Unworthy Rich Girl

Chapter 9


I don't know if the stimulation was too great today, but Du Youwei had nightmares again at night. On the two days she just came back from her rebirth, she would dream of the scene when she jumped into the sea, but tonight she no longer dreamed of these, but dreamed that the Zhang family boss turned into a huge monster, facing her again. It was fire-breathing and roaring, and the last fire burned through her money.

This is worse than her jumping into the sea.

Du Youwei was awakened by the shock, and quickly looked at the bank card balance. At this time, it was still dark, and she was lying on the bed, daring not to fall asleep, and watched the sun rise.

As soon as the day dawned, Jin Yingjun opened the door of her room as if he was fine, and crouched at the door, yelling "Wang Wang" to get her up.

There are classes at school today, and Du Youwei is finally able to go back to school, but she doesn't want to be late.

She got up, washed and dressed, ate breakfast and went to school.

After last night's battle, the attitude of the classmates towards her changed drastically. Not only did they stop being cynical, they also greeted her amiably when they met.

Du Youwei responded lukewarmly, acting very flattering.

When they got to the classroom, the classmates who were talking to Pan Jing came up to chat with her.

"Youwei, you were so beautiful last night!"

"Yes, none of the girls in the school can compare to you!"

"Your dance partner is also the most handsome in the audience, you two are a perfect match!"

Pan Jing sneered in her heart after listening to their compliments. These wealthy children really meet the wind.

She unscrewed the pen violently and began to write and draw on the book.

Du Youwei hadn't forgotten how these people talked about themselves on the forum before, and only smiled at them perfunctorily. Sun Xiaoxiao knew that Du Youwei's class was in this classroom, so she came over to look for her: "Youwei!"

She waved to Du Youwei and motioned her to come out. Du Youwei put down her things and went out to ask her, "Xiao Xiao, what's the matter?"

Sun Xiaoxiao took her hand and looked like she had a good relationship with her: "Why didn't you answer my call last night? I called you many times."

Du Youwei made an "oh" and said casually, "I ran out of battery last night, what are you looking for from me?"

Sun Xiaoxiao lowered her voice mysteriously and asked her: "Is the person who danced with you last night from the Zhang family? You don't know, someone originally posted a photo of you dancing together on the campus forum yesterday, but it turned out that It was all deleted very quickly, and even the person who posted it was banned."

All the students in this school are talented people. Seeing this posture, they know that this matter cannot be discussed, so they obediently shut up.

Du Youwei really doesn't know about this, but with that person's background, deleting a post and a number is not just a matter of moving your little finger.

No, strands of hair.

"The dance is over, these are not important anymore." Du Youwei didn't want to tell Sun Xiaoxiao about this, she looked down at the hand that Sun Xiaoxiao was holding, her eyes moved slightly, "Xiaoxiao, you Why does this bracelet look like it was processed and transformed from a hair tie?"

Sun Xiaoxiao subconsciously retracted his hand and hid behind him: "How can there be, it's just a gadget, you mustn't look down on it."

Du Youwei smiled and didn't ask any further questions. She remembered the one on the forum with a rhythm to black her, right

"We're going to class soon, we'll talk later." Sun Xiaoxiao waved to Du Youwei and left her classroom.

The four lessons in the morning were the most serious lessons Du Youwei had ever listened to in her life, and even the teacher was surprised.

Du Youwei has her own considerations. In her last life, after the Du family went bankrupt, she had a miserable life. She also wanted to go out and find something to do to help her family make more money. But as soon as she stepped into society, she realized that she knew nothing at all.

She has no ability to make money at all.

In this life, she can no longer waste time at will, and the money will not fall from the sky by herself. If the Du family's business is not good in the future, she can still make money by herself, which can be regarded as double insurance.

Uh... let's start by failing the exam!

Because she made an appointment with the boss to record a song in the afternoon, she didn't go home again at noon, and ate something at the school's restaurant. After eating, she even went to the study room to study for a while.

Seeing that it was almost time, she packed up her things and left the study room. As soon as she left the teaching building, she saw Zhang Shengze and Zhang Shengze's car.

He may have come to wait for Pan Jing. Du Youwei saw Pan Jing in the study room just now—Pan Jing was admitted to this university seriously and has been studying very hard.

In the past, although Du Youwei didn't like Zhang Shengze, she felt that others could still watch it. But now, she thinks that others are also very ordinary, and she doesn't know why he thought his face was okay before

She didn't even stop her steps, she walked around Zhang Shengze and his car and walked outside.

"Hmph, after hugging my seventh uncle's thigh, everyone is really different." Zhang Shengze took off the big sunglasses on his face and said yin and yang strangely.

Du Youwei ignored him and just went his own way. Seeing her ignoring him directly, Zhang Shengze was even more angry: "Du Youwei, don't think you can enter Zhang's house by dancing with him. How much do you know him?"

Du Youwei finally turned around and looked at him with a half-smile, "Yo, isn't this Zhang Shengze? Don't you usually annoy me the most? Waiting here to talk to me today, what kind of wind is blowing?"

Du Youwei wanted to say, "What kind of cheapness did you commit?", but she swallowed the words.

