Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 5


The Smile Angel Charity Auction is held twice a year. This auction has a relatively high line-up. Basically, only the upper class in City A can receive invitations.

Over time, being able to participate in this auction has also become a status symbol in the upper class. Of course, the fundamental purpose of the auction is to do good deeds. There are not many social people participating in the Smile Angels each time, but the money raised is a lot.

After Du Youwei finished her research, she commented to Ms. Jiang Manlin, "Isn't this just a matter of getting rich people to grow wool?"

Jiang Manlin: "..."

"Where do you get so many words for doing good deeds? Are the auction items ready?"

"It's ready, I have sent the information to the person in charge, and the things have been installed!"

"Okay, I've prepared the clothes for you. The driver and bodyguard will come with you later. Take the card your dad gave you, and come back after watching something."

"I know, I know." Du Youwei invited Ms. Jiang Manlin out of her room and lay back on the sofa. Well, ask Wei Rui if he wants to go together.

She picked up her mobile phone and sent a message to Wei Rui, "Da Da Da," "Rui, are you going to the Smile Angel auction tonight?"

Wei Rui: No, my dad sent an assistant. I just had my double eyelid done and I don't want to go out right now.

You Weiwei: What? I haven't seen you for two days, and you even cut your eyelids!

Wei Rui: I already made an appointment, but do you know what's annoying? When I went to see the doctor, the doctor asked me, do you want to pad your nose? :)

You Weiwei: Hahahahahahahaha

Wei Rui: What do you mean by him? :)

You Weiwei: I said he didn't want to do it [good]

Wei Rui: Fortunately, his craftsmanship is not bad. The eyes are very good, but they are still a little swollen. I'll ask you when I'm swollen

You Weiwei: Okay, I'm going to prepare for the auction tonight, see you!

She put down her phone, got up and went to the cloakroom to try on the dress her mother prepared for her. The skirt was chosen by Jiang Manlin, a red V-neck top with a long black gauze skirt, and a small white waistcoat on the outside.

After Du Youwei changed, she looked in the mirror and turned on the small walkie-talkie that communicated with the housekeeper: "Butler Wu, let the stylist come up to help me get my hair done."

There was a quick reply from the walkie-talkie: "Okay, miss."

There are a total of two stylists who have styled Du Youwei, and they all came up quickly. One did Du Youwei's hair, the other made Du Youwei's makeup, and after she finished, she helped her pick out the matching shoes and bags.

Jin Yingjun squatted beside them, watching them busy, and occasionally called twice to express their opinions.

Du Youwei finished her outfit and went out with a bodyguard. At the door, she asked Jiang Manlin: "Mom, I haven't eaten dinner yet. Is there anything to eat there?"

"...Look at your progress. Don't worry, snacks and fruits will be prepared on the spot, I won't be hungry." Jiang Manlin said, stuffing Du Youwei into the car.

The car drove all the way to the auction site. When Du Youwei arrived, there were already many famous cars parked in the parking lot. Immediately after getting off the bus, a staff member came to receive her and asked her to show her invitation letter. Du Youwei took out the invitation cover from her bag and handed it to him with a smile.

The staff opened it and glanced at her, and smiled at her: "Welcome, Miss Du, please come with me."

Du Youwei followed behind him and walked into the venue. To be honest, she is still a little nervous now. Although she has attended many high society gatherings, this is the first time she has come to the auction. If someone bids with her when they hold a sign later, will she want to increase the price with him? If she doesn't photograph a single thing, will she be beaten by her mother

... Forget it or not.

The staff showed her to seat 19, and the sign on her hand also said 19. After taking a seat, Du Youwei looked around curiously. There are two floors here, the seats are all concentrated on the first floor, and the auction is also on the first floor. But it was very strange. There seemed to be a private room on the side of the second floor. The curtains were drawn, and the situation inside could not be seen clearly. There was an auction staff standing on the balcony, also holding a sign in his hand, but nothing was written on the sign.

Hey, what is this? It's so contrived to make people care.

"Little girl, this is your first time here?" Seeing Du Youwei staring at the private room on the second floor, a middle-aged man sitting beside Du Youwei spoke to her.

Du Youwei looked back at him. The uncle looked familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was. She nodded to him and asked him with a smile, "Do you come here often?"

"It doesn't count, at least once a year."

"Oh, do you know what the private room on the second floor is for?"

The middle-aged man gave her a "shh" gesture: "Little girl, don't ask nonsense."

Du Youwei: "…"

Then why are you still talking to her? Now she cares more.

Fortunately, the auction officially started at 7:00, and Du Youwei didn't have the time to take care of other things. The order of the auction items on the stage is arranged according to the number of the brand in everyone's hands. Du Youwei looked at the ten auction collections and thought... The taste of rich people in City A is really vulgar.

But the vulgar returns to the vulgar, and I always come here to do good deeds, so no matter how vulgar the auction is, some people buy it. Because the auction items are brought by themselves, when it is their turn to auction the items, the host will invite the owner of the auction items to come to the stage to give a brief introduction. Du Youwei was the nineteenth, and when her friend No. 18 was explaining on stage, she had already started to clear her throat.

