Untypical Divorce

Chapter 4


"What are you doing?" Oops! When Ke Muyu's voice fell, the first thought that flashed through Jian Yi'an's mind was that she was finished. He caught her doing bad things on the spot. With his personality, her death would definitely be ugly.

She was so panicked that she didn't have time to analyze whether his tone was suspicious or just a simple inquiry. She almost subconsciously immediately carried out her planned escape plan. She deliberately hooked her right leg on the power cord and threw herself forward, lying down in embarrassment. On the ground, the computer also crashed.

"Yi'an!" he exclaimed, running over quickly. "Are you OK?"

"I..." With his support, Jian Yi'an reluctantly sat up, not daring to look at the expression on his face, and started acting. "Mu Yu, what dropped?" She stretched out her hands and groped on the ground.

"Is it your Notebook? Oh my god! What should I do?"

"Didn't I warn you a long time ago not to move?" he scolded sternly. "Do you know how much important data there is here?" He was indeed angry, and she shrank her neck in fear. This action was not a deliberate act, but she was really worried about his next reaction. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

He remained silent.

She lowered her starry eyes and looked at him secretly. His expression was serious, as if he was about to speak but hesitated.

He probably wanted to ask her why she wanted to access his computer, right? She bit her lip defensively, waiting for him to give up.

After a moment, he finally spoke, but his tone was unexpectedly gentle. "Forget it, luckily those files are backed up - how are you? Are you injured anywhere?"

that's all. He wasn't going to give her a beating, or question whether she did it on purpose

Jian Yi'an was slightly startled. She didn't expect her husband to show concern for her. She thought that in this situation, he would first blame her for her carelessness, but he first showed concern for her injury.

He shouldn't be so indulgent to her, it will make her feel bad for deceiving him...

Jian Yian was shocked, suspicious, and a little sad, but she still gritted her teeth and continued to perform the pre-written script. "My head hurts so much..." She held her head and said hoarsely, pretending that her temples were in severe pain.

"Muyu, I have a headache..."

"How could this happen?" he asked anxiously. "Are you having another migraine?"

Maybe, but this hair is too powerful..." She lowered her eyelashes intuitively, not daring to meet his eyes, and pointed to her forehead near the sun ridge. "And here, I just hit it. "

"Really? Let me take a look." He carefully examined the place where his thumb gently touched her finger, and frowned. "It seems to be really swollen."

"What should I do? I'm really in pain. I can't breathe... I can't breathe..." She held her chest, panting repeatedly, making it look like she had difficulty breathing.

"Yi'an, don't be nervous, calm down first." He held her face, asking her to calm down. "Come on, take a deep breath first, listen to me, inhale!"

She followed his instructions and took a deep breath.


She breathed out.

"Breathe in! Breathe out!"

She slowly adjusted her breathing rhythm, and while listening to his voice, she felt that he was worried about her. Gradually, her heartstrings tightened. Shouldn't she be teasing him like this? You shouldn't deceive him and make him think that he is really uncomfortable.

"How is it? Is it better?"

"Much better, but... it still hurts..." Tears were quietly gestating in the eyes, not because of pain, but because of guilt.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you to the hospital right away." He soothed warmly. "Can you stand up?"

"My legs...seem to be weak." He was really soft. It was all because he was too gentle to her and she was at a loss.

"It's okay, I'll hold you." After saying this, he didn't care whether she agreed or not, he suddenly picked her up and let her lie firmly in his arms.

She was startled and suddenly panicked. "Put me down, Mu Yu. I can... walk by myself. Put me down quickly. I'm very heavy..."

"You are quite heavy." He curled his lips humorously. "But don't worry, I can still bear this weight."

He carried her all the way into the elevator. She was embarrassed and kept begging him to let go of her. He finally let go, but still held her waist.

Considering that she was an invisible blind person in his eyes, she had no choice but to let him hold her.

When the two came to the car, he fastened the seat belt for her, and she felt his pure masculine breath again, and her body felt tense.

"I'll take you to the hospital. Sit tight." He whispered. She didn't move. Seeing her panic, he thought she had a headache. "Be patient, Ye An. You'll be fine. The hospital will be here soon."

Why is he so gentle all of a sudden? She froze in her seat, her thoughts confused.

He has never been a gentle man, and is usually selfish and arrogant. Although he is not so bad that he touches her, he is definitely not considerate.

