Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 119: tell


Su Xiaoyun glanced at me gratefully, nodded, took a deep breath, and said, "Two years ago, the girl who committed suicide by jumping off a building, Su Qiaoning. She is my sister."

"Sister?" Bai Zai almost spit out the tea he was drinking, and looked at Su Xiaoyun in surprise, "What did you say?"

Su Xiaoyun nodded gently, "These things have to start from the year I was just born. Our family was originally a very ordinary family. My father is a doctor and my mother is a nurse. Although the income is not that much High, but it can fully maintain the expenses of two children, and life is quite happy. My parents discussed having another child.”

It was only at this time that I suddenly realized why it sounded familiar to me when Wen Jiubai introduced that girl's family in the classroom tonight, because Su Xiaoyun had also mentioned her parents' occupations to me.

"Then what?" Bai asked.

"But later, things changed dramatically." Su Xiaoyun lowered her head and said in a low voice, "In the year my mother was pregnant with me, something strange happened in the hospital. The corpses in the hospital morgue disappeared inexplicably. Four or five corpses disappeared at once. As the director, my father began to investigate this matter, but unexpectedly, when he found the surveillance video, he found that those corpses sat up from the bed and walked out by themselves. From the morgue."

I gasped.

"My mother was pregnant with me at the time, so my father didn't dare to tell my mother about this matter, but chose to investigate secretly by himself." Su Xiaoyun continued, "Soon he found out from the surveillance that these 'lives' The corpses that came over would always line up in an orderly manner, going in the same direction. My father searched in that direction, and found the grove we came out of. At that time, Yancheng University had not yet been built, That grove was just an ordinary cemetery. My father walked over and took a look. Sure enough, all the corpses lost in the hospital were there, piled up in a random way, and some of them were rotted because they were exposed to the air for too long. But the lost corpse was finally found, my father was very happy, and immediately contacted the dean, and finally everyone moved all the corpses back to the morgue before the missing corpse was discovered by the family members."

"I thought things would end like this. My father even invited friends to drink together that night to celebrate his cracking of the strange case. The bodies were found, and no one cared about how they were 'lost' anymore. At night, father He was so drunk that he fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow when he got home. At this time, he had a very horrible dream. He dreamed that there was a red body with a thin body and a huge mouth. The ghost came to his bed, screamed loudly, and said to his father, "You stole my things, return it quickly!" In this way, my father has never seen such a horrible thing, and he was scared to hide I went under the bed, trembling all over, but I didn't understand how I stole something. The evil spirit said again, 'Those skins were the things that saved the lives of my kind, and now they are all trapped!'”

"What's going on here?" I gradually became fascinated, and couldn't help asking.

"Now I gradually understand that because of the heavy yin energy in that grove, it is easy to form a gap between Yin and Yang. Every time it is cloudy and rainy or at midnight when the crescent moon is on, the monsters trapped in the Yin world can come here through the gap. But even so, if it is a monster that is not strong enough and has no entity, even if there is a crack connecting one side to the other, they still need a body to pass through the Hyakki Yakura."

"So that's why the red ghost used the dead body in the hospital morgue to try to pass through the door. But your father found out early and moved the dead body back, so they became angry from embarrassment." Nodding, seems to understand.

Su Xiaoyun nodded slightly, and continued, "That dream, my father told us later, he couldn't wake up at that time, no matter whether he pinched himself, hit the wall or jumped out of the window, he would always return to that ghost in the end , was threatened by it. Finally, in the endless loop over and over again, the father finally couldn't stand it anymore, begged the ghost, and said, 'Please forgive me, you can do whatever you want. I can bring the body back to you , I can help you come to the Yang Realm, I can do anything.” At first, the father thought that as long as this was enough, but the evil ghost showed an evil smile, and it said, “It’s too late, I don’t want any corpses. I want your unborn daughter to be a new skin.'”

Bai and I looked at each other. The unborn daughter, isn't that...

"That's right, that evil spirit was talking about me." Su Xiaoyun nodded, "Father was very scared when he woke up. Not long after, I was born, but when I was born, I couldn't breathe, and there was no cry. The nurse had to rescue me for a long time before pulling me back from Huangquan Road. From then on, my father knew that the evil spirit was really after me. Later, as I grew up, I gradually discovered that Unlucky things will always happen to people around me. The smallest things such as unexplained falls, homework missing, and later unexplained injuries, car accidents, illnesses... There have been two fires in our house, and my father has almost two times. I was hit by a car, and my mother was cheated out of more than 100,000 yuan by a liar, which made the family's savings almost bottom out. But, strange to say, so many people have suffered misfortune, but I have nothing to do. Gradually, the people around me All my friends left me, and even my sister and parents were cold to me. When I was young, my mother even took me to the wilderness several times to throw me away, but I found it myself When I was in junior high school, my father finally told me the truth of the matter. He told me that I was a child cursed by a monster, so everyone around me would suffer misfortune. Not only that, the monster did not Knowing when it will come to the door, devour my soul and occupy my body."

"I was scared, and so were my parents. My mother wanted to send me away to have another child, but the strange thing is, she got pregnant twice and miscarried, so she kept me in the end. And my father asked around about the famous The Taoist monk asked for a way to break the curse, but no one had a good way. Finally, he finally asked a hermit with a high level of cultivation from an old woman, and knelt down to the hermit day and night to beg for mercy. Finally, the The hermit agreed to do it for me."