Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 70


Zhang Shaoyan had a video call with Du Youwei every night during his business trip abroad. It is the cherry blossom season in Japan now, and Zhang Shaoyan occasionally sends two photos to Du Youwei, both of which he took of the cherry blossoms.

This kind of day lasted until the fourth day. For the first time, Zhang Shaoyan did not send Du Youwei a video invitation on time during their video time. Du Youwei thought that he might be delayed by something, but he didn't care. When he was going to bed at night, Zhang Shaoyan still had no news.

Zhang Shaoyan might be busy all night, Du Youwei didn't want to disturb his work, so he sent him a WeChat message.

"Are you busy today? I'm getting ready to go to bed, you should rest early too, and contact you tomorrow~ [Bixin]"

Du Youwei went to bed after sending it. When she woke up the next morning, the first thing she did was to check her mobile phone messages, but Zhang Shaoyan hadn't replied to her yet!

Du Youwei is angry!

She called Zhang Shaoyan directly and found that his phone was turned off. Du Youwei put down her phone and twitched the corners of her mouth. Could this person have been in meetings since last night until now? !

She hesitated whether to call Gao Ye again, but wouldn't that make her stare too closely

She simply sent a message to ask Wei Rui.

You Weiwei: Rui, Zhang Shaoyan didn't make a video call with me yesterday, and he didn't reply when I sent him a message [sad]

You Weiwei: I just called him, and he turned off [sad] What do you think I should do

Wei Rui: …

If Wei Rui is replaced by someone else, she may feel that there is a situation, but the other party is Zhang Shaoyan, she thinks it should not be.

Wei Rui: Maybe it's because I'm busy, I'll help you ask Gao Ye side by side.

You Weiwei: [Love you.jpg]

After ten minutes, Wei Rui rushed over to reply to the message.

Wei Rui: Takaya didn't answer me either [smiles]

You Weiwei: What about the phone

Wei Rui: The phone was connected but no one answered. [Smile]

You Weiwei: ... Rui, the visa we applied to Japan last time hasn't expired, right? :)

Wei Rui: Not yet, how many times can I go

You Weiwei: [Stick]

Pushing her into a hurry, she directly booked a ticket to fly to Japan. :)

She decided to wait until noon to call Zhang Shaoyan. If it was still turned off or no one answered, she would go on a day trip.

Before noon, when Du Youwei was in the company, she received a call from an unfamiliar number. The call looked like it was coming from overseas. Du Youwei intuitively had something to do with Zhang Shaoyan, so she picked it up without any hesitation: "Hello."

"Yes, Du Youwei? I'm James."

A Chinese with a foreign accent came from the phone. Du Youwei recognized the voice. It was indeed James: "James? I'm Du Youwei, what's the matter?"

"It's like this." James seemed a little anxious, and he didn't speak Chinese as usual. "We were in Japan with Zhang, dealing with work. Yesterday, Zhang had a car accident."

"What?!" When Du Youwei heard this, she jumped up from her chair in fright, "Is it serious? How is he now?"

"You don't have to worry, he had surgery and is now awake." James was startled by her tone, and quickly comforted her. When Du Youwei heard that Zhang Shaoyan had woken up, she breathed a sigh of relief: "How is he now?"

"The doctor said it's okay, but the situation is a little more complicated..." James said here, not knowing how to continue. Seeing that he only spoke half of what he had said, Du Youwei asked anxiously, "Why is it complicated? Make it clear."

"It's not life-threatening, don't worry, but, uh, why don't you come and see him in person."

He didn't say that Du Youwei also planned to fly over and have a look: "I'll book a ticket right away."

"Ok, tell me the flight number after you have booked, and I will send someone to pick you up."

"Okay." Du Youwei hung up the phone, opened the app and bought herself the fastest flight to Tokyo.

She didn't pack her luggage either, just carried her bag and rushed to the airport. On the way, she called the housekeeper and explained that he sent all his documents directly to the airport.

When the housekeeper came to deliver the things, she realized that her face was not very good, and she rushed to the movement in such a hurry, something must have happened. It's just that he asked Du Youwei, but Du Youwei didn't say anything. Now Du Youwei hasn't seen Zhang Shaoyan yet, so he doesn't know the specific situation, so Du Youwei didn't tell anyone about his car accident.

The plane flew for more than four hours before landing at the airport. As soon as Du Youwei went out, she saw James with blonde hair in the crowd. Europeans and Americans are tall, and his height is very advantageous at the airport. Coupled with the bright hair color, one can find one.

