Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 11


Naturally, Lin Qian didn't know this. She was thinking happily about how to use the time afterward to spend more time with Zhang Shaoyan.

"Tao Ye, book another ticket for Lin Qian for the return trip." Lin Hui's parents will return to their hometown tomorrow morning. Zhang Shaoyan meant to take Lin Qian with him.

Lin Qian didn't think about going back to their hometown with them, so she was obviously stunned: "Brother Shaoyan, why do you have to book tickets for me?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "Didn't you say that you want to stay in China to accompany your parents? Take advantage of the summer vacation and accompany them well."

Lin Qian: "..."

She suddenly felt that her excuse was not a good one.

She stayed in the country to have more opportunities to stay with Zhang Shaoyan, but now that he has just let him stay, it is not good for her to ask again: "Okay, brother Shaoyan is thoughtful. "

Lin Qian had a smile on her face, but she couldn't smile in her heart.

Gao Ye was very efficient and booked the tickets in no time. Zhang Shaoyan asked Secretary Hu to take the Lin family to play in City A in the afternoon. He and Gao Ye returned to the company first.

Every year on the anniversary of Lin Hui's death, Zhang Shaoyan would feel more depressed. In order to divert his attention, he was busy at the company until it was dark before leaving. But after arriving home, lying on the bed alone, he couldn't help but think of Lin Hui's death.

Zhang Shaoyan called Du Youwei before he had a headache.

Du Youwei was playing on her phone when she saw the words "big guy" suddenly light up on the screen, and she almost threw the phone out.

The boss won't be looking for her for after-sales so soon, right

Du Youwei answered the phone nervously, and said hello to the person on the other end: "Good evening, may I ask if I can serve you."

"..." Zhang Shaoyan was silent for a while before he said, "Then let's sing a song."

Du Youwei's mouth twitched, and she kept calling at night to ask her to sing. What's wrong? Think of her as midnight radio? "Well, didn't you just record the song? Is there something wrong with the song?"

"There's nothing wrong with the song, but I'm in a bad mood today and want to hear a real person sing."

Du Youwei: "…"

I really hope that one day she will have such a tough talk. :)

"Then what song do you want to listen to?"

"Whatever, I don't pick."

"..." Can I give you the whole song "Uneasy" to express her current mood

Du Youwei didn't dare. She ended up singing "Thank You" by Ding Meng.

Maybe the song is too lyrical, especially at night... Hypnosis, Du Youwei sang and sang, and she felt that the people over there were no longer moving, and she sounded like she fell asleep listening to the sound of breathing.

She stopped, listened carefully to the receiver for a while, and called out tentatively, "Boss?"

The person on the other side didn't respond, Du Youwei's eyes moved, and she secretly called out, "Zhang Shaoyan?"

After waiting for two seconds, there was still no response, Du Youwei blinked, thinking that she was really asleep.

After knowing that Zhang Shaoyan fell asleep, Du Youwei became timid and called out to the phone cheerfully: "Zhang Shaoyan Zhang Shaoyan Zhang Shaoyan Zhang Shaoyan Zhang..."


Du Youwei: "..."

What the hell, did you fall asleep? !

Du Youwei's heart was about to jump out of her throat, but the more this happened, the more she had to hold on! She tried her best to control her breathing so that her voice didn't tremble, and she even squeezed out a little smile: "I see that you seem to be asleep, and I want to wake you up! Although the weather is hot, but if you don't pay attention, you will still be catch a cold!"


She's such a clever little devil.

Zhang Shaoyan said: "I'm lying on the bed now, covered with a cool quilt."

"..." Then you will really enjoy it. :)

"That's good, haha." Du Youwei decided to retreat, "I won't disturb your rest, good night."

After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone, and Zhang Shaoyan was slightly startled when she heard the voice suddenly disappear from the other end.

This is the first time he has been hung up on the phone.

Very good, it seems that Du Youwei has gained a lot of courage.

Thinking of someone calling "Zhang Shaoyan" in his ear like a little sparrow just now, he closed his eyes and unconsciously raised the corners of his lips.

A few days later, Zhang Shaoyan went abroad to discuss a business, but did not contact Du Youwei again. Du Youwei runs to the library every day, and the final exam is coming soon. She is cramming, and she doesn't know if she can do it.

In the morning, I studied in the library for another morning. When Du Youwei left, she found a donation box at the entrance of the library, which was to raise funds for the orphanage. Du Youwei didn't have much cash on her body. Fortunately, there was a payment code on the donation box. Du Youwei scanned it and donated 100,000 yuan.

Master Chang asked her to do more good deeds. She thought that she couldn't just participate in a charity auction and it would be over. If she saw this kind of fundraising, she would donate some. By the way, there seems to be that kind of monthly donations on the Internet. She went back to research and opened one.

Du Youwei started fiddling with the matter when she got home, and when she was about to get into it, she heard Jin Yingjun screaming frantically.

"..." This cry, I'm afraid it wasn't Sun Xiaoxiao who came again.

She was right at all. She took the elevator and went down to take a look. It was really Sun Xiaoxiao.

And led a strange woman.

