Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 47


After a round of renegotiation, everyone finally decided to go to the most expensive Chinese restaurant in city a tonight, the world.

After Du Youwei heard the result, she sighed: "You really can't imagine the happiness of the rich, and the world is where Zhang Shaoyan eats everyday."

Han Yang: "..."

Give him a little more time, and he'll be able to come up with a more expensive one!

Yanyan Media currently has a car and a driver, Zhang Shaoyan personally came to pick up Du Youwei, and the rest took the company's car to live in the world.

Ashamed to say, the four of them came to the world for dinner at one time. In order not to let others see that he was "Grandma Liu" who had never seen the world, Han Yang deliberately walked out of the steps of disregarding his six relatives.

"..." The other three invariably took a few steps away from him, as if they were afraid of being infected by his mental retardation.

Miss Yingbin led them to the private room and left. Han Yang looked at the private room door closed in front of him with a look of embarrassment: "Do you think we can go in now? In case the boss and the seventh master do some discordant things inside What's the matter?"

"..." The crowd fell silent again.

Finally, Gu Shi raised his hand and knocked on the door. Before he could speak, the door was opened from the inside.

The door was opened by the waiter inside. Seeing that they were all here, he asked Zhang Shaoyan, "Can I pass the dishes now?"

"Well." Zhang Shaoyan nodded, and the waiter went out. Gu Shi and the others walked in and greeted them with a somewhat restrained voice.

Du Youwei greeted them with a smile and sat down, and introduced to Zhang Shaoyan: "You know them all, Gu Shi, Meng Xi, Han Yang, Huang Yuelin."

She was actively enlivening the atmosphere, and there was not much excitement at the dinner table. The artists of Yanyan Media are not very open in front of Zhang Shaoyan, the big boss, but when everyone eats, there is no ambiguity at all.

You really don't treat yourself at all. :)

On the way back, Han Yang kept saying that from now on, he could add one more item to his profile, called "Have eaten at the same table with Zhang Shaoyan".

"..." Du Youwei felt that compared with them, her performance when she first met Zhang Shaoyan could already be described as excellent.

After this meal, Gu Shi's popularity followed a rocket, and with the hit of "Jing Hong Zhai", he kept swiping Weibo and Moments. Under the building of Yanyan Media, there are also a large number of star-chasing girls who specialize in Gu Shi. There is even a public account that wrote a special topic on this, taking Gu Shi as a case in the entertainment industry to analyze the reasons for his popularity.

Just like what Du Youwei knew in her previous life, Gu Shi exploded with the role of Song Qiu.

Before "Jinghongzhai" was finished, Yanyan Media's mailbox was filled with invitations for work cooperation, and Du Youwei's phone was almost blown up. People are constantly contacting her, hoping that Gu Shi can appear in their new drama, and some brands have found her and want to ask Gu Shi to speak their products.

Based on the memory of her previous life, Du Youwei helped Gu Shi receive two endorsements, but she did not have the energy to screen them one by one with so many invited crews.

I feel sorry for her, who is about to take the final exam soon!

It is imminent to help Gu Shi to find an agent.

Zhang Shaoyan seems to always know Du Youwei's dilemma, and always stands up to help her solve the trouble at the first time.

"Remember what my mother said before, the apprentice her former manager brought?"

After listening to Zhang Shaoyan's words, Du Youwei nodded again and again: "Remember, but Gu Shi was still a little transparent at that time, and she seemed to have concerns. Is she willing to go out now?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "She said she wanted to meet Gu Shi and have a face-to-face interview."

"Okay." Managers are indispensable to artists. It is still necessary for both parties to meet and get to know each other. "What time? Where to meet?"

"You can decide here, after all, Gu Shi has more itineraries than before."

"Okay, then I'll take a look later and make sure to tell you."

"Well." After Zhang Shaoyan finished speaking, he suddenly let out a low laugh. "At first, I invested in your entertainment company, and I didn't think about how much money you would make, but now it seems that you may be quite suitable for this industry."

He was not only talking about Gu Shi, but also Ye Wenxiu and Xu Hang in the training camp. With the broadcast of the show, Ye Wenxiu and Xu Hang gradually stood out among the many contestants, especially Ye Wenxiu, with the face of "one ride to the dust" and the hard work of the day after tomorrow, became the first among all contestants to get an A rating of. After entering the audience voting session, his results will only get better and better.

Zhang Shaoyan rarely praised people, so Du Youwei's tail was lifted up when he praised him like this: "That's right, I don't dare to praise others, but the eyes of handsome guys are still very vicious!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shaoyan's voice sounded a little dangerous, "You failed all the maths because you spent your time looking at handsome guys, right?"

"..." Du Youwei wanted to slap herself, "The handsome guy I see is mainly you, it's you, you have trained my aesthetics!"

"Didn't I exercise your ability to flatter you?"

"...you have to be more confident!"

This made Zhang Shaoyan chuckle again: "Okay, I have a meeting later, you can set the time and place, just contact my mother directly."

"Okay!" After Du Youwei hung up the phone, she went to review Shi's itinerary. In addition to advertisements, Gu Shi now has TV series promotion tasks. The schedule is really tight. She found a gap and told Gu Shi first, and then informed Yan Xin.

