Untypical Divorce

Chapter 3


An unexpected car accident caused his wife to become psychologically blind and disrupted his divorce plan. How did things evolve to this point? After more than a week, Ke Muyu still feels a little uncomfortable. Occasionally, he will feel uneasy when he thinks deeply. But there was someone more anxious than him.

"Is she still invisible?" After discussing business matters with her boss and adjusting several dates, Song Qihong finally couldn't suppress her anger and asked bluntly.

"It's been so long and she still can't see. Could it be that she will be blind forever?"

He glanced at her lightly and explained slowly. "The doctor said that it is difficult to predict when or under what circumstances a physical problem caused by psychological factors will recover. We can only wait and see how it changes."

"Are you kidding? Just wait and see what happens?" Song Qihong protested in shock, like a string that was too tight, pulling out a voice that changed its tone. "Are you going to never divorce her as long as she can't see you?"

"How is that possible?" Ke Muyu sneered, asking him to spend his whole life with a woman he didn't love, don't even think about it! "But at least now, I can't leave her alone. It's both emotional and rational."

"Is she pretending?" Song Qihong frowned in annoyance. Because I couldn't bear to take off Mrs. Ke's halo, I deliberately relied on you in this way. "

Ke Muyu frowned coldly. He had also been so suspicious, but!

"If she's just pretending, then her acting skills are too good. At least so far, I can't see any flaws."

His expression was indifferent, and the pools in his eyes were bottomless. Song Qi's red ginseng did not suit his inner calculations, and made him even more panicked.

"Mu Yu, don't worry about her and just go ahead with the divorce as planned! Your marriage has expired, right? You just abide by the contract and there is nothing wrong with her."

He shook his head and dismissed her suggestion coldly, "The point is not whether I am worthy of her." The point is that the public image he has established in the past two years must not be damaged in the slightest.

"You!" Song Qihong gritted her silver teeth, became furious and couldn't help complaining. "Why do you care so much about what other people think of you?"

Because he is Ke Muyu, he is smart and sharp, and although his style in the market is a bit ambitious and strong, he is quite smooth in dealing with interpersonal relationships. He has always given people a cheerful and positive impression. On the surface, he is a very mature and steady man. But in fact he is very naive in some respects. What he wants, he must always get what he already has, and he will never allow anyone to take it away.

Two years ago, in order to punish his ex-girlfriend for cheating on her, and to save his face, he could quickly negotiate a marriage with her, showing that he didn't care about his ex-girlfriend. Two years later, of course, he could also do it for Tong Xiang will do whatever it takes to keep his new good man Tong Xiang.

So he was trapped.

Because the image he had established before was so good that society appreciated him, now he was unable to divorce her gracefully.

Now he should understand that not everything in this world has to be played according to his rules. No matter how rich and powerful he is, there will be times when things don't go his way.

And she was going to teach him just that!

Jian Yian smiled and stood outside her husband's office door. Is his secretary too careless? She didn't even close the door completely. The sound of the two arguing was faintly heard in her ears.

She listened quietly. Behind her, Wu Meili, the caregiver specially invited by Ke Shouyu for her, couldn't help but wonder. "Madam, won't you go in?"

She was startled, and then she reached out and knocked on the door.

Song Qihong came to answer the door and was stunned when she saw it was her.

"Is it Mu Yu?" She asked innocently with her watery eyes open.

"Yi'an?" Ke Muyu stood up from his desk in surprise.

"Why are you here?" This was the first time she entered his office since the two got married.

"Meili just took me to the hospital for a follow-up consultation. I thought it was close to the company, so I stopped by to see you." She explained with a smile: "I brought lunch for you. It's your favorite beef noodles. Eat it while it's hot. Otherwise, the batter won’t taste good.”

Ke Muyu raised his eyebrows and was about to speak when his cell phone suddenly rang. He glanced at the caller ID. "Yian, I have to take an important call, please wait for me here first."

