Untypical Divorce

Chapter 10


here we go again! Jian Yian helplessly stared at the cell phone that was vibrating on the table. She knew who was calling without looking at the caller ID.

"Is it your husband again?" Xia Yumo had just finished talking on the phone with the company's chairman and turned around to ask.

"Yeah." She sighed.

"Aren't you going to answer?"

"I don't want to hear him curse." She made a playful face. "He must be forcing me to go home."

"But you can't go back." Xia Yumo frowned and looked at the mess on the table. "I also need you to write a business letter to appease all our foreign customers."

"Actually, I've already written it." She handed him an A4 paper. "Do you see anything that needs to be modified?"

"That's great!" Xia Yumo took the letter and quickly read it. "An'an, fortunately you are here to help me."

"This is what I should do." She smiled modestly. "Also, I have arranged a press conference tomorrow morning. I think we should explain the company's situation to the investing public before the stock market opens at nine o'clock to avoid unnecessary panic."

"Yes, that's what you should do." Xia Yumo praised her cleverness. "Then leave it to you, An An."

"No problem, I'll contact the company workers right away!" The unfinished words stuck on her lips, Jian Yian opened her eyes wide and stared at the man who suddenly appeared. "Muyu?!"

Ke Muyu stood frozen at the door of the hotel conference room, like a warrior statue, filled with murderous intent, and the stern gaze directed at her made her tremble slightly.

"How did you come?"

"Why don't you answer my call?" he asked arrogantly.

She was startled. "because!"

He didn't give her any room to explain, and suddenly strode in, ignoring the curious gazes of others in the conference room, and grabbed her wrist domineeringly.

"Come with me!"

"Mu Yu, are you crazy?" She lowered her voice and tried to break away from him. "I still have a lot to do now, I can't leave—"

"I said, come with me!" He interrupted her involuntarily, his dark eyes burning with a captivating fire, which shocked her for a moment.

"It's okay, An'an." Xia Yumo saw that the situation was not good and took the initiative to lighten the atmosphere. "Just talk to your husband!"

He originally meant well to give the two people room for reconciliation, but Ke Muyu became even more furious when he heard his intimate calls to his wife.

"Didn't I warn you? Xia Yumo, you are not allowed to call my wife like that!" After the words fell, he pretended to

Get in front of your love rival.

Jian Yian quickly pulled him back. "Okay, don't you want me to go with you? Let's go, let's go quickly!"

Like dragging a disobedient child, she forcefully pulled him out of the conference room. Only after she was far away from everyone did she allow herself to burst into suppressed embarrassment and anger.

"What are you doing? Ke Muyu, are you crazy? Why did you break in? Don't you know it's ugly? How do you want me to behave in the company in the future?"

He remained silent and held her eyes, shining with a strange light. After a long, long time, he raised his voice hoarsely. "Why don't you answer my call?"

She was stunned.

"Why don't you answer my phone? Don't you know I keep calling you? Why don't you answer?!" He roared irritably, like a beast trapped in a trap that couldn't find a way out.

"Why should I answer it?" She frowned in frustration. "Anyway, you just want to scold me. Do I have to be scolded by you in vain? And didn't I send you a text message saying that I have arrived safely and will go back after the matter is dealt with."

He glared at her sinisterly. "Which room are you staying in?"

"What?" She was stunned again. "Why do you ask that?"

"Take me to your room!" he ordered angrily.

Neuropathy! She pursed her lips angrily, seeing that arguing in the hotel corridor was no longer an option, so she had no choice but to lead him upstairs to her guest room. As soon as he swiped the door card, he couldn't wait to kick open the door, ran around in the room, and broke into the bathroom to check.

"You live alone?" he hissed.

"I am the only female employee who came to Tainan this time, so of course I live alone." She choked angrily. "Otherwise you want me to live with a ghost?" Having said that, she didn't even have time to go back to her room to rest.

"If it's okay, I'm going back to work."

"You are not allowed to leave!" A tall body blocked her way.

"Then what do you want?" She was furious. "I really still have work to do, I can't just go back to Taipei!"

