Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 64


Zhang Shaoyan has been to Du's house several times, but this is the first time he has entered Du Youwei's room.

Specifically, it was the first time he entered the little girl's room, and he didn't expect the little girl's room to be so... pink.

Du Youwei's curtains and small sofa are all pink, and the seats in front of the vanity mirror are all in the shape of rabbit ears. There are also some green plants in the room. I don't know if Du Youwei is taking care of them, and they look pretty good.

From the largest window, you can just overlook the Du family's garden.

Three big dogs were walking in the garden, and a few barks were heard from time to time, filling the whole villa with the breath of life.

In contrast, Zhang Shaoyan's home is too quiet.

He looked away from the window and asked Du Youwei who was sitting on the small sofa, "Do you not like the decoration of my house?"

He didn't think there was anything at first, but after seeing Du Youwei's room, he was worried that she would think the decoration of his house was too dull.

Du Youwei recalled his room and replied, "It's okay, it fits your domineering president's temperament."

Zhang Shaoyan pondered for a moment, and seemed to have made a very difficult decision: "If you like, you can paint one wall pink, just like you do here."

Du Youwei burst out laughing: "Are you serious? You don't match pink at all. You are standing in my room now, and you look abrupt."

Zhang Shaoyan: "…"

"Your room is so good, you don't need to change it. But the cloakroom doesn't seem to be big enough, I don't know if it's big enough for my clothes." Du Youwei said, proudly introducing her cloakroom to him, "I have five in total. There is a cloakroom, one for each season in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and there is another room for pajamas.”

Zhang Shaoyan said: "This is easy to handle, a whole floor is for you to put clothes, is it enough?"

"… so rich?"

"Anyway, the room over there is still a lot empty, and it is usually useless." Zhang Shaoyan said, his eyes fell on a little tiger placed in the closet, "Do you like tigers?"

Du Youwei followed him and saw the tiger ornaments that he had invited from Master Chang Zaixin: "Ah, my mother asked for this for me back then."

Zhang Shaoyan seemed to remember something, and nodded suddenly: "I heard a little bit, is it a fortune teller who told you to get close to the tiger?"

"You know this?"

Zhang Shaoyan didn't answer, just walked to her side with a smile and sat down, looked at her and said, "I am a tiger."

"..." Du Youwei choked, "I know, our whole family knows it."

"So, you just need to stay close to me." At the same time as Zhang Shaoyan's voice fell, a kiss also fell on Du Youwei's lips. Maybe it was because Du Youwei was even more shy than usual in her own home, Zhang Shaoyan raised the corner of her mouth slightly to distance herself from her, and stared at her slightly flushed face: "What's wrong?"

Du Youwei hesitantly said: "In case my mother comes in..."

Zhang Shaoyan raised his hand to brush away the hair on her side face, and kissed her face: "Then move to me, so you won't be afraid of being disturbed."

"..." Zhang Shaoyan has mentioned this several times, and her birthday is over. This time, Du Youwei didn't look for anything else, "Can you have a dog over there?"

Zhang Shaoyan has never kept a pet, but if Du Youwei likes it, the villa is so big, it doesn't matter if you have a few dogs: "Do you want to take the dog there too?"

"Yeah. I raised 1122 and Jin Yingjun. Although I don't spend as much time with them as my mother now, if I move out, it will be even harder to see them." Thinking of this, Du Youwei felt a little Depressed, "Jin Yingjun will definitely miss me, he will not think about tea and rice, he will lose weight day by day, and finally the whole dog will grow old."

"..." Zhang Shaoyan once flipped through Du Youwei's circle of friends, she mentioned when she posted a video of Jin Yingjun, Jin Yingjun is like her boyfriend, he will coax her, make her happy, wake her up, and because of She didn't get angry with her for a long time.

Zhang Shaoyan never imagined that one day he would care about this with a dog.

"One-one and two-two are a couple, aren't they?" he asked.

Du Youwei nodded: "Yes."

Zhang Shaoyan said: "I don't think you can be too partial. Jin Yingjun also needs a partner."

