Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 76


The aura around Zhang Shaoyan's body cooled down, and Du Youwei, who was scalding beef, looked up at him puzzled: "What's the matter? Did something happen to the business?"

Zhang Shaoyan put down the phone, looked at Du Youwei and asked, "Why didn't you tell me what Na Xuzi sent you?"

Du Youwei was stunned for a moment. At this moment, she didn't have time to think about which traitor leaked the matter, so she was busy explaining to Zhang Shaoyan: "That Naoko, at first glance, is deliberately provoking trouble. I think it, you are so busy with work. , You don't need to disturb you for such a trivial matter! I can handle it myself!"

Zhang Shaoyan pursed his lips and asked her, "How did you do it?"

Du Youwei said proudly: "I sent her all the words I scolded her in the circle of friends! She may be lying on the ground crying now!"

"..." Zhang Shaoyan was silent for a while, and finally had to sigh helplessly, looked at Du Youwei and said, "You have to remember that your business is not a trivial matter to me."

Du Youwei: "…"

It's so annoying, I have to tease her when I eat beef.

She put the just-boiled beef into Zhang Shaoyan's bowl, and smiled apologetically to him: "I know, I will tell you later."

"And the circle of friends is not allowed to screen me again."

"… Oh."

Zhang Shaoyan picked up his chopsticks again, clamped the piece of beef that Du Youwei had put over, and asked her casually, "You don't have to worry at all, do I really have anything with Naoko?"

Du Youwei looked at him in surprise: "Do you really hope I think you and Naoko have something?"

"..." Zhang Shaoyan glanced up at her, "Aren't you jealous?"

Du Youwei exaggeratedly said: "Wow, I found a perfect husband like you. If I eat every woman's jealousy, I don't need to eat anything else every day!"

Zhang Shaoyan was amused by her and smiled, nodded and said, "It makes sense."

"..." Hey, you are too good at climbing up the pole!

Zhang Shaoyan looked at her as if he could hear her voice, and the smile on his face deepened. Du Youwei took another piece of beef for him, and said in his mouth: "Come on, eat more, you've worked hard in the world."

"Oh, thank you." Zhang Shaoyan smiled and took her beef.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was even warmer than before, Du Youwei couldn't help but sigh again, Zhang Shaoyan was really unexpectedly coaxing.

What she didn't know was that Zhang Shaoyan sent a message to Gao Ye when she was not paying attention: "The ones we found before can come in handy. I don't want Naoko to be so idle."

"Understood, boss."

Du Youwei was very full at night, so she wanted to take a stroll on the street to digest food. Zhang Shaoyan took her and walked on the streets of Tokyo.

The department store closed very early. At this time, it was no longer possible to visit the mall. The two could only stroll on the street and enjoy the night view. Occasionally, I could meet one or two people who played guitar and sang. Du Youwei followed the crowd for a while, and was pulled away by Zhang Shaoyan.

There were a lot of people around not far away, and the voice of singing could be faintly heard. Du Youwei took Zhang Shaoyan's hand excitedly and rushed towards the crowd: "Let's go, let's go and have a look."

Zhang Shaoyan: "…"

In front is a girl group on the road show. Du Youwei has never heard the name of this girl group, but the girls who are singing and dancing are all dressed up very cutely. The audience at the scene was also very engaged, waving various support objects to support them.

Du Youwei pointed to the girl standing in position C on the stage and said to Zhang Shaoyan, "Look, the girl in position C looks so good!"

Zhang Shaoyan was not very used to this place, so he reluctantly said "um", thinking about dragging Du Youwei away again.

"Pretty sister is so nice. After I go back, I will also start a girl group. Last time, Han Yang complained that our company is a monk company!"

Yanyan Media has a lot of people now, but the artists are all men, not a single girl. In the past, Du Youwei wanted to be a boy band wholeheartedly, but now, looking at the beautiful sister who was singing and dancing on the stage, she was moved to start a girl group again.

"I'll discuss it with Ding Lei and the others when I go back." Du Youwei told Zhang Shaoyan while learning from the people around her and waving her hands along with the rhythm. A little brother next to her saw that she had nothing in her hand, so he kindly gave her two light sticks that were full of them.

"Ah, 3q!" Du Youwei thanked her little brother and handed one to Zhang Shaoyan with great interest, "Come on, this is for you! Let's wave our hands!"

Zhang Shaoyan: "…"

Young people sometimes really do not understand.

He was holding a glow stick and stood here out of place. The way for these supporters to call is not to simply swing their arms with a light stick, but to have a set of their own movements, and they also need to match the rhythm of the songs on the stage. Du Youwei learned such a complicated process very quickly, and integrated with the people around her exactly.

Usually in work and study, why haven't I seen her with such a strong learning ability

After the people on stage finished singing another song, Zhang Shaoyan couldn't help dragging Du Youwei away.

"Ah, why did you just leave? We haven't finished singing yet!" Du Youwei was dragged by his arm and muttered in dissatisfaction. Zhang Shaoyan said: "It's not safe to be outside if it's too late, go home early."

Du Youwei: "…"

You are secretly following so many bodyguards, are you still afraid of being unsafe

The two walked for a while and came across a Cowherd shop.