"You—" Ke Muyu trembled all over, his eyes filled with complex emotions. He seemed to have a thousand words to say, but he didn't know how to express them calmly. In the end, he could only kick the bathroom door wildly.

"You're crazy" she said in horror, trying to stop him. "You'll break the door!"

"Go away, leave me alone!" He shook her off rudely, rushed into the glass shower stall in the bathroom, stood under the shower head, turned on the faucet, and let the water column hit him hard, cooling down the intense emotions. .

What happened to him

Jian Yi'an was in a panic. His anger was extinguished with his almost masochistic behavior, and was replaced by panic at a loss.

"What's wrong with you? Muyu, don't do this!" She ran into the shower room and tried to turn off the faucet.

Steely arms suddenly clamped down on her. "You can't not answer my call, you can't do this!"

"Mu Yu..." Her tender shoulders hurt from his grip. "What happened to you?"

But he turned a deaf ear, sinking into the darkness where no one could see, and kept whispering repeatedly: "You are not allowed not to answer my phone, you can't do this... I'm not allowed..."

She tried hard to distinguish his pale voice in the sound of water, and gradually understood the fear that he could not express frankly. Because she made him hear the beeping sound of the disconnected line again, because she made him recall the most painful and gloomy past, because she reminded him of the mother who no longer answered his phone calls... Oh my God! Why is she so careless? The night her mother died, she missed his distress signal, and now she missed it for the second time! "I'm sorry, Mu Yu, I'm sorry." She hugged his waist lovingly and pressed her cheek against his chest. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have ignored your call. I apologize to you. Don't be sad. Don't be sad, okay?"

"Who said I... was sad?" He stiffly refused to admit his vulnerability.

"Yes, you are angry. It's my fault. I shouldn't have made you angry. I apologize to you... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She raised her face and lovingly placed apologetic kisses on the sharp edges of his face.

His body trembled, and he quickly wrapped one hand around her shoulders and neck. The back of her neck hurt, but she still smiled sweetly at him. Looking at that smile, his chest tightened instantly, and he almost lost the space to breathe.

"Jian Yian..." Between his teeth, he bit hard at the name that made him heartache.

"It doesn't matter, you can scold me, it's my fault." She meekly lowered her eyes.

But he didn't want to scold her. Words were no longer enough to express his anger and attachment to her. She smiled like a charming siren in the waterfall, seducing his heartstrings. The goblin, really a hateful goblin... He lowered his face and kissed her lips hatefully. The beast of flesh burst out of its cocoon and dominated his reason. He allowed the beast's teeth to spread and bite the soft female body in his arms. . She didn't run away, she accepted his violence resignedly, and responded with passion like a stormy wave.

The two wet bodies were entangled all the way from the bathroom to the bed, like two spiritual snakes, chasing each other affectionately. His lips were cold, and her lips were wet and hot. In the blending of cold and heat, they released themselves without reservation.

"Mu Yu..." She murmured in confusion, stretched out her hand to unbutton his clothes tremblingly, and caressed his muscular chest teasingly.

He growled unbearably, pushed up his thin shirt with his big hands, grasped his perky breasts, and rubbed them roughly.

She breathed a trembling breath, raised her chest, and welcomed him more enthusiastically. He gazed gloomily at the peach-colored bud standing on the top of the peak, lowered his lips, sucked brazenly, and skillfully circled and teased her with the tip of his tongue, torturing her again and again.

She was panting softly, loving and resenting him at the same time. In response to his gentle cruelty, she reached down and groped his pants.

"What do you want to do?" He was alert to her intention. Biting her earlobe in punishment.

"I just want to help you..." She looked at him coquettishly, her eyes watery.

"I'll do it myself." He awkwardly refused to allow her to take away her control any further. He backed away slightly, unbuttoned his trousers on his own, kicked them away impatiently, and returned to her eagerly. She also took off her skirt, and her greasy skin touched his, instantly arousing a wisp of love. She anxiously pulled down his face and kissed him little by little. The dense kiss marks formed a line of fire between them. The body was burning. His patience was pushed to the limit and he tore off the weak silk barrier between her legs. The man like a branding iron invaded vigorously. She felt the pain, but she was even more excited and uncontrollable. She hooked her legs around his waist and gently Twisting her delicate body, the warm and moist woman could more perfectly accommodate all of him.

