Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 10


This is the first time Du Youwei has heard his name. The big guy's name sounds nice, but it's useless to know it. The people around him call him either the seventh master or the boss. Even Zhang Shengze respectfully calls him the seventh uncle, Zhang Shaoyan... we don't dare to call him.

At this time, the most surprised was Gao Ye, who was following Zhang Shaoyan. He has helped Zhang Shaoyan for so many years, and he has only seen Mrs. Zhang calling him by his name directly, and Lin Qian calling him with the title of "brother" at the end. What does the boss mean now is to ask Du Youwei to call him by his name

... She doesn't dare to look at her cowardly look.

No, no, the point is not whether she dares or not, but the boss said so! Gao Ye knows Zhang Shaoyan's thoughts too well, and some things may have been seen through by Gao Ye before he himself realized it.

Du Youwei pursed the corners of her lips, smiled and said to Zhang Shaoyan: "Okay, I remember."

Zhang Shaoyan didn't say anything more, just instructed Secretary Hu to send Du Youwei home. Du Youwei followed Zhang Shaoyan to the elevator, Gao Ye and Secretary Hu did not speak, Du Youwei also stared at her toes and pretended to be dumb.

"Do you have a good relationship with Zhang Shengze?" Zhang Shaoyan said suddenly. Du Youwei was stunned for a moment, making sure he was asking himself, and then he said, "Not good."

"Not good?" Zhang Shaoyan seemed a little disbelieving, and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Didn't you have a baby kiss?"

"Oh, that." Du Youwei said expressionlessly, "If I hadn't been able to speak at the time, I would have personally rejected this marriage."

Zhang Shaoyan was silent for a while. Gao Ye's investigation was not what he said. "Didn't you cause them a lot of trouble because he had a girlfriend?"

Du Youwei: "…"

Why does the boss even know this? Who the hell is going to tell the truth in front of him!

She looked at Takano subconsciously.

Takano: "…"

"Before, it was because I felt that they did this to make me lose face. After all, the whole school knew that we once had a baby kiss. But now I have figured out what they like. I don't like him anyway."

Zhang Shaoyan said: "Your vision is not as bad as I thought."

"..." Not a boss, Zhang Shengze is from your Zhang family anyway, is it really good for you to say that

With a "ding" sound, the elevator reached the ground floor. Zhang Shaoyan's driver was already driving the car outside, while Secretary Hu's car was still parked on the first floor.

Zhang Shaoyan glanced sideways at Du Youwei and said to her, "I'll go first."

"Okay, walk slowly." Du Youwei smiled, almost bowing to him. Zhang Shaoyan led Gao Ye out without looking back, Du Youwei watched the elevator door close, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

Although the boss said that she is also responsible for after-sales, there is nothing to be sold for a song... There should be no chance to see him in the future, which is exactly what she wants. However, why is she still a little lost!

Du Youwei thought about it all the way, and felt that it was Zhang Shaoyan's fault that he was too handsome.

After dinner at home, Du Youwei went to the garden to walk the dog. The three dogs she has raised, 11 and 22 are a male and a female, or a pair, and Jin Yingjun is sandwiched between them, a veritable single dog.

"Yingjun, it's not a solution for you to stick to me all the time, or I'll find you a wife sometime." She was chatting with Jin Yingjun when Wei Rui called.

Du Youwei glanced at it and picked it up: "Rui, are you looking for me at this time, are you going to invite me to dinner?"

"What's the supper, I have something to ask you." Wei Rui has been focusing on raising her double eyelids at home for a while, but suddenly heard a shocking gossip today, and can no longer focus on it, "Your school dance, Did you dance with the Zhang family? I heard that it was still the seventh master?!"

Du Youwei rubbed Jin Yingjun's dog's head and asked her in surprise, "You know him too?"

"Who doesn't know the seventh master of the Zhang family, you won't really dance with him!"

"…Yes, but where did you know that? Didn't this all get deleted?"

Wei Rui was also shocked by the "yes" word, and it took a long time to react: "So many people saw it at the dance, and everyone dared not say it on the face, but there will always be people talking about it in private. I thought it must be Misinformation, how did you know him??"

Du Youwei said, "Remember the handsome guy I told you last time I met in Lize Park? That's him."

Wei Rui: "… "

What kind of coincidence is this.

"Forget it, let's not talk about the past. You can stop messing with the seventh master in the future. There are so many rumors about him outside that even my father is afraid to hear his name."

"..." Du Youwei also knew that the words Zhang Shaoyan really made many people afraid, and she knew that Wei Rui said these words for her own good, but she was still a little unhappy when someone said that to him, "Actually, others are not so It's bad, the rumors outside are based on falsehoods, and they have demonized him."

Wei Rui was silent for a while, and then he said, "Why am I listening to you in such a wrong tone? Don't you like someone else? That's the seventh master! Be awake!"

