Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 142: Weird dream


This... I was a little speechless by Wen Jiubai's words.

"However, it's understandable. The noodles in that noodle shop are so delicious that people won't want to leave." Wen Jiubai said with a smile, "He must have entertained you very warmly, right?"

I nodded hesitantly, "Yes, but he really surprised me at first. What the hell is that boss...?"

Wen Jiubai laughed when he heard the words, "Ah, that boss is an acquaintance of mine, and he is a two-tailed cat."

"Two-tailed cat?" A term I've never heard of.

"Haven't you heard of it?" Wen Jiubai explained, "A kind of cat demon. According to ancient Chinese legends, cats have nine lives, so cats will have a fork at the base of the tail every nine years, and when it is completely divided into two tails, The two-tailed cat was born. The two-tailed cat was first recorded by the Japanese, and it was called "Maoyou". It first appeared in the words of "Japanese Ghosts", describing that the fetus born after the death of a cat turned into a human. Story. Cat demons are elderly cats, usually in the form of old women, whose bodies are about twice the size of a human, and large cat demons can even grow to the size of a calf, with a tail that forks in two at the end Of course, these are just some speculations of human beings. The real cat demon is not so mysterious. It is just that as the cat grows older, it gradually absorbs the essence of nature, learns from humans, and has its own thinking ability. .”

I nodded knowingly, "He looks like a pretty powerful monster, why would he sell noodles in that alley?"

"Human beings also have different interests and jobs, so why do you think there won't be monsters?" Wen Jiubo said with a smile, "Okay, let's get down to business, did you deliver that letter to him?"

I nodded, "Sent, the cat boss also said some strange things to me, what kind of fate..."

"Just deliver it, thanks for your hard work." Wen Jiubai said with a smile.

"However, what was written in that letter?" I couldn't help asking curiously.

"Well." Wen Jiubai turned his head, pointed at the small fish tank on the table with his eyes, and said, "When you receive someone's gift, you always have to express your gratitude."

I suddenly realized that the little goldfish in the fish tank was originally given to Wen Jiubai by the cat boss

"In addition, I also ask him to pay more attention to what's going on 'over there' recently. Although maybe I'm worrying too much, but if something really goes wrong, I'll be in trouble." Wen Jiubai said with a smile.

I nodded knowingly. This kind of wonderful relationship between monsters and monsters is really beyond the reach of us and other humans. Since Wen Jiubai didn't want to make it clear, I stopped asking.

Probably because I was relaxed and sleepy also hit my heart, I couldn't help yawning and rubbing my eyes.

"Don't forget that you still owe me a stewed chicken meal, but it's too late now, I have to go back to school quickly, so that they don't miss me any more." I waved my hand at Wen Jiubai, "Remember to treat me to stewed chicken tomorrow , don't try to escape."

"You." Wen Jiubai said helplessly, "Don't worry, I'm definitely not like someone who can't even count time."

I made a face at Wen Jiubai, turned around and was about to go outside, but was suddenly stopped by Wen Jiubai again.

"Gu Yu, wait a minute."

I turned around inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

Wen Jiubai frowned slightly, looked me up and down, and finally stopped at what seemed to be my back.

"Did you bump into anything when you came back?"

"Ah?" I was puzzled, "What?"

Wen Jiubai stopped answering, narrowed his eyes a little more, and finally shook his head, "No... I must have read it wrong."

Inexplicable. I shrugged and left the old house.

I don't know why, but today I became very sleepy. It was only after three o'clock in the afternoon. On the way from the old house to the dormitory, I yawned more than a dozen times in succession, and my eyelids kept fighting. So as soon as I got back to the dormitory, I fell asleep on the bed without even saying a single extra word.

In a daze, I seemed to have a strange dream. I can't remember the scene in the dream clearly, but there is a voice that keeps coming, which makes my memory very deep.

It was a woman's voice, and it sounded very young. That voice kept ringing in my ears, as if calling someone.

I couldn't make out the name of the person she called, but I could hear the extreme urgency and longing in her voice.

"… really miss you."

"... I really want to see you."

"Where are you now?"

What... see you if you want, why do you keep talking in my ear? I was thinking like this in a daze, covered my ears with my hands in my dream, and fell into a deep sleep again.

I don't know how long it took, I opened my eyes and woke up from the dream. The first reaction was a headache, the back of the head was like being punched, and it was painful.

… what happened? I rubbed the back of my head and sat up, only to find that I was lying on the floor of the classroom, and everyone in the class, including the teacher, was looking at me.

"Gu Yu? Are you okay?" Su Xiaoyun who was sitting next to me exclaimed, and several roommates in the dormitory also cast caring glances at me.

"No, nothing." I stood up grinning, and sat back on the chair again. It seemed that the throbbing pain in the back of my head was because I just fell off the chair.

However, I remember that I obviously slept in the dormitory... How could I be in the classroom all of a sudden? I rubbed my temples and wondered, could it be that I was sleepy and drowsy

"Gu Yu." Su Xiaoyun probed over and asked softly, "Are you okay?"

"Ah?" I shook my head, "It's okay, it's okay, except my head hurts..."

Su Xiaoyun showed a suspicious expression, but she gave up asking and chose to attend the class.

Not long after class ended, I was still tidying up the notes on the table, when Di Zizhen, Zhou Lang, and Qi Bojian suddenly surrounded me and cast very concerned eyes on me.

"Gu Yu, are you alright?"

"are you OK?"

I looked at them in a daze, "Ah? What's the matter, are you going to eat me?"

"Don't dare, we are afraid that you will eat us." Qi Bojian muttered, and then Di Zizhen elbowed him.

"He didn't mean that." Di Zizhen took over the conversation and said, "The main reason is that you behaved... weirdly today."

"Ah?" I was even more confused, "Strange? What's wrong?"