He let out a roar of satisfaction, but he was also even more dissatisfied. "You goblin..."

He gritted his teeth, held her slender waist, and rode wildly on her body. Every green movement pushed the two of them to the peak of sexual desire. Every sprint brought the two of them closer to the death of their love.

She bit his shoulder wildly, leaving a deep crescent mark, but he felt no pain at all.

In front of him is his rose, his woman, even if her thorn pricks her and bleeds, he will not hesitate...

Suddenly, a strong wave of desire hit him, and she wrapped him tightly, seeking the ultimate feeling of tightness in a daze, while his heartbeat suddenly stopped, and he couldn't help but send out the final thrust - after making love, the two of them lay side by side. **, they are all panting uncontrollably, eyes blurred, savoring the afterglow of passion. Jian Yian quietly turned her head and stared at the man next to her. He was sweating profusely and his masculine face was tense and expressionless. Are you still angry about her not answering the phone? She sighed softly, propped up her upper body slightly, and gently tugged at his eyebrows with her fingertips. He trembled for a while, and her eyebrows suddenly tightened. She smoothed them for him, with infinite love lingering in her heart.

"I love you." She said softly, full of love.

He was shocked.

Are you that surprised? She arched her eyebrows sweetly and self-deprecatingly, and once again mustered up the courage to show her love. "I love you, Muyu."

He sat up straight and glared at her sullenly, his eyes burning, almost as if they were burning with hatred.

She frowned lightly, confused, and was about to speak, but he suddenly got out of bed and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

She watched his back in shock, feeling at a loss for a moment.

What she expected was not such a response. Even if he couldn't reciprocate the same love, at least he wouldn't have to be so cold and deaf.

It made her feel so...cheap, as if she wasn't worth a second.

She quietly got out of bed and wrapped herself tightly in the bathrobe provided by the hotel, tears of humiliation stinging in her eyes.

A few minutes later, he came out, also wearing a bathrobe, opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of mineral water, opened the bottle and drank it. She gritted her teeth and looked at him quietly. It seemed like an agonizing century had passed before he turned his head, his sharp eyes slicing back and forth across her body. "I do not believe you."

"What?" She didn't understand.

"I don't believe you love me," he repeated flatly. "Jian Yi'an, you are lying."

She was horrified and rushed to him. "Why do you think that? I didn't lie!"

"The person you really love should be Xia Yumo, right? I heard that you have had a crush on him since college. It's because he broke up with his girlfriend this time that you are anxious to get back to him, right?"

The cold words instantly froze Jian Yi in place.

Then she suddenly realized why her husband was looking around as soon as he entered the room. He suspected that she might be sleeping in the same room as her senior.

Did he really think she would have an affair with her senior

"It's not like that!" she explained anxiously. "Yes, I had a crush on my senior before, but that's in the past. I never thought about having anything to do with him—"

"Then what should I say if you betrayed our company's information to him?" He interrupted her coldly. "Isn't it because you want to please your sweetheart that you give him this big gift?"

"No!" she retorted in horror, not expecting that he would make such a terrible association. "I've said it before, I did that because I was very dissatisfied with you! I wanted to teach you a lesson. The senior just happened to be able to help me complete my plan. I didn't do it to please him, let alone take advantage of it. Asking for his affection, believe me, it’s really not the case!”

He was silent, his dark eyes were downcast, and she couldn't see clearly what kind of emotions were surging in his eyes, and his heart was even more at a loss.

"Mu Yu." She called tremblingly. "You still... don't believe me?"

"Yi'an..." He raised his eyes, and she could see the pain on his eyebrows.

He must care about her, right? Just because he cares about her, he is worried about her. He has feelings for her... right

She suddenly choked up. "Muyu..."

He looked at her, his eyes flickering on and off, and finally, they were as dark as death. "I want to believe you, but I can't."

She was shocked.

