Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 61


It is indeed what the overbearing president said.

Du Youwei gave Zhang Shaoyan a 666 in her heart.

During the meal, Zhang Shaoyan mentioned the matter of asking Du Youwei to move in with him: "Last time you said that your parents asked you to move after the New Year, and the new year will be over in a blink of an eye."

As soon as he said it, Du Youwei coughed and discussed with him: "When the New Year is over, my birthday is not far away. My mother means that after the birthday is over..."

Before she could finish her words, Zhang Shaoyan glanced over. Du Youwei closed her mouth and ate with her head down. Zhang Shaoyan looked at her for a while and asked her, "Is it your mother's meaning, or yours?"

Du Youwei thoughtfully replied: "It's my mother's meaning, but I think what she said makes sense."

Zhang Shaoyan picked up the chopsticks and ate a piece of tofu in the bowl, and wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue: "If you don't want to move in ahead of time, you can tell me directly, you don't need to make these excuses."

"Well, I didn't mean to move..."

"Then what exactly do you mean?"

"..." She is just, a little messy!

Zhang Shaoyan pondered for a while, and put some dishes into Du Youwei's bowl: "I will wait for you until your birthday. If you still don't want to come over after your birthday, you don't have to force it. You can move after you get married."

"Oh, good..." He was so reasonable, but Du Youwei seemed to be particularly hypocritical.

"I really have no intention of not wanting to move!" Du Youwei emphasized again.

Zhang Shaoyan laughed, he wanted her to move in before he got married, because he was impatient. He looked at Du Youwei and talked to her about something else: "When the sky comes out on your birthday, I'll take you somewhere."

Du Youwei was curious: "Where?"

"I mentioned it to you before, I'll find out when you go."

Du Youwei thought for a while, it seemed that he had indeed mentioned to himself before that he wanted to take her somewhere. She asked where he was, and he said it was a secret.

"Okay, what do I need to prepare?"

Zhang Shaoyan looked at her, and the corners of his lips curved into a gentle arc: "It's been a long time since I took you with me."

Du Youwei swayed for a moment in his smile. Zhang Shaoyan was always extra gentle and patient when he was dealing with her, as if he had used all the gentleness and patience of his doctor on her.

The corners of her mouth twitched up involuntarily and happily responded.

Du Youwei's birthday is March 3, and she made an appointment with Wei Rui in advance to celebrate her birthday. Feng Wanying was still locked up by her mother, and she was not allowed to go out. She couldn't come to Du Youwei's birthday, but the gift was delivered by someone else.

In the past two days, Du Youwei has received a lot of gifts. Apart from friends and family members, what surprised Du Youwei the most is that the little artist in the company even prepared gifts for her. The gift was given by five people together, a brand-name leather bag, which means that Du Youwei is getting richer and richer.

Du Youwei is very satisfied.

Gu Shi also prepared a gift for her alone. Now he works a lot and earns a lot of money. The gift he gave is more expensive than what the five people put together.

As expected of the five children who had to call their brother's presence.

After receiving so many gifts, Du Youwei is in a very good mood. She hopes that every day, 365 days a year, will be her birthday.

Wei Rui: It is recommended that you go to bed early, you have everything in your dreams.

You Weiwei: [rolling eyes]

But she really had to go to bed early today. Tomorrow is March 3rd. Zhang Shaoyan made an appointment to meet her early in the morning.

You Weiwei: I'm going out to play with Zhang Shaoyan tomorrow, I'm going to sleep in beauty sleep [happy.jpg]

Wei Rui: [rolls eyes]

The next morning, Zhang Shaoyan called and urged me to get up. Du Youwei was excited for a long time last night, and kept guessing where Zhang Shaoyan was going to take her today, but fell asleep later than usual.

Fortunately, my skin is still in good condition today, and the slight dark circles under my eyes can be covered with foundation.

She quickly got up, washed her hair, made a simple look, and Zhang Shaoyan's car drove to the door.

