Urban Strengthening System

Chapter 216: Outdoor live CS


It turns out that their class is planning to organize an activity after the Mid-Autumn Festival - outdoor real-person CS in order to strengthen the team awareness among classmates.

Live CS is a military simulation type of live outdoor competitive sport.

To put it simply, it is a military simulation game.

This kind of game uses simulated game tactical launchers (BB bombs, water bombs, paintballs, lasers and other countermeasure launcher equipment), and you wear tactical equipment and various styles of military uniforms and protective gear.

In the game, everyone plays the role of a soldier or general and carries out simulated combat, which is very popular among military enthusiasts.

This game tests the cooperation of team members without sacrificing fun.

Therefore, many corporate employees and school students will use this game to strengthen team concepts and relax stress.

This event is based on dormitories, and each female dormitory is specially allowed to invite a male foreign aid.

However, Ye Zhinuo and his friends have been unable to find any foreign aid in their dormitory, but now they want to invite Ye Hong to participate.

But Ye Hong shook his head and refused without even thinking about it.

Although he has free time, he doesn't want to waste it playing games with these little brats.

"Ahong Gege~" Zhao Xiaotong made a coquettish voice that made her lose her teeth, "Just help us, Ge Panpan from the dormitory opposite has been laughing at us because we can't find anyone in the dormitory!"

Ye Zhinuo said angrily: "That Ge Panpan is indeed a bit irritating."

Ye Zhinuo has a relatively calm temperament and rarely gets angry because of someone or something.

And this person named Ge Panpan could make Ye Zhinuo so angry, which showed that he was really wronged.

When his younger sister was bullied, Yehong's defensive personality was instantly triggered.

He pondered for a moment, and finally agreed to their invitation, making the two little girls so happy that they couldn't sleep all night.

During the following vacation, Ye Hong took the two of them on a completely crazy trip in Anming County.

Amusement parks, arcades, cafes, and Western restaurants all left a few footprints.

The two of them didn't have to worry about anything during the whole process, they just waited for Ye Hong's meticulous service.

This kind of princess-like treatment made Zhao Xiaotong wonder why she didn't have such a brother.

After the vacation, Ye Hong followed the two of them to Yiran Middle School.

Zhao Xiaotong took off her uninhibited clothes and looked so pure and cute that Ye Hong almost didn't recognize her.

Yiran Middle School is located in the west of the county, close to the western suburbs.

Ye Hong followed the two of them into the school and reported his identity to the organizer of the event, their class teacher.

In school, Ye Hong met Ye Zhinuo's other two roommates.

An honest girl named Zheng Xiaohua, Ye Zhinuo said she was from the countryside, and they usually called her Xiaohua.

There is also a pretty girl named Zhu Jing, who is also a native of Anming County.

They welcomed Ye Hong's arrival very much.

Especially after learning about Ye Hong's "deeds" from Zhao Xiaotong's broken mouth, I admired him even more.

Before departure, the head teacher held a brief mobilization meeting on the playground to explain some precautions.

Ye Hong was looking at the sky boredly, when he noticed a proud little girl wearing a pink headband walking over with a burly young man.

The young man had a clean shaved head, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looked very energetic.

Even in the dead of winter, he was only wearing a thin camouflage uniform, and the tendons under the clothing were almost bulging out.

(End of chapter)