"Because you have a criminal record, you can even pretend to be blind in front of me with almost no flaws. I can't tell which sentence is the truth and which sentence is a lie." His expression was dull, and his words were like sharp claws, tearing her heart apart. . She was so hurt that she couldn't even defend herself.

"I really do... I love you, sincerely..."

"Are you trying to use your relationship with me to steal information from me and use it to please your sweetheart?" He asked hoarsely. She was speechless. The mist of tears blurred her vision, making her even more hesitant and uneasy.

"If you are still playing games and testing me, then let me tell you..." He raised his hand and held her pale and cold face. Every word fell on her heart like a wound. "I have been deceived by a woman once, and I will not let her deceive me a second time."

Tears rolled down silently, and she forced her eyes open to look at him, but all she saw was confusion and confusion.

"Jian Yi'an, you lose!"

The cold declaration was like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning, ringing the mournful tone of love in her ears and heart.

She lost. If the confrontation with him was a game, then she would indeed lose. She could not convince him, or even make him trust her.

She suffered retribution again. Every time her heart moved for him, she always got heartbroken. But this time, it hurt hundreds and thousands of times more than before. It was so painful that she had difficulty breathing, and it was so painful that she sat stupidly on her bed every night. , caressing the sore neck and throat, not knowing what to do. But this time, she couldn't blame him. It wasn't that he was heartless, it was her own fault. She should have known that she was playing with fire, and what would be burned would only be her own heart.

She shouldn't be so smart that she thinks she can teach him a lesson, and she shouldn't be opportunistic in weaving lies one after another. She should know that her opponent is actually not just an ordinary man, but love.

She deceived him and lied about love, and now even if she tried her best to save him, it was all in vain.

what to do

"I know I was wrong, but..." But what should she do

Jian Yian murmured in pain, sitting by the bedroom door, holding the string of wind chimes given to her by her husband in her hand, staring at it in despair, and occasionally shaking it gently.

She listened to the clear ringing of the bell, but what she heard seemed to be the sound of her own heart breaking, ding bell... ding bell...

"Muyu, how can you trust me?" she asked sadly.

How can he believe that she is not acting? How can he understand that she is sincere

After handling the fire crisis at the Tainan factory, she submitted her resignation to Xia Yumo, and he graciously approved it immediately. However, such an overture could not win Ke Muyu's favor. He was still suspicious of her and was not sure whether she was acting again. He carefully guarded his heart and did not allow her to intrude wantonly. He did not treat her with rude words, and he would go home every day and eat the delicious food she specially cooked for him. She and he were like an ordinary couple, but they were a little silent and distant, and he was no longer Touch her.

Sometimes, she could detect that the eyes he looked at her were full of painful longing. Sometimes, he thought she hadn't noticed, and those dark eyes would follow her persistently.

Just as she wanted him, she knew he also wanted her, but every time she tried to approach him, he always pushed her away indifferently.

Time and time again, she kept trying, but he also insisted on resisting. The two of them were like playing hide-and-seek, and they could never find each other.

She was tired, really tired, so tired...

"What should I do?" She bit her lip hard to hold back her weak sobs, but her tears still fell in clusters. She hugged her knees and buried her tears deeply.

Jingle bells… jingle bells…

Ke Muyu stood outside the door and listened. She was playing with the wind chimes he gave her again. These days, she always shut herself in her room, ringing the wind chimes every now and then. The sound of the bells was like crying, lingering sadly in his heart. He hated hearing the ringing, but like a fool, he lingered outside her boudoir door every night, listening for the smallest movement in the room.

He knew that she was crying, that she was very sad, and he also knew that as long as he said forgiveness, he could turn her tears into laughter.

But he couldn't do it.

Because he had resentment and hatred towards her, because she had coldly refused to answer his phone calls, and because he couldn't figure out whether she was still attached to Xia Yumo.

Because he was jealous, his heart wavered for her, but he was also angry with himself for being so uneasy.

He wanted to punish her, but when Pianpian was torturing her, he couldn't help but worry that she dared to hurt her inside the door, and she seemed to be suffering outside the door.

That's enough!

Ke Muyu suddenly felt angry and paced back and forth in the room.

