Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 57


Zhang Shaoyan's horse was raised by him since he was a child. The horse is very familiar with him and listens to his words very much. He rode his horse around the mountain without any hassle, and whenever Du Youwei saw something beautiful on the way, he would turn his head and point it to Zhang Shaoyan.

When Zhang Shaoyan turned her head again and looked up at herself, she lowered her head and kissed her lips accurately.

Du Youwei froze in his arms for a moment, and then slowly indulged in this kiss under his gentle offensive.

Zhang Shaoyan always feels cold and cold, but only Du Youwei knows how hot his kiss is.

The horse walked on the spot twice and let out a low neigh. Zhang Shaoyan still held the reins in his hand and let go of Du Youwei's lips.

Du Youwei's cheeks were obviously flushed red, and her lips were also changed. Zhang Shaoyan stared at her for a while, and seemed satisfied with his masterpiece: "Let's dismount and walk for a while."

Du Youwei nodded, seeing that his lips were stained with her own lipstick, she shyly said hello.

Zhang Shaoyan held the horse rope in one hand and Du Youwei in the other, and walked slowly with her at the foot of the mountain. The warm sun in winter is very comfortable, and the air on the mountainside is very fresh. The two walked at the foot of the mountain, listening to the birdsong from time to time in the woods, as if they had walked into a fairy tale.

Du Youwei felt that she could just follow Zhang Shaoyan for the rest of her life.

James and Hall came quickly on horseback and pulled Du Youwei out of the fantasy of the fairy tale world.

"..." She looked at the two people who showed off their tricks on horseback, and curled her lips in disdain, "Don't they both have girlfriends?"

Zhang Shaoyan thought about it and answered her: "I don't have a fixed girlfriend."

"...Wow, scumbag!" Du Youwei scolded.

Zhang Shaoyan laughed and stopped discussing James and Hall with her: "Are you still riding? If you don't ride, I'll take you to dinner, not the two of them."

"Okay." Du Youwei replied happily, and asked in a lower voice, "But they are your partners, so it doesn't matter if you leave them like this?"

"It's okay, I asked Takaya to stay with them."

Du Youwei took his arm and grinned, "Then let's get away while they're not paying attention."

After changing back to her original clothes, Du Youwei followed Zhang Shaoyan to Zhang's car. The racecourse is in a remote place, and it will take a while to drive into the city. Du Youwei took out a bag of biscuits from her bag and handed it to Zhang Shaoyan: "Do you want something to eat? I baked it myself in the morning!"

Du Youwei was very proud of having unlocked a new skill.

She baked relatively simple cookies. Zhang Shaoyan took one and tasted it. It was crispy and crunchy: "There is progress."

As soon as Du Youwei was praised by him, her tail lifted even higher: "Hey, I think I'm really a genius and can do anything. I really envy you to have a girlfriend like me."

Zhang Shaoyan was amused by her with a low laugh: "Yes, I also envy myself."

The driver drove the car to a western restaurant of Yu's. Zhang Shaoyan reserved a seat in advance. When their car stopped, a waiter came to lead them to the top floor.

Zhang Shaoyan wrapped the entire top floor and arranged it.

Du Youwei looked at him suspiciously: "Wow, it's rare that you don't have an appointment to live in the world. And you also decorated balloons?"

Zhang Shaoyan acted very calmly: "Do you like it?"


"Just like it." He led Du Youwei to a seat by the window and let the waiter start serving the dishes.

A small handle came in from the outside and was playing the violin on the small stage. Du Youwei looked back, a little incredulous: "You actually know this? Did Takaya teach you."

Zhang Shaoyan raised his eyebrows lightly: "I still need him to teach me?"

Du Youwei said "Oh": "Then you are experienced?"

"There is no such thing as romance, there is only one who is willing to do it for her."

As soon as Zhang Shaoyan finished speaking, the tactful little tune suddenly became a little cheerful. With the change of the rhythm, a man dressed as a clown walked in from outside the restaurant. With colorful makeup on his face and colorful balloons in his hand, he jumped up to Du Youwei's table.

