Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 122: cause of the event


"That's right, that's why the girl was still breathing after she committed suicide by jumping off the building!" Bai suddenly realized, "That's because she hasn't died yet!"

"What did you say?" Su Xiaoyun asked in surprise.

"As long as the soul is still there, the body is broken and the person is still alive!" Bai said, "The reason why your sister still breathes after death is because the parasitic soul has not devoured her soul! That guy may You need to bring the soul of a stranger into the crack on the other side of the grove before you can swallow it!"

Su Xiaoyun looked at Bai blankly, and murmured, "Then...that is to say, we could have rescued my sister back then, but I—"

"No, your sister died the moment she jumped off the stairs." Wen Jiubai coldly vetoed Su Xiaoyun's idea, "Don't say that it is impossible for you to save your sister from the parasitic soul. Ten thousand steps, you have saved your sister's soul, and her body has long since been injured beyond use."

"Is that so..." Su Xiaoyun lowered her head.

"But! Those who died in suspended animation in the school may still be rescued!" There was a buzz in my head, and I stood up with a "swish", "Liang Kaifeng, and the girl from the journalism department! They also Didn't die?"

Wen Jiubai nodded, "It's very likely. If they were also taken away by parasitic souls in the same way, we do have a chance to rescue them."

Let's put it this way... the girl I saw at the Hyakki Night Walk is probably the soul of the girl who died in journalism!

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and find a way to rescue them!" I said eagerly, standing up and wanting to go out of the house.

"Oh, what's the hurry." As soon as I stepped out, Wen Jiubai grabbed my arm and dragged me back, "From the current situation, the parasitic souls won't eat their souls so quickly It seems that Su Qiaoning stopped breathing after about a week, right?"

Su Xiaoyun nodded nervously.

"So sit down and let her finish her sentence." After speaking, Wen Jiubai pulled me back to the seat without any doubt, and I had no choice but to sit down too.

"Now we all know that your sister was found by a parasitic soul two years ago, and then jumped to her death." Wen Jiubai looked at Su Xiaoyun calmly, and asked, "Then, what happened to the recent series of events?" What about it? Gu Yu said that you disappeared almost from the beginning of the incident, where did you go?"

When Wen Jiubai asked, Su Xiaoyun had that uneasy look on her face again. She glanced at me, and finally said in a low voice, "I... I was the one who attracted that evil spirit to the school."

Although I had already thought of the answer to this question to some extent in my heart, but hearing Su Xiaoyun say it so directly, I still felt a bit of a "thump" in my heart.

"what happened?"

"It's my fault. I was blinded by hatred." Su Xiaoyun said dejectedly, "After my sister passed away, I always wanted to catch that nasty evil spirit, destroy it, and kill it. But as Mr. Wen said The evil spirit can't find me, and I can't find that evil spirit. I came to this university for the purpose of finding out about my sister's death, and one day I will kill the evil spirit that cursed me. But it has been so long, and there is no progress at all, just when I was about to give up, someone suddenly told me that there is a way to summon that evil spirit."

I saw Wen Jiubai's brows furrowed tightly, and interrupted Su Xiaoyun, "Is there someone? Who is it?"

"Ah, according to him, it seems to be a local Taoist priest." Su Xiaoyun recalled, "It's a man, wearing a ragged coat and a mustache. Yes, I thought he was a homeless man at first. Well, I didn't expect to be a Taoist priest."

Wen Jiubai's brows were still furrowed, and at the same time there was a somewhat puzzled look in his eyes.

I noticed this keenly and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wen Jiubai shook his head, "No, I'm probably overthinking. Go on, what did that Taoist priest tell you?"

"Oh." Su Xiaoyun then continued, "The Taoist priest told me that if you want to lure out the evil spirit that caused harm to the party, it is actually very simple. He told me to click on the shady spot on the head of the bed when I go to sleep at night. An incense stick, put a bowl of clear water at the end of the bed, put a drop of blood and a drop of ink in the water, and then sleep, you can attract that guy."

"Spiritualism." Wen Jiubai frowned again, and said coldly, "This is a spell to summon the soul by sacrificing one's own body, which is equivalent to giving up the body to that parasitic soul. No matter who the Taoist priest is, he It's definitely not trying to help you."

"Then did you use that spell?" I asked quickly.

Su Xiaoyun nodded, "I did follow suit at the beginning, but I also kept an eye out and held a needle in my hand before going to sleep. Then when I was dreaming at night, I really saw that red evil spirit. But I reacted very quickly, the moment it found me, I grasped the needle in my hand and woke up, quickly overturned the bowl of water, extinguished the incense, and did not allow it to occupy my body."

"However, you couldn't prevent the parasitic soul from coming to Yang Realm through that spell and starting to make trouble in the school, right?" Wen Jiubai said with folded arms.

Su Xiaoyun nodded guiltily.

"However, I was overwhelmed. The first thing the evil spirit came to the school was to seek revenge on me. I had to run around, but I was still discovered by it. When I woke up, I was already Trapped in that place full of thick fog, I can't get out no matter how I walk. Gulu also ran away, and I don't even have a weapon." Su Xiaoyun sighed lightly, "However, I don't know if it was Mr. Wen who disappeared back then. Due to the yang energy in my body, those monsters walking around the intersection didn't find me, so I just kept hiding in the thick fog until you found me."

I was surprised, "No way? Then what do you eat and drink in there?"

"I didn't eat or drink anything." Su Xiaoyun cast a strange look instead, "I only stayed there for an hour at most."

My expression became unnatural, "Su Xiaoyun, you have been missing for far more than an hour. You have been missing for a whole week!"

Now, Su Xiaoyun's expression became weird, "What did you say? But, but, this is impossible!"

"There are already two people in the school whose souls have been taken away by those parasitic souls." I said with certainty, "You have been missing for more than a week, and Shi Yitong and I are going crazy looking for you."