He always thought that he was taming those roses. Could it be that he was actually the one being tamed

The thorns on her body hurt him, shouldn't he be given a small punishment? Why should I feel that I have done something heinous and want to whip myself severely

"Ke Muyu, you are really crazy!" He murmured gloomily, his eyebrows furrowed. Suddenly, his cell phone rang, and he answered the call. "that one?"

"Mr. Ke, I am a weekly reporter."

"Reporter?" His tone was cold, and he was bothered by phone calls late at night because he was not in the mood to deal with it. "Is there a problem?"

"It's like this. We have received an interesting piece of information and would like to confirm it with you..." The reporter reported to him the content of the headline report that will be published in two days.

Ke Muyu lowered his face and listened, a little surprised, but not too surprised. "Who gave you the news?"

"Sorry, from the standpoint of our professional ethics, we cannot reveal the source of the information."

He sneered. "It doesn't matter. If you don't tell me, I can guess it."

"In this case, does Mr. Ke deny the news?" the reporter asked.

"Even if I deny it, will you not publish this report because of this?" he asked.

"Haha." The reporter laughed dryly.

Ke Muyu pondered for a moment, and the corners of his mouth curled up mockingly. "Okay, just report it!"

After hanging up the phone, he stood there for a moment, then went to the kitchen to warm a cup of fresh milk, brought it to his wife's room, and knocked gently on the door. "Yian, open the door, I have something to tell you."

A series of panicked bells rang in the room, and then Jian Yian opened the door hesitantly. "What's the matter?" She looked into his eyes, flickering with expectation.

Doesn't she think he's here to show his kindness

Ke Muyu frowned. "You stay at home these two days and are not allowed to go out."

She froze. "Why?"

"You're not allowed to go out anyway." His eyes were sharp. "Can it be done?"

Her eyes dimmed. "It's not like you're imprisoning me at home, is it?"

"Of course not!" Did she think she was playing "Rose Eyes" now? Think he will do domestic violence to her? Ke Muyu pursed his lips in displeasure. "Something happened. If you don't want to be harassed by reporters, just stay at home."

"Reporter?" She was stunned. "What on earth is going on?"

"You don't need to know." He refused to say.


"Anyway, for your own good, don't step out of the house for two days."

"Got it." She whispered dully. He glanced at her and saw that her face was pale, her cheeks seemed to be a little thinner, and her chest was heavy.

"You... still not asleep?"

"What?" She blinked and looked at him blankly. Go to sleep! Do you know you look miserable

He really wanted to yell at her like this, want to scold her sharply, don't think that pretending to be pitiful will make him soft-hearted, he won't, absolutely won't...

"This is for you." He roughly gave her the milk in his hand.

"Ah?" She took it stupidly. "Did you heat this up specially for me?"

He almost choked. "How is that possible?" He glared at her in annoyance.

"This is what I just drank. Throw away the waste and give it to you. Drink it quickly and go to bed early! Do you understand?"

After saying that, he quickly turned around and went back to the study, not looking at her again, as if he disliked her.

But Jian Yian knew that her husband did not dislike her. If he really disliked her, he would not give her this glass of milk.

This glass of milk must have been warmed by him deliberately for her to drink. It must have been...

She held the mug and put it against her cheek, enjoying the faint warmth, as if her husband was touching her.

Jingle bells… jingle bells…

The wind chimes are ringing in the quiet night. Is it the naughty kitten bullying the rose, or is the rose deliberately teasing the kitten

I’m afraid, no one can tell clearly!

She didn't listen to him. Two days later, a gossip weekly published a new story. Jian Yian saw the relevant report on TV and suddenly realized that her husband was not allowed to leave the house to protect herself. She hesitated for a long time, but finally decided to go to her husband's company and face the reality with him.

But she had just stepped through the door. A group of reporters waiting in the lobby downstairs saw the heroine of the gossip news appear. Their eyes lit up. The reporters quickly took out their microphones, and the photographers also carried their cameras, trying to find a way to take pictures. good angle.

"Mrs. Ke, is what the weekly reported true?"

