Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 28


After Du Youwei slammed Zhang Shaoyan on the table, there was no movement, so he maintained this posture and looked at Zhang Shaoyan.

Zhang Shaoyan looked up at her and said in a low voice, "Then what?"

"Huh?" Du Youwei was obviously not in the state, and tilted her head for some unknown reason.

Zhang Shaoyan said: "Do you know what to do next after doing this?"

His breath was lightly spit on Du Youwei's face, like a feather spared his heart, and a slight itch appeared. Du Youwei swallowed and asked him, "What?"

Zhang Shaoyan didn't speak, and answered her with a hand that was gently wrapped around her waist and brought her into his arms. Du Youwei's feet softened, fell towards Zhang Shaoyan, and kissed his lips impartially.

Takano: "…"

He had never felt so redundant before.

"Boss, I'm going to the bathroom." Leaving these words, Takaya's small whirlwind blew out of the private room.

Du Youwei didn't have the time to pay attention to Gao Te's assistant at all. The warm touch on her lips made her blood boil.

Zhang Shaoyan was cold, but his kiss was terribly hot.

Du Youwei wanted to pull away from his lips, but Zhang Shaoyan raised his hand and clasped the back of her head, preventing her from leaving. In this way, he tossed her lips for tens of seconds before he finally let go of Du Youwei, who blushed like a boiled shrimp.

"Remember next time, after the pounding is over, you should kiss." He inserted his hand into her soft hair and whispered vaguely in her ear.

Du Youwei: "…"

There will be no next time!

The sound of James and Hall snoring suddenly sounded in the private room, Du Youwei pushed Zhang Shaoyan's hand away, jumped back, and escaped from Zhang Shaoyan's side.

She had completely forgotten just now that there were two big living people in the private room!

I don't know if the two of them were really asleep, or if they were pretending. Did they see what happened just now?

Du Youwei once again did not want to be a human being.

Zhang Shaoyan straightened his neckline, glanced at James and Hall, who were snoring on the table, and called out to the private room: "Tao Ye."

Gao Ye opened the door from the outside and leaned halfway in: "Boss, what's your order?"

"The two of them should have brought their driver. You contact their driver and take them back to the hotel."

"Okay." Gao Ye went out to make a phone call, and soon several bodyguards came up and helped James and Hall out.

Zhang Shaoyan looked at Du Youwei, who was standing far away from him, and asked her with a smile, "Are you full?"

"Eat, I'm full." Du Youwei nodded her head. She was eating all the time when James and Hall were drinking Gault's wine. There was absolutely no one who ate more than her on the whole table.

"Then let's go." Zhang Shaoyan stood up and was about to leave. Seeing Du Youwei still standing still, he asked her, "Why, what else do you want to eat?"

"No, no, let's go." She followed Zhang Shaoyan and walked out with him.

The driver had already parked the car downstairs. After getting in the car, Zhang Shaoyan asked Du Youwei, "Are you going to go home directly, or where do you want to go shopping?"

Today's Qixi Festival, there are also many places to visit on the street. If she wants to play again, he will accompany her around.

Du Youwei's eyes darkened for a moment, then she smiled at Zhang Shaoyan and said, "I heard that there is a fireworks show in Sanqin Bay today, let's go to Sanqin Bay to watch the fireworks, okay?"

"Okay." Zhang Shaoyan responded without thinking, and ordered the driver to drive to Sanqin Bay.

Gao Ye checked and reported to Shaoyan: "Boss, the fireworks show in Sanqin Bay starts at nine o'clock in the evening. We should be able to catch up now."


Du Youwei lowered her head slightly, remembering the events of her previous life.

The first time she wanted to jump from Sanqin Bay, it wasn't the day of the first heavy snow in City A, but today, the Qixi Festival.

She came to Sanqin Bay alone. She originally wanted to jump down quietly. Unexpectedly, Sanqin Bay held a fireworks show today, and many couples came. It was difficult for her to find a place to stay by the sea.