"Hey Du, we're here." James beckoned her to come over to the car. Du Youwei walked over quickly, and after getting on, she couldn't wait to ask him: "How is Zhang Shaoyan? What do you mean when you say the situation is complicated?"

James said embarrassingly: "You will know when you go to the hospital, you don't have to worry, he has no arms or legs, just..."

"What is it?"

There seems to be a problem with the brain.

But James knew how to tell her this, so he could only smile at her silently.

Seeing that he refused to speak, Du Youwei asked another question: "Has the driver found?"

This question makes it even more difficult for James. This is by no means a simple car accident. The person who did it is related to the Japanese export team, and the person behind the scenes, he suspects is his old rival, Andrew.

It's just that there is no evidence yet. When the matter is checked out, let alone the Zhang family, he will not let it go.

"The police are still investigating. That car was reported stolen before. The driver wore a mask and hat, and no fingerprints were left. So far, no useful clues have been found."

Du Youwei frowned upon hearing what he said, "You mean this incident was premeditated?"

"Well." James nodded, "It should be related to our business. Zhang is the key person in our project. If something happens to him, the entire project may be shut down."

It's just that he didn't expect that Andrew's courage is now so big that he dares to move Zhang Shaoyan.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't know if he had the guts to bear the consequences.

After the car drove to the hospital, Du Youwei got out of the car immediately. Because Tokyo is so close, she often travels here with Wei Rui and has learned a lot of Japanese. Seeing that she was holding a nurse, James wanted to ask the other person's ward. He walked up and took her away: "We are afraid that there will be people who are not good at Zhang. His news is completely closed. Come with me."

Du Youwei followed him into the elevator, walked through a long corridor, and walked to another building. After entering, I took another elevator, and then came out. There were many people guarding the corridor, including bodyguards and policemen, and... social people? Du Youwei's eyes swept over the men who looked fierce and vicious, and caught sight of Gao Ye standing at the door of the ward.

"Tao Ye!" Du Youwei called out to him and hurried up.

Seeing her, Takano looked a little complicated for a while. He didn't plan to inform Du Youwei at first, but he didn't expect James to bring people over so quickly.

He sighed softly, since he's all here, he can only take one step at a time: "Madam."

Du Youwei grabbed his arm anxiously and asked him, "Where's Zhang Shaoyan?"

"The boss is inside, I'll take you in." He turned around and knocked on the door. After a while, Zhang Shaoyan's voice came from inside.

"Come in."

When Du Youwei heard his voice, her heart skipped a beat.

She raised her hand nervously, pushed open the door, and walked in slowly. Zhang Shaoyan was sitting on the hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown. His forehead was injured, with gauze wrapped around it, and the black bangs fell softly, just where his eyebrows were.

His eyes fell on Du Youwei, and he slowly changed positions as she walked. Du Youwei's nose was sour, and she rushed up at once: "Zhang Shaoyan, are you alright!"

James and Takano also walked in from the door, and the ferocious men followed.

Du Youwei hugged Zhang Shaoyan's waist, but Zhang Shaoyan's body was a little stiff. After a long while, he slowly asked, "Who are you?"

This time, Du Youwei became stiff. She raised her head and looked at Zhang Shaoyan in disbelief: "You don't know me anymore??"

What's the drama now?

Zhang Shaoyan stared at him for a while, then shook his head slowly: "Sorry, I can't remember, I can't even remember who I am."

"..." Du Youwei turned her head to look at Gao Ye in silence.

Gao Ye's face was ugly and he said, "The boss was hit on the head, and when he woke up, he didn't know anyone. But the doctor said that there was no problem with the brain, and it might recover in a few days."

Du Youwei keenly grasped the point of his words: "Maybe?"

"..." Gao Ye was silent for a while, "Maybe, in a few years."

Du Youwei pursed her lips tightly, not believing that such a bloody drama happened to her. No, calm down Du Youwei, you have even experienced rebirth, what is memory loss!

She tried to adjust her mentality, and then turned to look at Zhang Shaoyan who was ignorant: "You really don't remember? I'm Du Youwei."

Hearing this name, Zhang Shaoyan's eyes flashed: "Are you, my wife?"

Du Youwei was instantly ecstatic: "Do you remember?"

Zhang Shaoyan took his mobile phone and clicked on WeChat: "This 'ordinary rich Du Youwei' is you. My note to you is my wife."

Du Youwei glanced at his mobile phone, and the chat between the two of them stayed on the message she sent him last night.

Du Youwei's nose was sore all of a sudden, and a tear fell down, just falling on Zhang Shaoyan's mobile phone screen. Zhang Shaoyan frowned unconsciously, Gao Ye glanced at James beside him, and motioned him with his eyes to let everyone out.

