Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 79


The monsters are naturally afraid of fire. The monster horses were frightened and neighed endlessly. They trampled on their hooves one after another, threw the ground squirrels on their backs off the horses, and ran away from the reins.

The ground squirrels were in chaos all of a sudden, chasing horses chasing horses, cursing cursing, and quickly getting out of the way.

The big man was very alert, and when he saw the way out, he immediately shouted: "Brothers, let's go!"

A group of people threw off their whips and steered their horses forward, bursting with laughter.

Mu He stared at Lu Yiqian's back in disgrace, almost gnashing his yellow teeth in anger!

As they got closer and clearer, they saw an extremely vast virgin forest stretching for tens of thousands of miles, with lush trees and towering towering trees. As soon as they walked in, the fresh air rushed over their faces, which made people feel lighter. The forest is worshiped and revered by the local people. People live by the forest and rely on the forest to support them. They never do anything that is not good for the forest. It is said that there is a mysterious race living in the primeval forest, they are shining with unparalleled beauty...

Dongfeng County is located on the edge of this primeval forest.

The whole forest and the whole city are full of lively and lively magic of wood attribute.

Sure enough, it is very harmonious with the forest, and this Dongfeng City is also full of green: the city wall is made of green giant trees, green trees are planted on the streets, and beautiful flowers and plants are planted in every household, which are colorful. , fragrant! This city can be called the Flower City! Walking in such a beautiful city, I feel refreshed and relaxed.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going in Dongfeng City now, many of them are mercenaries, some family soldiers of big families, even the regular national army, and some scattered adventurers and hidden experts.

They were all recruited by Dongfeng County Sheriff to resist the orcs together!

"Is this a warrior from the Scarlet Wolf Mercenary Group in front?" A young and energetic voice said with a little surprise: "Welcome, welcome, I have been looking forward to it for a long time!"

A handsome young man with flaxen hair and wearing blue leather armor walked towards them cheerfully. His infectious smile made people feel good.

His name is Feng Qing, he is the son of the governor of Dongfeng County, he is just 20 years old this year, and he is a fifth-level archmage.

He saw Lu Yiqian standing in the crowd at a glance, and surprise flashed in his big eyes.

"Please come with me, everyone, I have already arranged accommodation for the warriors!" Feng Qingzhi led the way, and walked to Lu Yiqian with a smile: "Beautiful and lovely lady, I am very happy to meet you."

The folk customs of Dongfeng County are simple but not conservative. When you meet a woman you like, you can boldly pursue it.

Feng Qing looked at Lu Yiqian, and felt that her hair was as beautiful as a black rose, her eyes were as beautiful as Xingxinglan, and her lips were as beautiful as red Yintao. She was really the goddess of his dreams, and his heart that had been calm for more than twenty years beat violently.

Lu Yiqian smiled slightly, the big boy beside him had a fresh breath, and she was not disgusted with his strike-up.

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This smile made Feng Qing's heart flutter, he smiled brighter, and extended his hand to invite: "Beautiful lady, it is an honor to fight side by side with you!"

The god of death looked at Lu Yiqian from afar. He has been watching his master from a high altitude for the past few days. Following her, his eyes became more and more intense, and the time for which his eyes were fixed on her became longer and longer. He didn't know what he was. What's wrong. Now, a man stretches out his right hand to his master. The man's heart beats very fast. This intense heartbeat indicates a kind of mood, and he seems to have the same mood when he looks at his master.

Master... master's face, master's chest, another electric current sprang up from Death's body. This poor child was so shocked that he fell from the sky thousands of miles away. Fortunately, no one paid attention to him, otherwise he must have thought he fell from the sky. A black meteor!

Lu Yiqian put his hand into the clean and cheerful man's. Etiquette must not lose this demeanor.

Feng Qing suddenly smiled brightly.

Seeing his smiling face, the girls on the side of the road couldn't help but throb their hearts. For them, Feng Qing was their Prince Charming.

Although Feng Qingnian is young, he has a good way of governing Dongfeng County and is deeply supported by the people. He is young and handsome, and also an ideal lover in the girl's heart.

And the men all cast burning admiration eyes on Lu Yiqian.

Lu Yiqian has long hair in Suyi and has an outstanding temperament, so it is easy to win the hearts of men.

A group of people were walking on the street, but suddenly they saw the people in front retreating to the two sides to make way for a wide road, and they heard the gasp of the man and the scream of the woman.

The man gasped because of the golden staff of the man in front, and the woman screamed because of the unparalleled sun-like appearance of the man in front!

But I saw more than a hundred people dressed in white coming along the road.

Lu Yiqian looked at the man in front and frowned slightly, unexpectedly saw him again, the world is really small!

The man obviously also saw Lu Yiqian, and the smile on his extremely handsome face deepened again, dazzling the eyes of the villain: "Let me do it, we meet again!" Seeing Feng Qing holding Lu Yiqian's hand, his eyes widened Deep, the smile did not change: "It seems that my god's blessing is really great, Miss Ren is more and more beautiful." The eyes seemed to be unintentional, but they were fixed on the place where the two shook hands.

This person is the son of light, Shuang Ruyue. He was going to intercept and kill Lu Yiqian, but he got an order from the Pope on the way, asking him to lead three elders, two knight commanders, and one hundred bishops of the Temple of Light to Dongfeng County. He is an extremely smart person, of course he knows that the Pope must have a purpose for bringing so many elites here, he doesn't pay attention to this, the reason why he is still actively rushing here is entirely because he knows that Lu Yiqian is also coming.

For some reason, Feng Qing suddenly felt a great pressure coming to him. He looked at Shuang Ruyue, and couldn't help being amazed, this masculinity is really outstanding! Seeing the scepter of light in his hand, he immediately bowed and said: "Welcome the Son of Light, it is a great honor!" He naturally let go of Lu Yiqian's hand as he saluted, and the inexplicable pressure on his body also disappeared. Dissipate. (to be continued)