She walked around Sanqin Bay and finally found a sparsely populated place. Probably because this place was too far away, so no one came. She climbed a very high rock and watched the colorful fireworks blooming overhead. Thinking of slowly sinking to the bottom of the sea like this, it was also extremely romantic.

But after she climbed up, she found that there was a person sitting opposite the stone. The man looked not much older than himself, with short black and sharp hair, and held a marshmallow in his hand that was extremely disproportionate to his temperament. He sat there quietly, his eyes darker than the night sky, as if he wanted to blend in with the boundless night.

Du Youwei was taken aback. The movement she made while climbing the rock was actually quite big. This person must have heard it, but he didn't respond at all.

She looked at him silently a few times, and then withdrew her gaze.

It's just a handsome weirdo, maybe he also came to Sanqin Bay to commit suicide.

She didn't pay attention to him anymore, and the other party didn't speak. The two of them sat on both sides of the stone like this, quietly watching the grand fireworks of the Qixi Festival.

"Did you come to see the fireworks?" After another fireworks bloomed, the person opposite actually spoke to Du Youwei.

The sound is surprisingly good.

Du Youwei hugged her legs, glanced at him, and slowly tightened her hands: "I'm here to commit suicide."

The man suddenly laughed. There was no surprise in his voice, but a bit of heartfelt sympathy: "Sanqin Bay is indeed a good place to commit suicide."

Du Youwei pursed her lips and was silent for a while, and asked him, "How about you?"

The man looked at the fireworks in the sky for a while, and then slowly said, "I just came to watch the fireworks."

Du Youwei didn't believe this, probably because of the special attraction between suicides, she could see that he really wanted to jump from here. But he didn't do it until the end.

"This, give it to you, I don't like sweets." The man stood up, taller than Du Youwei imagined. He bent down and handed over the marshmallow in his hand, just as colorful fireworks were blooming behind him.

Du Youwei took over the marshmallow subconsciously, and by the light of the fireworks, he could clearly see the scar on his wrist.

It was the bruise left after being beaten.

She seemed to understand why he was still wearing long-sleeved trousers on this midsummer night.

Du Youwei looked up at him, because of his bending over, the corner of the bandage on his neck was exposed, and she also took it into her eyes.

Does this man have scars all over his body

"Let's go." He handed the cotton candy to Du Youwei and jumped off the stone.

Du Youwei sat alone on the rock, watching him walk away, the sweet scent of marshmallows on the tip of her nose tempted her to lower her head and take a bite.

So sweet.

She hasn't eaten sweets for a long time, not to mention the puffs made by the housekeeper, it's just a small candy, she hasn't eaten it for a long time.

She took another bite of the fluffy marshmallow in her hand, and tears fell down with a swish. She finally made up her mind to jump from here today, but a marshmallow made her nostalgic for this world again.

She sat alone, crying and eating marshmallows, while watching the fireworks cheered by thousands of people.

After the candy was over, the fireworks show was over, she slowly got up and went home alone.

"What are you thinking?" Zhang Shaoyan frowned slightly and looked down at Du Youwei, who was inexplicably depressed beside him.

Du Youwei pulled away from the emotions of the previous life, looked at Zhang Shaoyan and said with a smile: "No, I just remembered what Wei Rui told me today, an employee was fired after replying to the leader with an 'um' in the company group. !"

Zhang Shaoyan didn't make a sound, and Du Youwei continued: "Zhang Shaoyan, is this the same for your company group? You usually send messages in the group, and how do you ask them to answer? The servants follow the order?"

"..." Zhang Shaoyan raised his hand and rubbed her hair, "What kind of mess do you have in your mind?"

Du Youwei said: "No, it's not a news report! So what is it like in your group?"

Zhang Shaoyan didn't speak, and Gao Ye said in the front row: "The boss usually doesn't speak in the group, and I'm responsible for issuing notifications."

Du Youwei nodded: "Oh, what does he do in the group? Supervise everyone?"

