Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 52


The time of the interview is really a long time ago. At that time, Zhang Shaoyan hadn't completely taken over the Zhang family. It must have taken Tian Sitong a lot of thought to translate this report.

Du Youwei opened the interview, which is a very routine report, and the content is related to finance. Du Youwei is not very interested in these, but the protagonist is Zhang Shaoyan, she still finished reading the report.

If she hadn't read it carefully, she wouldn't have noticed that there was also a passage in the middle of Zhang Shaoyan talking about his own mate selection criteria.

Du Youwei even felt that the reporter had set up such a professional question in front of him, just to cover up the question, and finally asked Zhang Shaoyan about his mate selection criteria.

Zhang Shaoyan has always been less talkative. When answering reporters' questions in the report, he still cherishes words like gold. Regarding the answer to the standard of mate selection, he only answered seven words: mature women, who can cook.

Du Youwei: "…"

She immediately compared it with herself, and she achieved two of these seven words, female.

Zhang Shaoyan's standard has reached two-sevenths! As expected of her!

Du Youwei crossed the interview angrily, and before she scolded Tian Sitong, Tian Sitong sent her a message: "Du Youwei, don't be too complacent, Zhang Shaoyan's mate selection criteria are completely different from yours. He just thinks you are fresh, and You're just having fun."

Du Youwei is very angry, but she can't make the other party feel that she is very angry, otherwise she will make the other party proud. She held back the dirty words in her stomach and sent a smile to Tian Sitong.

Ordinary rich Du Youwei: I want you to take care, old witch. :)

After posting, without giving Tian Sitong a chance to respond to her, she quickly deleted Tian Sitong! What a thrill!

Du Youwei, who ran away after scolding, calmed down for a while, then ran to poke Wei Rui.

You Weiwei: Rui, Tian Sitong sent me an interview just now, and Zhang Shaoyan said that his standard for choosing a mate is a mature woman who can cook!

You Weiwei: [crying.jpg]

Wei Rui deserves to be her good best friend. She meets netizens outside and doesn't forget to reply to her news.

Wei Rui: Be good, baby, don't cry, these mate selection criteria that men say are bullshit, don't believe it

You Weiwei: Really? [Wronged]

Wei Rui: Of course, there is only one real mate selection criterion for them, and that is big breasts

You Weiwei: …

More mourning! ! !

Du Youwei looked down at somewhere in her pocket, and couldn't help but feel sad.

Oh, dog man.

Zhang Shaoyan got out of the shower and put on a set of home clothes. Du Youwei was doing it in the dining room, her chin stretched with both hands, looking very unhappy.

Zhang Shaoyan glanced at the housekeeper, and the housekeeper shook his head at him, expressing that he did not know why Miss Du was suddenly angry.

Zhang Shaoyan walked to the dining table and looked down at Du Youwei slightly: "What's wrong? Did the cake fail?"

"Humph!" Du Youwei turned her head to the side, she still wanted to eat the cake she made!

Her childish behavior actually made Zhang Shaoyan laugh. He told the housekeeper to let him have dinner, then pulled out the chair and sat down beside Du Youwei: "Who offended you and sulking here?"

Du Youwei still faced him with the back of his head, but this time he said a few more words: "Who else could it be, of course it's you."

"Me?" Zhang Shaoyan stared at the back of her angrily head for a while, and asked her with a smile, "Are you angry because I didn't call you in the shower? I was wrong, I will definitely call you next time."

"..." I have never seen such a brazen person. She turned her head, looked at Zhang Shaoyan and said, "I just read a report, you said you like big breasts... No, you said you like mature women and can cook."

Zhang Shaoyan: "…"

Zhang Shaoyan was silent for a while, but he didn't remember when he said this: "Where did you see it?"

"You still don't admit it?" Du Youwei flipped through the phone for a while, and pulled out the report just now, "You can see for yourself."

Zhang Shaoyan took her mobile phone and looked at it, and finally got some impression: "Are you angry because of this?"

Du Youwei didn't admit it: "Where am I angry? I'm not angry."