But his behavior just now could almost be regarded as protecting her, which made her quite uneasy.

And the memories that had been deliberately sealed also woke up without warning at this moment, and she recalled a certain night with regret, a chaotic and ambiguous night.

That night was the first time she felt his body temperature and skin contact intimately -

"Okay, I just said the wrong thing. I apologize to you. Please stop crying."

At that time, they experienced a fierce quarrel, which was also the only quarrel since they became a couple. She, who was already heartbroken by the death of her mother, cried even more sadly.

Perhaps it was because she was crying so much that he, who never bowed his head to anyone, reluctantly apologized. But she didn't want to forgive him easily. "Why do you laugh at me? Why are you so self-righteous? Haven't you ever cried for your family or friends? If they suddenly left you one day, wouldn't you be sad?" The voice asked, breaking into heartbreaking tears in the quiet night. echo.

He listened to the echo and looked at her with a dull expression, without any emotion. "I've never been sad for anyone."

"What about your mother?" She didn't believe he was so strong. "Aren't you sad that she divorced your dad and left Taiwan for Canada? You were only thirteen years old at that time. I don't believe you didn't cry!"

"I really didn't cry." His reply sounded hollow. "I said, everyone will leave. I don't think there is anything to cry about."

She stared at him in disbelief, "Hello... cold-blooded."

"Yes, I am cold-blooded." He accepted her accusation calmly, without even a muscle on his face.

"Then can you stop crying? I hate it when women shed tears, you know? That will make me look down on you."

"Why do you look down on me?" She accused sharply, almost madly. She could accept it if he said he didn't love her and had no feelings for her, but how could he despise her

"What's wrong with crying because I'm sad? Everyone has feelings, everyone can laugh and cry. Do you think it's great that you don't have blood or tears? You!"

"Shut up!" He got angry and growled to stop her. She froze in shock.

"Stop talking." He stared at her deeply, and she couldn't understand what was hidden in his mysterious eyes. It seemed like resentment, like anger, and seemed to be filled with some kind of unspeakable pain. "I don't want to hear you lecture me. No one can lecture me, so shut up!"

The way he told her to shut up was very domineering, and the way he pushed her down on the bed was also very manly. He didn't ask her will or get her permission, and he involuntarily pulled her to have sex with her. Fallen into confusion.

And she actually lost herself in that strange world, forgot to cry, and didn't remember any language...


Jian Yian came back to her senses and reached out to hold her hot cheeks. She didn't know that her face was like a water hibiscus, dyed with a bright red color.

Ke Muyu happened to park his car in front of the hospital, turned around and caught a glimpse, his eyes darkened with complexity. "Are you... okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you have a fever?"

"Fever?" She was stunned and shook her head hurriedly. "Probably not, it's just... a little hot." Because the memory made her too embarrassed. "Is the hospital here?"

"Well, let's go in." He led her into the emergency room. The doctor on duty made a general examination and couldn't find the cause of the headache, so he asked her to stay in the hospital for observation and conduct a detailed examination the next day.

He immediately went through the procedures for her and arranged for her to be admitted to the first-class ward.

She was lying in the hospital bed, watching him busy in and out for her, and suddenly felt that his husband was not that bad, at least he was willing to take responsibility.

After completing the procedures, he whispered: "Just stay in the hospital and rest for now. I'll come back tomorrow!"

"Don't go!" She suddenly held his hand, "Stay with me."

He was stunned.

Not to mention he was surprised, even she herself felt strange, why would she want to keep him by her side so much? She has never been a weak woman, and she is just pretending to be sick. There is no need to rely on him all the time.

But she really didn't want him to go, not because she wanted to tease him or see him in a dilemma, but just because she wanted him to be close at hand and not too far away from her.

Once, on a night when she fell asleep and suffered from a migraine, he stayed with her all night, applied ice to her, and watched over her bedside. He thought she didn't notice, and he pretended that it didn't happen the next morning, but She actually remembers it very clearly. She remembered every time he showed tenderness, whether it was intentional or unintentional, those were her most precious memories. Although after being gentle, he would always break her heart with his indifference and ruthlessness again and again... Jian Yian said bitterly to herself Smile. "Muyu, can you stay?"

As long as he is willing to stay with her, she will give up her revenge plan. As long as he is willing to give her a little tenderness in the end, she will let him go.

