Urban Banished Immortal

Chapter 36: The treasure handed down from the Chen family


Kong Yifu naturally saw all the small actions of the two of them, okay, very good, since an illegitimate daughter of the Murong family has not entered the door of my Kong family, then let me see the kid you are looking for. What can you do.

"Little villain, you go black, I'm older than you, I can't take advantage of you." Kong Yifu said with a smile.

"No, let's guess, I've always had good luck." Guo Huai said with a smile, but luck didn't stand on Guo Huai's side this time, Kong Yifu was black, he was white, but what's the matter, one bet ten thousand A banished immortal of Go in the year can still lose to a mortal.

"Boy, do you think you can win me by breaking the endgame by mistake? I want to show you what is the strength of a professional seventh-dan." Kong Yifu thought to himself, the fact is that he played really well. The average amateur player is more than enough, even the average professional player is no problem, but today his opponent is Guo Huai.

"Kong Yifu, you can't be distracted when playing chess. You see, if you are a little distracted, I will take down this big dragon." Guo Huai pointed out the lifeless son on the chessboard.

"Call me Kong Yifu, how dare you call me by my name." Kong Yifu felt anxious when he saw one of his big dragons being eliminated.

In less than ten minutes, Master Yufeng came over, looked at the chess game, and shook his head slightly.

"Shaw, let's end this game of chess, you lost." Master Yufeng said softly.

"Come again!" Kong Yifu yelled, and he was not polite, and went straight to the black again. But this time it was faster, in less than ten minutes, he was defeated again.

"Come again!" Kong Yifu said again, his forehead was covered with fine sweat.

"I won't come. Today, including the endgame with the old man, I have already played three games, and it will be meaningless to play any more." Guo Huai directly rejected Kong Yifu's request.

"Haha, don't be arrogant or impetuous, good, good." Master Yufeng said with a smile. "My ability is limited. If I met my friend in the early years, I could still learn from him in some aspects. Now I can't do it. I don't know who my teacher is. Can you tell me?" After playing the second game of chess with Kong Yifu, Huai and Kong Yifu concluded in his mind that even if he played against Guo Huai, he might not take any advantage.

"Who did you learn from? There are many masters, but I can't tell the old man. I hope the old man will forgive me." Guo said with a smirk. how to tell you Let me tell you that I studied with Sun Dasheng for a period of time at first, and later when the great sage came back from his journey to the west, he took himself to study with some Sanxian. Zhuang Guan has been with Zhen Yuan Daxian for a few years, if I tell you this, would you believe it

"Haha, the old man has lost his mind." Master Yufeng said with a smile, "Yifu, there are people outside the world, and I know that Kong Xuan's matter has a great impact on your Kong family, but Weiwei girl is already the old man's closed-door disciple. That is your junior sister, you should understand what to do in the future." Master Yufeng had already seen Kong Yifu's thoughts today, and said softly.

"Yifu understands that it was Shaw who was wrong today, and I ask the two children to forgive me. Teacher, Yifu has embarrassed you here." Kong Yifu immediately understood what Master Yufeng meant, and he had already said it so clearly. understandable. "Teacher, there are still activities in the association today, so I won't stay here any longer, and I will come to see you when I have time."

"Hey, among the four apprentices, Shaw was the most optimistic in the past. No matter in character or other aspects, he is very similar to when I was young, but it seems that I was wrong." Master Yufeng looked at Kong who was leaving. Shaw said softly.

"You don't have to blame yourself, old man." Guo said with a smirk. "By the way, I don't know how much the old man knows about the gourd that General Li Doutian got before. Did the old man save some treasures? Can you let me see it?"

Guo Huai suddenly remembered that when he ascended to heaven, he left many good things in Chenjiazhuang. He didn't know whether his descendants would pass them down from generation to generation, and he seemed a little worried that he would need them now.

"That gourd from Doutian? I know a little bit about it. At the earliest time, he showed me that." Master Yufeng said with a smile, "I don't have a gourd here, but if you want to talk about other treasures, how many do I have?" These items are all things that have been passed down from generation to generation, I will bring them for you and let you have a look." Said, Yufeng went to the back room again.

"I don't care about other things, the flying sword that I made by myself back then was passed down to me from generation to generation by you. Without me, I would have to drag you out if I went to the underworld." Guo Huai said to himself.

"After so many years, I heard from the elders that there were a lot of things before. From Qinghai to Wucheng, some things were lost in domestic and civil wars, and some were destroyed in foreign wars. There are only these three things that can be passed down." , the old man pushed a small cart to the living room.

"Old man, why did you take out these things again?" Wu Ma, who had just finished clearing the dining table, asked with a smile as she looked at the trolley rolled out by the old man.

"My little friend wants to take a look. I'm afraid those calligraphy and paintings won't catch my eye. These things are handed down from my ancestors. They must be old objects. Let me have a look." Master Yufeng said with a smile .

"Seven-Star Compass, Fantian Seal. Although they are all counterfeit, but these are the guys I ate back then." Opening the first two boxes, Guo Huai said to himself, but these things are useless now that they are obtained by themselves. With my current mana, if I forcibly activate these magic weapons, I'm still not an old birthday star who hanged himself.

"Feijian, it must be my flying sword." Guo Huai shouted in his heart when he reached out to open the third box.

"Grandpa, it's amazing. I've been around the antique market for a long time, and I've never seen such a good treasure. Can you always tell me what these things in front of you are for?" Guo asked with a smirk. He said, he could hardly hide his excitement, because when he opened the third box, a familiar figure came into view, what was it if it wasn't the flying sword he made back then.

"This is a compass. It should be someone in the ancestors who is proficient in ventilation, water and gossip. However, this compass is much smaller than some existing compasses from the Tang Dynasty." Master Yufeng said with a smile.

"This should be a seal, but I can't tell what is written on it. I have also consulted many experts, but I can't identify it." The master continued.

"As for the last thing, I think it should be a toy that our ancestors made for the younger generation of our family. However, the workmanship is extremely exquisite. Later, it may be found that the thing is too sharp, so it is directly handed over to future generations. Come down." The master said with a smile.

After Master Yufeng finished speaking, Guo Huai was about to go crazy. The seven-star compass, the pirated version of the overturning seal, and the magical flying sword, Chen Qingyuan saved the world and slaughtered demons with this thing back then, and Chen Qingyuan accumulated countless merits, which allowed him to ascend to the heavens and resist the thunder without any effort. This argument. (end of this chapter)