Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 49


Du Youwei was dug up early in the morning and went to the company to solve the scandal that suddenly spread on the Internet.

Du Youwei is so grown up, it is not that she has not imagined which star she will be with, and is envied by thousands of netizens. But she never thought that she would have an affair with her artist!

"You went to Qijiuba yesterday behind your back?" Ding Lei, Gu Shi's manager, looked at the two in front of him and scrutinized, "You two aren't really in a relationship, are you?"

"Of course not!" Du Youwei denied it, but Ding Lei was introduced to it by Yan Xin, and she clearly knew her relationship with Zhang Shaoyan!

"Then what are you doing? Why are you hiding it from me?"

"Uh..." Although Ding Lei is Gu Shi's manager, it's better for him to talk to her about his mother. "I just talked about the new endorsement."

"New endorsement?" Ding Lei was a little puzzled, "Has any brand contacted you directly?"

"Hahaha, it's my own brand."

Ding Lei: "..."

Ding Lei has also heard about the skin care products that Du Youwei invested in. Their series of commercials have been broadcast on TV and the Internet these days, and they still look quite tall.

"What can't you tell me about this?"

"I'm not afraid that you won't agree. After all, we are a new brand." Du Youwei said here and found that they were off topic. "The endorsement will be discussed later, and it's business to issue a statement to clarify."

Ding Lei said: "The statement is already being written. Do you have any clues about the person who broke the news?"

Du Youwei thought about it for a while, and there was really a skeptic: "I think it might be Tian Sitong, we met her yesterday when we were leaving, she wanted to ask Gu Shi on WeChat, but Gu Shi ignored her, she might want to take revenge. "

"Tian Sitong?" Everyone in the entertainment industry has heard of this name. In the eyes of many people, Miss Tian is actually a rich illegitimate meal. "Then our clarification can be revised."

In less than half an hour, the official blog of Yanyan Media responded to the incident. The company denied the false rumors that Du Youwei and Gu Shi were in a relationship, claiming that the two of them met only to discuss work. Gu Shi also reposted the Weibo with the same attitude as the company.

It is worth pondering that in this statement, Ms. Tian is mentioned, and I hope she will not spread rumors, otherwise she reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility.

Fans quickly identified the "Ms. Tian surname" as Tian Sitong, and some netizens broke the news that they saw Tian Sitong being rejected by Gu Shi yesterday in Qijiu.

Tian Sitong is listed in many fans, and the hatred value can be said to be very high. Now that there is a chance, everyone is willing to step on her.

All of a sudden, the trend on the Internet turned into insulting Tian Sitong, and her previous black materials were also turned over again, and the corpse was repeatedly whipped.

Du Youwei saw that the emotions of Gu Shi's fans were soothed, and she concentrated on scolding Tian Sitong, and finally let go.

"Fuck!" Ding Lei suddenly made a foul language and turned to look at Du Youwei.

Du Youwei was startled, and subconsciously sat up straight: "What's wrong? What happened to Gu Shi?"

Ding Lei shook her head: "It's big news, but it has nothing to do with Gu Shi."

...maybe also related.

Hearing that it had nothing to do with Gu Shi, Du Ouwei relaxed: "Then it has nothing to do with me. What are you doing so nervously makes me jump."

Ding Lei looked at her with a complicated expression: "But it has something to do with you."

"Me?" Du Youwei leaned up curiously and glanced at Ding Lei's computer screen.

"Zhang Shaoyan, the heir of the Zhang family, will be engaged to Du Youwei, the daughter of the Du family, after the year."

Party Du Youwei: "...what???"

Zhang Shaoyan is a big boss in the business world, but many sand sculpture netizens on Weibo do not know who he is. Fortunately, Du Youwei had just rubbed off on Gu Shi's enthusiasm, and now everyone saw her name and clicked in.

The report was written very briefly, and only introduced the situation of the Zhang family and the Du family. On the contrary, it did not spend much space on the engagement.

"Is this a powerful clarification from Yanyan Media? [Funny]"

"Hahaha, sorry, I still want to laugh when I hear the name Yanyan Media."

"Shit, is the Zhang family the Zhang family I know? Big businessmen!"

"I don't understand, who are these two people?? They don't look like stars."

"Airborne upstairs to review today's hot searches."

"The Zhang family is very good! If there are people in the family who are doing business, it is possible that they have not heard the name of the seventh master!"

"Confused, who is the seventh master?"

"Hahahahahaha today's news made me clearly realize that the world of the poor and the rich really has walls."

"Do you know what kind of superiority the Seventh Master is showing here? That's because others are awesome, not you. Du Youwei made this news. If you really like her, you'll just get married and get engaged."

"Laughing to death, although I don't know who the seventh master you are talking about, the engagement is only because our beautiful sister hasn't graduated from college this year, right? Some people are jealous of the beautiful sister and say it outright, yin and yang are weird."

"If the seventh master doesn't agree, who would dare to stir up this kind of news? If it was really done by Du Youwei, the news would be gone."

Du Youwei read everyone's comments and found that there are still people who understand. She picked up her mobile phone and walked out of the conference room: "I'll go out and make a call."

