Untypical Divorce

Chapter 6


"What's wrong with you? Do you have a migraine?" Xia Yumo asked caringly. He entered the office early in the morning and when he passed the special assistant's seat, he saw that Jian Yian's face was pale, her eyebrows were knitted together, her beautiful hands were dragging her forehead, and she was obviously holding back some kind of pain. "It's not a migraine, it's a hangover." She breathed evenly and tapped her heavy forehead with her right hand. "I drank too much last night."

"Are you hungover?" Xia Yumo was surprised. "Don't you like drinking?"

"I don't like it." But I was in a bad mood last night and accidentally drank too much. She hummed dejectedly. "Maybe someone also made me drink it on purpose."


Jian Yian rolled her eyes. "The man who lives with me."

"Ha." Xia Yumo smiled softly.

"What are you laughing at?" She glared at him.

He quickly straightened his expression. "No, I just find it interesting. You two are really weird. They just got divorced and got back together a few days ago."

"I'm not getting back together with him!" She clarified in frustration.

"Then why did you move back in with him?"

She choked. "Oh, you don't understand the whole story."

"Do I have the honor to listen to it?"

"This-" She hesitated, how could she tell this senior that she and Mu Yu were actually in a contract marriage? When she resigned, she made up a love story about love at first sight for him. How could she admit the truth now? "It's very embarrassing anyway, I don't want to talk about it."

Xia Yumo smiled at her embarrassed expression. "To be honest, I think you seem to have changed a bit, An An."

"What has changed?" She was stunned.

He frowned slightly. "I don't know how to describe it. I always feel that you are more...frank? At least I didn't expect it before. In order to get revenge on your husband, you would steal the confidential files in his computer."

"That's..." Jian Yi'an's pink cheeks heated up. "Who taught him to do that kind of thing? Didn't I tell the senior? The consequences of offending a woman will be very miserable."

"Yes, when a woman takes revenge, it's terrible." Xia Yumo joked. "But what did Ke Muyu do to make you so angry? Why did you forgive him now and decide to return to him?" "Senior, you!" Jian Yian glared at him. "how?"

"You've become a gossip." She commented leisurely.

Xia Yumo suddenly felt embarrassed. For a grown man to ask questions about someone else's marriage, he really seemed petty. He smiled wryly to himself. "Isn't it all the fault of you, a junior school girl, who is just a blockbuster?"

"It won't do you any harm if I do that." She winked wisely.

Not only is there no harm, it is like rain from heaven.

Xia Yumo curled her lips humorously, not denying that when she received the information, she felt it was an unexpected surprise. "Thank you so much, junior."

Jian Yi'an smiled lightly and was about to speak when a commotion suddenly sounded in the office. She looked around and was shocked to find her husband walking in her direction.

"Muyu!" She stood up hastily. "What are you doing here?"

"Don't worry, I'm not here to challenge your boss." He teased half-seriously.

She was speechless. "General Manager Xia, can I take away Yi'an?" He turned to Xia Yumo, trying to be polite.

"Do you want me to give her a day off?"

"How is that possible?" Jian Yian retorted first. "I have a lot of things to do today, so I can't ask for leave."

He ignored her protests and took her hand forcefully. "Let's go, wife."

"Mu Yu, don't be like this..." She couldn't break free, so she had to look at her boss for help.

Ke Muyu noticed the tacit eye contact between the two and snorted displeasedly.

Xia Yu coughed silently and thoughtfully extended a helping hand to the school girl.

"Vice President Ke, we have an important meeting with a client today. You can't just take away my special assistant. I need her help."

Hearing this, Ke Muyu raised his eyebrows with a sneer, not being polite to him at all. "Listen, Xia Yumo, you may need help, but my wife, Ke Muyu, doesn't need to work for others. I must take her away today."

"Are you crazy?" Jian Yian looked on in shock as her husband provoked her boss. "Where are you taking me during work hours?"

He gave her a hearty smile. "Dating."

Dating? She was startled, her words stuck in her lips, and she managed to spit them out smoothly. "You must be busy with a lot of things in your company, right? Why do you have time to date me? Stop making trouble!"

Ke Muyu shrugged nonchalantly, ignored his wife's reproach, and negotiated with her boss.