"Youwei, don't you have breakfast?" Jiang Manlin was sitting at the dining table, and when she saw Du Youwei carrying her bag, she was about to go out, and called out to her.

"It's too late, too late." Du Youwei strode fast, and passed through the living room in a blink of an eye.

"Have a glass of milk and go, hurry up."

Du Youwei glanced back, trotted to the dining table, picked up the milk and drank it "gulugulu". The housekeeper brought a packed box over and handed it to Du Youwei: "Miss, there are some biscuits and snacks in it, you can take them with you on the road."

"Wow, thank you." Du Youwei happily took over the dim sum, said goodbye to Jiang Manlin, and ran to the door, put on her shoes, and went out.

Seeing Du Youwei coming out, Gao Ye took the initiative to get out of the car and open the door for her. Du Youwei thanked him and got into the car: "Zhang Shaoyan, good morning."

"Good morning." Zhang Shaoyan's voice unconsciously brought a smile. He glanced at the food box in Du Youwei's hand and asked her, "What is this?"

"Do you want to eat the breakfast the housekeeper prepared for me?" Du Youwei said, carefully opening the box in her hand, and there were all kinds of biscuits and puffs neatly placed inside.

Zhang Shaoyan had already eaten breakfast before going out, but when he saw the puffs in the box, he changed his attention: "You can try it."

Du Youwei asked him, "What do you want to eat?"

"Puff it."

He picked a matcha-flavored one, put it to his mouth and took a bite. The puffs are crispy on the outside, and the cream inside is very delicate, with just the right amount of sweetness.

"There is still a difference in the skills of the apprentice and the master."

Du Youwei, who was eating biscuits, heard the unspoken meaning of his words, and immediately flattened his mouth: "Oh, why don't you dislike it when you eat it?"

Zhang Shaoyan said with a smile: "Because the person who does it adds points."

Du Youwei's face was slightly hot, and he seemed to have said the same at the beginning. In order to hide her emotions, she coughed deliberately and asked Zhang Shaoyan, "Where are we going today?"

Zhang Shaoyan finally stopped selling off, and revealed some information to her: "A tourism project developed by our company and the government is now two-thirds completed, and it will be put into trial operation soon."

"Wow, where is it?"

"Star City."

"Star City? That name sounds so romantic."

Zhang Shaoyan smiled and said: "Xingcheng is a poor town under the jurisdiction of city a. Because of its good ecological environment and hot springs in the mountains, the government wants to develop tourism projects to help the town get rid of poverty and become rich."

"Oh, so it is." Du Youwei nodded and continued to listen to him.

"Our company finally got this project. My original idea was to maximize the development on the premise of ensuring that the ecology is not destroyed as much as possible."

Du Youwei frowned: "This sounds a bit difficult."

"It's really not easy, but after years of hard work, the results are pretty good. You'll know when you go."

After Du Youwei heard him say this, she looked forward to it even more: "Is it possible to play there already?"

Zhang Shaoyan looked at her and raised his eyebrows: "We are the first batch of tourists in this project."

Du Youwei followed his example, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Wow, that sounds cool, don't tell me it's just the two of us today?"

"Well, one day and one night, staying at the hot spring hotel over there tonight."

"Oh oh oh!" Du Youwei became excited, "I want to take a hot spring!"

Zhang Shaoyan was amused by her, and he was as excited as a child when he took a hot spring: "The hot springs in the hotel are all in the mountains, open-air, so you can soak until you are satisfied."

"Sounds great!!" Du Youwei wanted to fly over immediately, "Aren't we Baoshan?"

Zhang Shaoyan laughed again and nodded: "Well, Baoshan."

Du Youwei has a peaceful heart, and it's nice to have money. Boss, that's great.

Xingcheng is a three-hour drive from the urban area of City A. After the car stopped, Du Youwei couldn't wait to get out of the car. Although Zhang Shaoyan said that only two-thirds of the building has been completed, Du Youwei believes that the building is very mature.