As long as he stayed with her for one day, she would forgive everything in the past two years.

"Okay, I promise you."

He kept his promise and not only stayed with her that night, but also stayed in the hospital the next day to accompany her for various detailed examinations.

"Mrs. Ke, your husband is really nice!" The nurse chatted with her enthusiastically while preparing for a brain tomography scan. "There are very few husbands nowadays who take such good care of their wives. Moreover, he manages such a big company and is so busy at work. He is also willing to take time off to accompany you for a check-up."

"Yeah, he's really nice to me." Jian Yian responded to the nurse's envy with a smile. In the past, she would have thought that this was just a superficial effort by Ke Muyu to manage his image, but now, she really feels that maybe he treats her, There is some affection. Even though it was a contract, they had been husband and wife for two years, right

"How can there be such a wonderful man in this world? He is handsome, rich, and affectionate and considerate to his wife. Alas, you can't find such a husband anywhere else!" The nurse shook hands and praised, her eyes shining with admiration. .

Jian Yi'an couldn't help but smile. It seems that her husband has conquered another female fan.

"Mrs. Ke, you really need to cherish your husband!" the nurse warned seriously.

Jian Yi'an sighed sadly. She knew very well that she carried the expectations of countless female fans on her shoulders, but how did they know? Ke Muyu didn't want to keep her at all, so where would she get the chance to cherish him

In the near future, they are about to cut off their relationship as husband and wife, and they may not even be friends...

Jian Yian shook her head and tried to shake off the boring thoughts. After the tomography scan, the nurse helped her leave the examination room, but Ke Muning was not in the waiting area outside.

"Strange, where did Mr. Ke go?" The nurse looked around.

"Probably to make a phone call or use the bathroom," she smiled. "It doesn't matter. You go ahead and do your work. I'll wait here by myself."

"Okay then." The nurse made sure she was safely seated in the chair before turning and leaving. Jian Yian sat quietly and waited patiently. This was not the first time she had waited for him, but it was a happy one. If he could use his male arms to gently support her forward when he came back, she would be willing not to ask him for all the time she had spent waiting.

She was even willing to divorce him quickly, give him his freedom, and stop embarrassing him...

Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of a figure moving around the corner, and she recognized it carefully, and it was Ke Muyu.

She smiled sweetly, thinking that he would come to her side, but another woman rushed to meet him first, her slim silhouette blocking her sight.

what are they doing

Jian Yian couldn't help but be suspicious, and the smile escaped her lips. She quietly stood up, walked back to the wall near them, and listened.

She heard the sound of Zhen flipping through documents, and then Ke Muyu's clear voice rose.

"Yes, this is the data I want. Thank you for sending it. You can go back to the company first."

Song Qihong refused to leave. "Muyu, you won't stay in the hospital all day today, right?"

"That's my plan."

"There is an important meeting this afternoon! Did you forget?"

"Help me postpone the meeting until tomorrow." He decided decisively. "Yi'an still needs to stay in the hospital for some close examinations today, and I promised to stay with her."

"Why do you want to accompany her?" she asked dissatisfiedly. "Why are you so nice to her? Don't tell me that you are just trying to protect your image as a good husband. I don't believe it!"

So for what

Jian Yian leaned against the wall, nervous, just like her husband's ex-girlfriend, eager to hear the answer.

But he just looked at it indifferently, as if he didn't think this was a question worth answering seriously.

"Why don't you speak?" Song Qihong became even more suspicious. "Could it be that you really can't let her go? If she becomes blind for the rest of her life, will you stay with her for the rest of your life?"

"How is that possible?" He denied her speculation.

"But what you are doing now makes me doubt it!"

"You think too much." He retorted coldly. "Like you said, I'm just doing it to create an image. Yi'an is just a chess piece to me. I'm not stupid enough to ruin my life because of a chess piece."

She's just... a pawn

Jian Yian's body froze instantly, and even his heart seemed to freeze and turned into a barren snowfield.

She didn't understand why she was so sad. Didn't she already know this? I just heard it confirmed by my husband, so why be so surprised

"...Do you really think so?" Song Qihong still insisted on asking.

"It's okay if you don't believe it. I don't need to explain to you."

"I'm sorry, Mu Yu, don't be angry. I didn't mean that. I'm just worried about you. I'm afraid that you will be entangled with that woman for your whole life and can't get away. What should I do?"