"Xia Yumo, don't think that I don't know. My wife returned to your company this time and gave her a 'big gift'. Is it not an exaggeration for me to ask you to do this small favor for her?"

"You go on a date, An An." Xia Yumo pondered the situation and wisely decided to betray the expectations of his schoolmate.

"Senior! You!" She couldn't believe it.

He apologized and offered compensation. "Today is a special day off from me. No salary will be deducted, and you won't have to make up for it in the future."

"But today's meeting!" She still wanted to struggle.

"You should believe in General Manager Xia's ability, Yi'an." Ke Muyu raised his voice mockingly. "He can't manage this company without a special assistant for a day. That's too bad!"

"You'd better leave quickly." Xia Yumo didn't want to continue to listen to the ridicule of his competitors.

Jian Yian had no choice but to pack her things reluctantly, but her bad husband who barged into her company was still unwilling to let it go.

"By the way, Xia Yumo, since you are here, let me remind you by the way, Yi'an is my wife. Is that what you called 'An'an'? You are not allowed to call her that in the future."

what did he say

Jian Yian froze in shock. She couldn't believe that her husband would say such childish words to another man in public. Seeing every colleague in the office cast envious and teasing looks at her, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed and just wanted to crawl into a hole in the ground. inside.

Ke Muyu didn't care that he became the center of attention, and he calmly led her out of the office building and to an ice blue convertible sports car.

"You drove this car today?" She was surprised. She remembered that this sports car was his favorite, so precious that no one was allowed to touch it.

"Didn't you say that this car doesn't carry people?"

"You are an exception." The bright smile was like the spring sun, determined to melt her heart.

And she was unsatisfied and shocked. Even though she knew he had evil intentions, she still couldn't resist the masculine charm he deliberately displayed.

He diligently opened the door for her and gently pushed her into the car. He held the door with one hand and jumped into the driver's seat gracefully.

As soon as you step on the accelerator, the sports car accelerates instantly like a rocket. Even Jian Yi'an, who once raced a heavy motorcycle in her teenage years, can't help but be horrified by the powerful horsepower.

"You... drive slower! This is not a highway."

"Are you afraid?" He looked into her eyes with a smile, a hint of challenge flashing in his eyes.

"I'm... not afraid." She said harshly. "You are so unethical in driving like this. This is an urban area."

"I know, wife." He teased deliberately, applying the brakes skillfully to slow down the car smoothly. Jian Yian's heart finally calmed down, but before she could take a breath, his next question tensed her nerves again. "Why did you run away so fast this morning?"

"How could I slip away?" She denied awkwardly. "Obviously you went out to work first."

"I just went for a morning jog first. Don't you know I have this habit?"

Of course she knew, and she deliberately took advantage of that time to quickly freshen up and leave before he came home, so as not to face him face to face and be at a loss.

"I also thought it must be painful for you to wake up with a hangover, so I went to the convenience store to buy you a hangover solution!" He claimed credit.

"Stop coming!" She sneered coldly, not believing that he would bother so much for her.

"Hey, what do you think this is?" A bottle of hangover solution was delivered to her.

She couldn't believe it. He really bought it for her

"Drink quickly." He smiled.

She took it hesitantly, opened the bottle cap, and while sipping, she peeked at him from under her eyelashes! What does he want? Is this considered revenge for her previous deception

"Look at you, your eyebrows are so wrinkled you could catch a fly." He commented leisurely. She was startled and subconsciously stretched out her hand to smooth her eyebrows. She received his teasing gaze from the corner of her eyes and couldn't help but feel annoyed. "Does your head still hurt?"

"I don't have a headache, it's my face that hurts." She choked.

"Your face hurts?" He was surprised.

"Because I have lost all my face by you!" Recalling the scene in the office just now, she looked at him angrily. "Now there is only naked flesh left, of course it will hurt!"

Appreciating the humor in her words, he suddenly chuckled. "I didn't expect you to be funny, Ye An."

"Who are you kidding?" she retorted, anger boiling in her chest and almost exploding. "How could you break into our company like this and forcefully take me away? Don't you know it's rude? What will my colleagues in the company think of me in the future?"

"If you are so worried, I think you can just resign. Why do you have to work outside so much? It's not like I can't support you, so you can just stay at home and be your Mrs. Ke."

What did he take her for? A pet kept at home for his entertainment

She squeezed her palms. "I do not want."