"The main feature of Star City is hot springs, but now there are many hot springs in China. If only hot springs are a selling point, it will be difficult to stand out from the competition with other similar attractions. So I want to keep the natural scenery here as much as possible, and let these scenery along the road. also become a highlight.”

Xingcheng is a small town built on a mountain. After Zhang Shaoyan and Du Youwei got off the car, they led her to a station on the mountain: "In addition to the traditional cable car, there are buses and trains, and the lakes in the mountains can also be rowed. We There are also some waterfowl for viewing."

Du Youwei heard what Zhang Shaoyan said, and the two walked to the train platform.

The train was clean and the staff looked refreshed in neat and clean uniforms.

"Hello boss, hello madam." The staff said hello to Zhang Shaoyan and Du Youwei in unison.

Du Youwei felt embarrassed all of a sudden, Zhang Shaoyan led her into the car with a smile, and sat down in the front row of the train: "These are the residents of the town, after the unified training of our company, they are officially on duty. "

"Oh..." Du Youwei nodded, no wonder he called him boss.

After they were done, the train started to move slowly. The carriage was not long and the speed was not fast, but the scenery in front of them slowly unfolded.

"This section of the road is the section with the best scenery that we have chosen, and we have also focused on creating it. The flowers on both sides will change with the changes of the seasons, ensuring that tourists who come here at any time can enjoy the beautiful scenery."

"Wow, that sounds great!" Du Youwei and Zhang Shaoyan were sitting in the first row at the front of the train, where they had the best view. The train slowly drove forward, as if taking them into a picture scroll.

It didn't take long for the train to arrive at the terminal. Although the journey was not long, I don't know how much it took to develop and maintain the scenery of the road just now.

When you get off the train, you can see a lake surrounded by mountains. The water was so blue that it seemed to merge with the sky, seagulls were flying on the lake, and Du Youwei's unnamed bird rested on the shore.

"There is a local specialty store in front. In addition to the scenery, we have also developed local delicacies. Would you like to try it?"


Zhang Shaoyan took her to a specialty store. The store is very large. The outside is simple and unadorned in order to keep the same style as the environment, but the inside is as bright as the Star Department Store.

The clerk in the store is also a resident of the town. When he saw Zhang Shaoyan walking in, he automatically said hello: "Hello boss, hello Mrs. boss."

Du Youwei's dress calmly brought out the boss's wife's air, and nodded to them with a smile.

Zhang Shaoyan called two little girls who looked like shopping guides and said to Du Youwei: "There are a lot of things in here. Let them introduce you to them. If you like it, you can take it back."

Du Youwei blinked excitedly: "Do you want to take it?"

"Take whatever you want."

… How can there be such a good thing in the world!

Du Youwei looked at the shopping guide in the store with a smile: "Let's start with the most expensive one."

As the saying goes, one side of the water and soil raises the other side, and the water and soil quality of Xingcheng not only tastes good, but it is said that eating it can delay aging. The shopping guide introduced her to several pastries made from local fruits and rice, and introduced her to several facial masks.

"The people here, both men and women, are very young, because the soil and water quality here are good. These masks are made of local water and minerals. You can try them if you like."

Du Youwei felt that Zhang Shaoyan was too powerful. He said that he developed food. In fact, they developed far more than food.

"Do the people here really look old?" Du Youwei, a delicate girl in the city, was particularly concerned about this issue.

The little shopping guide girl smiled and looked at her: "Really, otherwise, guess how old I am this year?"

Du Youwei said, "You are about the same age as me. You should be in your early twenties."

The little shopping guide girl snickered and covered her mouth: "I am thirty-five this year, and my son has entered junior high school."

Du Youwei: "!!!"

Human reality. :)

"Then can I have all of these masks?"