Zhang Shaoyan laughed and gave her the phone: "This question is not in the interview outline, it was asked by a reporter temporarily. I didn't want to answer it at first, but they have an expression that I won't give up if I don't answer."

Du Youwei pretended not to care, but her ears perked up quietly.

Zhang Shaoyan's voice continued: "I have never thought about this issue, and I don't like women. But I don't like it very much, so I said one that is completely opposite to her."

Du Youwei looked at him curiously: "Who is it?"

"My mother."

Du Youwei: "…"

Fairy Yanxin seems to be completely irrelevant to mature women and cooking skills. :)

"… You said that to your mother, does she know? I'm going to complain to her."

Zhang Shaoyan looked at her with a smile: "What's the matter? I don't want my future children to be raised to death by my wife."

Du Youwei: "…"

Wow, he has held a grudge for so many years.

Zhang Shaoyan continued to smile: "But the chest is big..."

"Ahhhh!" Du Youwei screamed, forcibly interrupting what he said.

Zhang Shaoyan smiled and bent down slightly, and the plate in the hand of the housekeeper who was serving the food shook and almost fell.

Du Youwei's face turned red, it was Wei Rui's hooligan who harmed her!

"Let's eat first." Zhang Shaoyan picked up the spoon and bowl, and helped Du Youwei with a small bowl of steaming soup, "Aren't you angry now?"

"I was out of breath." Du Youwei blew the soup in the bowl and glanced at him, "But I won't sleep with you tonight."

The butler who was about to retire almost stumbled again.

Zhang Shaoyan said with a good temper: "Then you sleep next to me, and I will ask them to re-arrange a room for you."

"No, I want to go home, I want to run away from home!"

Zhang Shaoyan paused for a moment and looked at her with a half-smile, "Are you going to go home or run away from home?"

Du Youwei said, "I want to go back to my home and run away from you!"

"Oh." Zhang Shaoyan calmly gave her another chopstick dish.

Although Du Youwei said harsh words and said that she would run away from home, she ran away from home very rationally.

The performance of rationality is that she has to eat well before running away from home.

The chefs of Zhang Shaoyan's family are very skilled, and Du Youwei was very full this meal. If Wei Rui saw it, she would definitely have to complain about her again.

However, she has a good physique and eats a lot but is not easy to gain weight. Wei Rui was envious in his heart, and cursed her fiercely, saying that when she reached middle age, everything would be retributed.

Du Youwei, like Zhang Shaoyan just now, calmly said "Oh".

"I'm full." As Du Youwei said, she picked up her bag, slung it over her shoulder, and prepared to go out. Zhang Shaoyan, who was sitting on the sofa, stopped her: "Where are you going?"

Du Youwei said, "If you've agreed to run away from home, don't try to stop me."

Zhang Shaoyan lowered his eyes and smiled, stood up and took his coat over: "It's so late, it's very dangerous for you to be outside alone, I'll take you off."

Du Youwei thought for a while, and felt that it was the same, so she readily agreed to let him send her.

Zhang Shaoyan did not call for the driver and drove Du Youwei by himself. On the way, he asked Du Youwei who was sitting in the passenger seat: "Go back to Du's house?"

Du Youwei thought about it, she told her parents that she was at Zhang Shaoyan's tonight, and now they suddenly go back, they will definitely think more. It would be bad if they thought it was Zhang Shaoyan who bullied him.

She couldn't go home, so she could only go to Wei Rui. But Wei Rui is still meeting with netizens, and he has to ask if he will go home at night.

After thinking about it for a while, she could only go to Li Ru: "Send me to Li Ru's house, and I will help you navigate."

She had been to Li Ru's house before, and she still remembered the address. Zhang Shaoyan didn't expect that she was looking for Li Ru, and was a little surprised: "How to get there?"

Because Li Ru is a strong woman who is dedicated to her career and has no time to fall in love! She definitely didn't have a date tonight, and there was and work!

Du Youwei joked: "Today the brand is officially launched, I want to tell her about my excitement."