For this reason, Zhang Shengze was also like a cat whose tail was stepped on. He wanted to attack, but he endured it: "I see that we have some friendship, so I kindly came to remind you. You may not know it yet, My seventh uncle has a man named Lin Qian for a long time, the baby is too good, he also bought a suite for her in the city center, and played the game of hiding in a golden house."

"..." Du Youwei knew for the first time that Zhang Shengze's mouth was so broken. She smiled at him and asked, "Does he know that you gossip about your seventh uncle behind his back?"

Zhang Shengze's face really changed. He put on his sunglasses again and opened the car door: "Anyway, I reminded you, listen to you or not."

Du Youwei snorted inwardly, what kind of Lin Qian is a dog, does it have anything to do with her? After recording the song this afternoon, she disappeared with him!


"Miss Du, the boss asked me to pick you up." A woman's voice suddenly came from the side. Du Youwei followed the voice and saw a well-dressed working woman.

"You are?"

"I'm the boss's secretary, my surname is Hu, you can call me Secretary Hu." Secretary Hu smiled professionally at her and pointed to a black car next to her, "Please get in the car."

Du Youwei followed her and walked around to the front of the car to look at the license plate. After matching the license plate sent by the boss last night, she climbed into the car.

Secretary Hu: "..."

Along the way, neither of them spoke. Secretary Hu's eyes swept across the rearview mirror without a trace, looking at Du Youwei in the back row.

She has been with the boss for six years, and has only helped him pick up two women. One is Lin Qian, and the other is today's Miss Du.

Lin Qian is Lin Hui's younger sister, so the boss naturally treats her differently, this Miss Du...

Thinking of the hesitant expression on Gaote's face when he explained that he came to pick her up, could she be the future boss lady

This idea was so shocking that Secretary Hu himself was startled.

After arriving at the place, Secretary Hu got out of the car first and helped Du Youwei open the door: "Miss Du, here we are."

"Oh, thank you." Du Youwei got out of the car, looking at the building in front of him and twitched the corners of his mouth. This is the most famous record company in city A. The big guys do things differently. They have to come to such a professional place to record songs.

Secretary Hu took her to the recording studio, where there was only a recording engineer.

"The boss will be here soon. You should wait here for a while. Oh, by the way, the song to be recorded later is Mo Tianwang's "Unreachable", you should already know it?"

"Well." The boss first took away her album of Mo Tianwang at a high price of 10 million, and now he asked her to come to the recording studio to record Mo Tianwang's songs. It seems that the boss really likes Mo Tianwang.

Secretary Hu settled her down and went outside to wait for Zhang Shaoyan. Almost as soon as she walked out of the building, Zhang Shaoyan's car stopped downstairs.

"Boss." Secretary Hu saw him and Gao Ye getting out of the car and followed. Zhang Shaoyan nodded and asked her, "Has anyone received it?"

"I got it, I'm waiting for you in the recording studio."


"One more thing..." Secretary Hu thought about it, and then said it, "When I went to pick up Miss Du, she was with Zhang Shengze."

Zhang Shaoyan frowned slightly: "Zhang Shengze?"

He snorted coldly and said nothing.

Du Youwei was in friendly communication with the recording engineer when the door was suddenly pushed open. Seeing the big guy in the suit walking in, Du Youwei immediately stood up straight: "Hello, big guy!"

Zhang Shaoyan did not respond to her, only said: "Start as soon as possible when you are ready."

The recording engineer did not dare to neglect, and quickly let Du Youwei into the studio. Du Youwei was a little nervous when she recorded a song in the studio for the first time. She put on her earphones and sang a sentence, only to be stopped by Zhang Shaoyan standing outside: "It's out of tune."

Du Youwei looked at him suspiciously, is she out of tune

"Come again." Zhang Shaoyan has completely mastered the right to speak in the recording studio. The music started again, and Du Youwei only sang another sentence before being called off again: "Are you a robot? Come again."

"..." Don't be too arrogant, I'll tell you, I won't record if you do this again!

"Okay, boss." Du Youwei said with a smile.

The third time, with the same sentence, Boss Zhang called again. Du Youwei smiled and asked, "What's wrong this time?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "There is nothing wrong, but I am a ruthless executioner. I kill people without blood. I just want you to come back."

Du Youwei: "…"

What is self-inflicted? This is called self-inflicted. :)

When the prelude sounded for the fourth time, Du Youwei thought that she had bought the memoir of singer Ding Meng, and the situation recorded in it was the same as it is now.

Fortunately, after her fourth comeback, Zhang Shaoyan finally stopped embarrassing her. After she finished singing, she came out of the shed and said to Zhang Shaoyan, "What other instructions do you have?"

Zhang Shaoyan said: "It's gone for the time being, and I'll contact you later if I need it."

One sentence made Du Youwei stunned again. She originally thought that the two of them would never meet again after today. What does it mean to contact her again in the future?

She pursed her lips and bravely asked the question in her heart: "In the future... what else do you need?"

Zhang Shaoyan glanced at her: "You don't have to be responsible for after-sales after recording the song?"

"..." It was the first time that Du Youwei had heard of such a thing!

"No problem, boss." Du Youwei said with a smile.

Zhang Shaoyan looked at her again, and his thin lips opened lightly: "Don't keep calling you a big boss."

"Then... Seventh Master?"

"I have a name, Zhang Shaoyan."