Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 132: negotiation


How long after that

He was scorched by the flames day and night, and his resentful soul could not be reincarnated. He listened to the people of the world and wandered in the dilapidated village for a long time.

—One day, wait for me to escape from this place.

——After I escape from this karmic purgatory, I will definitely make you double the repayment for the suffering I have suffered in this life!


Before my consciousness fully recovered from the illusion, I felt that my neck was severely strangled.

"You kid! How dare you peep at my past! You bastard!"

I struggled twice, but the strength of the opponent was completely ready to kill me. I didn't even have the strength to fight back. I could only feel a burst of suffocation, and my eyes turned black.

That parasitic soul, using Su Xiaoyun's face, showed a distorted expression of extreme anger, and there seemed to be a trace of sadness in that anger.

sad? Yes, how could it be impossible not to be sad.

I looked at the parasitic soul, and squeezed out a broken sentence in my throat with all my strength, "I... forgive you."

For a moment, I felt that the force holding my neck was completely relaxed, I staggered, fell to the ground, covered my throat and coughed desperately.

"What did you say!" The parasitic soul's tone became more irritable, he grabbed my collar and pulled me up from the ground, his expression was completely insulted, "What do you know! It's just a human That’s all, casually peeping at my memory and still uttering wild words like this! You don’t understand anything at all!”

"I saw it!" I didn't know where the courage came from, and I looked directly at the parasitic soul, "Although I don't know what happened, but I did see it. Your past, from two I have seen the whole life from the age of ten to fifty."

"What? How dare you—"

"That's not your fault!" I yelled, interrupting him directly, while carefully keeping a certain distance from it, "Those... are not your fault. Whether it's being squeezed out by them, or by your wife and mother It's not your fault to hate. Your paintings are beautiful, your character is also very good, and everything is just that they are bullying an honest man!"

The parasitic soul let out a strange cry, but it didn't come closer to me.

"You're not wrong, it's the people around you who are wrong." I continued, my eyes fixed on the direction of the parasitic soul, and I took a step closer carefully, "You were just born in the wrong environment, in a It's a place surrounded by stupid people, that's why things like this happen. Even if you kill someone, it's not your fault."

The parasitic soul wailed, and cried out in pain, hoarse and distressed, "... for decades, hundreds of years, I can only wander in the same place, looking at the generations of murderers who killed me, In the end, even if that village was burned down by fire, and their descendants were buried in the fire, I was still locked in the gap between the present world and the other shore, and could not be reborn forever! My hatred, loneliness, what do you do? I will understand! I just want to return this hatred doubled and doubled to you, and to all human beings!"

"Is that why you cursed Su Xiaoyun, hurt so many students and took away their souls?" I asked in disbelief.

"That's right!" The parasitic soul suddenly raised its voice again, and roared angrily, "I just want more human beings to taste the pain I suffered at that time, I want more souls to provide me with strength, and I want to have this The skin of the little girl, so that I can finally get rid of that emptiness and come to this world for revenge! Hahahahaha! By the way, speaking of this little girl, look at her, how fair her skin is, how young and beautiful she is, It smells good all over."

The parasitic soul smiled on Su Xiaoyun's face, picked up a strand of black hair and stroked it, then raised his hand, and with his sharp nails, slowly drew a shocking bloodstain on Su Xiaoyun's neck.

"What a poor little girl, she gave her body to me voluntarily, do you know?" The parasitic soul whispered, "She wanted to protect her friend so much that she came to negotiate with me and exchanged her body Your safety. Seeing how sincere she is, of course I agreed to her, but whether I can do it... That's another matter."

There was a stabbing pain in my heart, and a surge of anger surged from the depths of my chest, but I forced myself to calm down, took a deep breath, and calmly said to the parasitic soul.

"Zhao Xiangzhi, do you... really want to do this?"

"Don't call me that name!" The parasitic soul was furious, and was about to attack me again, but I interrupted him in time.

"Is this what you want!" I yelled, "You have waited so long and finally escaped, and you can walk in the world like a normal person. Is this what you want? Is it all about vengeance and killing?"

"Where I want to use it is my own business, you arrogant brat!" The parasitic soul said angrily.

"That's not true! Hatred will only accumulate deeper and deeper, and the more you seek revenge, the more empty you will be. Zhao Xiangzhi, I don't believe you are such a person!" I said loudly, "The one I saw in my dream Zhao Xiangzhi is an honest man born with an artistic talent. He will never spend the rest of his life on how to take revenge on others and how to deprive others of their lives! Don't deceive yourself, what was born in decades and hundreds of years is not It's not a murderous ghost, it's just an old farmer who is extremely lonely."

There was a moment of stagnation in the air, and then the laughter of the parasitic soul came.

"Even if you are right... so what? I have become such a disgusting evil spirit, nothing can save me! I can't go down to the underworld, and I can't enter the reincarnation. My existence has long been meaningless Already!"

"So what if there is no meaning? Meaning is what people give! Didn't I say that? I forgive you!" I bravely stretched out a hand to the parasitic soul with a firm expression, "Let Su Xiaoyun and the others go." Student soul, I will go with you. Whether you want to use me as a skin, or just an extra travel companion on the road, I can do it. How about it?"

At that moment, there was hesitation in the eyes of the parasitic soul.

I slowly approached him step by step, keeping the outstretched hand always flat.

"Let them go, I'll go with you." I repeated in a low voice, and slowly approached the evil spirit, "Everything will be fine, don't worry."