Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 148: get along


The man stepped forward, picked up the piece of paper figurine, put it in his arms, and then turned his head to look at me who was still in shock.

"I said, the night is very dangerous now. Not only for humans, but also for ghosts." After that, he smiled at me.

As he spoke, he picked up the tattered umbrella on the ground and walked away without even looking back.

It was only at this time that I noticed it, so it turned out that the smell on his body that I smelled before was not bloody.

It was... the breath of something inhuman.


The dream stopped at this place, I opened my eyes in a daze, and it took two or three seconds to recover and realize where I was.

By the way... Yesterday I got a room at a hotel near the school, why did I get a room...

"Ah!" I sat up from the bed all of a sudden, and my mind was completely clear.

That female ghost, called Chubai, stalked me for no apparent reason when I came back from the alley, possessed me, and almost suffocated me to death on the street yesterday, and at night—

By the way, is she still there

I cleared my throat cautiously, "Chibai, are you there?"

There was silence all around, and no one answered.

I rubbed my neck, the residual feeling of suffocation was still very real, I was sure that what happened yesterday was not a dream.

That is to say, I woke up, and Hinabai was probably still sleeping. Thinking of this, I felt a sense of injustice.

Damn, this kind of thing happened, why can that guy still sleep so soundly, but I wake up at six o'clock in the morning and can't fall asleep anymore

Also, even if I wanted to get some more sleep, my bladder wouldn't allow it. Helpless, I had no choice but to slowly turn over and get out of bed, get dressed, and ran to the toilet to meet my physical needs.

When I was standing in front of the toilet, I was still thinking about how to solve this young white problem. At this moment, a female voice suddenly came in.

"Well, it really looks the same as yours, and this one is also very delicate."


To be honest, I was very useless and yelled on the spot.

"It's so noisy, what are you doing!"

"What am I doing—it's you doing it!" I was blushing and hurriedly pulled up my pants.

"Hahaha, you are so cute, you really are a little virgin."

"Shut up! Who told you to come out casually?" I said angrily, "Didn't I say yesterday that you are not allowed to casually—"

"I can't help it. You're relieved as soon as you wake up in the morning. Your eyes are my eyes. I didn't do it on purpose."

"Then don't say it!" I said angrily.

"I know, I know, I really won't peek any more."

"You just admitted that you peeked!"

"Uh, this..." Chubai gave an embarrassed "haha" twice, and began to change the subject, "Don't worry about it! Aren't you still going to that place called school? Go, go!"

"Before you go, don't forget the three chapters of the agreement I told you yesterday..."

Before I could finish speaking, Hina Bai interrupted me.

"I know I know! How can I be so stupid!"

"You really-"

"Stop rambling, how can a big man chatter like a girl."

I was so blocked by this sentence that I opened my mouth and still couldn't speak, this woman... no, the female ghost is simply unreasonable!

However, to my surprise, for the next whole day, Chibai seemed to have kept his promise, and never made any trouble to me.

"Gu Yu! Are you alright today?" After class, Shi Yitong ran to me with a worried face and asked me about my health.

"Yesterday you were so strange, did you go to Mr. Wen to ask? Did you get possessed by something strange?"

"Uh..." Facing this question, I stammered, "Actually, it's all right."

"It's all right? How could it be?" Shi Yitong looked at me in surprise, "Didn't you agree with me yesterday? By the way, did you ask?"

"No." I began to ramble, "Because, well, when I woke up today, I found that I was fine. The strange thing yesterday must be because I caught a cold."

"Have you got a cold?" Shi Yitong nodded with a look of sudden realization, "That's right, then it's no wonder you look weak and sickly. It turned out to be just a cold. Then you should pay more attention to rest today!"

I nodded with a dry smile, and at the same time thought that Shi Yitong is the only person in the world who would believe such a lie without hesitation.

"Gu Yu! Watch out for the ball!"

Just as Shi Yitong and I were talking, a voice shouted at me.

I didn't realize what happened at all, but my body suddenly moved, I quickly dodged to the side, turned sideways, and caught the flying basketball in my hand.

The boy who missed the ball was stunned, while Shi Yitong clapped and cheered.

It's so dangerous... I stretched out my hand and threw the ball back, and said, "Be careful!"

"You are amazing." Shi Yitong looked at me with admiration, "Sure enough, your state is different. You were crying when you were hit by a ball yesterday!"

What, what? I cried

I do not know how! Hinabai this guy!

During the lunch break, I avoided the invitation of Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun, and walked alone under the shade of the sparsely populated French sycamore tree.

"You are actually a very kind person, aren't you?"

I lowered my head and asked in a low voice while kicking the stones on the road.

But I waited for two seconds, and there was no response.

"However, you are no longer human, so it should be said... you are a kind ghost." I laughed.

This time, it took two seconds for Xiaobai to reply slowly, "What, you human boy, there must be a limit to being a good person, right? I almost killed you."

"Just to scare me."

"What do you believe in what I say?"

I laughed and shook my head, "That's not true. I heard that you hit Liang Kaifeng with my body at school yesterday."

"Who is that? I don't know it at all."

"...and then you apologized to him."

"Yes, is it?"

"I heard that he was completely fascinated by your beautiful posture and tone. You asked him if he was hurt." I couldn't help smiling, "Of course, thanks to you, that guy seems to suddenly regard me as a goddess The same exists."

"No, there's no such thing!" Chu Bai was still stubborn, "This girl is just here for the first time, and she just wants to impress the man she just met, what's wrong with that!"

"Yes, absolutely." I said with a smile.

Although I still don't know why Xiaobai came to me, and why he was so obsessed with staying in Yang Realm for a week. But after two days of getting along, I gradually realized that my first impression was indeed correct. Although this woman named Chubai was a bit arrogant and unreasonable, she was not hostile to me or the people around me.