Zhang Shaoyan didn't go on the day of the meeting, but the two sides negotiated smoothly and signed the contract on the spot. Now that Gu Shi has both an agent and an assistant, the burden on Du Youwei's shoulders is much lighter, and he can finally... concentrate on his studies!

After having an agent, Gu Shi's work progressed more smoothly, and his Weibo fans also made great strides to the level of tens of millions. Gu Shi can be seen gradually on the billboards on the street, and Gu Shi's name can always be heard in the topics discussed among the classmates.

It wasn't until the first snow in City A suddenly fell that Du Youwei was surprised that so long had passed.

In her previous life, she jumped from Sanqin Bay on the day when the first snow fell in City A, ending her miserable life.

In this life, she stood in the largest office of Yanyan Media, watching the whole city gradually turn white by the snow outside the window.

For some reason, she suddenly missed Zhang Shaoyan very much. She called him and wanted to invite him to dinner.

The phone rang a few times before being picked up. Zhang Shaoyan's pleasant voice came from the receiver to Du Youwei's ears: "What's wrong?"

Du Youwei raised the corner of her mouth, and her voice was filled with excitement: "Zhang Shaoyan, have you seen snow?"

Zhang Shaoyan, who was standing in front of the window, raised his eyes and glanced out the window, with a smile in his eyes: "Well, I saw it."

"This is the first snow this winter. To celebrate, let's go have a meal together!"

Zhang Shaoyan looked at the snowflakes fluttering outside the window and said to Du Youwei on the other end of the phone: "We don't have to make excuses for eating together, it's fine on sunny days, cloudy days, rainy days, snowy days, as long as you want, every day. ."

"...Wow, how could you still say such a thing?" Du Youwei seemed to see the Tieshu blossoming.

Zhang Shaoyan was also surprised that he could say such words, but after getting to know Du Youwei, he has done a lot of things beyond his imagination: "Cough, but I'm still seeing clients in Sanqin Bay, and I may have to wait a while for dinner. ."

Du Youwei was stunned for a moment, then murmured, "Are you in Sanqin Bay?"

"Well, what's wrong?"

Du Youwei didn't speak for a while. In her previous life, Zhang Shaoyan was also in Sanqin Bay on the day she jumped from Sanqin Bay

"Du Youwei?" Zhang Shaoyan called her over the phone, a little worried. Du Youwei came back to his senses and said to him, "Oh, then I'll go to Sanqin Bay to find you now."

Zhang Shaoyan thought about it for a while, but was still reluctant to run Du Youwei on the snowy day: "I'd better wait for me to finish talking and pick you up."

Du Youwei has always refuted Zhang Shaoyan very rarely, but today she did not agree to his proposal: "I'll go look for you, I just want to visit Sanqin Bay."


Du Youwei said with a smile: "In summer, we watched fireworks there, and in winter, we watched the first snow together, isn't it very romantic!"

Zhang Shaoyan smiled and said, "Hello, call me when you arrive."

"Okay, see you later."

"See you later." Zhang Shaoyan hung up the phone and walked back to where he was just now, "I'm sorry, it's been a long wait."

The people who met him were not annoyed because he had left the phone for so long, but looked at him with a bit of curiosity: "I heard that the seventh master had a little girlfriend before, and he hid as deeply as a baby, now look at him. Are the rumors true?"

Zhang Shaoyan sat down on the sofa opposite him. He didn't panic because of his banter, and he didn't deny it. He just asked lightly, "Who said it?"

The other party changed the topic with a funny smile, but he couldn't help thinking in his heart, and it was really hidden: "I guess the seventh master will have an appointment with the beautiful lady later, so let's talk faster."

The matter of Zhang Shaoyan has not been finished, Du Youwei has been sent to Sanqin Bay by the driver. She sent Zhang Shaoyan a message, telling him that she was waiting for him at the place where the fireworks were being watched.

The snow has not stopped, Du Youwei is standing on the beach alone, exactly the same as in her previous life.

But it's also completely different. In the last life, she came here to meet the god of death, and in this life, she is waiting for her lover.

She looked at the fluttering snowflakes, and hummed a well-known tune just like the previous life: "Edelweiss, Edelweiss, you bloom to me in the morning..."

Last time, she jumped from here after singing this song, this time, she heard light footsteps after singing.

She turned her head and saw Zhang Shaoyan in a long coat coming over the snow. He didn't have an umbrella, and a thin layer of white snow fell on his shoulders. His face was a little blurry in the snow, but Du Youwei could feel that his eyes were on him from beginning to end.

Du Youwei raised a smile at him and asked him, "Am I singing well?"

"I'm making progress." Zhang Shaoyan walked over to her, raised his hand to wipe the snow off her clothes, "Why don't you know how to use an umbrella?"

"Didn't you also fight?" Du Youwei pouted, and then laughed again, "But then we can get to the white head together!"

"... Where did you learn the earthy love story?"

"What you said on the phone just now!" Du Youwei wanted to imitate him and repeat what he just said. Which one was too excited for a while, the soles wet due to snow suddenly slipped, and one leaned into the tide and fell into the sea.

Zhang Shaoyan grabbed her wrist suddenly and pulled her into his arms.

Du Youwei was stunned for a moment, she vaguely remembered that in the last life, just before she closed her eyes, there was a person who also used this involuntary strength to hold her wrist tightly.