Koyadao: "The boss is mainly responsible for giving out red envelopes in the group."

Du Youwei: "…"

I wonder what's going on in the group!

"Is the red envelope you sent big?" Du Youwei hinted wildly.

Zhang Shaoyan raised his eyebrows and looked at her playfully: "You will know when you come in and experience it."

"Ah, will I be embarrassed?" Du Youwei said so, she already took out the phone in her bag and clicked it to scan it.

Zhang Shaoyan chuckled and pulled her directly into the group.

When the news of Du Youwei joining the group chat popped up in the group, all the company executives were a little confused.

Is this "ordinary rich Du Youwei" the daughter of the Du family, Du Youwei

As an ordinary lady in a city, Du Youwei is not as famous as Tian Sitong, but because Zhang Shaoyan has frequently brought her to the company during this time, her name is in Zhang's company, and everyone is familiar with her.

Ordinary rich Du Youwei: Hello everyone, I'm Du Youwei ^_^

Ordinary rich Du Youwei: I will come in and grab a red envelope, and I will leave the group after I grab it ^_^

Seniors: "..."

Everyone in the large group welcomed Du Youwei to join in, but in the small group chat, it exploded.

Senior a: What's the situation? The boss pulled her in to grab the red envelope

Senior b: I'm also confused, the boss wants to give her a red envelope, can't you just send it directly?

Senior c: You don't understand this, it's the boss and her interest

Senior D: … Well, after all, the red envelopes you grab are more fragrant.

Senior b: Then can we grab the red envelopes later

Senior c: Of course she has to grab it, otherwise how can she experience the fun of grabbing red envelopes? It's just that we have to slow down and let her grab it first

Senior a: Understood

Senior b: Understood

Followed by a bunch of "understood".

Takaya: The boss is going to give out a big red envelope for the Qixi Festival, please be prepared

Du Youwei became nervous all of a sudden, staring at the screen intently, as if she was back on the sports track, waiting for the referee's famous shot.

As soon as Zhang Shaoyan's red envelope came out, Du Youwei nodded quickly. I don't know if it was because there were too many people grabbing it or the internet speed was not good enough. It took two seconds for the red envelope to be opened. There was a total of... 38 cents of money! :)

Du Youwei pulled the corner of her mouth and looked at Zhang Shaoyan who was sitting beside her: "Is this what you call a big red envelope?"

Zhang Shaoyan looked down at the amount of her red envelope, and said calmly, "You can see what others have robbed."

Du Youwei opened it and saw that everyone else grabbed more than 100 to 200, and the one with the best luck was more than 300. Only she was 38 cents.

She was the first to grab it, so what's the use!

Du Youwei was very angry: "Is your red envelope against me?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "I will send another one."

After Zhang Shaoyan finished speaking, he posted it. This time Du Youwei was the first to grab it, and he was a bit luckier than the last time, with five yuan.

"..." She looked at the amount of money that was still in the hundreds and hundreds, and smiled at Zhang Shaoyan, "You know, according to the unspoken rules, you should give me a big red envelope alone at this time."

Zhang Shaoyan didn't speak, but with a "ding dong" on the phone, another red envelope appeared in the group, with the words "Du Youwei's" written on it.

Du Youwei quickly clicked, looked at the four digits displayed, and happily typed out a line: "Thank you boss!"

I don't know why, but the senior executives of the company who accompanied you suddenly have a feeling of "beacon fire show princes".

The boss also took great pains to make the Bomei smile.

After grabbing the red envelope, Du Youwei left the group contentedly, and the members in the group breathed a sigh of relief.

"Boss, Sanqin Bay is coming soon. There are a lot of people ahead, and the traffic is congested."

After listening to Gao Ye's words, Du Youwei noticed the window. Because there are many people watching the fireworks show, the speed of the car has slowed down, and it is moving forward little by little. Du Youwei thought for a while and said to Zhang Shaoyan, "Why don't we get off the car and walk over, it's not too far away anyway."

