Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 145: Possession


Wen Jiubai's palm was not particularly warm. His body temperature should be lower than that of ordinary people, but for some reason, it is very comfortable to hold, and he is simply... reluctant to let go.

"What's wrong?" Wen Jiubai's voice came from above my head, and I suddenly woke up, and let go of Wen Jiubai's hand in a hurry.

"No, nothing! Nothing!"

Too bad, it must have been controlled again just now. It was no longer possible to talk to Wen Jiubai about it, so I took two steps back, said goodbye to Wen Jiubai in a hurry, and almost ran back down the mountain covering my face.


Think about it carefully, if you have to talk about the strange things I encountered these days...

When I came back from the cat boss's shop, the vase that was placed on the side of the road and kicked over by me came to my mind. Thinking about it now, I did not see such a vase on the way to the noodle shop, and I felt a gust of cold wind blowing in immediately after I knocked over the vase.

If I had to say when I was possessed by a ghost, it was only then. Speaking of which, Boss Cat also said before that that area is a gathering place for wandering undead, so he told me to be careful.

I didn't dare to go back to the dormitory, and of course I didn't dare to stay overnight in the old house. Instead, he touched the shriveled wallet in his pocket, thought about it, and decided to go to the hotel to get a room by himself.

It would be nice to be able to talk to the soul in the body if possible. Ask her why she is attached to me and why she does what she does. Although I can't say why, I subconsciously feel that this ghost is not aggressive towards me.

On the contrary, maybe it has some hardships and has to use my body

Just when I was thinking this way in my mind, a voice suddenly came from my ear.

"Boy, where are you going?"

"Go to the hotel." I replied without thinking.

Wait, that voice just now...

It took about a second or two before my rough nerves reacted. The question just now seemed... It came from my own mouth?

"What is a hotel?"

here we go again! What came out of my mouth... was a woman's voice! I was startled, and hurriedly covered my mouth with both hands. But it was useless, and soon my left hand pulled away from my right hand, freeing my mouth.

"You kid, you are too rude!"

Wait, am I being rude? You inexplicably occupied my body and didn't let me speak, who is the one who is rude!

"Human boy, don't play tricks with me." The woman said in a low voice, her tone was full of threats, "Your life is in my hands. I can kill you anytime I want. You, completely deprive this body of control."

not good! Before I had time to resist, a sudden sense of suffocation swept over me. I opened my mouth desperately, but I couldn't breathe a little air. The lack of oxygen made the pain come from the depths of my body. I couldn't even stand up. Less onlookers.

"Hey, are you okay? Shall I take you to the hospital?"

A kind passer-by came forward to help me.

This is terrible... I tried to open my eyes, but my eyes were blurred, and even my legs were limp.

This woman really wants to kill me! If I don't resist, I will really die on the street! What to do, what can I do to regain control of my body

Maybe people were driven to a dead end, and at that moment I had an idea.

By the way, she shares a body with me. Then she must be able to feel my pain! I didn't have time to think about it, I opened my mouth and bit my tongue hard.

"Ah! Damn it, kid, are you crazy?"

The suffocation disappeared immediately, I coughed violently, gasped greedily for a few times, and ignored the weird sights cast on me by passers-by, I staggered to my feet and ran away.

"What's the matter with this child?"

"I do not know… "

I finally ran to a place where there were fewer people and stopped. The suffocation and strenuous exercise just now made my whole lungs hurt. I believe that woman can feel the pain, because almost immediately, she He yelled loudly.

"You human brat, you are crazy! You are bleeding! Hurry up and bandage something, it hurts!"

I was so angry and funny, I taunted, "So you really know the pain, then you just wanted to kill me."

"Who said I want to kill you, I just want to scare you, who would have thought that you kid would do such an extreme thing!"

"That kind of scaring will kill people, thank you!" I put the emphasis on the last two words, and held my forehead helplessly.

... At this time, if a passer-by passes by and sees the scene of me talking to myself, I will definitely think that I am a lunatic.

Thinking of this, I strode towards the hotel in great strides.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Shut up and don't talk!" I lowered my voice, "I don't want to be taken as a crazy person."

After a lot of trouble, I finally came to the hotel and opened a single room smoothly. As soon as the door was closed, I fell to the ground and my legs couldn't move.


An unknown woman spoke through my mouth, and I didn't want to talk to her at all.

"Hey, boy! Get up!" I raised my hand and patted my own cheek. "Shall I 'scare' you one more time?"

This time, I jumped up from the floor, angrily walked to the mirror in the room, looked at my face and said, "Enough! Who are you, why do you want to possess me, and what is your purpose? Say it!"

Unexpectedly, this time the female ghost became more leisurely, "Is this questioning tone your attitude? Then why should I tell you?"

I rolled my eyes, suppressed the anger in my heart and said, "Excuse me, miss, may I ask your name?"

"That's about the same." If the woman had a chin, she must have raised her head to the sky, "Chibai."

"Chibai?" I was a little surprised, "The name sounds nice."

"of course!"

"Tell me the truth." I sighed, "Did you attach me to Boss Mao's alley?"

"Boss Cat? I don't know about this, but you say yes."

… What a casual woman, with a flirtatious vibe from start to finish.