Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 64


Lu Yiqian looked a little dazed, and asked, "Why didn't you use this trick to deal with me?"

The Grim Reaper's expression was hidden in the black clothes, and he couldn't tell the owner that he was actually curious about the owner's appearance and suspicious... chest.

"There seems to be someone from the Dark Temple nearby, Sun Yi, go and have a look!" Suddenly there was a wave of magic power from the other side of the forest!


At the same time, the cries of children also reached the ears of the three of them!

The Temple of Light has developed extremely rapidly in the past thousand years, and soon surpassed the Temple of Pantheons, the Temple of Darkness, and the Temple of Five Elements, ranking first among the temples in the Magic Dance Continent. Among the three superpowers of Qin, Song, and Qi, Song State has the largest religious population, and the main hall of the Temple of Light is also in Song State. Moreover, Song State governs the country, and the divine power is higher than the royal power. The king must consult the Pope Guangming for any major decisions. Although there are people in Qin who believe in the God of Light, the number of people is the least among the top ten empires. This is related to the strategy of the kings of Qin in the past dynasties, especially the modern emperor Qin Feiran, who has a faint willingness to attack the Temple of Light.

But this time, Lu Yiqian encountered a group of Knights of the Temple of Light led by three sixth-level warriors. They were called Bright, but what they did was not very bright, because they were transferring children.

Most of these children are ordinary people's children, some of them have good talents, some of them are suitable for cultivating the ancient books of the Temple of Light, and some of them have extremely pure hearts.

These children were stolen or snatched from the people by the guards of the Temple of Light, the Knights of Light!

One of the reasons for the growth of the Temple of Light is the need for a large number of talents to provide support. Where do talents come from? Some people voluntarily sent their children to the Temple of Light to receive the teachings, and some of them robbed and stole talented children and smuggled them to the Temple of Light to receive the baptism of light, and then became the most staunch supporters and believers of the Temple of Light .

It's hard to die, what Lu Yiqian met was such a secret team from the Temple of Light. They just got more than ten talented children and were about to be transported out of Qin.

Sun Yi is a fourth-level warrior. He was snatched from the homes of ordinary people by the people of the Temple of Light at first. He is thirty-five years old and is now the most sincere believer of the Temple of Light. He is doing the same sinful thing that the previous generation of knights did thirty years ago, but he thinks that those children who were robbed are blessed by God, and those suffering families should be grateful!

The teachings of the Temple of Light and the Temple of Darkness are completely contrary to the teachings, and the people in the two temples are also in the same situation. Under such a secret situation, if they find out that there is a person in the Temple of Darkness, they will have to fight!

Sun Yi turned around to take a look, but saw two men and one woman, the woman was just a small second-level mage, but the strength of the two men was bottomless, especially the one whose whole body was hidden under the black clothes. The man with the sickle, let alone the slightest trace of his breath. However, the man in black gave him the feeling of a dark temple. Only those false temple followers and bastards dressed up like this.

Without further ado, Sun Yi drew his sword and went at it!

Lu Yiqian was surprised to see a fourth-level sorcerer attacking as if killing his wife and seizing his son!

It's strange, it's strange, when someone comes to kill him, how can there be any reason not to fight back? Lu Yiqian kicked up, as fast as lightning, kicked Sun Yi more than ten meters away, fell to the ground and vomited blood.

Sun Yi couldn't believe it. A second-level sorcerer kicked him, a fourth-level powerhouse, into the air. Who would believe this

When the three sixth-level powerhouses heard the abnormal situation, they rushed over immediately. Seeing the injured Sun Yi, the three of them drew their swords one after another, and a third-level light mage immediately helped Sun Yi aside to heal his injuries.

These three people are directly under the control of the third elder of the elder group of the Temple of Light, and they are powerful. They had always hated the followers of the Dark Temple the most, but now that they saw the injured Sun Yi, they were even more sure that Lu Yiqian and the others belonged to the Dark Temple!

The three are named Xu Wen, Daming, and Song Che respectively. Xu Wen is very strong and belongs to the strength type. Daming is of average stature and belongs to the technical type. outstanding! Xu Wen was the leader of the three. He saw that Lu Yiqian was just a little second-level mage, and he despised him very much. Wei Mo looked very weak and not difficult to deal with. As for the man in black, he must be from the Dark Temple!

As we all know, the congregation of the Temple of Light likes to wear white clothes, and the congregation of the Temple of Darkness likes to wear black clothes. That person is completely hidden in the black robe. Who are those bastards in the Temple of Darkness

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Xu Wen shouted first, and attacked, Daming and Xu Wen followed, and the three formed an angle, each occupying one side.

"From the Dark Temple, take your life!" It's no wonder that the three of them will return to the underworld today. Lu Yiqian is a bastard. Since the god of death is called the god of death, he is more willing to kill people. As for Wei Mo, he regards Lu Shiqian's safety as his top priority The first consideration factor, the others were thrown aside by him.

"Master, leave this group of lowly humans to me." Reaper asked Lu Yiqian for instructions. There was a smell in this group of people that he didn't like very much!

Lu Yiqian also wanted to see the strength of the god of death, so he agreed to his request. She doesn't know whether the god of death is a god or a title, and she doesn't know how strong the god of death is. She asked the God of Death, but there was no comparison, and he couldn't tell why.

After receiving Lu Yiqian's approval, the aura of the god of death changed immediately!

He exudes an extremely thick black aura, and black lightning flashes around him!

He shook the sickle, and the sickle shone with a demon red luster!

Around him, even the air seemed to have turned black. Twenty meters around him, even the wind became as dignified as a stone!

Xu Wen immediately felt a big mountain pressing down on his body, making it difficult to move an inch. He seemed to be walking in the dark and thick blood. He couldn't see the way out, he couldn't see the direction. laughter. (to be continued)