Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 124: Talk of ghosts


Wen Jiubai glanced at me quietly, and said calmly, "But if there are no ghosts in this world, there will be no humans."

"I know, I know." I interrupted Wen Jiubai impatiently, with depressed emotions piling up in my chest, I muttered, "There is no justice without evil, and the theory of yin and yang mutual generation and restraint. I know."

"That's not true." Wen Jiubai touched his chin and said, "Actually, before Buddhism was introduced to China, the ancient Chinese didn't think that ghosts were harmful."

"Really?" I muttered.

"Ghosts have indeed always occupied a high position in Chinese history. In the 5,000-year culture, many are related to ghosts. It can even be seen from many idioms." Wen Jiubai blinked, "For example, 'A grievance must be rewarded', 'A minion for a tiger'."

I frowned, "What do these idioms have to do with monsters?"

"Don't you know? 'Jiazi' and" '伥' are the names of ancient monsters. "Wen Jiubai laughed and said, "Jiazi is the second son of the dragon in ancient legends. Because of his militant and vengeful personality, he was often used by the ancients to describe the heart of revenge. You may be more familiar with the story of ghosts. The ancients believed that people who died in the mouth of a tiger would turn into ghosts after death, leading the way for the tiger, and seducing other passers-by to be buried in the mouth of the tiger. "

I couldn't help but become fascinated by what I heard, and nodded.

"At that time, Chinese gods were divided into three groups, namely: gods, gods, and ghosts. Heaven has gods, earth has mansions, and people have ghosts. The first two belong to innate gods, while the latter belong to enlightened saints, etc. They are all the most intelligent and perfect existences that transcend everything." Wen Jiubai continued, "At that time, there was no such thing as ghosts being afraid of the sun, because ancient China It is extremely respectful to the ancestors. In ancient times, the treatment of good and evil was based on their behavior and thoughts, rather than thinking that if they were demons, they would be bad, and if they were immortals, it would be good. The pre-Qin scholars had different views on "death". The attitudes they hold are also different. The Mohists in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period even flaunted ghosts and gods very much, and emphasized that they should be used to govern the people and help the world. Well, although there are always different opinions on ghosts in the long history, there is no absolute truth in this world. There is no absolute all good, and there is no absolute all evil, this is still certain.”

"So that means that the concept of ghosts being evil came later, right?" I couldn't help asking.

"That's right, you can say that." Wen Jiubai nodded.

"Why is that so?" I asked, "Why do ghosts become evil and terrifying in the eyes of people nowadays?"

Wen Jiubai pondered for a while, took a sip from the teacup, and said slowly, "Who knows. But, it's probably because of fear."


"The fear of human beings gradually increases with the passage of time and the changes of the times." Wen Jiubai said slowly, "The world is becoming more and more complicated and diverse, and people's lives are gradually speeding up. In the process, people gradually I also forgot the original appearance of many things. I also began to fear many things that were originally friendly. And those inhuman things gradually lost their patience over a long, long time, and became docile and warlike The good, the good, became the evil."

"Ghosts and ghosts will also change?" I asked suspiciously.

"Of course." Wen Jiubai said with a smile, "No matter what kind of ghosts and ghosts, they are all born from the human heart. Compared with humans, we monsters are born in the dusk and grow in the dark, very weak, very weak existence. So, you Humans must not bully us."

I couldn't help but froze. Compared with the meaning of Wen Jiubai's words, what interests me more is that this is the first time that Wen Jiubai truly and actively regards himself as a monster, and speaks from the standpoint of something inhuman, which has never happened before. happened.

In the past, no matter how much I doubted his identity, Wen Jiubai would always regard himself as an exorcist, and when he took on commissions, he really dealt with problems from the perspective of the commissioning party. Although sometimes I think he is a little too cold, but there is no denying that he is really very reasonable in this regard.

And... What did he mean by what he said just now? Monsters are very weak existences? How could this be possible, if Wen Jiubai hadn't been there during the Hundred Ghosts' Night Walk, I would have been torn to pieces by those terrifying monsters long ago.

Just when I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt a soft temperature on my cheek.

At some point, Wen Jiubai's palm touched my cheek.

I was startled, subconsciously dodged back, and for a moment I thought of Wen Jiubai's soft and warm kiss when the ghosts walked in the night. I swallowed, my heart beating like a drum, God knows what this Wen guy wants to do!

But unexpectedly, Wen Jiubai just touched it lightly, without embarrassing me at all, and let it go.

"I see you're distracted. What are you thinking about?" Wen Jiubai's tone was unexpectedly soft, not at all like the way we talked when Su Xiaoyun was still there.

Although at this time I really wanted to ask the question "Then what kind of monster are you", but I forced it back... If he gets angry again, I don't want to spoil the atmosphere. So I finally chose to shake my head.


"Could it be that you're afraid?" Wen Jiubo rested his chin and looked at me with interest.

"Huh?" I made a dissatisfied voice, "What are you talking about!"

"I'm afraid you're afraid." Wen Jiubai smiled with his eyes bent.

"How could I be afraid!" I rolled my eyes and said disdainfully, "Do you think I'm still the guy who didn't understand anything at the beginning of the semester? I have experienced so many terrible things with you, how can I still be scared now? Will be afraid. Isn't it too contemptuous?"

"Really?" Wen Jiubo said calmly, "However, you should be afraid."

I frowned and looked at him, silently expressing my doubts.

"This time things are different from before. This parasitic soul actually killed a person two years ago, and now he is eyeing more souls. Your friend is also stared at by him. Get away. This is a curse." Wen Jiubai said leisurely.

"However, you will find a way, right?" I blurted out.

As soon as the words finished, Wen Jiubai knocked my head hard, so hard that I quickly covered my head and cried out that it hurts.

"You, do you regard me as a god or a god? No matter what happens, you think I have a ready-made solution here."