"Why not? Haven't you been doing this for the past two years?"

"That's because I used to hope that I could play the role of Mrs. Ke well, but now I don't have to. Our contract has expired!" She emphasized forcefully.

He didn't feel any pain or itching. "But we are still husband and wife. You must have remembered that we are not officially divorced, right?"

"As long as you are willing to let me go, we can complete the formalities immediately. From now on, you will walk on your Yangguan Road and I will cross mine on the single-plank bridge!"

"That's right." Ke Muyu nodded thoughtfully. Her heart was racing, thinking that he was finally willing to consider it. Unexpectedly, he just turned his starry eyes and winked at her maliciously. "But what should I do? I just don't want to let you go."

"You!" She was shocked and speechless.

And he returned his gaze with satisfaction, looking straight ahead, with a faint smile on his lips, "Now that your headache is gone, we can start dating."

The so-called date is to eat, watch a movie, and then take a helicopter to fly in the sky of Taiwan at sunset to enjoy the beautiful twilight. Jian Yian stood frozen on the tarmac, staring at the helicopter in front of him that was howling like a giant bird, and his breath was instantly deprived by the god of fear.

"We... want to sit here?" Her voice trembled. "Isn't this a good idea?" He looked very proud. "This is a special itinerary that I thought about for many days. It's a souvenir of our first date."

He said this is a memorial? He wanted to send her to hell!

Jian Yian pursed her lips, anger boiling in her chest, but it was quickly extinguished due to panic.

Because Ke Muyu had already pulled her to board the plane without any explanation.

"Muyu, I think... we don't necessarily have to sit here, I mean... there are many other fun things..."

"Are you afraid?"

A simple question aroused all her competitiveness. "Who said I'm scared?"

"That's good." He smiled wonderfully and held her hand. Before she could react, the two of them were already sitting in the helicopter.

The roar of the propeller was like thunder, hurting her eardrums.

"Here, put this on." He noticed her discomfort and thoughtfully put on earmuffs for her. The thunder disappeared instantly, and the world became peaceful. But her heart couldn't calm down, and she subconsciously grabbed the edge of her seat. She is afraid of heights, does he know that? Or was this an elaborate prank on his part

"Take off!" Ke Muyu instructed the driver in the front seat.

The fuselage rose precariously into the air, like a roc spreading its wings, facing the endless blue sky ahead.

This moment, for many people, may be an unforgettable touch, but for Jian Yian, it is unbearable torture. She closed her eyes tightly and felt the strong wind scratching her cheeks.

"Yi'an, look, it's Songshan Airport." Ke Muyu patted her tense shoulder.

She remained motionless, averting her eyes to hypnotize herself. She didn't want to look, there was nothing to see. She was no longer high in the sky, but in a distant dream. This was not a helicopter, but a cradle, a soft and comfortable cradle...

"What's wrong with you? Open your eyes." He shouted in her ear: "Look outside, it's very fun."

Fun? Although she was frightened, she still had a trace of curiosity and cautiously opened her eyes.

It's just a sneak peek, it shouldn't be anything, right

But she was wrong. When the toy model-like buildings on the ground came into view, the daydream she had weaved for herself was instantly shattered. This is not the cradle of dreams, but a helicopter. She is sitting on a vehicle that may fall from a high altitude at any time. The fuselage suddenly swayed, and she screamed in horror, grabbing the arm of the man next to her in panic.

"Did you see it? It's 101." He pointed to the scenery ahead.

"Please...let me down," she whispered weakly.

Of course he couldn't hear it. "Did you see it?"

"Let me get down!" She raised her voice.

He finally heard her, turned around and looked at her face as pale as snow with a smile. "Are you afraid? Yi'an."

"Yes, I'm afraid." She admitted.

"Don't be afraid. Open your eyes and look. The sunset is very beautiful."

"I don't want it!" She shook her head and refused.

"Take a look!" he continued to persuade her.

"I said I don't want it!" She resisted fiercely, almost hysterically. "Stop making trouble with me! Ke Muyu, you are really going too far! You brought me to the helicopter on purpose, right? You just wanted to see me embarrassed, right? I... I'll admit defeat, let me go!"

He looked at her thoughtfully and said nothing.

"Please, let me go down..." She almost collapsed, regardless of the image in front of him, and weakly begged for mercy. "I'm really scared..."