Du Youwei has been thinking about finding a partner for Jin Yingjun for a long time: "I haven't found a suitable female dog, or I really can't. I don't mind a male dog."

"..." But doesn't Kim Young-joon mind? Zhang Shaoyan smiled at her: "I will help it find it."

"Wow, that's great!" Du Youwei thought, is there anything in this world that Zhang Shaoyan can't do? No!

Zhang Shaoyan asked, "Then when will you pack your things?"

"..." Du Youwei's smile froze, "After my foot injury heals?"

Zhang Shaoyan looked down at her bandaged feet. It is really inconvenient to move now: "I will pick you up in a week. I will arrange the cloakroom for you this week and help Jin Yingjun find a partner."

"… OK."

Du Youwei has been raised at home for a few days because of a foot injury. If there is anything in the company, she will have a meeting at home to resolve it. I really didn't expect her Du Youwei to have a video conference with someone one day.

She once saw Zhang Shaoyan watching a video conference, just like a boss, when it was her turn... but it seemed like netizens were chatting. :)

There are indeed differences between people.

After two days of rest, her feet improved a lot. Du Youwei thought about packing things up slowly, so as not to be in a hurry when Zhang Shaoyan came to pick him up.

Jin Yingjun squeezed in through the half-open door, lying on the ground watching Du Youwei clean up. Seeing that it was so leisurely, Du Youwei went up and licked it: "Handsome, we are going to move to your father's house soon, are you happy!"

"Wang." Jin Yingjun flicked his tail indifferently.

Du Youwei continued: "Your father also said that he wanted to find a partner for you."

"Wang!" Jin Yingjun's attitude suddenly became much warmer.

"...Tsk, a man and a dog are really similar, no wonder they are called a dog man." Du Youwei just complained when the phone vibrated frantically. She walked over slowly and picked up the phone: "Rui, what's the matter?"

On the other end of the phone, Wei Rui hurriedly said, "Have you seen the Moments? Some intimate photos of Feng Wanying and He Mingyang have been circulated for some reason, and there are some sluts running around!"

Du Youwei was stunned: "Intimate photos? How can this kind of thing leak out? Only the two of them have it!"

"So I suspect that He Mingyang released it on purpose. Feng Wanying's mother was so opposed to their being together. He probably thought that Feng Wanying would have to marry him."

"Haha." Du Youwei smiled sarcastically. He Mingyang is really capable of performing what a dog man is. "What era does he think it is now? It's really beautiful. I contacted the people in our public relations department. They have experience in dealing with these things."

"...Okay." Speaking of which, this kind of thing is quite common in the entertainment industry. :)

Du Youwei hung up the phone, first went through the circle of friends, and found that someone was actually retweeting. She sent a message to warn those who continued to spread the photos, and then urgently contacted the public relations.

Because He Mingyang and Feng Wanying are not celebrities, the circulation of the photos is relatively small, and the sensation caused by such photos is not as big as that of celebrities. They can prevent the photos from spreading further, but the photos are first circulated among acquaintances, and they can't eliminate this influence.

Can not let everyone collective amnesia.

Du Youwei called Feng Wanying, but she couldn't get through. Worrying about what might happen to Feng Wanying, she called her home again. The maid who answered the phone told Du Youwei that Feng Wanying was not at home and that the family had gone out to find her.

Feng Wanying's confinement was only lifted a few days ago. I didn't expect such a thing to happen just after the ban was lifted.

Not caring that her feet were not fully healed, Du Youwei called Wei Rui and went out to find Feng Wanying. Before leaving, she remembered what Zhang Shaoyan said that day when she came to the casino to pick up her, so she called Zhang Shaoyan again.

Du Youwei's ringtone was specially set by Zhang Shaoyan. When Zhang Shaoyan heard the ringtone, he stopped in front of the conference room: "What's wrong?"

Du Youwei said anxiously: "Some intimate photos of Yingying and He Mingyang have been circulated in the circle of friends. I have asked someone to take care of the photos, but Yingying is gone now. I am worried about her accident and want to go out to find her."

Zhang Shaoyan frowned slightly and turned his direction: "Okay, I'll go with you."