Jian Yian was surrounded by reporters and really missed the little rabbit that was about to be hunted. However, she did not show any signs of fright. She just opened her clear eyes and patrolled the surroundings quietly.

"You and Mr. Ke are actually in a contract marriage. You didn't get married because of love, did you?" a reporter asked straight to the point.

"So you have been acting in public? You clearly don't love each other, but you have been pretending to be a loving couple. What you said in magazines and TV interviews were also false? Are they all lies to deceive everyone?" This female reporter The tone of the question was quite sharp.

Jian Yian glanced at her and found that she was quite young and pretty. Maybe she was a girl with disillusioned dreams, right? I'm so sorry that the couple ruined what she thought was a marriage call.

"Mrs. Ke, the weekly report said that you agreed to marry Mr. Ke because you needed money. Why did you need money at that time? Is your marriage a transaction? How much did Mr. Ke give you?"

The questions became more and more sharp and unsparing. Jian Yian almost had the illusion that he was a poor official who was being questioned by the people in Congress.

She was thinking about whether she should respond to the reporters' inquiries. She was not sure how her husband originally planned to deal with this matter. Would he admit it frankly and then deny it? Would he say it was malicious slander? Or threaten to report to the Weekly

No matter what countermeasures he had in mind, she just wanted to know why he didn't let her face it together? Because he doesn't believe her? Could he suspect that she was behind all this

Thinking of this, Jian Yian's face turned slightly pale. When the reporters saw this, they concluded that she had a guilty conscience and became even more aggressive.

"Miss Jian, please answer our questions!" They simply changed the title, not believing that a money-worshiping woman was worthy of being Mrs. Ke.

"Miss Jane, please don't run away-"

"Is that enough?" The thunderous rebuke suddenly came down, shocking the reporters. Everyone looked back in astonishment and saw Ke Muyu striding towards him, his brows stern, and he had a majestic aura. "If you have any questions, ask me directly. Don't allow fleas to disturb my wife! Yi'an, come here!"

He pushed aside the reporters, took his wife with his big hand, and protected her behind him.

Jian Yian looked at her husband in bewilderment, realizing for the first time that his back was as majestic as a mountain, with a firm and steady demeanor that could protect any weak woman. She looked at him with tenderness and condemnation.

In his heart, is she someone worthy of his protection

"Mr. Nake, please answer, are you in a contract marriage?" The reporters wisely changed the target of the inquiry.

"That's right!" He admitted frankly. With this nod, not only the reporters present gasped, but Jian Yian also suddenly turned pale.

"We got married because of a contract. This is the contract we signed." He took out a document from the inner pocket of his coat, raised his hand and waved it.

The reporters were like hounds sniffing their prey, eager to grab the documents. "Mr. Ke, can you let us take a look at the content?"

"It is not convenient for outsiders to see the private agreement between us husband and wife." He declined politely, keeping a polite smile on his face. "And now this contract is invalid."

The reporters were curious. "Why doesn't it work?"

"Because it has expired a long time ago." He declared clearly, quietly holding his beloved wife's hand tightly. "After the contract expired, we did not divorce and still decided to continue our marriage."


"Do I still need to ask?" He smiled brightly. "Of course it's because we love each other very much now!"

The reporters looked at each other, and Jian Yi Anfang's heart trembled. She lowered her eyes and stared at the hand held by her husband with mixed emotions - was he telling the truth? Or are you acting? Just as her husband doesn't believe her expressions of love, she can't really understand his hidden thoughts.

"... But I also admit that in the beginning, there was indeed a deal between us. It was my idea to act as a model couple in front of others, because I am too famous and I hope everyone will think that I am a good person who loves my family and my wife. Man, Ye An is just cooperating with me."

Ke Muyu freely and effortlessly placed all the blame on himself, paused for a moment, and then his smile faded seriously. "But now I understand that you have to pay a price when you lie."

"What's the price?" the reporter asked. "Can you be more clear?"

"Isn't it a price to be chased downstairs by you reporters like a drowned dog and embarrassed in front of a national audience? Or do you think such an ending is not tragic enough?" He curled his lips humorously, with dark eyes. Shining brightly.