With the support of the nurse, Jian Yian slowly walked into the office. Song Qihong watched her every move closely, trying to see if she was showing signs of pretending to be blind. "Where is my husband's desk?" she asked. "Hel me over there and sit down."

"Yes" Wu Meili followed her instructions. Song Qihong stared in astonishment as she sat down safely on Ke Muyu's office chair, taking on the posture of the vice president's wife and dominating the entire office. There was obviously a sofa to sit on, so why did you choose that seat

Song Qihong suddenly felt that she was a little less powerful. After seeing her gracefully dismissing the caregiver, she couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"That's the vice president's seat. It wouldn't be right for Madam to sit there without permission, right?"

Jian Yian heard her voice and tilted her head slightly in her direction. "Are you Secretary Song?"

"Yes, doesn't Madam recognize me?" Song Qihong asked deliberately. "We've met a few times."

"Yes, I remember you came to our house several times to check in documents." Jian Yian smiled and nodded, pausing thoughtfully for two seconds.

"But it's really strange. I always thought that Secretary Song was both public and private, and knew all about my husband's affairs. It turns out that's not the case."

Song Qihong was stunned. "What's the meaning?"

"I'm blind, don't you know?" Jian Yi'an smiled sweetly. "So I wasn't sure who you were just now, not because I didn't remember you, but because I couldn't see you."

She made a mistake. She originally wanted to raid Jian Yian to see if the other party would show off her secrets. Unexpectedly, she was beaten up and it showed that she was very incompetent because she failed to grasp the private life of her boss and ex-boyfriend in time. Song Qihong bit her lip secretly and regrouped. "I didn't expect Madam to be so considerate and even specially bring a lunch box for my husband, but you don't have to worry so much. I have always taken good care of Vice President Muyu Ke's diet, and today I ordered the most refreshing lunch box for him around here. .”

Jian Yian covered her lips and smiled softly. "Of course I know that Secretary Shu has always been very loyal to my husband, but taking care of my husband is, after all, a wife's responsibility, don't you think?"

In other words, irrelevant people can be dealt with less.

Song Qihong heard the overtone and was very upset. Just when she was thinking about how to fight back, Jian Yian sang her melodious voice again.

"My husband is handsome, isn't he?"

"What?" Song Qihong was stunned.

There seem to be many women out there who are fascinated by him. Every time they attend a social banquet with him, he will become the center of attention. Jian Yi'an's beautiful eyebrows slightly frowned, as if she was troubled by this. "Seriously, what do those women like about him?"

Is this mocking her? Song Qihong was displeased, her bright eyes flashing in and out. "What about Madam? What do you like about him?"

"Are you talking about me?" Jian Yian laughed softly again, playing with the mouse like a game. "I don't like him."

"What?" Song Dihong was shocked.

"Mu Yu and I are in a contract marriage, don't you know?" Of course I knew, but I didn't expect that she would tell the truth so calmly - what did she want to do

Song Qihong tensed up her nerves on guard, warning that she had underestimated the woman in front of her before. She had always thought that Jian Yian was the kind of simple and brainless lady who only knew how to shop and drink tea all day long, and squander the luxurious life gifted by her husband.

"Mu Yu originally wanted to divorce me, but now my eyes have become like this... Sigh" Jian Yi sighed thoughtfully. "I'm really afraid that I'll have to rely on him all the time."

Song Qihong was so angry that she finally gave up. It turned out that Jian Yi'an had come specifically to show her power. Even if Mu Yu's marriage was loveless, he would never abandon his wife out of responsibility.

"What should I do?" Jian Yi An Zhuangruo pondered worriedly.

"I feel like it's not good for me to occupy Mrs. Ke's position all the time. Secretary Song, would you like to help me persuade Mu Yu to stop being so responsible?"

It's really cheap and yet still behave well!

Song Qihong gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to scream. It happened that Ke Muyu returned to the office after making a phone call. She was so angry that she grabbed his tie, leaned forward and put her sexy red lips on him.