"Land." He ordered the pilot, then looked at her, sighed helplessly, and put his arm around her shoulders. "come over."

"What do you want... to do?" Her teeth were chattering, and her eyes were filled with transparent tears.

"I'm holding you." He pressed her upper body down, letting her nestle on his lap, and patted her like a child. "Fool, what's there to be afraid of? It's no different from flying. Have you never flown before?"

"This is... different from flying." Jian Yian retorted with a choked voice. And every time she took a plane, she would indeed feel a little frightened. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but bury her face deeper and hug his waist tightly with her hands, seeking a sense of security.

What a little fool!

Ke Muyu stared at her, feeling both amused and distressed, and ruffled her hair with pity. "I asked your dad, what are you most afraid of? He said you were afraid of heights, but I didn't expect you to be so afraid and so nervous."

"I knew it!" she choked fiercely. "You just want to bully me, right?"

Ke Muyu pondered and looked at the woman lying in his arms.

He really wanted to bully her, wanted to give her a little punishment, wanted to see that she had the guts to pretend to be blind in front of him and steal the confidential mirror from his hand. The woman who was playing games with him opened her eyes in fear and asked weakly. He surrendered. He thought that seeing her so panicked would make him feel proud, but for some reason, his chest shrank in, a little painful, and filled with some indescribable sweetness. This changeable woman... Her wit annoyed him, but her inadvertent fragility made him heartbroken. What should he do with her

"...I know you are brave and like to do exciting activities such as rock climbing and high-altitude jumping." She continued to complain. "But I'm not good at it. I can go racing or surfing, but I'm afraid of high places."

"This is what you said, let's go surfing next time." He hit the snake and followed the stick, and immediately made an agreement with her.

"What about next time? I don't even know if it will be safe this time."

Is she still afraid

Ke Muyu curled his lips, wanting to make fun of her badly, but his heartstrings tightened reluctantly. "Don't worry, you'll be fine as long as I'm here, you know? When I was studying in the United States, I could also fly a small plane!"

"Stop talking!" She didn't want to hear about his great achievements at high altitude, and she didn't have the courage to imagine it. "You are not allowed to fly a plane in the future."

He raised his eyebrows, why did she think she was giving him orders? "Why?"

"Because I will be worried." She said the truth in a daze.

Ke Muyu was shocked and looked at her in bewilderment. His deep eyes were faintly filled with tenderness that even he himself was not aware of.

"I'm going home!" After getting off the plane, in order to express her disdain for his bad behavior, she decided to break off the date and declared angrily.

Unexpectedly, he readily agreed. "It's time to go home."

what the hell…

Seeing that their first date came to an abrupt end, Jian Yian still felt depressed for no reason even though it was her initiative.

She got into his car sullenly, and he pulled down the hood, stepped on the accelerator, and after a slippery ride through the city, headed straight for the highway.

"What are you doing?"

"Take you home."

“Does our house need access to the highway?”

"Because what we want to go back to is your natal family in Taichung."

"Why?" She looked at him in shock. After the two got married, he always used the excuse of being busy at work and never accompanied her back to her parents' home to visit relatives. Is it raining red today

"This is a quid pro quo." He smiled mysteriously.

"What's the exchange condition?" she asked. He smiled and said nothing, but refused to clear up the doubts in her heart.

In less than an hour and a half, the couple returned to her parents' home in the suburbs of Taichung. Jian's father seemed to have expected their arrival and warmly greeted them at the door.

"Dad, how did you know we were coming?" Jian Yian was surprised.

"Didn't your husband tell you?" Father Jian chuckled. "We made an appointment a long time ago."

"Did you make an appointment?" She was even more puzzled, her eyes darting back and forth between the two men's faces. Pianpian and the others spoke very tightly, not revealing their secrets.

"Come in, Yi'an and Muyu, I will cook tonight's dinner myself. You guys have a try and see how the results of my recent self-taught cooking as an old man are?"

Jian's father invited the young couple into the house. A table of dishes was already placed on the dining table. They were all simple home-cooked dishes, including Jian Yian's favorite nine-layered pagoda baked eggs, and Ke Muyu's favorite spicy bean paste.

"Dad, it seems you have really put in the effort to prepare!" Jian Yian smiled and praised her father, affectionately holding his arm and sitting down at the dining table.

