Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 59


After the door was pushed open, the people in the room subconsciously looked in the direction of the door.

Zhang Shaoyan walked up to Du Youwei under everyone's attention and looked down at her.

Du Youwei was still holding the money in his hand, and the act of counting the money stopped blankly: "Zhang Shaoyan, why did you come here?"

Zhang Shaoyan looked at her carefully, and seeing that she was not injured, he snorted coldly: "I haven't asked you why you are here."

Du Youwei: "…"

"Uh..." She glanced at Feng Wanying's direction, thinking about how to answer, "Me and Yingying came here to play?"

Zhang Shaoyan looked at her and didn't speak. Du Youwei remembered that she had just won a lot of money, stood up happily, and said to him: "Zhang Shaoyan, I just won the jackpot in the slot machine, and I won a lot of money!"

Zhang Shaoyan glanced at the cash on the sofa and asked her, "What cash do you want?"

"I want a part, mainly because I want to experience the feeling of being surrounded by cash!"

Zhang Shaoyan glanced at the person in charge and asked him, "Can we go?"

The person in charge smiled amiably: "Any time, do you need to call a car for you?"

"No." Zhang Shaoyan winked at the bodyguards who followed him, and the bodyguards began to collect Du Youwei's money. Zhang Shaoyan held Du Youwei's hand and walked out without saying a word.

He walked so fast that Du Youwei had to jog to keep up with his speed. She glanced at his long legs that kept walking, thinking that people with long legs are good.

Zhang Shaoyan pulled her into the car all the way, and the bodyguard moved quickly, and it didn't take long for her to follow them. Du Youwei didn't see Feng Wanying, so she asked worriedly, "Where's Yingying?"

"I asked Gao Ye to send her." Zhang Shaoyan didn't mean to take Feng Wanying with him, and said to the driver in the front row, "Drive."

Du Youwei noticed that he was in a bad mood, and didn't dare to ask him why he didn't take Feng Wanying with them. She looked at Zhang Shaoyan quietly for a while, and asked weakly, "Zhang Shaoyan, are you angry?"

"Shouldn't I be angry?" Zhang Shaoyan tilted his head to look at her, "You're very courageous, you dare to come here alone to gamble for money. You never thought about what to do if something went wrong?"

Du Youwei defended in a low voice, "Isn't it normal here?"

Zhang Shaoyan hummed: "There are still murderers in the legal society."

"..." Du Youwei shut up.

The carriage was quiet for a while, and Zhang Shaoyan spoke again: "Why didn't you answer the phone?"

"Ah?" Du Youwei subconsciously flipped through her phone, only to see that there was a missed call from Zhang Shaoyan, "Ah, my phone is on mute, I was nervous and excited just now, I didn't notice it."

Zhang Shaoyan didn't speak, Du Youwei stretched out his hand and pulled his sleeve, and said to please: "I'm sorry, I was wrong."

As soon as she apologized, Zhang Shaoyan became angry with her. He pulled back his sleeves and deliberately didn't look at her: "If something happened, why didn't you call me?"

"I don't think they have any malicious intentions. They let me stay just to check if I cheated."

"I mean before." Zhang Shaoyan always turned his head to look at her, "If something happened to Feng Wanying, you dare to bring money to save her alone?"

Du Youwei was stunned: "You all know?"

Zhang Shaoyan pursed his lips: "Why don't you find me? Am I so unworthy of your trust?"

"It's not like that." Du Youwei was afraid of his misunderstanding, so she eagerly explained to him, "It was Feng Wanying who didn't let me tell you..."

"She won't let you tell me?" Zhang Shaoyan raised his voice slightly, and the coldness in his eyes flashed.

"No, it's not, it's mainly because she's afraid that things will get bigger, and her mother will know."

Zhang Shaoyan said: "Her mother will definitely know."

Du Youwei: "…"

She pondered for a while, but still didn't ask him why Feng Wanying's mother knew: "I'm sorry, if I encounter anything in the future, I'll be the first to inform you!"

Zhang Shaoyan didn't answer with a straight face, Du Youwei laughed, pretending to be relaxed: "And you see, I am a lucky person, and I have won a lot of money!"

"Heh." Zhang Shaoyan sneered and looked down at her, "You have such a big heart. Do you know how many people will stare at you if you win so much money?"

Du Youwei's back was chilled by what he said, which she had never thought about: "The people at the casino said they would escort me away."

"They are only responsible for your safety in the infield. Once you step out of their gates and anything happens, it has nothing to do with them."

"..." Du Youwei swallowed her saliva, "Don't scare me, no one will rob me, right?"

"Is there anything you can do to check the news yourself?"

Du Youwei: "…"

The adult world is scary!

"You are still in the mood to count money there." When Zhang Shaoyan spoke, the sarcasm in his voice was self-evident.

"...Come on, don't talk about it." Du Youwei covered her face with shame, "I will definitely not come alone in the future."

Even if it comes, it will not hit the second big luck again.

While talking, the car had stopped. Du Youwei was stunned for a moment, then looked out the window: "So fast?"

It's not an airport or a harbour outside, but a place that looks like a private tarmac.

