Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 127: wake up


"Ah! You, what are you doing?" A woman's scream came from the room, but within a few seconds, the woman's scream stopped and was replaced by the sound of blood splattering.

"Crazy! You crazy! Stay away from me! Don't come here!"

The lover also ran for his life in a panic, trying to jump out of the window in a hurry without even putting on his pants. But Ergou didn't give him any chance to escape at all, and those huge and powerful hands grabbed his lover's neck, pinching him until he couldn't breathe.

Then, Er Gou raised the knife and fell, and the lover's head fell directly to the ground.

During this process, Er Gouzi didn't say a word. He just silently looked at the messy scene, staring at the bright red, not knowing what he was thinking.

Soon, the murder of Ergou was discovered by the people in the village. No matter how or where he fled, the big black dog raised by Old Wang's family could always find him by following the bloody smell on his body.

Ergou, who smelled bloody, was escorted back to the entrance of the village by a middle-aged man in the village, with all kinds of yelling and cursing.

"Son of a son of a bitch!"

"Kill for life! He is not human!"

"So cruel, you actually killed your own wife with your own hands, you dog, you are a wolf!"

"Let me tell you, I've seen a long time ago that he's not a good guy! He doesn't do business all day long, doesn't work or buy a house, and doesn't work in the fields very much. He just messes with his paintings that he has and doesn't have!"

"Oh, have you ever seen the painting he drew? It's a naked woman and some strange ghost symbols. It doesn't look like a serious person at first glance!"

"Demon! He must be a demon!" A woman squeezed out from the crowd. Even though her face was wrinkled and her face was much older, I recognized her at a glance. This was Ergou's mother.

Wiping her tears and weeping bitterly, the mother complained loudly to her son in the crowd, "I knew it! How could a normal child be like him, obsessed with those strange things all day long! He is a monster, a monster! Take away my son!"

With the mother's complaint, the voice of reprimand in the crowd reached a climax.

"kill him!"

"Kill for life!"

"Chop off his head!"

The mother rushed to the front, yelling, "Kill the monster! Give me back my son!"

As these people shouted, the man was escorted in front of the crowd, and someone kept throwing eggs and vegetable leaves on him. The executioner polished the machete for killing pigs in his hand, and stood beside him triumphantly.

"Okay, murderer, your time of death has come!" the butcher said gruffly, "Do you have any last words? Say it quickly!"

I saw the man kneeling on the ground raised his head, glanced at the lowly butcher, and then spoke slowly.

"If there is an afterlife... I will definitely, never be a human again."

There was a roar of laughter all around, mixed with the sound of whistling.

"It really is a murderer!"

"He also knows that he is not human!"

Then, amidst the laughter, the butcher raised his knife and his vision was blood red.

At this moment, I was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

"Tut Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk!" The person who knocked on the door seemed to be in a hurry and kept banging on the wooden door.

"Gu Yu, Gu Yu! Are you still sleeping? Get up!"

I am familiar with the owner of this voice, it is Shi Yitong's voice. I blinked and reacted for two seconds before realizing where I was. Am I not in the old house? What's going on, Shi Yitong found the old house

"Wait a minute, I'm coming!" I hurriedly jumped up from the bed, responded hastily, and started to get dressed in a hurry. However, I was only half dressed, and Shi Yitong rushed in impatiently.

"Oh, Gu Yu, you really don't hear anything out of the window. I ran to your dormitory to search around, and then went to your classroom to search around. It turned out to be a good thing, you kid is hiding here to relax!"

I couldn't laugh or cry when I heard this, Shi Yitong wouldn't know how many things happened in this one night. But looking at his anxious expression, could it be that something happened in school

"What's wrong?" I glanced at my phone, "It's only past seven o'clock, why are you looking for me so early in the morning?"

"That's why!" Shi Yitong became anxious and couldn't even speak, "Someone died again! The heart stopped beating, but I can still breathe!"

Shocked, I quickly asked, "Another person suspended animation? Who is it?"

"Oh, that's why I was looking for you overnight!" Shi Yitong stomped his feet, "It's from your dormitory, Zhou Lang!"

"What?" I was taken aback, and immediately put on my shoes, followed Shi Yitong and ran out.

Zhou Lang, how could it be Zhou Lang! How could this kind of thing have to be my friends' turn!

I was remorseful and angry, and at this moment, I suddenly remembered that Zhou Lang, who was drunk, seemed to have been trying to say something to me last night, but neither I nor the boss cared, and only thought he was drunk. He was talking nonsense, and no one listened carefully to what he said.

Damn, if I had calmed down and listened to what he had to say, maybe it wouldn't have been his turn!

Just as Shi Yitong and I ran into the yard and were about to rush out the door, we almost bumped into Wen Jiubai head-on.

"What are you running in such a hurry for?" Wen Jiubai said lightly, "No matter how fast you run, the dead will not come back to life, and those who are worried will not be relieved. If it is inevitable, it will happen no matter what. "

I looked at Wen Jiubai and was stunned for a moment. Wen Jiubai was dressed very neatly today. He was wearing the black Taoist robe I wore when I saw him for the first time. His hair was well-cut, and he was holding a paper fan that I had never seen before. Standing on his shoulder, Bai yawned lazily.

"It's so troublesome, you have to wake up my uncle so early, and quickly settle this troublesome commission!"

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help getting a little excited, "Wen Jiubai, with your outfit, do you mean—"

But Wen Jiubai didn't let me finish my sentence, but interrupted me and said, "Gu Yu, go to my room and get three talismans, one with 'Xun' written on it, one with 'Li' written on it, and the last one Zhang said 'Kun'. Then go to fill a bowl of clear water, no more and no less should just touch the edge of the bowl. Then bring water and talisman paper, and come with me."

I didn't ask any more questions, and nodded quickly, and did as Wen Jiubai said. But when he came back, he saw Shi Yitong's sword was on the verge of breaking out, as if he was about to fight Wen Jiubai.

"You bastard, why do you order others with such a high-spirited look!" Shi Yitong gritted his teeth like a wild animal, "Someone died in the school, how can you still act like it's nothing to do? I'm telling you, if you can't save my brother with your tricks, I will never let you go lightly!"