Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 62


After the two chose the room and the hot spring, the waiter put away the tablet and led them to the room.

"Dinner will be delivered to the room on time at six o'clock, because the hotel only serves two people today, so there is no need to make reservations for the tea room and all the facilities in the hotel. If the two of you need it, you can go anytime." The waiter finished speaking to them, He politely left the room.

The temperature in the mountains is colder than outside, and with the light rain, the temperature is a degree or two lower. This cool temperature bathing in hot springs is perfect.

After dinner, Du Youwei began to be eager to try.

In the hotel room, they were provided with brand new yukatas, which were still for couples. Du Youwei changed into the yukata, tied her hair into a ball head, and went out with a towel bag: "I'm going to the hot spring first, you are not allowed. Come take a peek!"

Zhang Shaoyan raised his eyebrows deliberately: "You have provided me with new ideas."

"..." Du Youwei gave her a "bah" in her heart and hopped away.

Zhang Shaoyan stopped her from behind: "Don't jump, it just rained and the road was slippery. Go slower."

Du Youwei's back figure suddenly became elegant, and she took small steps with her legs.

Zhang Shaoyan laughed and sat back on the sofa to read the report from the company.

Go out from the garden that is attached to the room and climb a short distance to reach the hot springs. The sky was dark, and there were warm yellow lights on both sides of the mountain road. After Du Youwei arrived at the hot spring, she put her things in the clothes basket, took off her yukata and sat in the hot spring.

The cold air that had been on her body disappeared at once, Du Youwei leaned comfortably by the tub and exhaled.

The mountain is quiet, and only occasionally can hear the call of unknown insects. The hot spring water is drawn from the mountain and flows into the tub continuously. Du Youwei relaxed her limbs, closed her eyes, and breathed in the "immortal energy" in the mountains.

The soil and water here are good, and the air is just as good. Maybe you can take a sip and you can also be a year younger.

The fatigue of playing for a day was relieved at this moment, Du Youwei soaked in the water, so comfortable that she was about to fall asleep. After an unknown time, Zhang Shaoyan's voice came from a walkie-talkie hanging on the wall: "Du Youwei, are you asleep?"

Du Youwei opened his eyes in a daze, and Zhang Shaoyan's voice continued to come from the walkie-talkie: "Du Youwei, wake up, it's time."

Du Youwei stood up from the tub, approached the side near the walkie-talkie, and replied to Zhang Shaoyan: "Zhang Shaoyan?"

Zhang Shaoyan smiled and said, "Are you asleep? You've been soaking for half an hour, it's time to come out."

"Okay, I'll clean up and come out right away." She raised her feet from the water and wanted to climb out of the tub, but she didn't know if it was because the soaking was too comfortable and her hands and feet were softened, or because the ground was too slippery, and she was alone. Accidentally, it fell.

"Ah!" Du Youwei yelled, because he was holding the tub with one hand, and the fall was not too hard. Zhang Shaoyan heard her movement over there, and his voice immediately became tense: "Du Youwei, what's the matter with you?"

Du Youwei replied with a sad face: "I accidentally fell, it hurts."

"Where did you get hurt?"

"Foot, the foot seems to be twisted." Du Youwei tried to move, but there was obvious tingling in the ankle.

Ah, she is really miserable.

She got up from the ground firmly and stood up holding the tub: "Zhang Shaoyan, my foot is really sprained."

After speaking, Zhang Shaoyan didn't respond for a long time. Du Youwei glanced in the direction of the walkie-talkie and called to him, "Zhang Shaoyan?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Shaoyan walked in from outside.

Du Youwei stood there dumbfounded, watching the sudden appearance of people, Zhang Shaoyan was also obviously stunned for a moment, standing there and did not move.

After a while, Du Youwei's earth-shattering cry rang out in the mountains: "Ah, you rascal!!"

She's not dressed yet! She is no longer human!

The hesitation was too excited, and she almost slipped when she was crooked. Zhang Shaoyan quickly stepped forward to support her, not only seeing her more clearly, but also touching her.

Du Youwei's face flushed red in an instant, but before she could shout this time, Zhang Shaoyan reached out and hooked her bathrobe over her body, and then picked up Ren Daheng involuntarily: "I fell. If you're hurt, don't move around."