Zhang Shaoyan nodded and asked the driver to stop the car: "Gao Ye, you are also waiting for us in the car."

"Okay, boss."

Du Youwei hurriedly said: "You don't have to sit in the car all the time, you're here, you can get out of the car and have a look!"

Koya said: "I will find a place far away from you to watch."

"… Um."

Although Gao Ye stayed in the car, Zhang Shaoyan's bodyguards were still secretly following him. There is such a large flow of people here that even if there are police guards, there is no guarantee that there will be no accidents.

Zhang Shaoyan came out to eat in a suit, and he didn't need to see any customers now, so he took off his suit jacket and left it in the car, wearing only the shirt inside. He also slowly rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, all the way to the cuffs.

Du Youwei took the small fan he had just sent by the roadside and fanned him: "Is it hot? I really sympathize with you business people. In summer, you have to wear a suit."

Zhang Shaoyan didn't react much: "Just get used to it."

Du Youwei looked at the small vendors on both sides of the truth, and bumped Zhang Shaoyan with her elbow: "Do you want to eat ice?"

Zhang Shaoyan looked at the small vendor she pointed at, with a reluctant tone: "This doesn't look very clean. If you want to eat shaved ice, I can find someone to make it for you."

Du Youwei was a little greedy: "You see so many people are buying, it should be fine!"

Zhang Shaoyan still frowned: "Aren't you afraid of eating a bad stomach?"

"...Okay, okay." Du Youwei shrugged compromisingly and looked at a lantern vendor again, "Then we can always buy lanterns! This one won't hurt your stomach."

She walked over with high interest and chose among the dazzling lanterns: "Zhang Shaoyan, you look at this rabbit-shaped lantern, it's so cute."

"Well." Zhang Shaoyan followed her and nodded, "buy it if you like it."

"Well, I want this!" There were various collection codes of the boss hanging on the stall, Du Youwei took out her mobile phone and scanned it, and bought the rabbit lantern.

The lanterns are powered by batteries, and the rabbit's eyes are specially made of red light, which is very realistic. Du Youwei teased the little rabbit with the lantern, and gave it to Zhang Shaoyan: "I'll give this to you, it suits you very well."

Zhang Shaoyan looked down at the lantern in her hand, and frowned again: "Where does it match?"

Du Youwei said, "It's all so cute."

"..." Zhang Shaoyan was silent for a while, then smiled and took the lantern in her hand.

"The fireworks show is about to start. There are too many people here. I will take you to a good place!" Du Youwei took Zhang Shaoyan and wanted to take him to the place where she watched fireworks in her previous life.

Although it is far away, the view is not bad. The key is that there are few people and no one is noisy.

I don't know if this time, can I meet the person who gave me marshmallows

Zhang Shaoyan was led by Du Youwei and did not resist. He walked through the bustling crowd with her and came to a secluded corner.

There are no lively voices or lively stalls here. The sea breeze is blowing with a salty and humid breath, which is unexpectedly somewhat comfortable.

"It's great here!" Du Youwei looked at the sky excitedly, and the fireworks show was about to start.

"Yeah." Zhang Shaoyan just responded when a fireworks burst out above his head.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!" Du Youwei shouted excitedly, and her voice was drowned out by the sea breeze and the sound of fireworks after a while.

Zhang Shaoyan stood next to her with a rabbit lamp in his hand, and looked up at the fireworks that were constantly rising into the sky. The colorful fireworks reflected in his eyes, like fine jewelry glowing with brilliance.

"Zhang Shaoyan, when was the last time you watched fireworks?" Du Youwei asked in a low voice.

Zhang Shaoyan thought for a while and said, "I can't remember, it should be when I was young."

"Have you never seen fireworks when you grew up?"

"I haven't seen it specially like this."

"Oh..." The corner of Du Youwei's mouth gradually raised a smile, "I haven't seen fireworks for a long time, they are so beautiful."


"Zhang Shaoyan, thank you for watching the fireworks with me."