Du Youwei thought that Zhang Shaoyan had already played the violin supernormally, but did not expect that there would even be a clown performance?

"Did you prepare this too?"

"Well." Zhang Shaoyan nodded, motioning her to look at the clown.

The clown picked a red heart balloon from his hand, bent down and handed it to Du Youwei, Du Youwei happily took it, and then his hand feinted in front of him, turning into a rose of the same color as the balloon.

"Thank you." Du Youwei took the rose, but the clown hadn't left. His hand swayed around the rose again and slowly moved his palm away.

The roses that had been budding miraculously bloomed, and at the center of the flower, there was a ring that shone with silver light.

Du Youwei was stunned, not because of the clown's superb skills, but because of the ring that suddenly appeared.

When Zhang Shaoyan was still in a trance, she picked up the ring from the rose and looked at Du Youwei opposite: "Give me your hand."

Du Youwei stretched out her hand subconsciously, Zhang Shaoyan smiled and said to her, "This is an engagement ring, wear it on your right hand."

"..." Du Youwei glared at him embarrassedly. His tone was like she couldn't wait to marry him.

She snorted, retracted her left hand, and passed her right. Zhang Shaoyan slowly put the ring on the middle finger of her right hand: "You can't take it off when you wear it. You can change the wedding ring when you get married."

The size of the ring is just right, and it fits perfectly with Du Youwei's fingers. Because it is just an engagement ring, the style is relatively simple and fashionable, but what Zhang Shaoyan buys will definitely not be cheap.

"What about yours?" Du Youwei raised her hand and looked at the ring he put on for herself, and then at his own empty fingers.

The clown's hand swayed around the rose again, and another ring also had a flower heart - exactly the same as Du Youwei's, but a circle bigger.

Du Youwei picked up the ring and asked Zhang Shaoyan to extend his hand too. Zhang Shaoyan handed over his hand, and Du Youwei frowned and asked him, "Don't you mean the right hand?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "You wear your right hand and I wear your left, so that when you hold hands, you can just make up a pair."

"..." I didn't expect the seventh master to be so good at it!

Du Youwei imitated what he just did, and slowly put the ring on his middle finger, and warned like him, "You are not allowed to take it off either."

Zhang Shaoyan looked at the ring in his hand, and the depths of his eyes slowly became bright: "I won't take it off."

This sentence was said so seriously by him, but Du Youwei felt embarrassed. The clown next to him completed his mission, bowed to Du Youwei, and left the restaurant.

The violinist played a soothing movement again, and the waiter came to serve them with a plate.

Du Youwei is not a person who likes to wear rings. She also buys a lot of jewelry herself, but she has never bought rings. Now that there is something in her finger, she seems to look at her own hand from time to time. The ring only shimmered in the light, and in Du Youwei's eyes, it shone brighter than all the lights in the room combined.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Shaoyan asked her while giving her the cut steak.

Du Youwei said, "It's nothing, I just think my ring is so pretty!"

Zhang Shaoyan laughed, raised his hand and touched her head: "The wedding ring will look better."

Du Youwei looked up at his hand and took the phone out of the bag: "Zhang Shaoyan, let's take a photo!"

In this photo taken by Du Youwei, only the hands of the two of them are shown, of course, the hand with the ring.

Ordinary rich Du Youwei: Hee hee hee congratulations to myself! [picture]

In their circle of friends, there are people showing affection every day, but Du Youwei is different from them because the person who shows affection with her is Zhang Shaoyan.

Everyone has no friends with Zhang Shaoyan, so we can only like and send blessings to Du Youwei. Du Youwei can still remember them, the last "little wife" incident was also "hahaha"!

"Stop playing with your phone and eat first."

Zhang Shaoyan reminded on the opposite side that Du Youwei obediently put away her mobile phone and ate obediently.

In the evening, Zhang Shaoyan abducted her back to his house again. Du Youwei thought that he had prepared so much today just to sleep with her at night—the dynamic kind.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shaoyan just slept with her as usual tonight.