What kind of erotic drama was going on next, Jian Yi'an no longer wanted to hear it and didn't have the courage to witness it. She turned around and walked in the other direction, her love figure floating like a ghost.

She thought that after two years of being a couple, even if they didn't love each other, her husband still had some affection for her. It turned out that it was her own fault.

He doesn't care about her at all. To him, she will always be just a tool for him to punish his ex-girlfriend.

This man is really hateful, she hates him, hates him...

She came to the public phone and took off the handset to dial. Her fingertips were trembling in confusion. She answered the wrong button several times and finally sent the correct signal.

"Senior, let's meet. I have some information that you will be very interested in!"

After talking to Xia Yumo on the phone, she was lost in thought for a long time, and then she wandered back like a wandering spirit. Ke Muyu was looking for her everywhere, and when he saw her, he quickly strode to meet her.

"Where did you go?"

"Muyu, guess what?" She raised her face and gave him a transparent, bubble-like smile. "I can see—"

That day, after a series of tests at the hospital, she suddenly announced to him that she could see.

When he suddenly heard it, he was stunned for a moment, confused and confused. He didn't understand why she, who had been pretending to be blind, suddenly admitted that she could see.

"Perhaps it was because I hit my head last night that my fear of car accidents disappeared?" she explained lightly.

"Anyway, my eyes will be fine when I wake up after a night's sleep."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" He cooperated with her acting. "Are you still wasting time staying in the hospital for examination?"

"I'm joking. You won't be angry, right?"

How could it be just a joke? He didn't believe it, but he couldn't figure out the reason why she did this, so he had to remain silent for the time being.

"Actually, you are afraid that I will haunt you for the rest of your life, right?" She stared at him, her eyebrows curved, with a somewhat narrow look.

His heart skipped a beat. "You must be very panicked. You must have been thinking recently, how can you get rid of me? How can you do it so that public opinion will not blame you for being ruthless, but will sympathize with you for being a last resort?" She analyzed his mood. "You can't have your cake and eat it too, doesn't it bother you?"

He stared at her closely and suddenly understood. Could it be that she deliberately staged this drama of losing her sight and regaining her sight just to mock his mentality

"You don't have to struggle anymore, let's get divorced." She smiled, her smile blooming like a flower, but her laughter was hoarse.

"The contract marriage that started peacefully, let us end it peacefully!"

The next day, the two went to the law firm. She did not want any alimony and refused him to transfer the house to her. After signing the divorce agreement, they went to the household registration office to register for divorce. The process is neat and tidy, without any delay.

Of course, this is what he wants. He originally planned to divorce her as soon as the contract expired, but the process was too weird! She first pretended to be blind to delay the divorce, and then inexplicably claimed that she could see and gave him his freedom.

Ke Muyu stood in the office, facing the floor-to-ceiling window, carefully recalling everything that happened, and scratching the surface.

He really wanted to find out why she had such a psychological change...

When the phone rang, he gathered his thoughts and returned to his desk to press the call button. "What's up?"

"Mu Yu, the general manager of "Starlight Technology" just called and said that he would cancel the afternoon meeting."


"He didn't say it." Ke Muyu frowned, having a bad feeling. The merger and acquisition case had reached the stage of signing the contract, and the other party actually canceled the meeting at the last minute. Moreover, they always contacted in person, but this time they communicated through the secretary. It was obvious that The possibility of going back on your word is extremely high and it is necessary to pursue it.

Without further ado, he immediately dialed the other party's mobile phone. It was turned off and he called "Starlight Technology", but he made an excuse and refused to answer.

It seemed that she was feeling guilty and didn't dare to answer his call.

Ke Muyu sneered. If he wants to find someone, no one can avoid him!

He clicked through the address book on the PDA, called all the relevant people one by one to find out the inside story, and finally asked that there was a secret meeting going on within "Starlight Technology", and another company was participating in the meeting! "Global Precision"

Is it Xia Yumo

Countless thoughts flashed through Ke Muyu's mind like lightning. He suppressed his anxiety and ordered himself to calmly sort out the context. Xia Yumo got in touch with "Starlight Technology" at the last moment, so he probably has a certain grasp of the "Enyu Group"'s merger and acquisition strategy. However, since he Wang directed this merger and acquisition case, he has been carefully controlling the information to avoid leakage. , even the relevant documents were never allowed to be handled by the secretary, and only a few core figures knew about it. Who could be the person who had access to the company's internal information and gained Xia Yumo's trust to tip him off

He suddenly shuddered and recalled that his wife had approached his laptop. At that time, he thought she was having a migraine. He didn't think about it carefully, could it be...