He was surprised and angry when she attacked him unexpectedly. He turned his eyes and saw his wife sitting behind his desk, her face seemed a little pale. An idea suddenly occurred to him and he decided to stand still and let his ex-girlfriend ask for kisses wantonly -

That kiss was definitely testing her. After returning home from her husband's company, Jian Yian was still in a daze and hid in the bedroom, meditating angrily. Although she had known for a long time that her husband signed a contract marriage with her to punish his ex-girlfriend for betraying her, she had also expected that the two would still be entangled to this day. Even on certain nights when he was away on business, she would ** tossed and turned, guessing that he might be having a passionate affair with his ex-girlfriend...

But she never imagined that when she saw it with her own eyes, her heart would hurt so much, as if she had been cut by a sharp knife.

Just a kiss! She and Ke Muyu didn't get married out of love. She didn't like him at all, so why did she care so much? Why are you so hesitant

It was just a test kiss. Mu Yu always paid attention to his own image. She believed that he would not blatantly have an affair in the office, so he probably accepted the kiss just to test her and confirm whether she really couldn't see.

But no matter what, he still went too far. Even if she was just a wife in name, she shouldn't be treated so rudely...

"Ke Muyu, I just wanted to delay the divorce a little and teach you a lesson. Since you are heartless, don't blame me for being unjust!" Jian Yian murmured bitterly. In order to prevent her husband from prying out any clues, she held on and remained calm at that time. Later, she even had lunch with him, chatting and laughing with him. But now, she no longer had to pretend, she picked up her phone and dialed a familiar number.

The ringtone called monotonously, but within a few seconds, the other party picked up the phone.

"Senior Yumo, I'm Yi'an." She greeted her former boss and university senior sweetly.

"An'an?" Xia Yumo was surprised. "Long time no see, why did you call me suddenly?"

"Come and say hello to Mr. Senior." She chuckled. "Is it convenient for you to talk now?"

"Of course how are you doing, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

The two chatted endlessly for a while, and Jian Yian revealed the real purpose. "Senior, have you heard of the company "Starlight Technology"?"

"Of course I've heard of it. It's a company that specializes in C design." Xia Yumo paused. "What's wrong?"

"I just want to know more about this company." When I was in my husband's office at noon, I accidentally caught a glimpse of a dense numerical table in his computer, which seemed to be an analysis of the investment value of this company.

She guessed that "Enyu Group" is likely to try to acquire "Starlight Technology".

"...I heard that their current financial situation is not very good." After Xia Yumo introduced the company, he added, "Actually, I have tried to contact them."

"The senior wants to get in touch with them. Why?" she asked curiously, "Are you interested in them?"

"Well..." Xia Yumo smiled lightly and did not answer directly. "They're a pretty good company."

"I think so." She thought for two seconds, then the corners of her lips curved into a graceful arc. "Senior, should we make an appointment to have a good chat some other time?"

It turns out she can see. In the evening, when Ke Muyu returned home, he did not enter the house immediately. Instead, he chose to hide quietly in the entrance hall and observe the situation in the living room.

His wife was sitting on the sofa, holding flowers and drinking tea, while the nurse lady read the newspaper to her.

Her expression was calm, and Wan Zheng couldn't see anything strange, as if the scene of him performing with Qihong at the company at noon did not cause any disturbance to her.

But he was sure that when she suddenly saw it, her expression changed drastically for a few seconds, her expression was filled with uncertainty and a hint of resentment. But he also admired her for how quickly she regained her composure and even chatted calmly with him. Ke Muyu sneered slightly, recalling that after his wife left the office, he once asked Song Qihong why she kissed him like that. With a livid face, she accused his wife of being a ruthless person.

"How cruel?" He was curious.

But she refused to say it outright, so he could only guess that maybe she was at a disadvantage in the verbal confrontation between the two, so he was angry.

