Unscrupulous Enchantress: The Eldest Young Miss has Arrived!

Chapter 93


Once Wangcai is caught, it is really extraordinary, and it is like this with one against ten thousand!

The other people and the elves quickly gathered together and worked together to fight against the enemy better!

The leader of the orcs is not stupid at all. He knows that wealth is the biggest obstacle now: "A group of four, trap a monster, other subordinates, keep going!" He knows what he wants, and he is very clear about his purpose !

This method is really effective, four orcs trapped a mechanism beast, only 40,000 people are needed, other orcs can bypass the mechanism beast and continue to attack the city!

Even with Wangcai's huge size, he could kill dozens of orcs with one claw, but he was powerless against an army of millions!

Once again, humans and elves fell to the ground like harvested wheat, and the orcs broke through the rear fortress in one fell swoop and ran towards the elf city.

Milo passed the information to Hughes, and asked anxiously: "My king, maybe we should use that."

Hughes nodded heavily: "That's the only way. If you use it, the forest may not be able to regain its vitality in a hundred years..."

But if it is not used, the elves will be exterminated, and the humans who came to aid them will also die. The attack launched by the orcs this time is really too violent!

In a room deep in the palace, a small green horn decorated with leaves lay on velvet.

Hughes picked it up, closed his eyes in pain and blew.

The sound of the green horn is like a song, but what it conveys is an urgent message: Elven City is in a hurry!

The leaves of the trees in the forest are rustling, as if they are talking, as if they are shouting: Elven City is in a hurry!

The leaves moved more and more violently, and then the trunks of the huge trees in the forest also began to move. They swayed, as if waking up from a deep sleep, they scraped the soil from their roots, and they moved as if they had grown feet. stand up.

Wooden eyes and wooden mouths grow on their trunks, and they change from "plants" to "animals".

When the big trees stand in front of people, looking at the canopy soaring to the sky, everyone seems to be dreaming!

What's this

Hundreds, thousands, no, tens of thousands of giant trees swayed and stood up, the scene was nothing short of spectacular!

They are the last line of defense of Elven City, and they are treants.

All of them are giant trees that are thousands of years old. During the long years, they have also gathered considerable spirituality. They can be awakened by the horn of the Elf Lord Tree. They are all children of the Elf Lord Tree!

When the big tree that can only be embraced by dozens of people shows its power, it is unimaginable what kind of scene it is.

During the sweeping of tree roots, the orcs and monsters that couldn't escape were cleaned up like garbage. When the branches were shot straight, the orcs and monsters that couldn't dodge were swatted like flies, or they simply jumped up and sat down in places where there were many orcs. A bunch of people sat dead in a crash, and the forest was like a bomb attack, and the rumbling noise didn't stop for a moment!

I have to sigh, elves are really children of nature, only they can create such a miracle!

The people who were shocked immediately became ecstatic. With the tree people here, are they afraid that the orcs will not be driven away

The tree roots, trunks, branches and even leaves of the tree people are all murderous weapons, which shocked the orcs and monsters so that they dare not move forward. When they shake the branches, the tree people go all out to drive these invaders out of their homes.

The tree man opened the way, opened and closed, and the human elves followed closely to kill the fish that slipped through the net, and the cooperation with each other was seamless.

The orcs retreated again and again, ten meters, one hundred meters, one thousand meters...

With this momentum, all the orcs would be driven out of the forest, and some even smiled, ready to welcome victory.

However, this is just a good expectation!

The majestic and calm voice of the king came from among the orcs: "Hughes really used this trick, but unfortunately, I have prepared for it, and your progress has come to an end."

Sitting on a tall tree, Lu Yiqian vaguely saw a particularly tall centaur surrounded by about 10,000 horses in the distance, and the voice came from that direction. Eyes slightly widened, this centaur is a general! Being able to train the barbaric orcs in such an orderly manner, there are evidences for his movement and movement, it has to be said that he is very powerful and has great commanding skills!

And this centaur does have a lot of background. After investigation, they should be regarded as the descendants of gods, and they had their footprints in the era of great magic.

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According to legend, this world has gone through four ages in total: the age of gods and demons, the age of great magic, the age of chaos, and the current age of empires. But for some reason, all the historical records in the history books are the historical facts of the warlords' melee in the late chaotic era, and for the early mid-chaotic era, the Great Magical Age has become a legend, and the Gods and Demons Age is only mentioned in some ancient documents. . Lu Shiqian just happened to have experienced a lot of these ancient documents in the Lu Mansion. Think about it, this has a great relationship with Lu Wushuang. He loves to collect these documents about gods and demons, the era of great magic, and monsters. The Lu family carries forward this tradition. I have also collected a lot of information over the past hundred years. When the chaotic lotus of that world traveled across the land and thousands of miles, it was by these information that I understood the world. Think about it, what a coincidence.

Getting back to the topic, this centaur has both the advantages of monsters and humans. It is not only intelligent, can speak, can contract monsters, but also has the natural advantages of monsters. It has infinite strength and can form a magic core in its body. However, perhaps it is also because this race is too strong and its reproductive ability is not strong, so even though it is the king of orcs, the number is extremely rare, and it is difficult to see one easily.

As soon as the orc king finished speaking, the orcs immediately gave way to all the avenues, followed by countless machines similar to trebuchets.

Could it be... Lu Yiqian's heart tensed, and he shouted loudly: "Back, back quickly!"

The orc king ordered: "Light on fire, shoot!"

Trees and the like, what they are most afraid of is not being hacked by a knife or an axe, but being burned! (to be continued)