Fortunately, her voice has been improved today, otherwise she would not be able to speak on stage with her drake voice.

"Next is Lot No. 19, provided by Miss Du Youwei, the daughter of the Du family - Mo Zhen's limited and signed edition luxury collection album!"

Du Youwei obviously heard a small gasp from a few people at the scene. It seems that there are still people who know goods like her.

She walked up to the stage, took the microphone handed over by the host, and started her speech with a smile to the audience: "Hello everyone, today I bring you Mo Tianwang's deluxe edition album, or the autographed edition. As an artist, Mo Tianwang has made outstanding contributions to the world's music and film circles. I think everyone knows it. It took me a lot of thought to receive this album. If it wasn't for doing good deeds, I wouldn't take it out. .Today, I reluctantly gave up my love! The starting price is one million, thank you!"

As soon as she quoted the price, the lady on the 11th raised her placard: "One and a half million."

There was a small noise at the scene, just like Du Youwei couldn't appreciate other people's collections, so some people couldn't appreciate her. But it doesn't matter, the lady holding the placard must be a fan of Mo Tianwang, and being photographed by a fellow fan is also considered a good home.

Then several other people raised their cards, and once they raised their cards, the price rose by 100,000.

When it reached 2 million, the staff outside the private room on the second floor suddenly raised a sign: "10 million."

The rich people at the scene said in their hearts: "What????"

Unexpectedly, the one upstairs is also a fan of Mo Tianwang. It seems that they will listen to Mo Tianwang's songs more in the future.

Du Youwei noticed that the person in charge of holding the placard upstairs was wearing a headset. Before raising the placard, she would touch the headset subconsciously. It should be the person inside who gave her orders through the headset. The deity in the private room has not shown his face until now, but he has photographed several collections, adding up to more than ten million.

And Du Youwei also found that once the people upstairs raised their cards, no one would increase the price below.

Who is sitting upstairs? Why is it so big

It was the same this time. The people in the private room offered a price of 10 million, and no one asked for it again. The host made a final decision and happily announced: "Thank you to the distinguished guests in the private room for donating 10 million yuan! Also thank the auction provider, Ms. Du Youwei!"

"Hehehehe thank you." Du Youwei walked off the stage with a stiff smile. As soon as she walked back to her seat and sat down, a beautiful staff member in uniform walked towards her, bent over and whispered in her ear: "Miss Du, there are guests in the private room."

"Ah?" Du Youwei was full of question marks, "Who is the guest in the private room? Do I know him?"

The staff smiled at her: "you will know when you go."

Du Youwei thought about it and asked her, "Can I bring a bodyguard up?"

She didn't know who was in the private room, how unsafe for a beautiful girl like her to go up alone.

The staff turned around and pressed the headset and said something, then turned around for a moment and said to Du Youwei, "Yes, but the bodyguards can only wait outside."

"Okay." Du Youwei made a phone call, called all the bodyguards, and went to the second floor with her.

After arriving on the second floor, she was not led to the private room immediately, but was invited to the lounge: "Miss Du, please wait here for a while."

Seeing that there were sofas and food and drink in the lounge, Du Youwei nodded and sat down.

In the few minutes she waited in the lounge, the guests in the private room had already investigated her family's assets.

"Du Youwei is the daughter of Du Zhengting and Jiang Manlin. She also has an older brother, Du Yicheng. Du Zhengting started from scratch and founded Du's business, which has a large scale. Du Yicheng graduated from a prestigious school and now helps Du Zhengting manage the company together. Jiang Manlin was born in a scholarly family. First, he also received a good education. He never worked again after marriage, but he kept the Du family in good order and often participated in charity activities. Du Youwei…”

Gao Ye paused when he mentioned Du Youwei, as if he didn't know how to describe her: "Du Youwei is studying at a private university in City A. She is currently a junior, her grades are not very good, and she is coddled and willful. A few days ago, I heard that she was in They beat up their classmates at school."

Zhang Shaoyan pursed his thin lips and did not speak, and Gao Ye's heart also beat drums. The boss has been looking for this singer for so long, but he finally found it today, but it is Du Youwei, the most unpromising daughter of the Du family. To be honest, even his mood is a bit complicated, let alone the boss.

"Who did she beat at school?" Zhang Shaoyan's slightly low voice sounded in the private room.

Gao Yedao: "Pan Jing, Zhang Shengze's current girlfriend. Zhang Shengze and Du Youwei had a baby relationship. Du Youwei may have friction with Pan Jing for this reason, but after she slapped Pan Jing that day, Zhang Shengze also slapped her. hand."

The expression on Zhang Shaoyan's face finally changed: "Zhang Shengze beat her?"

"Yes, in front of many students in the school, Du Youwei hasn't gone to school for a few days."

After another silence, Zhang Shaoyan finally said, "Bring her in."