She betrayed him!

Ke Muyu struggled to come up with a reasonable explanation, his chest suddenly filled with anger, and his eyes were red with smoke from the sky.

It turns out that the reason why she pretended to be blind was to have a chance to get close to him, steal information and sell it to Xia Yumo, but he was so confused that he failed to take precautions in advance!

"Jian Yi'an, you have the guts to dare to play this trick on me!"

Tong Muyu roared harshly, astonished, indignant, humiliated...all kinds of negative emotions intertwined into a web, darkly imprisoning him. He waved his arms, sweeping across like a strong wind, and the stationery files on his desk were scattered all over the place.

After venting his anger, he took a moment of silence to reflect on the recent past, and then suddenly laughed, his laughter full of self-deprecation. He opened the drawer and took out a sealed document. He ran his fingers over her upright and beautiful signature on the document. His dark eyes suddenly lit up with a wild light, with a bit of bloodthirsty, a bit of fighting spirit, and a very deep meaning. little bit

Subtle appreciation.

"You are awesome, my dear wife, but the game is not over yet—"

The game is over and she wins. At the last moment, Cheng Yaojin of "Huanqiu Precision" was found, which gave "Starlight Technology" a bargaining chip. "Enyu Group" had to increase the acquisition price by nearly 5% in order to successfully complete this merger and acquisition. .

Now that man should learn a lesson and realize that not everything can be so satisfying, right? Jian Yian was thoughtful and sipping champagne. She won.

Then why did she not taste victory in this celebratory glass of champagne, but some kind of indescribable bitterness? Why is it that when she should be cheerfully welcoming a new future, her heart is sinking into a certain abyss? She thought she could be proud and hold her head high after regaining her freedom, but it didn't seem like that...

"Aren't you happy?" A caring voice brushed her ear. Jian Yian was startled. She recalled her wandering thoughts and looked at the man who spoke. He was none other than her senior and current boss, Xia Yumo.

"Eat something." He handed her a small, delicate sandwich. "You haven't eaten much since the reception until now. Aren't you hungry?"

"Well, I'm a little hungry." She took the plate. "Thank you, senior! No, general manager."

"When we are alone, you can call me whatever you want." Xia Yumo smiled. This was a privilege he gave to this school girl.

What’s wrong with you? ,Bad mood? "

"No, how could it be?" Jian Yian denied with a wry smile. "We successfully acquired Shunqi Optoelectronics. Not only did you welcome me back to the company and reward me with the position of special assistant, you also increased my salary. How could I be unhappy?"

In fact, the real target of "Huanqiu Precision" has never been "Starlight Technology", but "Shunqi Optoelectronics" with similar technology. Through contact with "Xingguang", "Huanqiu" has also obtained more information and can evaluate the target more accurately. value of the company, and finally successfully completed the merger and acquisition process.

This should be a win-win situation for her personally, with both parties getting the ideal results she expected in advance.

"Senior, I respect you." She raised her champagne glass. "Thank you for taking me in."

"You deserve this." Xia Yumo gently clinked the champagne glass with her, but did not dare to accept her gratitude. "You brought me such precious information, and I want to thank you."

Jian Yian was speechless, and her slightly bright expression immediately darkened.

"Don't you regret it?" Xia Yumo keenly took in the changes in her expression in his eyes.

"It's not that I regret it..." She sipped the champagne hesitantly. It just wasn't as enjoyable as she originally thought.

Xia Yumo looked at her thoughtfully. "It seems that no one knows about your divorce yet."

"Yeah, I feel weird too." She frowned slightly. "I thought Muyu would let Wang Dong break the news to the media, but it turned out that he didn't even tell my father-in-law. As a result, I don't know whether I should contact my father-in-law."

"Do you have a good relationship with your father-in-law?"

"Well, he has always loved me." She paused and sighed. "If he knew about this, the father and son would definitely have a big fight again."

"Even then, it's none of your business." Xia Yumo said calmly.

Jian Yixin's head trembled, and it took a moment to suppress the strange emotion. "Yeah, it's none of my business."

She forced herself to smile brightly. "By the way, senior, how come you and your senior aren't married yet?"