Zhang Shaoyan: "... um."

To be on the safe side, Du Youwei still sent a message to Li Ru in advance, asking if she was at home.

Li Ru: I'm still in the R&D center, and I'll take the last subway to go home later.

Du Youwei: "…"

Too hard lady! !

Boss Du: Can I stay at your house for one night tonight

Li Ru: Yes, but what happened to you

Boss Du: I quarreled with Zhang Shaoyan, and now I ran away from his house

Boss Du: I dare not go home, for fear that my family will be worried

Although Li Ru was stunned for a moment, she comforted her kindly: "Okay, come here, I'll rush back now. Do you want something to eat?"

Boss Du: No need, if you haven't eaten yet, I'll buy it for you by the way.

Li Ru: Then I'll buy some food at the small restaurant downstairs at home later. If you arrive first, you can wait for me there. I know the owner very well.

Boss Du: Mmmm

Li Ru sent the name of the restaurant to Du Youwei, and then left the R&D center ahead of schedule. She took the subway faster than Du Youwei. When she got home, she cleaned up the house first, and then heard the sound of the doorbell ringing.

Li Ru went up and opened the door, Du Youwei was standing outside with her bag on her back, followed by Zhang Shaoyan.

Li Ru: "..."

Can anyone explain to her what's going on now

Seeing that Li Ru was looking at Zhang Shaoyan, Du Youwei took the initiative to say, "He just sent me here and left immediately."

"...Send you here?" Li Ru repeated mechanically.

Du Youwei nodded: "Well, he said it was too late for me to be alone, so he drove me here."

Li Ru smiled: "...Okay."

After delivering Du Youwei safely, Zhang Shaoyan really left, Li Ru looked at Du Youwei lying on the sofa, smiled and sent a circle of friends.

Li Ru: A friend of mine quarreled with her boyfriend and came to sleep with me tonight. Her boyfriend worried that she would not be safe alone at night and drove her to my house by himself. Yes, personally drive her to my house. This fight is really loving. [Smiles]

There was a "hahahahaha" sound under this circle of friends, and they all said that this friend and her boyfriend are definitely the first place in today's show of affection competition. There is no one else in the circle of friends.

Li Ru's circle of friends blocked Du Youwei, so Du Youwei didn't see it. But she saw a tie hanging on the balcony of Li Ru's house.

"Hey, my brother also seems to have this tie." Du Youwei stood up from the sofa and walked to the balcony to stare at the tie, "Isn't this my brother's?"

Li Ru was startled, and the phone almost dropped on the ground: "Ah, don't get me wrong, it was when we were talking outside a few days ago that it suddenly rained heavily, and our clothes got wet! Because we just came in from my house, we came in. He took shelter from the rain and dried his clothes! He forgot his tie when he left!"

"Oh..." Du Youwei turned her head to look at her, "don't be nervous, you look red."

Li Ru: "..."

Du Youwei looked at Li Ru and found that she was actually pretty. It's just that she doesn't usually dress herself up very much, and the clothes she wears are relatively neutral commuter clothes. At home now, she let her hair down, which made her look more feminine.

"You can do it. Dress up must be very beautiful."

Li Ru picked up the beer in the hall on the table, opened it, and took a sip: "I don't have time, every morning is like fighting a war."

"Hey, you, like Zhang Shaoyan, are both workaholics. You can never finish your work, and occasionally give yourself a vacation!" Du Youwei walked over to her and touched her with his arm, "Today Christmas, you all Didn't you go out to play?"

"Today the brand is listed, and I will be busy."

"Oh yes, but we're selling pretty well today!"

"Well, but a lot of them are bought by fans for celebrities. I hope they will really like our products."

Du Youwei leaned on the sofa, took a beer, and took a few sips: "Take your time, it will get better and better."

Li Ru watched her drink half a can of beer at once, and couldn't help but widen her eyes: "Wait, can you drink? Does the seventh master allow you to drink? You haven't graduated yet?"

