Eudemons who have reached 70 or even 100 stars and are still brutal, bloodthirsty and uneducated in intelligence, and such barbaric existence usually attracts both humans and monsters to kill. Of course, in Daewoo, there is no legal restriction. Warcraft want to get the godhead of human beings, and human beings want to get the magic core of monsters. Fighting and fighting with each other never stops. You die and I die. Daewoo has always been a paradise for adventurers, a place full of danger and excitement!

These stags were Forty Stars. They belonged to a species with undeveloped intelligence. They were cruel and had a strong appetite. When they saw Lu Shiqian approaching, they surrounded them with horn knives.

The horns are knives, earthy yellow, a large group, and the appearance is not pleasant.

Sure enough, it was a task that required forty people to complete. Being surrounded by deer, it was definitely easy to get injured!

"Stand back, I'll stop them!" The awkward young man who behaved completely different from what he said stood in front of Lu Yiqian.

Although it is said to collect the corpse, he will still take the first step to protect the girl when he encounters danger, although Lu Yiqian does not need his protection.

"Come out, Preda!" Summoning the phantom beast, the soul merged, the cold boy's black hair turned into snow white, his eyes were also silvery white, his body was like lightning, and his figure was graceful and powerful.

After merging, he can deal with five bucks at the same time, and his combat effectiveness is very high. Under the same strength, this record is definitely second to none!

Lu Yiqian patted Xiaoyuehu on the head: "Thousands of miles frozen!"

The fox glanced at the woman next to him, her face was calm, but there was an inexplicable force in her that made him submit. He's obviously just an eighth-level guide, isn't he, but what's the matter with being willing to follow her and help her wholeheartedly

Before he could figure it out, his body couldn't help but make corresponding movements, erupting a silver-white world of ice and snow, which quickly froze hundreds of stags.

Seven hundred stars vs. forty stars, that is an instant kill, there is no other possibility!

Second mission... done!

Yan Fei was stunned. Looking at the ice sculptures around him, he realized how different he was from this woman. Is this her real strength? If he had tested her using this phantom beast yesterday, would he have been able to withstand a blow from her? His heart became clearer and clearer, and he let go of the useless pride. He had never felt that the direction of his efforts was so clear.

As for the giant gophers, they are a group of forty-five-star wild boar-sized mice. This kind of creature also likes to eat raw meat, especially likes to eat children and young children of other monsters, which is very disgusting.

This task requires seventy people. It is true that the giant gophers are earth-type. They can dig into the ground and dig into the soil very quickly. They can use the cover of the ground to launch a surprise attack. Their teeth are sharp and long, and they are often a piece of meat when they are torn. , very difficult.

It's a pity that they met Lu Yiqian.

A fox with a nose tens of thousands of times sharper than a hunting dog, a killer league ace killer, it is too easy to find rats. The three golden combinations are like life harvesting machines wherever they go.

Yan Fei's eyes twitched when he saw it, it was too perverted, too perverted, he sighed inexplicably, but he was also passionate, and he raised his knife and dropped it. Now, he only regrets that he didn't take more missions back then!

There was no wind at this time, and the cave at the back of the mountain was even more dull. In addition to the dullness, there was also a strong stench. The further you go in, the darker it gets, and the heavier the stench. That's right, here is the fourth mission point... the spider's lair. To be honest, this depressive and terrifying place is definitely not where women should come. Look at the corpses all over the floor, look at the humanoid corpses made of spider silk, and the newly hatched babies on the corpses. Spiders, coupled with the smell of vomiting, this place is like a scene from a nightmare. But watching Lu Yiqian quietly, he saw that she was as leisurely as admiring flowers in her back garden. Yes, leisurely, from her face, it is indeed leisurely.

Yan Fei sighed incredulously, she was indeed a woman who could defeat her. With such a scene, such darkness, and such a smell, even this man would feel sick to his stomach, but she was able to deal with it calmly, and she saw that he was extraordinary. This mission was accepted by two hundred people, but it is the most difficult among the one-star missions. If he had the temperament before, how could he have thought that he would dare to enter the spider cave with an eighth-level guide? Never dreamed about it. There is a reason why the spider mission is defined as "crazy". These reptiles are defined as a pest in the Southwest Mountains. They form groups, sneak attack strangely, and are good at using poison. It's too late, if you are bitten by them, you must immediately use the antidote prepared in advance, otherwise you will die from the poison in less than an hour and a half.

Crazy, really crazy! What's even crazier, he really followed in, and firmly believed that the woman in front of him could deal with those spiders! I am really crazy! (to be continued)