When Xia Yumo heard this, his expression darkened. "She and I... have broken up."

"What?" she said in astonishment, "Why?"

"Anyway, there are many reasons." Xia Yumo obviously didn't want to talk more. She looked at him blankly, feeling a certain sadness in her heart. She once had a crush on this outstanding senior, but because he and her senior were already lovers at that time, she could only bury her feelings sadly. I didn’t expect that such a talented and beautiful woman who matched each other so well would break up...

"You, don't mind my business, just mind yourself." After saying that, Xia Yumo picked up a sandwich and stuffed it into her mouth. She was caught off guard and put her hand to cover her lips in embarrassment, trying hard to swallow the sandwich.

"Eat one more." He wanted to repeat his old trick.

"Stop making trouble, senior." She patted him on the shoulder cautiously, and he dodged it with a smile. As the two of them were playing around, a burst of whispers suddenly sounded in the venue.

What happened

The two of them followed the crowd's gaze and discovered a man standing majestically at the entrance.

"Mu Yu?" Jian Yian called in confusion, but his radar-like eyes had long been locked on her, and his handsome lips curved into a smile that was not a smile.

"Why is he here?" Xia Yumo was confused.

Ignoring the attention of others, he put one hand in his trouser pocket, walked over in a very informal but extremely handsome posture, and stood in front of her. She stood frozen in place, unable to breathe. He glanced at her mockingly, then ignored her, looked at Xia Yumo, and extended his hand generously.

"General Manager Xia, congratulations on your successful acquisition of "Shunqi Optoelectronics"."

"Thank you." Xia Yumo shook hands with him, knowing full well that his intentions were far from innocent, but he still said a few polite words.

After the pleasantries, Ke Muyu lazily returned his attention to Jian Yian. "By the way, who is this lady?"

Jian Yi'an was surprised that he pretended not to know her, but she was even more sure that her ex-husband had bad intentions.

"Let me introduce it to you." Xia Yumo calmly cooperated with his performance. "This is my special assistant, Jian Yi'an; An'an, this is Mr. Ke Muyu, the vice president of "Enyu Group" - you guys have a good chat, I won't disturb you." He said in a knowing way.

The two faced each other on the spot, like two boxers standing on the stage, assessing each other's fighting spirit with their eyes.

"It's an honor to meet you, Miss Jian." Ke Muyu first extended his hand.

She held the big thick hand calmly on the surface, but her heart was racing unsatisfactorily. "Vice President Ke, I have long admired your name."

"Miss Jian, do you think this scene seems familiar?" he asked with a smile. She was stunned, and he blinked, "I remember two years ago, your boss also introduced us two." She remembered that a few days after Ke Chengen arranged a blind date for the two of them, the two coincidentally met at a business social gathering. Reunion at the banquet.

"I remember." Jian Yian nodded with a hint of self-mockery on her lips. "I still remember that Vice President Ke had no impression of me at the time. We had obviously met before." Her female confidence was seriously affected.

"Really?" Ke Muyu raised his eyebrows knowingly. "I was really rude."

Same now! She glared at him angrily.

He understood the meaning of her eyes and actually smiled. The smile was like sunshine, illuminating her eyes and she couldn't help but be dazzled.

"How does it feel to go back to work in your original company?" he asked.

"After all, it's a place I'm familiar with, and I feel quite comfortable," she replied.

"I heard that housewives are usually a little out of place when they find their second job, wouldn't you?"

"I think it's okay. The main reason is that my boss takes good care of me. If I can't connect things for a while, he will patiently teach me."

"Really?" he hummed. "It seems like he's really nice to you."

Is he dissatisfied? She looked at him warily, sensing a subtle sourness in his tone. He curled his lips mockingly. "Although I should admire your courage to find a second job, I still have to say one thing, can't you be more fashionable in terms of dressing?"

fashionable? She was startled, and unconsciously dropped her gaze, looking at the elegantly tailored suit she was wearing. She was dressed very modestly, which should be very suitable for her status as a special assistant.

"Too old-fashioned." He warned unceremoniously. "Hasn't your taste improved at all in the past two years? I really can't think of any reason why you have to dress yourself up in such an unappetizing way."

Is she off-putting

The contempt in his words made her bright eyes instantly light up with anger. "I don't need an... irrelevant outsider to tell me how to dress!"