It's not entirely right to say that she is unfamiliar, because this woman Du Youwei has met in her previous life.

"Youwei." When Sun Xiaoxiao saw Du Youwei coming, she wanted to step forward, but because of Jin Yingjun's lewd power, she stood there and didn't dare to move. Du Youwei asked Aqiu to lead Jin Yingjun away, walked to the sofa and sat down: "Xiaoxiao, do you have anything to do with me?"

The barking of the dog was gone, and Sun Xiaoxiao's expression became much more relaxed: "Youwei, let me introduce you, this is Li Ru, a distant relative of mine."

Li Ru has black medium-length hair, which looks a little rough, and seems to be not taking care of it often. She wears a simple white shirt on the upper body and black striped wide-leg pants on the lower body, which is generally refreshing and capable.

When she saw Du Youwei, she greeted her with a smile: "Hello, Miss Du."

Sun Xiaoxiao glanced at her, walked over to Du Youwei, sat down, and said to her, "That's it, my distant relative is working on a self-developed skin care brand, but now the funds are not enough, so I want to find someone to invest. "

She doesn't even know how she found her. Relatives like this one who are separated by hundreds of thousands of miles can't see each other once in a few years. As soon as they meet, they want to ask you for money. Sun Xiaoxiao didn't want to take out the money, but everyone came to her door, and she couldn't refuse directly, so she told her to take her to see a richer master.

This "master" is Du Youwei.

Du Youwei also remembered this. In her last life, Sun Xiaoxiao led this woman named Li Ru to the door. At that time, she didn't listen carefully to what she said, but she still took out the money generously. The problem came after that. I don't know why Pan Jing used this brand of skin care products, and her face was allergic. Zhang Shengze checked and heard that it was a brand invested by Du Youwei, and immediately put all the blame on her forehead.

This incident further deteriorated their relationship and paved the way for the subsequent bankruptcy of the Du family.

Naturally, Li Ru's brand can't go on, and the only one who hasn't been affected seems to be Sun Xiaoxiao.

"Ms. Du, our team is very formal and professional. This is the test report of the products we have developed so far. You can take a look." Li Ru came over to ask for investment, and was well prepared. Packed several pockets.

The things written on the test report are very professional, and Du Youwei can't see any way, but this time she listened to Li Ru carefully and felt that their brand still has a certain strength.

When it comes to investment, Du Youwei doesn't know much, but investment projects are actually investors. In the last life, after something happened to Li Ru, she ran away without putting the blame on her, but kept trying to solve the problem. She is still optimistic about Du Youwei.

It's just that the last time she invested, she just gave a random sum of money and didn't take it to heart. If she invested money this time, she really hoped to make money from it.

She wanted to invest in Li Ru's products, but the money couldn't be given yet.

She accepted all the materials Li Ru gave, and smiled at her: "In this way, you have a lot of things, I need to take a closer look, and can you give me some samples? I want to find a team to do it myself. A product identification."

Li Ru carried their products on her body, and after hearing what Du Youwei said, she took them all out: "At present, we have temporarily developed essences and face creams, which will also be our flagship products in the future. You can try it yourself or ask a team for appraisal. Yes, our products stand the test."

"That's good." Du Youwei accepted the sample and said to Li Ru, "But it may take a while to do this. I'll also find someone to discuss it. Can you wait?"

Li Ru thought about it for a while, and seemed to be a little tangled in her heart, but in the end she nodded: "Yes."

Du Youwei said: "Then you can leave me your contact information, I have the result here, I will contact you directly."

"Okay." Li Ru took out the business card and handed it to Du Youwei.

Du Youwei accepted it and asked Aqiu to send Li Ru and Sun Xiaoxiao out. Sun Xiaoxiao originally wanted to chat with Du Youwei again, but seeing that she had called someone to see her off, she smiled and left with Li Ru.

Du Youwei held Li Ru's business card and carefully recalled the details of her previous life. Pan Jing's face allergies should have happened a few days later. At that time, her roommate said that Pan Jing had misused her face cream to be allergic.

Pan Jing's skin is very sensitive to allergies, and the skin care products that can be used are either the simplest or the most expensive. Before getting to know Zhang Shengze, she used the former, and after getting to know Zhang Shengze, all her skin care products were replaced by the latter.

What do you think about this matter, Pan Jing's roommate is the key point. She happened to have Li Ru's skin care products, and she just broke the bottle, just put it into the bottle of the brand that Pan Jing used, and just happened to put it on Pan Jing's table...

This kind of nonsense is only Zhang Shengzexin. :)

At that time, Zhang Shengze was disgusted with Du Youwei. He heard that Du Youwei invested, and the others were not investigated. Anyway, she must have framed it.

In addition to her skin care products, Li Ru's skin care products are most likely to be Sun Xiaoxiao. Sun Xiaoxiao probably bribed Pan Jing's roommate to do it on purpose. Thinking of this, Du Youwei suddenly remembered that she did see Sun Xiaoxiao and Pan Jing's roommate together once...

Oh, it's hot, it's time for Sun Xiaoxiao to stop dancing.

Du Youwei imitated Zhang Shaoyan and thought so.