He couldn't believe that Di Hong, who always relied on his shrewdness and sharp tongue, could not defeat Yi'an. He was even more interested in this wife whom he rarely paid much attention to.

How exactly is all this arranged? Did she crash the car on purpose to pretend to be wise? Or did she crash the car first and then think of this trick? Or maybe she was really blind for a while, but accidentally became able to see one day, but hid it from him

Regardless of her purpose, he must admit that she aroused his interest. After living with her for two years, it was only when they were about to divorce that he realized that she might be a kaleidoscope of changes.

"Madam, there is a report by Mr. Ke in this issue of the magazine!" Wu Meili took the initiative to mention it after reading the key news in the newspaper.

"Really?" Jian Yi'an's eyes suddenly brightened. "Read what you wrote to me."

"Yes." Wu Meili read the text, all of which were words of praise for him, saying that he was young and promising and a rare young talent in the business world. He recently accepted the invitation of the "Thirty and Standing" Club and officially became a member. , worthy of being the elite among the elite.

Ke Muyu listened calmly and confidently to the print reporter's praise, and did not think there was any praise. What interested him was his wife's reaction.

"Madam, what does "standing at thirty" mean?" Wu Meili asked.

"Have you ever heard of Yang Pinshen? He is the second generation successor of the "Taiya Group". He founded this club," Jian Yian explained smoothly. "Strictly select business elites over the age of thirty and recruit them to become members, but they must quit when they reach forty. Most of the members are the future successors of major enterprise groups in Taiwan. Some people say that it is a place for wealthy families. Playground.”

A playground for wealthy young men? Ke Muyu raised his eyebrows. Is it his imagination? Or did he indeed hear a hint of teasing in her words

"But don't think that they are just drinking and having fun there. I heard that they have regular meetings every month to exchange information. Like my senior, he is very serious about managing the relationships there."

Senior? who? Ke Muyu was suspicious and thought for two seconds before he got busy with the fact that she and her former boss Xia Yumo were seniors. Listening to her affectionate tone when calling Xia Yumo, could it be that they have always been in contact

"The fact that Mr. Ke can join this club means he is really good, right?" Wu Meili exclaimed.

"It's quite powerful, but..." The end of the sentence raised the suspense.

But what? Ke Muyu found himself eager to hear her next comments. He told himself that it wasn't because he cared much, it was just that a husband always wanted to know how he was evaluated in his wife's mind.

But she stopped talking and looked in his direction, her cherry lips holding the rim of the cup, smiling subtly, which made him almost annoyed.

Because he could feel that there was some slight contempt hidden in her smile.

Ke Muyu curled his lips sarcastically, guessing that his wife had probably noticed that he was standing in the entrance hall peeping, and that smile was probably a provocation against him.

He wanted to see how she would continue to play a blind man next.

She did not disappoint him. She took a sip of tea gracefully and put down the cup. However, because she misjudged the position of the coffee table, the glass immediately fell to the ground and drank the tea all over the floor.

"Madam, be careful!" Wu Meili exclaimed.

"Sorry, I'm just too stupid." She knelt down and groped. "Where's the cup? Where is it?"

"Madam, don't move. I'll pick it up." Wu Meili was afraid that she would hurt herself.

"No, I can pick it up myself." She sternly refused the nurse's kindness. "I can't see, but I'm not a cripple. I'll pick it up myself." But she searched around with her hands on the ground, but couldn't touch the tipped glass. Her elbow accidentally hit the table leg, which caused a dull pain. , she suddenly got angry and grabbed the pillows on the sofa, throwing them into the air one by one.

"Why can't I see? Why? Why!" She lost her temper almost hysterically.

"Madam, calm down." Wu Meili rushed to stop her.

"Don't move around, be careful of getting hit."

"Leave me alone!" She struggled hard. "Did you hear that? Let me go!"

"Ma'am, please let me take care of you."