Du Youwei: "…"

Like Zhang Shaoyan? She didn't! What's more, he has a woman who is hidden in a golden house!

"I didn't, I just thought he was handsome."

"… so what?"

Du Youwei said confidently: "Scientific research has shown that the human brain tends to give positive comments to good-looking people."

Wei Rui: "… "

I believe your ghost.

"No matter how handsome you are, that's the seventh master. You make your brain clearer."

Du Youwei: "…"

"Let's not talk about this topic anymore, Rui, did you learn computer science in college?"

"Don't ask me to fix the computer, I won't."

"... I'm looking for you to help me find someone. Do you know a master in this field? Be more reliable."

Wei Rui thought about it and asked her, "I can find someone, but who are you looking for?"

"A man named Sweet Hairpin on the campus forum. Wait a minute, I'll send you the post."

"it is good."

Du Youwei hung up the phone, dug up the previous forum post, and sent it to Wei Rui. Wei Rui replied to her with an ok gesture, saying that he would reply to her when he found it.

Du Youwei sent a heart-warming emoji picture and continued to tease Jin Yingjun.

At this time, Zhang Shaoyan just got the new recorded song that Gao Ye passed to him. This time, Zhang Shaoyan learned to be smart. He not only uploaded the song to the cloud and backed up a copy, but also explained that Gao Ye also kept a copy locally on each of his computers.

"...Okay." Takao responded and told him about tomorrow's arrangements, "Lin Hui's parents have already arrived in City A, and they have settled down. They will attend with Lin Qian tomorrow."

He didn't offer anything to attend, but both of them tacitly knew that tomorrow would be Lin Hui's memorial day.

Zhang Shaoyan leaned on the sofa and rubbed his temples: "Well, I won't go to the company tomorrow morning, you will pick me up on time."

"Good boss."

"That's it." Zhang Shaoyan pondered for a moment, and before hanging up the phone, he reminded again, "Remember to save a copy of the song on each computer."

"Remember the boss." He believed that after what happened last time, Lin Qian would no longer dare to delete his stuff.

On the day of Lin Hui's funeral, Lin Qian and her parents arrived earlier than Zhang Shaoyan. As soon as she saw her parents, Lin Qian red-eyed and reiterated their old story: "Dad, Mom, when you see Brother Shaoyan later, you must beg me for mercy."

Seeing her like this, Mother Lin was also a little anxious: "Qian Qian, you didn't tell us clearly on the phone, how did you offend the seventh master?"

"I-I didn't do anything. I was unintentional. I didn't expect him to be so angry at me, and he wanted me to stay abroad and not be allowed to come back."

Father Lin on the side snorted: "Although the seventh master has a high position, he is not an indiscriminate person. If you really didn't do anything, how could people treat you like this?"

Lin Qian flattened her mouth and went to beg her mother: "Mom, Dad doesn't feel bad for me, but you must feel bad for me."

Mother Lin clapped her hand and reassured her: "Qian Qian, I think your father is right. I have also seen the seventh master, and he is not an unreasonable person. If you don't explain it to us clearly, how can we help you? Please. You also know that since your brother left, he has treated us like relatives and even offered you to study abroad. You can’t be too willful…”

"Mom, I asked you to intercede for me, why did you blame me instead?" Lin Qian pulled back her hand unhappily, "Are you really happy that you will never see your daughter again?"

"Don't say it, the seventh master and Gao Te are here to help." Father Lin's words made both mother and daughter quiet.

After Zhang Shaoyan arrived, he first said hello to the Lin family before officially starting to worship. Lin Qian has been secretly looking at the handsome and extraordinary man next to her, but thinking about how he yelled at her that day, she didn't dare to speak.

After worshipping Lin Hui, Lin Qian found the opportunity and called him, "Brother Shaoyan."

"What brother, no big or small." Father Lin looked at Lin Qian with dissatisfaction. Although Zhang Shaoyan looks young, he is the son of Mr. Zhang, and his seniority is there. Lin Qian called his brother, didn't it all get messed up.

Lin Qian pursed her lips and didn't listen to her father. She still called his brother: "Brother Shaoyan, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it last time. Don't be mad at me again, okay?"

She made sure that he would not attack Lin Hui's grave if he was angry, so she chose this time to speak.

Zhang Shaoyan finally glanced at her sideways, and said after a while: "Forget it, the matter is resolved anyway. I shouldn't have been so angry with you last time, since you want to stay in China to accompany your parents, just stay. ."

"Really?" Lin Qian's eyes suddenly lit up, and she knew that it was impossible for brother Shaoyan to treat her like that! She is different!

Gao Ye glanced at her and knew that she was stomping her nose again.

The boss found Du Youwei. He was in a good mood and had nothing to do with her.