Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 63


The air in the mountains is fresh, Du Youwei played for a day and then soaked in a hot spring, and slept well that night.

The next day she was awakened by the sound of birdsong in the mountains, and the morning sunlight shone in through the half-opened curtains, dazzling her eyes a little. Du Youwei paused for a while before she opened her eyes and sat up from the bed.

Zhang Shaoyan was no longer by his side, and it seemed that he had already woken up.

Du Youwei put on his slippers and walked out slowly, holding on to the wall.

Zhang Shaoyan was standing on the balcony talking on the phone, but his eyes glanced in the direction of the bedroom. When he saw Du Youwei using her injured foot to move out, he quickly explained a few words to the person on the other end of the phone, hung up the phone and walked in.

"Wake up? Are your feet better?"

He stepped forward and hugged Du Youwei directly, Du Youwei was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wrapped his arms around his neck: "It's better."

Zhang Shaoyan carried her to the sofa before putting her down: "I called the doctor and asked him to bandage for you after breakfast."

"Oh, good." Du Youwei nodded and was a little curious, "Is there a doctor here?"

Zhang Shaoyan asked back, "Is it strange to have a doctor?"

"..." Well, she was making a fuss.

"Go wash up, I'll let the kitchen bring you breakfast."

"Good." Du Youwei stood up and wanted to go to the bathroom, but was picked up by Zhang Shaoyan again. She looked at him a little embarrassedly: "Actually, my foot wasn't hurt so badly."

"I know."

"..." You know what that means? So you just want to take advantage of her on purpose, right

Thinking that the two of them were like that last night, Zhang Shaoyan did nothing in the end, and she sympathized with him again in her heart.

Du Youwei brushed her teeth and washed her face, and the waiter just came over to deliver breakfast. Although I know that with the specifications of this hotel, breakfast will not be ambiguous, but this... is too ambiguous!

There was a long table in the restaurant, and she and Zhang Shaoyan sat face to face. The long table is now filled with breakfast for the two of them.

Different from the home-cooked dishes I ate last night, all the dishes I bought for breakfast have been exquisitely presented, and some are even too cute, making people reluctant to use chopsticks.

"This is too sumptuous. I thought it was a full meal last night, so it was so sumptuous." They also ate in the hotel last night, and there was also a full table, but because it was dinner, Du Youwei didn't have it. care too much. Now the breakfast is too exaggerated, it can't be eaten at all.

Zhang Shaoyan said: "There are two fewer dishes and one dessert than last night. Last night's menu plus this morning's meal, we will eat all the dishes in the hotel."

"..." Zhang Shaoyan definitely stopped by to inspect the work.

"Looking at the many dishes, in fact, there are very few dishes. I specially invited the master chef from the world to be a teacher."

"Hahahaha." Du Youwei laughed when she heard this, "So are you complaining about living in the world? I thought you loved it very much."

Zhang Shaoyan laughed, cut a small piece of tender tofu and put it in Du Youwei's bowl: "Try it, tofu is their specialty here, you can also try the ingredients on the plate."

"Yeah." Du Youwei had already moved her index finger, and now she started eating unceremoniously. As Zhang Shaoyan said, this breakfast looks scary, but in fact, the amount of each dish is very small, and she and Zhang Shaoyan have eaten all of them.

Mainly her.

Zhang Shaoyan looked at the clean plate on the table and asked with a light smile, "Are you full?"

"...full." Hiccup.

"what about the taste?"

"Very good, it not only has local characteristics, but also achieves the standard that a five-star hotel should have. It has all the colors and flavors!" Du Youwei gave a five-star evaluation.

Zhang Shaoyan nodded: "The menu can be set like this."

"...So you really came here to inspect the work!"

Zhang Shaoyan smiled and asked the waiter to put away the plates. The girl in charge of the guest room came up and asked Zhang Shaoyan, "Boss, do you still need the birthday cake prepared by the restaurant last night?"

Du Youwei asked her curiously, "Is there a birthday cake?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Du Youwei: "…"

After a good night's sleep, she forgot the name, and now she suddenly can't help it.

Zhang Shaoyan was not ashamed at all, he just turned his head and asked Du Youwei: "Can you still eat it? I was going to give it to you last night. Who knew that you were sprained, so you didn't care about it."

Du Youwei said: "I can! Besides, the birthday cake is to be shared with everyone. I just eat one piece, and everyone else can share it."

"Well." Zhang Shaoyan nodded, "Do as she said."

"Yes boss."

After the girl left, the doctor also rushed over and bandaged Du Youwei's ankle. Du Youwei found out after inquiring with the doctor that there are not only medical teams, but also professional rescue teams and patrol teams, all of which were set up by Zhang Shaoyan.

"You think so thoroughly." Du Youwei eagerly looked out the window, "Can we go shopping later?"

Zhang Shaoyan glanced at her: "My feet are all wrapped into zongzi, where do you want to go to play?"

Du Youwei sighed and didn't speak. This place is so big that it's not a problem to play for another day: "By the way, you said that only two-thirds of this place is completed? What is the other third?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "It's not a scenic spot, it's all planned exhibition halls and museums. Now it has been confirmed that there is a natural museum, a planetarium, and a research room under negotiation. The company will disclose the specific construction of the land. Tender."