Du Youwei raised her eyebrows and stared at the photos hanging outside with interest. Each store has a ranking of Cowherds. This store hangs photos and names of one to ten people outside the store. Du Youwei looks at each other.

Zhang Shaoyan saw that she couldn't move, and the corner of his mouth twitched coldly: "Why, do you want to go in and sit?"

"How can it be." Du Youwei heard the warning in his voice, and said very well with current affairs, "Look at the first place, he is not as good-looking as you!"


"Yeah." Du Youwei said, took Zhang Shaoyan's arm, and raised his eyebrows at him, "If you don't believe me, can I invite you in for a drink?"

Zhang Shaoyan pointed to a club not far away, and said to her, "Why don't I invite you there for a drink?"

Zhang Shaoyan was referring to a club whose main feature was to accompany wine girls. Du Youwei blinked twice and smiled at him: "I think we should go home and watch a movie. The projector you bought works really well!"


"Yeah, haven't you seen it?"

"No time to."

"..." Then what did you buy it for!

Seeing that the two of them were about to go back, the car that had been following them not far or near came up and stopped in front of them. After the two got home, they really found a movie to watch, but Du Youwei fell asleep in a daze after seeing half of it.

Zhang Shaoyan glanced at the person leaning on his shoulder, smiled helplessly, and carefully hugged her tightly into the bedroom. Just as he put him down, Du Youwei grabbed his arm and said in a dreamy voice, "Don't go! Come and sleep with me."

"..." Zhang Shaoyan pulled her hand down, and she quickly entangled her again, repeating that he should sleep with her.

For a moment, Zhang Shaoyan really doubted whether she was really asleep.

In the end, he couldn't beat Du Youwei, so he lay down beside her: "Okay, okay, sleep with you, don't make trouble."

Du Youwei seemed to be appeased by his words, and then he calmed down. She hugged Zhang Shaoyan's arm and leaned on it like a pillow. Zhang Shaoyan raised his other hand, touched her head lovingly, and placed a kiss on her forehead: "Sleep in peace, wife."

Du Youwei slept soundly that night, but Naoko had a very uneasy life.

In reality, she saw the screenshots Du Youwei sent her. Although they were all in Chinese, who called her... Chinese is good. :)

She understood all the words that scolded her, and she was so angry that her stomach hurt. The quarrel between Du Youwei and Zhang Shaoyan, who she thought would come, did not come. Du Youwei even posted a circle of friends about watching the girl group road show with Zhang Shaoyan.

Naoko was so angry that she didn't eat dinner, and was still thinking about what to do next, when she received news from her subordinates that there were enthusiastic people reporting them, and the police would come to search them immediately.

Naoko's face is even more ugly than before, enthusiastic about the masses? What the hell is this?

During this period of time, they were constantly being picked on by the police, and they lived in fear and fear, and their business was affected a lot. Now there are still enthusiastic people

What she didn't expect was that there was more than one enthusiastic crowd. :)

In the next few days, enthusiastic people reported them for different reasons every day, and the police came to the door almost every day. It's not that the search found nothing, and some previous matters were turned up again, and it was said that they would be re-examined.

Naoko finally understood at this time, this matter must be led by Zhang Shaoyan.

Is it to avenge her for Du Youwei

Naoko laughed coldly. She really loves and hates this man, hates his decisiveness and indifference, but loves his strength and sharpness.

This made Zhang Shaoyan more attractive to her and more insatiable.

"Takeda, help me prepare the car, I'm going to Zhang Shaoyan's company." Naoko packed up her emotions, put on her gorgeous kimono, and walked out of the room.

Takeda bowed to her and said solemnly, "Yes, Miss."

The last time she went to find Zhang Shaoyan, Zhang Shaoyan said that if she wanted to find him, she had to make an appointment in advance. But since she sent Du Youwei a message, every time she made an appointment call, she was told that Zhang Shaoyan had no time. She moved the time back, and they said that Zhang Shaoyan had returned to China at that time.

Since she didn't want to see her, she went to the door of the company to block it.

I don't know if the company greeted the security guard. She wanted to go in and wait for Zhang Shaoyan, but was stopped by the security guard and prevented her from entering. Naoko held the bag that matched the clothes in her hand, and finally a look of cruelty appeared on her face when facing the security guard: "When can a company security guard point fingers at me?"

She called out "Takeda", and Takeda came up to help her stop the security guards with one's strength. She walked into the building with her head raised slightly, and a security guard stopped entanglement with Takeda, and immediately got through the phone upstairs and reported the incident.

When Takaya came down, Naoko was sitting on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor drinking coffee. He walked over to Naoko and smiled at her: "Miss Naoko, do you know that if you break into our company like this, we can call the police?"

When Naoko heard this, she laughed involuntarily: "Have you reported a few police recently?"

Takao pretended not to understand, and only conveyed what Zhang Shaoyan meant to her: "Miss Naoko, the boss won't see you. Since you sent that kind of message to the boss' wife, you should have known that you offended our boss."

Naoko put down the coffee, stood up and looked at him: "Offend him? I offend Du Youwei the most."

Gao Ye also looked at her: "Offending the boss's wife is more serious than offending the boss."