The two women twisted into a ball.

too strong! Ke Muyu whistled silently, almost wanting to applaud his wife. His acting skills were really superb, and he played the role of a woman who was panicked due to blindness to perfection.

Now it's time for him to show up.

He smiled slightly, took a big step, stretched out the steel ship's arms, and accurately clamped his wife from behind. "Yian, have you made enough trouble?"

"Mu Yu!" She was stunned and said, "Are you back?"

"You can go." He turned his head and ordered the guard directly. "Come early tomorrow."

"Yes, Mr. Ke, madam, I'll go back first." Wu Meili packed her things and left.

"If something is knocked over, just ask someone to help pick it up. Why do you have to be so stubborn?" Ke Muyu scolded his wife and pushed her back on the sofa. She lowered her head and choked softly.

Is she crying

He frowned, never disdaining to face a woman's tear attack. "Stop crying. When did you become so crying? Don't cry."

"I'm really scared... What if I never see you again?" She said with tears in her eyes.

Strangely, even though he knew she was pretending, he still felt a little anxious when he saw her pitiful tearful face.

"Don't think so much. Didn't I say that I would definitely ask a doctor to cure you? Just trust me." He comforted in a rough voice. "Tomorrow I will ask Mei Mei to take you to see a famous psychological counselor to see if he can help you with hypnosis or the like to find out the cause of your blindness."

She froze in surprise. "You said you wanted to ask a psychiatrist to help me hypnotize you?"

Was she scared? It would be fun if you accidentally revealed the truth after hypnosis—

He leisurely observed her expression. "At least try it and see if it works."

"That's really..." She covered her starry eyes, her eyelashes trembling slightly. "That's great."

It seemed that she was indeed panicking. Ke Shouyu pulled his lips without leaving any trace.

"Thank you, Mu Yu, thank you for being willing to help me. Without you, I really don't know what I would do." He choked again.

Don't cry again. He rolled his eyes. "Don't keep saying these things are there or not, it's really not like you."

"Yes." She slightly curved her lips, still clasping his hand tightly, relying on him in a very clinging manner, which he was not used to.

She has always been strong and independent, but now she is very dependent on him. She is always pestering him. As long as he comes home, she will come to his side. Today she even went to the office.

What a thorough performance!

Ke Muyu secretly admired that he originally thought he would be impatient with a woman's entanglement, but she seemed to be more interesting than disgusted...

"By the way, Muyu, dad called me today."

"What did he say?" He collected his thoughts and asked seemingly indifferently.

"Just asking me how things are going, I asked him not to worry."

"It doesn't matter if he gets a little restless. Anyway, it's boring for him to recuperate at home every day."

"Muyu, why are you talking like this?" She frowned. Was she going to tell him about the principle of filial piety again? He was annoyed and spoke first. "I don't want to talk about him."

"Okay." She changed the subject thoughtfully. "My dad also called today."

"He said he saw the report of me going to a nightclub in an old magazine and scolded me, saying how could I be sorry to you? I was afraid that he would be worried, but I didn't dare to tell him about the car accident." She was pitiful. Flat lips.

"Are you telling me how wronged you are?" He saw through her intention and was a little funny. "I know, I will make it up to you."

"You can help me find a doctor and fix my eyes. That's the best compensation." She smiled brightly. "Please, Mu Yu, you must let me see you again."

"Don't worry, I will definitely let you see it." He leaned down close to his wife's ear and lazily played with her cute ear shell with his thumb. "Believe me!"

She didn't know if she felt the deep meaning in his words. Her delicate body trembled slightly like a frightened pink butterfly.

After dinner, he went into the study to work, and she followed him, saying that she couldn't see and was scared to be alone, so she insisted on staying in the same space with him. Since they got married, the two agreed to live their own lives. It was his private territory, and he never allowed her to come in and disturb him, especially when he was working.

But tonight he simply agreed. "You can come in if you want, but don't interfere with my work."

"Don't worry." She sat on the sofa holding the cushion. "I'll keep quiet and won't disturb you."