Zhang Shaoyan looked down at her, the color of the fireworks made her face flicker: "If you like it, I will watch it with you every year in the future."

"Yeah!" Du Youwei nodded and looked at him with a smile.

A fireworks just bloomed in her eyes.

The fireworks show didn't last long, and near the end, a cart selling ice cream passed by. Du Youwei heard the bell, and her mouth was a little greedy. Zhang Shaoyan glanced at the ice cream truck and smiled helplessly: "I'll buy it for you, you wait for me here."

"Zhang Shaoyan, you are so kind!" Du Youwei looked at him with bright eyes.

Zhang Shaoyan raised his hand and rubbed her hair, turned and walked towards the ice cream cart.

With a smile on her lips, Du Youwei looked at the big rock she sat on in her previous life. She proposed to come here, on the one hand because there are really few people here, on the other hand, she is also worried that the person she met in her previous life will commit suicide here.

They could save him if he jumped into the sea.

But it seemed that she thought too much. He didn't jump in his last life, and he hasn't jumped in this life.

Du Youwei looked at the direction of the stone, wanting to see if there was anyone there. Suddenly a figure jumped down from above, holding a marshmallow in his hand.

Du Youwei looked at the tall and slender figure, and a move in her heart, it was him!

Wearing the long-sleeved trousers that Du Youwei remembered, he glanced in the direction where she was standing, as if he had only discovered someone here now. He paused for a moment, then continued to walk forward as if nothing had happened.

Du Youwei was standing on his only path. When he passed by her, Du Youwei stopped him: "Are you also here to watch the fireworks?"

The man was stunned for a while, then nodded and said, "Well."

"I also came to watch the fireworks." Du Youwei looked at him with a smile and asked him, "Are you a star?"

The man was stunned for a second, as if surprised that someone could recognize him. He chuckled lightly and looked at Du Youwei with interest: "You actually recognize me? I'm not famous."

Du Youwei said: "You are not famous now, but I have a hunch that within this year, you will definitely explode! Become the most popular first-line male star in China!"

After listening to her words, the man only hooked his lower lip mockingly. Seeing that he didn't believe it, Du Youwei was a little anxious: "I'm serious, my hunch has always been accurate! So don't give up, come on!"

Before she died, she saw his face appear on the billboards with her own eyes.

Only then did she know that he was a star.

"Well, let me borrow your words." The man said and was about to leave. Before leaving, he handed Du Youwei the marshmallow he was holding, "This, give it to you, I don't like sweets."

Du Youwei took the marshmallow he handed over and once again saw the bruise on his wrist.

How did his injury come about

"Let's go." The man quickly withdrew his hand and turned to leave. Du Youwei frowned and stood on the spot, Zhang Shaoyan's voice suddenly came from the side: "Where did your cotton candy come from?"

Du Youwei turned her head to look at him, smiled and said to him, "Given by a star!"

"Star?" Zhang Shaoyan looked at the direction Du Youwei was looking at just now, "What's your name?"

"Uh..." Du Youwei was at a loss for words, she didn't even remember his name! "I have no idea… "

Zhang Shaoyan narrowed his eyes: "You don't know?"

"He seems to be in a boy's group, you know, there are so many people in the boy's group now, I can't remember. But I recognize his face!"

Zhang Shaoyan pondered a little, and did not pursue the unknown star again: "The ice cream you want."

"Thank you!" Du Youwei reached out and wanted to take over the ice cream that Zhang Shaoyan bought her. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shaoyan shrank his hand back, looked at her and said, "If you have ice cream, you can't ask for marshmallows. Give me the marshmallows."

"...Ice cream and cotton candy are different!" Du Youwei thinks this person is so stingy!

Zhang Shaoyan is still indifferent: "Ice cream and cotton candy, you can only eat one."

"..." Du Youwei pursed the corners of her mouth and handed him the marshmallow that she had not yet warmed. "Here, I can eat ice cream now!"

Zhang Shaoyan smiled and gave her the ice cream in his hand: "Good."