"..." Du Youwei was a little speechless, "I haven't graduated yet, but I'm not an adult, okay? Besides, I'm good at drinking, and Zhang Shaoyan has also seen it."

"Really?" Li Ru didn't quite believe it.

"Yeah!" After Du Youwei finished speaking, she felt a little guilty, "but don't tell him I've been drinking again."

Li Ru: "..."

Obviously so cowardly, what to drink!

Du Youwei held a beer in her hand, looked at Li Ru and smiled: "Seriously, what do you think of my brother?"

As soon as Li Ru heard her mention her brother, her face became hot: "It's good, but what does it have to do with me?"

Du Yicheng is of course an excellent person with good conditions in all aspects, but the more she is like this, the more clearly she can see the gap between them.

Du Youwei said: "Hey, don't say that, you're not bad, it's not easy to be a self-developed brand."

Li Ru took a sip of beer, as if to hide something: "That's thanks to your help."

"We call this investment, and it's also for making money." Du Youwei looked at her, and the more she looked, the more she felt that her facial features were good, "How about you and my brother, develop and develop?"

"...Puuuuu." Li Ru put down the wine in her hand, stood up and said, "I'm going to take a shower. You sleep in my room tonight, and I'll just sleep on the sofa."

"No, we can sleep together."

"No, no, you should sleep alone." She was afraid that the seventh master would become jealous, and even eat the jealousy of women. She'd better stay away from her.

Zhang Shaoyan had just returned home, and the housekeeper was worried when he saw him coming back: "Is Miss Du okay?"

Zhang Shaoyan raised the corner of his mouth with a small curvature, and his expression showed a hint of helplessness and doting: "It's just the child's temper, let her make trouble. I'll pick her up early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, sir." The butler didn't say more, and went down to his own business.

"That's right." Zhang Shaoyan stopped him and asked him, "Where's the cake made by Du Youwei?"

The housekeeper said: "In the kitchen, it wasn't cooked when I ate just now."

"Well, wait for you to bring me to my room."


After the housekeeper brought the cake, Zhang Shaoyan tasted one first, and then took a photo with his mobile phone. After looking for the angle a few times and not very satisfied, he took the rabbit lantern that Du Youwei had given him earlier from the balcony and put it on the table.

With more decorations, the photo looks much better. Zhang Shaoyan chose the angle, took a picture of the cake on the table, and sent it to the circle of friends.

Zhang Shaoyan: It tastes good, I will finish it later [Picture]

Du Youwei saw this article while lying in the room to browse the circle of friends. She even forgot the cake she made, but Zhang Shaoyan didn't expect it to be cheaper, hum.

She looked at it, the corners of her mouth turned up unconsciously, and her fingers moved on their own to give Zhang Shaoyan a compliment.

Zhang Shaoyan saw an extra like, and a smile slowly crept into his eyes.

He himself commented "Merry Christmas" in his circle of friends.

Only Du Youwei can see this circle of friends, so this blessing is also for her alone.

Early the next morning, Zhang Shaoyan's car was parked downstairs at Li Ru's house. When Li Ru went to work, Du Youwei woke up and went out with her.

Originally, the two were still discussing what to eat in the morning, when Zhang Shaoyan's car suddenly appeared in front of them.

Li Ru was shown her affection twice in a row, and she was already a little numb: "I don't think you should go to breakfast with me, then I will go to the roadside to buy soy milk fritters, goodbye."

Du Youwei: "…"

Li Ru left alone, and Du Youwei stood there for a while, heading towards Zhang Shaoyan's car. Gao Ye came down and helped her open the car door. Seeing Gao Ye, Du Youwei quickly blinked his eyes twice: "Help Gao, you came to work so early today?"

Gao Ye looked at her and smiled: "otherwise?"

Du Youwei showed a regretful look: "Then it seems that you went home very early last night."

"..." Gao Ye tried hard not to let the smile on his face collapse, "Miss Du, please get in the car, the boss has been waiting for you for a long time."

"Oh." Du Youwei got in the car and smiled at Zhang Shaoyan, "Good morning."