The shopping guide glanced at Zhang Shaoyan, Zhang Shaoyan nodded, and the shopping guide went to find a shopping bag for Du Youwei: "Wait a minute, I'll wrap it up for you."

Her movements were very quick, and she wrapped Du Youwei with three strokes, five and two, and the masks were neatly packed one by one. Du Youwei took over the shopping bag, but she was still a little guilty; "Is there really no need to give money?"

Zhang Shaoyan hooked the corner of his mouth silently and asked her, "Is there anything else you want?"


"Then let's go." He took Du Youwei's hand and asked Gao Ye to help her carry things and walked out of the store.

After leaving the specialty store, you can take the cable car to the lake in the mountain in front. Du Youwei thought the cable car was for going up the mountain, but unexpectedly it went straight down: "Aren't we going to the top of the mountain?"

"No." Zhang Shaoyan said, "There are many famous mountains in China. If you want to climb mountains, you can have many choices. Our specialty here is not mountain climbing."

Du Youwei nodded, feeling that what he said made sense.

After going down the mountain, I saw a row of neatly arranged bicycles. Du Youwei met this question and raised her hand: "Are bicycles used to go around the lake?"

"Smart." Zhang Shaoyan smiled at her and asked her, "Do you want to cycle around the lake or go boating?"

"Well... I want to take pictures!" There were many birds parked by the lake, Du Youwei eagerly took out her mobile phone, "It's really beautiful here."

As Zhang Shaoyan said, the development here is very thorough, but the natural scenery is preserved to the greatest extent.

After playing a little by the lake, Du Youwei finally went to eat with Zhang Shaoyan in the "gugu" of her stomach. The restaurants here are also run by people in the town, and they sell local home-cooked dishes. Although the plate is not as gorgeous and exquisite as the world, but the taste is not bad.

The point is, Du Youwei now feels that taking a bite here can make her a year younger.

very nice.

"Those out there who say you are a cold-blooded and ruthless capitalist, and who say you are a tyrant should come here to see. How many people have been helped by this project, and how many people have been lifted out of poverty and become rich!" Zhang Shaoyan's image in Du Youwei's heart is particularly high at this moment. , This is what an entrepreneur with social responsibility should look like!

Zhang Shaoyan said calmly: "I also saw the potential here, in order to make money."

"… Oh.":)

Capitalists are always capitalists.

It rained lightly in the mountains in the afternoon, Du Youwei and Zhang Shaoyan did not continue to stroll, but went directly to the hot spring hotel in the mountains by car. The hotel is beautifully built and has an antique charm. It is also elegantly decorated, and there is even a tea room dedicated to drinking tea.

The hotel is also invested and built by Zhang Shaoyan, according to the standard of a five-star hotel. Most of the store's employees are local trained residents, but there are also executives poached from other hotels.

"Hello boss, hello madam."

The hotel staff in Chinese uniforms greeted Zhang Shaoyan and Du Youwei in unison. Du Youwei has been baptized a few times before and can now face this title calmly.

"There are many types of rooms here, and there are different styles of hot springs, you can choose."

After Zhang Shaoyan finished speaking, a waiter came over with a tablet and showed Du Youwei pictures. Du Youwei chose the room and hot spring he liked, and then handed the tablet to Zhang Shaoyan.

Zhang Shaoyan glanced down and didn't pick it up: "I don't need it."


"Because we are together."

"..." Du Youwei was silent for five seconds, the rooms can be shared together, but do you want to soak in the hot springs too!

The hot springs in Star City are all natural hot springs, and they are independent small hot springs. In other words, you can take off your clothes and soak in comfortably.

Zhang Shaoyan saw that her expression had changed a bit, and looked at her deliberately jokingly: "The hot spring is timed, and it takes almost half an hour to soak in. After you have finished soaking, I will go to soak again."

Du Youwei's face changed again, and she smiled at him: "Oh."

"Or, you can take a dip with me if you want. Although the hot spring is not big, two people can still squeeze it together."

"… no, I don't want to." :)