The reporters couldn't help but laugh. Seeing that the atmosphere had eased slightly, Ke Muyu cleverly seized the opportunity. "Is that enough? If you still want to know the inside story, you can make an appointment with me for an exclusive interview. I will try my best to cooperate. Now please spare us and my wife, okay? I don't want to invite the guards out and make the scene ugly."

He used hard and soft tactics to finally persuade the reporters to leave the scene. The couple took the elevator upstairs hand in hand. As soon as they entered the private office, he couldn't wait to show concern for his beloved wife.

"Are you okay? Yi'an." He looked at her carefully, as if trying to find any trace of possible injury on her body.

"I'm fine." She shook her head.

Confirming that she was unharmed, Ke Muyu breathed a sigh of relief, but a surge of anger quickly spread in his chest. "Didn't I tell you to stay at home for the past two days and not go out, so why did you run out? Why are you so disobedient? Do you know that those reporters are so cruel that they can be alone?"

"I know, I just wanted to ask you." She looked at him in confusion. "Why don't you tell me what happened? I can solve this problem myself. There is no need to drag you into the water." How to try to drag her into the water? Both of them have a share in this marriage! She bit her lip bitterly. "You don't think I deliberately spread the news about this report, do you?"

"How could it be?" He was surprised that she guessed so. "I think it was Qihong. She did this to get revenge on me."

Therefore, he did not doubt her. Jian Yian was relieved, but she felt even more sad because of this.

How long can she live like this? You can't spend your days and nights worrying about where your husband might be suspicious of you. This kind of life is too tedious...

"Why are you looking at me like this?" He frowned, sensing something was wrong with her expression.

"Did you say that to me just now?" she asked softly.

"Which sentence?"

"Lies must pay a price." She repeated his words clearly, and every word was like a falling meteorite, burning her soft heart.

He was silent for two seconds, his eyes gloomy. "I'm talking to myself. I was too pretentious before, and now I really should pay the price."

"Is that why you chose to tell the truth to the media today?"


"What about me? Didn't you mean that at all to me?" she asked. He was silent.

Still there? She thought melancholy, trying to get some clues from those unpredictable eyes. Was he in love with her? She believed there was, otherwise he wouldn't have rushed downstairs to protect her, but such feelings may not be as good as suspicion...

She couldn't go on like this. She didn't want to continue playing hide-and-seek with him. She had to take a gamble.

She took a deep breath and gathered all the courage in her body. "If you can't believe me, then let's get a divorce!"

"What did you say?!" He was shocked, his expression unchanged. "Didn't you say you love me? How can you divorce me?"

"I love you, I really love you." She stared at him and expressed her feelings to him again, tears glistening faintly. "But I can't be with a man who doesn't believe in me. This is not the marriage I want."

"What do you mean by a marriage you don't want?" he snarled. His hands gripped her shoulders roughly. Her sudden request made him panic and anxious, and his rationality was like a wild horse running wild, out of control. "Speak clearly to me!"

She gritted her teeth and endured the severe pain in her shoulders. "I want a divorce, please divorce me..."

"Jian Yi'an!" He interrupted her with a roar, not allowing her to continue to say the words that made her confused. She choked up miserably, with misty tears, looking at the man who made her feel distressed and heartbroken.

"I know it's my fault. Who taught me that I have deceived you and lied to you before, but haven't you ever lied to me? Have you never lied to me? Have you never done anything bad to me? Why did you You just refuse to believe me? Why do you do this to me?" The accusations, the blood and tears, shocked him and confused his heart, but he didn't have time to think about it, he just panicked and repeatedly affirmed his control. "You are not allowed to leave, I will never agree to divorce!"

"Please, divorce me and let me go..."

"I said it's impossible!"

"It's my fault. I'm sorry. I admit that I lost, okay? Please let me go. Please let me go..."

She kept apologizing and admitting defeat, but he couldn't feel her weakness at all. He didn't feel that he had won, and he didn't feel that he could look down arrogantly at the crying woman in front of him because of his stubborn eyes. There was also a dull burning pain.

"There is only one condition for me to let you go!"