... She has taken the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Du Youwei was surrounded by Zhang Shaoyan and looked at him: "Zhang Shaoyan, I want to ask you something."

Zhang Shaoyan didn't open his eyes, he just replied "um" in a thick nasal voice.

Du Youwei said, "Am I particularly unattractive to you?"

Zhang Shaoyan's long eyelashes moved, and he finally opened his eyes to look at her: "Why do you think so?"

Is that even a question? If he was attracted to him, could he still hold her to sleep so peacefully

Du Youwei thought of what Wei Rui told her before, that men like big breasts. Her figure is not plump, so she can still see her face, but when the light is turned off, her face is not so clear...

Thinking of this, Du Youwei became a little discouraged: "Do you think I'm not in good shape?"

Zhang Shaoyan was silent for a while, then said, "It's okay."

"… "Okay? What is it? Is this the time to answer

Du Youwei was very angry and wanted to kick Zhang Shaoyan, but as soon as she moved in Zhang Shaoyan's arms, Zhang Shaoyan's strong arms hugged her tighter: "Don't move."

Du Youwei didn't listen: "What if I just mess around!"

Zhang Shaoyan stared at her with a dangerous voice: "Then you will be at your own risk."

Du Youwei: "…"

What are the consequences? Is it what she thought

She moved tentatively again.

"..." Zhang Shaoyan buried his head on her shoulder and laughed in a low voice, "So proactive?"

"...No, no! What kind of yellow waste is in your head!" Du Youwei, who was full of yellow waste materials, asked very confidently.

Zhang Shaoyan maintained his original posture, sighed in her ear, and then said in a low voice: "Du Youwei, move in and live with me."

"..." Du Youwei was stunned for three seconds before saying "Huh?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "The senior year has no classes in the next semester. Your company is next to our company. We can go to get off work together every day."

"..." Is this the reason why he tricked her into moving in

"Anyway, we are also engaged. When you get your diploma, we will hold the wedding."

Du Youwei was quiet for a while, and asked him quietly, "Zhang Shaoyan, can you really wait until I graduate from college?"

Zhang Shaoyan hugged her and did not answer. He originally planned this way, from childhood to adulthood, all his plans could be completed exactly as he planned.

But this time he wasn't sure.

"Are you going to move in and live with me?" Zhang Shaoyan didn't give an answer, and threw his question to Du Youwei.

Du Youwei hesitated and moved out of her parents: "Then I'll go home and discuss with my parents."

"it is good."

The two of them were quiet for a while in the dark, and when Du Youwei gradually became sleepy, he vaguely heard Zhang Shaoyan's voice: "There are many good people, but there is only one Du Youwei."

Ah... Du Youwei thought in a daze, so he was still saying that he was not in good shape.


When she woke up the next day, Du Youwei asked Zhang Shaoyan seriously, and Zhang Shaoyan also answered her seriously: "Your figure is very cute."

"..." What the hell is a cute figure! Do you mean she looks like a child!

She decided to refuse to speak to Zhang Shaoyan for twenty-four hours.

… Twelve hours.

On the way to the company, Du Youwei well implemented the rules she set for herself. After arriving at the company, she received a text message from the school, and only remembered that today was the day of the results.

This is Du Youwei's last final exam in college, and she didn't fail! Not a single class!

Du Youwei happily wanted to call Zhang Shaoyan to announce the good news, but remembered that the twelve hours had not yet arrived, so she planned to ask Wei Rui and Feng Wanying to go out at noon.

Like a telepathy, Feng Wanying's phone called at this time. Du Youwei happily answered the phone, and just said a word, Feng Wanying's disturbed voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello, Youwei."

Du Youwei was stunned and asked her, "Yingying, what's wrong? What happened?"

Feng Wanying over there was quiet for a while, and then she said with a bit of tears: "Youwei, I went to the casino to play, but I lost all the money, and now they won't let me go. Can you bring some money to redeem me? "