James received the signal and drove everyone out, leaving the ward to the poor couple.

After the door of the ward was closed, Du Youwei shrugged sobbingly, thinking about how to help Zhang Shaoyan restore his memory.

She was watching TV, and those characters with amnesia suddenly regained their memory because their brains were hit hard again. Otherwise, she also finds something to look at Zhang Shaoyan's head.

She looked at that vase so well.

Just thinking about it, I felt Zhang Shaoyan's gentle palm covering the top of his head, and rubbed her hair twice.

Du Youwei looked at him with slightly red eyes, Zhang Shaoyan had a shallow smile on his mouth, leaned over to her ear, and whispered in her ear, "I didn't forget."

Du Youwei's body froze slightly, and she turned her head to look at him in a daze.

Zhang Shaoyan touched her face and said softly to her: "I forget anything, and I will never forget you."

Du Youwei looked at him like this for a long time before he hesitated and asked him, "Then what is my birthday?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "March 3rd."

Du Youwei felt that this question might be too simple, and asked him a more difficult one: "What's your suitcase password?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "399."

Correct again.

Du Youwei decided to ask the ultimate question: "What's your bank card password?"

Zhang Shaoyan chuckled, looked at her and asked, "Do you know this question?"

"..." Du Youwei flattened her mouth. She really didn't know that although they were married, Zhang Shaoyan didn't hand over all his property to her!

Zhang Shaoyan raised his hand, wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes pitifully, and said to her, "979399."

This Du Youwei meeting is Zhang Shaoyan and Du Youwei.

She looked at him a few times and asked uncertainly, "Really?"

"I have a card with me, you can try it anytime."

Du Youwei believed: "Then what did you forget?"

Zhang Shaoyan said, "I haven't forgotten anything."

"..." Du Youwei looked at him, so where are you making trouble? tease her

Zhang Shaoyan kissed her lightly at the corner of her eye and explained to her: "When I first woke up, I really didn't remember anything, but it was only temporary, and I slowly remembered it soon. I didn't plan to continue pretending. Amnesia, but at this time Takaya told me that James called you and called you over."

James really did something bad with good intentions this time, and the situation here is still unclear. He called Du Youwei over to get her involved in danger.

"Takano and I have no choice, so we have no choice but to play the game and continue to pretend that we don't remember anything. The other party attacked me because I hope our project will be terminated. Now that I have amnesia, the effect is actually the same, so that they will relax a little bit, and you will also come here. Relatively safe."

Du Youwei nodded while listening: "Then do they believe it?"

"I doubt it, but it doesn't matter. On the surface, I have lost my memory anyway, and my work has stopped temporarily. But in this situation, we have more room to operate. As for work, it will only take some time. I will be in Tokyo. Play for a while."

"Oh..." Du Youwei digested it, "So Gao Ye actually knows everything?"


"So he was acting just now?"

"… Um."

"Assistant Gao is really versatile, and his acting skills are really good." Du Youwei said, and praised Zhang Shaoyan, "You too, Zhang Yingdi."

Zhang Shaoyan smiled helplessly and said to her: "From now on, you have to show your acting skills too."

Originally, the best way was to hide from Du Youwei and not even tell her, so that she would not reveal her fault. But when he saw her tears just now, he couldn't take it anymore.

I almost couldn't play.

Gao Ye probably noticed it too, so he quickly took everyone out and let them both make it clear.

"I don't know how long I can hold the other side with this strategy of delaying troops. Takaya and James will take advantage of this time to investigate the matter clearly. If the other side has any actions in between, then I will send you back to China first." He knew that Du Youwei would not leave easily when she came, but if there was any danger, he would not care about her wishes.

Du Youwei flattened her mouth, did not respond to his statement, but asked something else: "The person who attacked you, do you know who it is?"

"I know, it's someone from the exit group, but now we don't have proof."

Du Youwei seemed to remember something and asked him, "Who are the fierce looking uncles outside the door?"

"It's from the export group, but a few of them are here to protect me."

"Ah? Why aren't they unified internally?"

Zhang Shaoyan curled his lips slightly, nodded and said: "They have developed to this day, and it is normal for them to have differences within the organization. Now some of them have whitewashed and started serious business, but of course they are unwilling. Most of the time they They don't interfere with each other, but it was me who had the accident this time, and they didn't want to be implicated, so I promised me that they would definitely find out whoever did it."

"...Oh." Du Youwei asked curiously, "What business do those uncles do?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "Sell milk tea in the scenic spot."

Du Youwei: "…"