Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 135: Green fan


"Just, that's it." Shi Yitong was speechless for a moment.

I looked at Gulu, then at Wen Jiubai, and suddenly thought that the original owner of this cat should be Wen Jiubai...

"Wen Jiubai, what was the cat's name before?"

Wen Jiubai looked at me helplessly, and said, "Xuan Se."

I looked at the cat, then at Su Xiaoyun, and burst out laughing with a "puchi".


"What are you laughing at?" Su Xiaoyun waved his fist angrily and threatened us, "It's called Gulu! Gulu sounds so good!"

Shi Yitong and I didn't listen to Su Xiaoyun, we all laughed together.

"However, Gulu is back, which means that the curse effect on me can be eliminated?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

"It's impossible to eliminate, at most it's just that this cat blocked some effects for you." Wen Jiubai squinted his eyes and looked at Shi Yitong and me and said, "Friends who are very close to you like them probably still have some effects occasionally. Something like this embarrassing thing happened on the road today. Moreover, the yang energy in your body is still very weak, and if you don't pay attention, you will easily get sick."

"Is that so..." Su Xiaoyun lowered her head slightly.

"Of course there is a solution once and for all." Wen Jiubai continued, "That is to break up with these two friends and make them never approach you again."

Almost at the same time, the eyes of Shi Yitong and I fell on Su Xiaoyun with a "swish", staring at her firmly.

Su Xiaoyun first looked at us, then at Wen Jiubai, and said helplessly, "Well, even if I really want to do this, it's absolutely impossible for these two stubborn guys to agree?"

Shi Yitong and I cheered at the same time, and gave Su Xiaoyun a big hug.

"Wow, what are you two doing! Get up! You're dead!"

It was almost evening when Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun left Wen Jiubai's old house, while I walked them all the way to the door.

"This is some medicine that Wen Jiubai gave you two." I handed the two medicine packets to Su Xiaoyun and Shi Yitong respectively, "It is said that it is for nourishing qi and nourishing the body, go back and fry it."

Shi Yitong grabbed the package of medicine, looked at it suspiciously, and sniffed it closer, "What is this, isn't it poisonous?"

"This is my wish." Wen Jiubai came out from behind me and said, "You have been entangled with evil spirits all this time, you must have been infected with miasma to some extent, and the two medicines given to you are to expel miasma poison , medicine for purifying body and nourishing qi. If you don’t trust me, it doesn’t matter if you throw it away, it’s still deducted from Gu Yu’s salary anyway.”

"Hey!" I yelled at him angrily.

Su Xiaoyun couldn't help showing a smile, "Understood, thank you Mr. Wen, we will definitely pay attention to what we eat."

Shi Yitong was still standing there studying the ingredients of the package of medicine, but was dragged away by Su Xiaoyun's ear.

"Let's go, don't study!"

"Hey, the goddess is merciful, it hurts..."

Seeing the two of them walking away talking and laughing, I suddenly felt a little lost for some reason.

"Hey, Wen Jiubai." I looked back at Wen Jiubai, "I've also been entangled with the evil spirit, and I even slapped it. Why don't I have any medicine?"

"Really?" Wen Jiubai began to play dumb, "There is such a thing? Why don't I remember."

I was so angry that I swung my fist, and he took it down with a smile.

"I'm just kidding, I have something for you too. Let's talk about it first." Wen Jiubai then turned and walked into the yard.

I was confused and followed him back.

Wen Jiubai returned to the room where the plaque said "Evil Elimination Pavilion" and picked up a folding fan from the wooden table. I could tell at a glance that this folding fan was the fan he used to kill parasitic souls that day.

"Here." He handed me the folding fan.

I took it inexplicably, held it in my hand and looked at it. The style of this folding fan looks very retro. I also believe that it is something from the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The fan is made of silk, blue fabric, with a phoenix pattern embroidered on it, and a red ribbon hanging on the handle. Fan spike. This is obviously not something for men, but rather something that can be seen in the boudoir of a big girl.

I held it in my hand and looked at it repeatedly, somehow feeling a little familiar. But this is Wen Jiubai's stuff, maybe I saw it in his room before.

"Why?" I looked up at Wen Jiubai, "You... want to give this to me?"

Wen Jiubai nodded.

"But, isn't this your magic weapon... or something similar? Just give it to me?" I wondered, "I don't know how to use magic, so it's a waste if you give it to me. I'm a man holding a girl What an awkward fan to use."

Wen Jiubai seemed to be amused by my description, and pushed back the hand I stretched out to return to him.

"Take it. Even if you don't know how to spell, this thing will definitely be useful to you in the future. There are more and more dangers now, and you don't have a handy weapon. In case I'm not by your side one day, You were killed by some unknown cat or dog, wouldn't you be too worthless?"

How lucky he was to be able to say that! I resentfully withdrew my hand and took the fan in my hand. But then again, the way Wen Jiubai used it to kill evil spirits that day was so handsome, so this fan is really not an ordinary antique.

Wen Jiubai seemed to have read my mind, and said lightly, "This fan once belonged to a princess, and this princess once used this folding fan to seal a huge ancient monster."

"Really?" I immediately became serious about this fan, "It's so powerful, no wonder it can kill that parasitic soul at once. You have so many weird things here."

Wen Jiubai smiled and said, "Okay, you can keep it. But don't lose it, if you dare to lose it, I'll make you a fan."

"Hey, it's scary." I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Recently, this small town has become less peaceful." Wen Jiubai walked to the window and looked at the sky outside. The sky in the small town is still the same as before, with some gray-blue colors, and a round of sunset is slowly falling from the sky, and it will soon enter the night.

"Really? Why do you say that?" I also followed Wen Jiubai's gaze, but I couldn't see anything.

"Gu Yu, are you afraid of the dark?" Wen Jiubai suddenly asked a strange question.

I was taken aback, not knowing how to answer, "This... more or less, maybe a little bit. There is no one who is not afraid of the dark."

Wen Jiubai nodded and looked at the sky again, "But, have you ever considered why people are afraid of the dark? It is almost human instinct to be afraid of the dark, but what is in that darkness that makes people so frightened?" Woolen cloth?"

I froze, unable to answer.

"The unknown long-haired monster you met in Yanjin Mountain, the curse on Su Xiaoyun, and the strange Taoist who told her about spiritualism." Wen Jiubai said slowly, "These things, every one of them It’s not surprising to see it, but it’s a little strange if they all get together.”