"Get off." The door opened and Zhang Shaoyan stepped out.

Du Youwei got out of the car with him and saw him walking straight to a helicopter that was about to take off.

"Zhang Shaoyan, did you come by helicopter?"

"Well." Zhang Shaoyan stopped and took her, and helped her on the plane first. After Du Youwei was seated, Zhang Shaoyan also came up and sat down beside her: "fasten your seat belt."

"Oh, okay." Du Youwei fastened her seat belt obediently, and the plane rumbled off the ground. She looked at Zhang Shaoyan beside her, and asked him, "Do you think something happened to me here?"

Zhang Shaoyan pinched his brows, and his voice carried a trace of imperceptible fatigue: "Tao Ye only heard that you were detained. The specific situation is not clear. Of course, I have to rush over as soon as possible."

Having said this, he tilted his head and smiled playfully at her: "What if I am one step late and you are thrown into the sea to feed sharks, or your little finger is chopped off?"

"...Aah, alright, stop talking!" She knew that he was deliberately trying to scare him, "I said I knew it was wrong!"

"Just knowing is useless, you have to correct it."

"Yes, Teacher Zhang!"

The two of them took the plane and returned to City A in a short while. Feng Wanying followed Gao Ye's ship, which was still halfway there.

There were also bodyguards on Takaya's side, all of whom were cold-faced and silent. Feng Wanying was unfamiliar with them, and after leaving with them, there was not a word of communication on the way. Takaya helped her get a bottle of hot drink and put it on the table.

Feng Wanying looked up at him, and then said the first sentence to him: "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

At the end of the brief exchange, Feng Wanying was worried about Du Youwei, so she asked Gao Ye: "Youwei she..."

As soon as he started talking, he was interrupted by Gao Ye: "Miss Feng, don't worry, Miss Du is safe with the boss."

"That's good." Feng Wanying took a sip of water and didn't know where Du Youwei went.

"Ms. Feng." When the boat was about to dock, Gao Ye called her again, "We will take you home when we go ashore."

With so many of them following, her mother would definitely be disturbed, Feng Wanying quickly refused: "No need, I can go back by myself, thank you."

Gao Ye smiled at her and said, "You're welcome, the boss ordered us to send you home safely, and we will deliver you to the door in person."

Feng Wanying: "..."

"Miss Feng."

Gao Ye called her again, and Feng Wanying looked up at him and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Koya said: "The boss knows that you are Miss Du's good friend, but he doesn't want Miss Du to be involved in any danger because of you. If you encounter any danger in the future, you can contact me directly and I will try my best to help you. You. So please don't call Miss Du out alone. "

Feng Wanying clenched her bag subconsciously and nodded slightly: "I see."

Takaya smiled at her and said nothing.

A group of them sent Feng Wanying home in a high-profile manner, and Feng Wanying's mother naturally knew the ins and outs. She called and scolded He Mingyang on the spot, and locked Feng Wanying at home, not letting her go anywhere.

Wei Rui also heard about this, and immediately went to Du Youwei's house to find her: "I said that Feng Wanying is mentally ill, but you are still going crazy with her?"

Du Youwei was paralyzed on the sofa with Jin Yingjun in his arms, with a hopeless expression on his face: "Zhang Shaoyan has taught me a lesson. After I came back, my mother, my father, and my brother also took turns to scold you. You are the fifth."

"That's what you deserve." Wei Rui sat down opposite her, looking at her and getting angry, "You two know that you're good at hiding from me. Don't you make trouble every day that the company needs money? Take the money. It's quick to save people. You should have kept her there."

Du Youwei knew that Wei Rui was a knife-mouthed tofu-hearted person, and she was scolding vigorously at the moment, but if Feng Wanying found her at that time, she would also scolded her and took money to redeem her.

You can't really ignore her.

"Look at what you said, Feng Wanying's life is more important than three million yuan. Besides, didn't I make a lot of money back?"

"Oh, you did it right, didn't you?"

"...No, it's my fault, it's all my fault." Du Youwei continued to flick the dog relentlessly.

"Next time I see Feng Wanying, I really want to knock her brains out and see what kind of garbage is inside!"

Du Youwei said: "I heard that she has been locked up by her mother, how strong the aunt is, she should have settled with He Mingyang this time."

Wei Rui nodded: "Her mother seems to have gone to the He's house. Let He Mingyang stop pestering Feng Wanying in the future. If I were He Mingyang, I would lose all my face, and I would go to Feng Wanying again."

However, she is not He Mingyang, He Mingyang can be shameless for money.

Feng Wanying was locked at home, so he found an opportunity to call her.

"Yingying, how are you doing these two days? I miss you."

Feng Wanying heard her ears turn red, and said to the phone, "Me too. Did my mother trouble you again?"

He Mingyang said: "Auntie has some misunderstandings about me, I will try to explain it to her clearly, don't worry."

Feng Wanying didn't speak, she understood her mother's character, and what she had determined was difficult for others to change.

That's how she divorced her father.

"By the way, Yingying, I heard you say that you bought the chips that Du Youweila used in the slot machine?"