"Would you like something to drink? There is beer in the refrigerator." Father Jian stood up.

"I'll do it, dad." Ke Muyu took the initiative to take over the task, opened the refrigerator and brought out two bottles of beer and three glasses.

"I don't drink. Is there any juice or soda?" Jian Yian asked.

"You don't want to drink?" Ke Muyu raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Our family, Yi'an, doesn't like drinking," Jian's father explained with a smile.

is that so? Who was the drunkard who got drunk last night? Ke Muyu glanced at his wife teasingly. She noticed his teasing eyes and made a face quietly.

In front of her father, she is a quiet and well-behaved daughter!

"Then drink this." Ke Muyu found a bottle of Coke, opened it, and poured it for the three of them one by one.

"Dad, I respect you." He was the first to toast in a flattering manner. "I wish you good health and good luck!"

"Haha, as long as you come back often when you are free, of course I will be happy." Father Jian seemed to be in a very happy mood.

There was constant laughter during the dinner.

Jian Yian watched the conversation between her husband and her father and was surprised to see the two talking freely and harmoniously.

When did these two people become so familiar? It was as if I had seen it not long ago.

What's even weirder is that Ke Muyu, who has always been arrogant, pretends to be a good son-in-law in front of his father-in-law. He is polite and courteous. He not only solicits drinks during the dinner, but also rushes to wash the dishes after the meal. What's wrong with him? Jian Yian was in disbelief. She was sitting in the living room chatting with her father, while she kept looking into the kitchen, full of suspicion.

Father Jian noticed her surprise, leaned over and lowered his voice, "Actually, Mu Yu came here to see me a while ago."

"What?" She was shocked and looked back at her father. "He came to see you? When?"

"Just a week ago, he came here to stay one night."

Two weeks ago? Jian Yian frowned in thought. Wasn't it the time when she thought she had completed the divorce procedures with him

"What is he looking for you for?" she asked her father softly.

"He asked a lot of things about you, big and small, in detail."

"He asked about me?" Jian Yian was stunned. "No wonder he knew I was afraid of heights. It turned out to be you who betrayed your daughter." She scolded her father coquettishly.

"What's the point? Helping my son-in-law understand my daughter is what I should do!" Father Jian didn't think he was wrong. "He not only asked you what you are afraid of, but also asked you what you love, what you like to eat and the music you like to listen to. I told him everything, including the time you followed your family members to go racing and dancing when you were in high school."

She was shocked. "Please! Why do you even tell people such things?"

"Because he keeps asking!" Jian's father felt that he was wronged. "And I think he was worried about your nightclub visit a while ago, so he wanted to know... Isn't it all your fault? If you don't behave like someone else's wife, why would you go to a nightclub?"

When she goes to nightclubs, she also follows the instructions of his good son-in-law! Jian Yian was speechless and deeply felt the taste of a mute eating coptis.

After Ke Muyu washed the dishes, he played chess with Jian's father. Weng and his son-in-law each showed their talents and refused to give in to each other. In the end, Jian's father came out on top.

Jian Yian could tell that it was what her husband wanted on purpose, and her heartstrings couldn't help but twitch.

It's strange to say that since he can live in harmony with her father, why can't he be nice to his own father? Is it because his father was too romantic when he was young and made his mother angry, so he still can't forgive her

Thinking of this, she felt a little distressed. In the past, she always blamed him for not understanding his father. Maybe she should be more considerate of him...

"Yi'an, what are you thinking about?" A smiling voice brought her out of her hazy thoughts.

She shuddered, composed herself, and faced her husband's handsome face.

"Where's my dad?"

"Going to take a shower." She nodded, seeing his starry eyes staring at her, her heart was disturbed. "It turns out that you have come to my father to investigate everything about me."

"Only when you know yourself and your enemy can you be victorious in every battle." He felt no guilt.

"So by bringing me back tonight, you agree to my dad's exchange?"


She looked at him carefully. "You're awesome." He knew how to start from her father's side and find her weaknesses.

"By the way, we have to stay here tonight." He informed in passing.

"What?" She was stunned. "Is this also a condition?"

He nodded, with a smile on his face. "Tomorrow is the weekend, you don't have to ask for leave again, should it be OK?"

"OK, OK but... where are you going to sleep?"