She closed the door of the conference room and dialed the phone. Zhang Shaoyan answered the phone very quickly, as if he knew she would call: "What's the matter?"

Hearing his voice, Du Youwei couldn't wait to ask: "Zhang Shaoyan, have you seen the news on the Internet? That is the one about your engagement with me after the year."

Compared with Du Youwei's panic, Zhang Shaoyan's reaction was much calmer: "Well, I asked Gao Ye to announce it."


"I think it is necessary for everyone to understand who you are dating."

Du Youwei was silent for two seconds, and suddenly laughed "hahahaha": "Zhang Shaoyan, you are so naive, what are you doing with netizens, they don't know anything at all, and others are leading them by the nose."

Suddenly announcing the engagement emotionally, without discussing it with anyone, is indeed not in line with Zhang Shaoyan's usual style of behavior, but... "I just don't like them saying that."

"Okay." Du Youwei wisely didn't bother about this issue any more, "Then you can say that you are in a relationship with me. Why did you announce your engagement?"

Zhang Shaoyan squinted slightly: "Don't you want to get engaged to me?"

"..." According to the procedure, shouldn't I propose to her first

But Du Youwei didn't dare to say it.

"I just felt... a little sudden."

"Your scandal also came a little suddenly."

Du Youwei: "…"

Not only can't beat it, but also can't say it. :)

"That our company has clarified that there is a rumor!" Du Youwei explained to him, "You definitely won't believe it, right?"

Zhang Shaoyan was silent for a while, and said on the other end of the phone: "See how you behave."

"..." Du Youwei felt that the translation of this sentence is, I am very unhappy right now, come over quickly to coax me.

"Are you in the company?" When she asked this sentence, she subconsciously looked through the glass and looked in the direction of Zhang Shaoyan's company.

When he first moved in, Zhang Shaoyan said that it was very close to his company, so close to Du Youwei standing in the office that he could see his company building.

Zhang Shaoyan also looked at the direction of Yanyan Media and replied in a low voice, "Well."

Du Youwei unconsciously evoked a little smile: "Then I'll go look for you now, do you still have a job in the future?"

"No, I'll be waiting for you in the office."

"Good!" Du Youwei hung up the phone and took a small mirror to touch up her makeup. During this period, people kept sending messages and calling her.

Friends and family full of gossip.

Du Youwei only replied to the crowd at home, and ignored the rest. After getting it done, she took the bag and left the company. As soon as they walked downstairs, a large number of reporters with cameras and microphones swarmed.

"Excuse me, are you Ms. Du Youwei?"

"Is the news about you and Gu Shi that broke out today really true?"

"Did you deliberately release the news of the engagement to confuse the public?"

"Who are you dating? Is the investor of Yanyan Media Zhang Shaoyan?"

Du Youwei was stunned for a few seconds, then shoved the crowd away and rushed back to the company. The reporter outside was stopped by the security guard of the office building. Du Youwei glanced outside and called Zhang Shaoyan: "Zhang Shaoyan, I may not be able to get out. My company is full of reporters!"

Zhang Shaoyan frowned and said to her: "You stay in the company, I'll pick you up."

"Okay, then you have to be careful, those reporters haven't left yet."

"Ok, I know."

Zhang Shaoyan brought a lot of bodyguards over. When the reporter saw his car driving over, he thought it was a big star.

Zhang Shaoyan didn't get out of the car. Half of the bodyguards he brought stopped the reporters outside the door, and the rest went in to find Du Youwei and escorted her out from the inside.

At this time, the reporter also reacted. The person sitting in the car may not be a big star, but the hero of today's engagement news, Zhang Shaoyan.

Despite being stopped by bodyguards like a human wall, the reporter couldn't stop the reporter holding the camera frantically to take pictures. Du Youwei quickly got into the car under the escort of the bodyguard. After the door was closed, the car drove out involuntarily.

Some reporters wanted to chase, but the bodyguards who stopped them did not follow the car, but stayed where they were. After such a delay, they wanted to chase Zhang Shaoyan's car, but they couldn't.

In the car, Du Youwei took off the big sunglasses temporarily borrowed from the artist, and said with lingering fear: "It seems that I have to prepare a mask, hat and sunglasses when I go out in the future! It's really hard to be a celebrity!"

Zhang Shaoyan helped her straighten her messy hair, noncommittal: "I think you seem to be enjoying it."

"I didn't." Du Youwei felt Zhang Shaoyan's hand rubbing his cheek, and he was a little confused. She stabilized her mind and said to Zhang Shaoyan: "Well, my family also saw today's report..."

Zhang Shaoyan interrupted her: "Which report?"

"Of course the one you're engaged to!"

Zhang Shaoyan bent his lips and looked at her tenderly: "Oh, then?"

"Then, my phone kept bombarding them."

Zhang Shaoyan thought for a while, then smiled at her and said, "Go to your house."


Zhang Shaoyan's hand slid down her arm and held her hand: "Explain this to your family. I didn't say hello to them beforehand. It's true that I didn't do it thoughtfully."