"Ah!" Du Youwei suddenly flashed, "Can we set up a research laboratory? Qu Wei's current research and development center is too small, and I am thinking of changing it. Our brand is to focus on nature, if we can repair the research and development center here. , then it best fits the theme of nature!”

After Qu Wei was officially launched, the products sold well. According to Li Ru's original plan, in addition to the current basic series, they will also launch a high-end lady series. Now the R&D team is doing this.

Zhang Shaoyan thought for a while and asked her, "Does Qu Tingting's R&D team focus on Qu Tingting?"

"That's right." Du Youwei nodded again and again, "You know her too?"

Zhang Shaoyan smiled: "The Qu family is very famous in the scientific research world, but their family is mainly engaged in artificial intelligence, and the research and development are all high-tech intelligent products, such as robots. Qu Tingting is an outlier, although she also does research, but research The direction is different from other Qu family members.”

"That's right, I heard Li Ru say that she didn't join the Qu family's research and development team, and came out to set up a new branch. Although the Qu family did not object, they did not give her any extra help, so she had two meetings with Li Ru in the early stage. It's very miserable." Du Youwei said this, and raised her head narcissistically, "Fortunately, I met my big boss later."

When she was complacent, the cake was delivered. Du Youwei saw that her feet were bandaged, and she kept the doctor to eat the cake together. Although the birthday has passed, Du Youwei still made a wish.

After cutting a piece of cake with Zhang Shaoyan, she asked the lady in the housekeeping department to help distribute the cake to everyone.

Soon only Du Youwei and Zhang Shaoyan were left in the room. Du Youwei took a bite of the cake, and Zhang Shaoyan, who was sitting opposite, said, "Can our research institute have a name here?"

Zhang Shaoyan raised his eyebrows, looked at her, and said, "The company has put a lot of effort into this project, and the government has attached great importance to it. This land is not given to anyone I told you to. Come and bid when the time comes."

"Okay." Du Youwei simply put down the spoon, picked up the phone and sent a message to Li Ru, "I'll tell Li Ru first so she can prepare as soon as possible."

Zhang Shaoyan shook his head helplessly, and said that he came here to inspect the work. He saw that she was celebrating her birthday and did not forget to work.

Gao Ye knocked on the door and came in to report to Zhang Shaoyan: "Boss, the car is ready and ready to go."

"En." Zhang Shaoyan nodded slightly and looked at Du Youwei, "Are you still eating?"

"Immediately." Du Youwei put down the phone and took a few bites of the cake, "Help Gao, have you eaten the cake yet?"

Koya said: "Just now I brought a piece from the guest room and gave it to me."

"Okay." Du Youwei finished eating the cake in two or three times, and wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue, "Okay, let's go. The things I bought yesterday are still in the room."

"I'll get it for you." Gao Ye went in to help Du Youwei get things, Zhang Shaoyan picked up Du Youwei again, and walked outside the hotel.

Along the way, the staff of all departments warmly sent them off. Du Youwei was hugged by Zhang Shaoyan in full view of the public and buried her face in his chest in shame.

After walking out of the hotel, Du Youwei couldn't wait to get into the car: "I will definitely not live in this hotel when I come here in the future."

Just now, she saw a waiter snickering from the corner of her eye!

Zhang Shaoyan was as calm as if it wasn't him who hugged him just now: "There are several hotels of different grades built here. You can change whichever one you want."

After another three-hour drive, Du Youwei and Zhang Shaoyan returned to City A. Zhang Shaoyan sent Du Youwei home and carried her into the house—in front of her mother and three dogs. :)

"What's the matter?" Jiang Manlin saw that Du Youwei was carried in by Zhang Shaoyan, and didn't care whether Du Youwei was ashamed or not. The three dogs in the family also gathered around and barked at Du Youwei.

Zhang Shaoyan's face did not fluctuate: "She accidentally twisted her foot when she was in the hot spring last night. She has already asked the doctor to apply medicine and bandage. The injury is not serious, but she should walk as little as possible in the past two days."

Jiang Manlin breathed a sigh of relief after listening to him. She looked at Du Youwei's wrapped ankles and smiled at Zhang Shaoyan: "Then please send Youwei upstairs, her room is on the third floor."


Du Youwei: "??" Mom! You are bringing the wolf into the room, you know!

Du Youwei looked back at her and saw that she was staring at Zhang Shaoyan's back with a smile on her face.

Du Youwei: "…"

She suddenly felt that her mother had no right to be angry with her father's fan Yanxin? Isn't she the same fan of Yan Xin's son? :)

Jin Yingjun wanted to follow, but was stopped by Jiang Manlin: "Aqiu, take the dog out for a walk."

"Yes." A Qiu came up to lead the dog, and Jin Yingjun barked a few times in the direction of the elevator reluctantly. The housekeeper came up and asked Ms. Jiang Manlin, who was still smiling, "Madam, do you need to send some snacks and fruits?"

Jiang Manlin said: "No need, let their young people stay for a while longer, and we won't go up to disturb them."

"Okay." The butler stepped back clearly.