An irrelevant outsider? He also seemed angry, his eyes flickering on and off, looking dangerous and threatening.

She took a sharp breath, but raised her chin stubbornly. "Where's Vice President Ke, how are you doing lately?"

"It's not good." He approached her. "You may have heard that I just divorced my wife and my work was not going well. One of the mergers and acquisitions I had been preparing for for half a year ended up with Cheng Yaojin, which cost me a lot of money." It takes a lot of money to stabilize the situation.”

"Really?" She ordered herself to breathe evenly. "Vice President Ke is so shrewd, how can he be taken advantage of?"

"It should be said that the person who fought for the same duck as me was very powerful. He kept silent all the time, but at the end he made a lightning move, which almost caught me off guard."

"You... must be disgusting."

"Of course I vomited. Not only did I vomit, I was also scolded by the chairman of the company's board of directors because of this incident."

so serious? Jian Yi'an's face suddenly turned pale. She could imagine that if Ke Chengen was really angry, he would mercilessly make his son look bad even in front of everyone. The relationship between father and son was not good to begin with, and this time she only added fuel to the fire...

"Looking at your expression, you seem to be very sorry for me?" His tone was calm, but his eyes were cutting at her sharply.

She accepted sadly. "Isn't Vice President Ke sad?"

"It's okay to say I'm sad. Anyway, I accomplished my mission in the end, and the other directors didn't criticize me too harshly."

That's good. She felt a little relieved, but suddenly felt that she was useless. She obviously wanted to take revenge on this man and pushed him into the abyss, but she was afraid that he would really fall and suffer, so she looked anxiously at the edge of the cliff.

"Honestly, I suspect there is a spy within our company who sold the information about this merger to that Cheng Yaojin." His dark eyes circled her.

Her heart suddenly stopped. "Yeah?"

"And I think she expected all of this development." He smiled meaningfully, as if mocking, with a hint of appreciation as he took another step forward. She gritted her teeth, not allowing herself to retreat timidly. "Then... did Vice President Ke find out who betrayed your company?"

"I didn't check."


"Because I know exactly who the spy is," Handsome said, leaning down to keep a breath away from her. "But unfortunately, I don't have any evidence, so I can't take legal action against her."

"That's really... a pity." She breathed tremblingly, not daring to look into his bright eyes for fear of accidentally drowning.

"Who said that?" He chuckled, scratching her cheek frivolously with his fingers. "No regrets at all."


"Do you want to know?"

"I'm... somewhat interested."

"Because that person is my wife." He announced with a smile. Before she had time to recover from the shock, he turned his head slightly and his breath tickled her ear ambiguously. "And can you believe it? She still is."

"What did you say?" Jian Yian exclaimed in shock, retreating hastily without caring whether it would attract attention. "Aren't we already divorced?"

"There's still one step left, wife." He called her pretending to be affectionate.

"Although we signed the divorce agreement, the divorce registration procedures were not completed."

"Why?" She couldn't believe it. "We obviously went to the household registration office together to handle it!"

"Do you remember going to the bathroom while waiting for the staff to check in?"

Have it? She was confused and thought for a while before she was sure. "I went, so what?"

"I didn't know what happened at that time. Maybe I can say that I am blessed to the soul, right? Suddenly I couldn't bear to complete the divorce procedures so quickly, so I told the person in charge that I regretted it and wanted to discuss it with you again, and that person would The documents were returned to me.”

"But you told me at that time that all the procedures were completed!"

"I just think that divorce is a big deal after all and should be considered more carefully. Once I have considered it clearly, it will not be too late to notify you to complete the formalities."

How could anyone play like this? Jian Yi'an almost wanted to cry out. "Why are you doing this?"

"What do you think?" Ke Muyu raised a malicious smile and approached her again. "This is all thanks to my dear wife. It's so dramatic to see and then lose sight of her. I can't help but feel that this kind of married life is very interesting." He leaned down and played with her small and cute ear shells with his fingers deftly. .

She was so teased that her mouth went dry, her face turned red and her heart beat fast. "You said... it's fun?"

"Yes, it's fun." He moved closer to her, his cheek almost touching hers. "So Yi'an, I don't care about you betraying the company's information. As long as you stay and play with me..."

She was speechless.

He was so proud of having won back the victory, he straightened his body, reached out to comb his hair, and declared war to her with a high-spirited look -

The real victory or defeat begins now.