Du Youwei has a thousand words in her heart, but now she doesn't know where to start.

Why can he be so serious! !

Zhang Shaoyan took her out of the hot spring room and walked back carefully. The way down was harder than when we came up, not to mention that Zhang Shaoyan was still holding Du Youwei. Du Youwei was hugged by him honestly and did not dare to move, for fear that his feet would slip and the two would roll down together.

Fortunately, the journey was not long, Zhang Shaoyan carried her through the garden and walked back into the house. Putting Du Youwei on the sofa, he took new towels and clothes from the bathroom and handed them to her: "Wipe off the water on your body and change into clean clothes."

Du Youwei held the bathrobe on her body and looked at him vigilantly: "Turn around, don't peek."

Before turning around, Zhang Shaoyan said, "I've read everything that should be seen."

"..." Although it was true that the two of them slept together, they had never seen each other so frankly!

When Du Youwei thought of this, blood rushed to his brain again.

She quickly cleaned herself up and put on her clothes: "Okay."

Zhang Shaoyan looked back at her for a while, and then picked her up again: "I asked the waiter for medicinal wine, and they will bring it over immediately. You go to the bed and lie down, don't move around."

Du Youwei buried her head and pretended to be a quail and didn't speak.

Zhang Shaoyan took her back to the room and heard the doorbell. He walked over to open the door, and after a while, he came back with a bottle of medicinal wine in his hand.

Du Youwei still maintained the position just now, really did not move, Zhang Shaoyan lifted her injured right leg and put it on his knee, Du Youwei howled: "Ow, it hurts."

Zhang Shaoyan raised his eyes and glanced at her, but softened the movement of his hand: "Du Youwei, if you don't look at you for a moment, you can hurt yourself."

"...I don't want to either." And now to her, that little injury on her leg is nothing. What hit her hard was that Zhang Shaoyan saw her lightly!

Zhang Shaoyan poured some medicinal wine in his hand and gently massaged her ankle. Du Youwei retracted her foot, and was caught by Zhang Shaoyan again: "Forbearance."

Du Youwei frowned, watching him give herself medicine. Looking at it, my feet don't seem to be so painful anymore.

Because Zhang Shaoyan is so pretty. :)

Du Youwei felt that she was helpless.

"You don't need to care about what happened just now." Zhang Shaoyan whispered while rubbing her legs.

Du Youwei, who was addicted to his beauty, didn't react for a while: "What?"

"You don't have to wear clothes." Zhang Shaoyan's expression finally looked a bit unnatural.

Du Youwei: "…"

Why remind her!

"Does it still hurt?" Zhang Shaoyan looked at her sideways. Du Youwei buried her blushing face and shook her head: "It's much better, thank you."

Zhang Shaoyan rubbed her for a while, then put her leg back: "the two of them rest more and walk less."

"Understood." Du Youwei replied, still embarrassed to look at Zhang Shaoyan, "Didn't you have a hot spring yet? Go ahead."

Zhang Shaoyan screwed on the lid of the medicinal wine bottle and put it aside: "I don't have the mood to soak in the hot spring now." After speaking, he looked at Du Youwei lying on the bed, with a smile of inexplicable meaning: "If two people soak, then Another matter."

"..." She has become a disabled person, and he still won't let her go!

Zhang Shaoyan leaned closer to her, his warm breath spit on her cheek. Du Youwei was so nervous that she didn't dare to move, she just stared at him blankly. Zhang Shaoyan's eyes seem to have some kind of magic power, and when people look at them, they are pulled into a deep vortex.

The breaths of the two were entangled together, and Zhang Shaoyan lowered his head a little and kissed her lips. When she hugged Du Youwei in the hot spring just now, the touch of her skin was still clearly left in Zhang Shaoyan's palm. As if greedy for this softness, his hand reached up again.

Du Youwei's whole body was affected and controlled by Zhang Shaoyan, and Zhang Shaoyan knew how to make her emotional. He could ask for her right here now, but it wasn't the best time, and her foot was hurt.

He let go of her lips reluctantly, pressed against her lips and said, "You owe me a hot spring. Next time, let's soak together."