"Good morning." The corners of Zhang Shaoyan's mouth raised slightly, allowing Gao Ye to drive. Du Youwei asked him, "Where are we going? I have classes at school today."

Zhang Shaoyan said: "Go to have breakfast first, and then take you to school after eating."

"Oh." Du Youwei responded and asked him curiously, "Have you really finished the cake last night?"


Du Youwei was not very supportive of his approach: "The calorie content of the cake is still very high. If you always eat this at night, you will really gain weight."

Zhang Shaoyan looked at her sideways, Du Youwei seemed to be sizing up whether he had gained weight, and looked at him seriously: "You don't need to worry about your figure getting out of shape, I'm interested in other men?"

Zhang Shaoyan doesn't seem to be worried: "With me by your side, can you still see other men?"

Du Youwei: "…"

You are so confident.

However, looking at Zhang Shaoyan's face and figure, I think it makes sense for him to be so confident.

After sending Du Youwei to school, Zhang Shaoyan and Gao Ye went back to the company directly. On the way to the office, Zhang Shaoyan asked Gao Ye, "Has the Tian family cooperated with Changfeng Group recently?"

"Yes, the Tian family and the Changfeng people have been in close contact with each other these days."

"That's right." Zhang Shaoyan snorted and said to him, "The previously planned project can be started."

"Okay, boss."

What has been discussed the most in the celebrity circle in a city these days is the engagement of Zhang Shaoyan and Du Youwei. Many people in the Zhang family were watching, but no one thought that the one who finally won Zhang Shaoyan was the most unpromising daughter of the Du family, Du Youwei.

Although she recently opened a company and invested in domestic brands, everyone's impression of her remains the same as before.

Many celebrities were unconvinced, but they didn't dare to say anything on the face, and after the announcement of the engagement, the stocks of the Zhang family and the Du family went up.

The Changfeng Group has always regarded the Zhang family as their opponents, and naturally they do not want to see them show such a show. They originally planned a series of operations. For example, Du Youwei had a marriage contract with Zhang Shengze at first, and Zhang Shaoyan was stealing a woman from his nephew. For example, Zhang Shaoyan once had an affair with his special assistant girlfriend.

All in all, one is better than the other.

But they never expected that the Zhang family was moving faster than them. Before they started spreading rumors, the Zhang family had already started suppressing the Changfeng Group in business.

In the past, Zhang Shaoyan was disdainful to take action, and he never regarded Changfeng Group as a competitor. After all, the Changfeng Group was not enough for him. It's just that Changfeng and Tian's family have been too jumpy recently. It's time for them to recognize who is the father.

After the Changfeng Group project was robbed by the Zhang family for several times, they finally began to use the media to cry, saying that the Zhang family would use any means to suppress them. Zhang Shaoyan is on the cusp recently, he is engaged and he is making his debut. When Changfeng fanned the flames, the media focused on Zhang Shaoyan.

Zhang Shaoyan did not accept any media interviews, but only stated that the recent series of actions of the Zhang family were normal business operations, and there was no such thing as suppressing the Changfeng Group.

They don't deserve it.

Then the words "they don't deserve it" went viral.

Du Youwei saw Zhang Shaoyan again on the hot search, and didn't know what to say. Some people - that's right, he was talking about Han Yang, and they couldn't get a hot search even after racking their brains.

Du Youwei and netizens ate Zhang Shaoyan's melons with relish, and she didn't understand much about business warfare.

Zhang Shaoyan's melon became the only medicine during her final review exam.

Du Youwei felt that her soul was liberated on the day she finished the last course of her senior year! She picked up the phone and was about to ask Zhang Shaoyan to go out to dinner, but Wei Rui took her one step ahead and asked her to go out to dinner.

"Feng Wanying is back, let's go to dinner together."

Du Youwei was stunned for a moment. It felt like she hadn't heard the name for a long time: "Has she returned to China?"

"Yes, say it's coming back for the New Year and celebrating your engagement by the way."

Du Youwei: "…"