Better not.

Ke Muyu snorted coldly, opened the laptop he brought back from the company, logged in the password, and called out the confidential documents.

Within a few minutes, Jian Yian, who said she would not make any noise, raised her voice restlessly. "You seem to be busy late these days. Are there really so many things in the company?"

He frowned slightly and responded casually: "I have a big case recently, which is about to be concluded, so I am quite busy."

"What kind of big case is it?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

"Let's talk!" She looked innocent.

"Didn't you say you won't disturb me?"

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore." She kept silent and stopped disturbing him. He sat there for a few minutes, but couldn't hold it anymore. Yingying stood up and held her hands on the wall, slowly walking towards the goldfish tank near the corner of the study room step by step. , bent down and listened to the fine water flow.

What tricks is she trying to play again

When Ke Muyu read a paragraph in his report, he was distracted and raised his head, his sharp eyes piercing through the glass fish tank, looking at her looming face behind the brightly colored fish.

He looked a little distracted

Since she pretended to be blind, she no longer bothers with dressing up. She almost always wears elegant dresses, with her black hair hanging freely around her shoulders.

Before marriage, in order to show a professional image at work, she would dress herself up as a dignified and rigorous old maid. After marriage, in order to match her status as a lady, she often had to over-dress.

Now she wears no makeup, has a rosy complexion, curved eyebrows, and a smile. She unexpectedly looks fresh and natural, without any pretense.

She actually looks... pretty good. She looks cute and cute while holding the fish tank and listening to the sound of water.

How could he not notice it before? Ke Muning thought deeply. In the past, he only thought that she was a virtuous woman, smart enough to cooperate with him in various public performances and act as a model couple. She was filial to his father, kept the house in order, and was a good wife. But maybe it was because she was too nice, too demure and polite that he always felt a little boring, and he didn't want to get too involved in this contract marriage and was not allowed to get too close to her, so he missed the different charm she occasionally showed, right

Now that he noticed it, he didn't want to miss it easily and had to study it carefully. How many colorful facets did he inadvertently ignore in this woman who he once thought was just a single-pane glass

Ke Muyu pushed the computer away slightly and allowed his eyes to linger on his wife, admiring her smiles.

Onion fingers tapped the fish tank glass rhythmically. "Muyu, did you remember to feed the fish?"

"Feed the fish?" He thought for a moment, "It seems not yet."

"What a pitiful fish, your master actually forgot to feed you." She smiled again and knocked on the glass, then her jade hand slipped down and explored the cabinet under the fish tank. "Let me see where the feed is...it should be placed in this cabinet—ah!"

He was shocked, stood up and walked towards her. "What's wrong?"

"My hand was cut." She stretched out her middle finger towards him plaintively, and sure enough, there was a cut. Bleeding. He stared at the bright red blood beads unhappily. "How did you get cut?"

"I don't know either." She shook her head. He squatted down and checked the cabinet. He found that some sawdust had peeled off the door panel and a wooden thorn had been inserted upside down. Her eyes could clearly see, so how could she be so careless? He frowned. "Wait a minute, I'm going to find the first aid kit. Where do you keep it?"


"Don't move here." He ordered, leaving the study to find the first aid kit.

After confirming that someone else had entered the bathroom, Jian Yi'an cleverly ran to his laptop, inserted the flash drive into the USB port, and transferred the confidential file he was reading.

After a moment, his urgent call came from outside the door. “Yi An, I’ve rummaged through the cabinets in my bathroom and can’t find the first aid kit.”

Of course it couldn't be found. She smiled slyly and called out the door: "I remembered it. Meili seemed to have used it a few days ago. I don't know where she received it."

"Okay, I'll call her and ask her."

While he was calling to ask someone, she bought some more time. After successfully transferring the two files, just as she hurriedly put the flash drive into her pocket, his clear voice suddenly sounded at the door—

"What are you doing?"