Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 120: tell (below)


With that said, Su Xiaoyun turned her head and glanced at Wen Jiubai, "I still remember that the hermit, surnamed Wen, was a handsome man in a black Taoist robe."

I looked at Wen Jiubai in surprise. The man didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but just sat there silently, pretending to be a bystander.

"Wen Jiubai? So, you've known Su Xiaoyun for a long time?"

"I never said we didn't know each other." Wen Jiubai folded his hands in his sleeves and said calmly, "That was four years ago. At that time, I didn't receive guests as openly as I do now, but Living a life of retreating into the mountains. The father of your friend has been knocking on my door for three days and three nights without sleep, asking me to touch his daughter's curse."

"Then, is the curse lifted?" I looked at Wen Jiubai and then at Su Xiaoyun.

"Since it's called a curse, it's not something that can be lifted so easily. What their father and daughter have provoked is not an ordinary evil spirit." Wen Jiubai glanced at Su Xiaoyun, then turned around, "Parasitic soul, have you heard of it?" ?”

I shook my head blankly.

"Oh, I really found a 'knowledgeable' assistant." Wen Jiubai narrowed his eyes and teased.

"Shut up!" I was so angry and annoyed, at what time, this Wen Jiubai was still joking!

"Listen well, 'parasitic souls' are a kind of souls. They used to be human beings, and they turned into ghosts after death. However, due to the serious crimes in life, they cannot be reincarnated, so they can only keep wandering in the gap between this shore and the other shore. It is impossible to go to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and it is difficult to return to the world." Wen Jiubai said slowly, "They feed on resentment, and the greater the resentment, the greater their power. The parasitic soul that cast a curse on Su Xiaoyun must be in the crack After lingering for a long time, the power she possesses cannot be underestimated. But the most important thing is that her father made a promise to the parasitic soul, 'let me do anything', so that the curse will be unbreakable."

"Unbreakable?" I asked in disbelief.

"That's right." Wen Jiubai nodded lightly, "Unlike humans who like to lie, monsters don't lie. Similarly, promises made are absolutely unbreakable. If you promise something to a monster, you must You have to fulfill it, because the moment you make a promise, the contract is created, and there is an unbreakable "curse" between humans and monsters. To give a simple example, when walking at night in the mountains, if there is someone behind Never agree to your name being called. That’s because if the person calling your name is a monster, if you agree, it’s equivalent to making a contract, allowing weak monsters to take advantage of it.”

Wen Jiubai thought for a while and then said, "However, this point is often used by humans in reverse. The same is true when Japanese onmyoji accept shikigami. Monsters make promises to humans, and humans use the contract created by this promise to collect monsters. all."

I was still confused, and nodded half-understanding, "Yes, yes...then the curse on Su Xiaoyun cannot be lifted?"

"That's not the case." Wen Jiubai denied, "The establishment of a contract requires the unity of both parties. That is to say, if one party is no longer in the world, the contract will naturally disappear. That is, either the parasitic soul is destroyed, or wait until her When my father passes away, the curse will naturally be lifted."

"But, but, if I waited until then, Su Xiaoyun would have been eaten by monsters long ago!" I blurted out.

"That's true, so when her father came to ask me to ask me, I chose a compromise method to alleviate the impact of the curse." Wen Jiubai looked at Su Xiaoyun and said, "A bowl of white rice, a The chicken blood of a live rooster, together with my canopy spell, can make her Yang Qi disappear, so that the evil spirits will not find her for a while. Of course, there are certain flaws in doing this, that is After the yang qi weakens, the body will be weak. At this stage, the body may be taken advantage of by other monsters. The remedy is to bring a spiritual black cat with you to weaken the effect of the curse. Might disappear completely, but should be enough to go unnoticed by those around."

black cat? I was so startled that I couldn't close my mouth, "So, that cat named Gulu is you..."

Wen Jiubai glanced at me, and looked at me as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person, "Haven't you ever wondered why that cat always finds the old house?"

I was at a loss for words. That's right, it was only after Wen Jiubai said that that I realized that the cat named Gulu took me to the old house twice, and the timing was always just right. Why didn't I suspect the relationship between the cat and Wen Jiubai

"But... Black cat, isn't it a sign of bad luck?" I asked with some doubts, "In the past, the old man in the family always said that seeing a black cat would bring bad luck."

"No, this is the big misunderstanding you modern people have about black cats." Wen Jiubai said with a slight smile, "Black and red are black. Cats with black fur have been psychic and evil-proof creatures since ancient times. Ancient books have Records: "A mysterious cat, a thing that wards off evil spirits. It is easy to place in the south. It is easy for descendants. It is not easy to move." It means that if you raise a black cat, you should keep it in the entrance of the south, and the descendants of this cat will be all Bless this family. Because black cats can exorcise evil spirits, black cats are always wandering in places with disasters. This is how modern people misunderstand black cats. But in fact, in traditional Chinese culture, black cats symbolize auspiciousness. At that time People in China believe that black cats have the ability to keep demons and ghosts from approaching, and can also bring good luck to their owners. Therefore, many wealthy families in ancient times had the habit of raising black cats or placing black cat accessories. Even cats made of gold Statues must also be painted black on the outside."

I nodded knowingly, and murmured, "So it's like this, Gulu is used to protect Su Xiaoyun's cursed physique, no wonder she always hugs that cat."

"If I don't bring Gulu with me, people around me will suffer from the curse of misfortune." Su Xiaoyun murmured, "The last school trip, because the school does not allow pets, I can only bring Gulu Keep it at home, but you know what happened that time."

I froze for a moment. Indeed, the four of us encountered an unprecedented crisis that time, but I never thought it was because of Su Xiaoyun.

"Also, when you just came out of the small woods, you held my hand and almost fell into the pit immediately. If I hadn't pulled you at that time, you would probably be covered in mud by now." Su Xiaoyun was very Tell these facts calmly.