Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 149: A house full of books


Who is she? And, that dream last night...

"By the way, kid." Before I could figure it out, Chibai said, "Will you still go to that man's place today?"

I was taken aback, but didn't respond, "That man?"

"It's that man!"

"You mean—Wen Jiubai?" I reacted.

"How do I know his name?"

"Well...it depends." I thought for a while and said, "If there is no homework today..."

Unexpectedly, in the middle of my words, I was interrupted eagerly by Xiaobai.

"No! Aren't you his apprentice? How can you fish for three days and spend two days drying nets!"

I was amused by Chibai's words, "Huh? Apprentice? Wait, who told you that I am his apprentice? That guy is obviously just a rookie who exploits me. Not only does he not pay wages, he always forces me to Do this and that for him..."

Halfway through my words, I felt the phone vibrate in my pocket.

I had no choice but to take out my phone and check the caller ID: Wen Jiubai.

Really what to say! It's definitely not kind to call me at this time!

"Hello?" My tone of greeting was not very polite, "Tell me something, I haven't eaten yet."

The other end paused, and said with a smile, "I think you have eaten."


"I took gunpowder." Wen Jiubai said leisurely, "Such a temper."

I was suddenly discouraged. There is no way, even if I take a tough attitude, he will always have a way to make me lose my temper in a second.

"Are you an idiot?" I rolled my eyes. "Really, tell me something. If you're calling just to tease me, then you'll be spared."

Wen Jiubai let out a muffled laugh and said, "No, not this time. Something really happened."

"What's up?"

"Gu Yu, come to the old house after school. I need your help with something very important." Wen Jiubai pondered for a while, and said, "By the way, this may take a while. Probably won't be able to sleep."

have a look! What did I just say, Wen Jiubai is not Zhou Papi, what is it? To waste other people's time for one night, he actually said it so naturally!

No, I won't go, no matter what important things you do, I have class early tomorrow morning!

"Okay, I'll go, absolutely no problem!"

Before I could react, the word of consent had already been spoken, and there was no chance to take it back.

"Huh?" Wen Jiubai was a little surprised, "You agreed so honestly, I thought you would have to reject it two or three times with your personality."

no! Just now it was Chibai privately—

"Occasionally I'm also very good."

Wen Jiubai laughed, and put on a playful tone, "I see, well-behaved kittens are also very cute."

"Uh, no, Wen Jiubai, listen to me—" I managed to wrest back control of my body from Chubai, but Wen Jiubai interrupted me.

"Okay, okay, I see. Then I'll wait for you to come over, goodbye."

Then he hung up the phone.

I took a deep breath and put the phone in my pocket.


Of course, someone told me that I saw me arguing loudly with myself under the big tree like a nervous person that afternoon, that's another story.


However, although I was very angry that Xiaobai took control of my body and agreed to things, but even if I promised, I couldn't go back on my word. So after school, I walked down the path to the old house with my head down.

When I passed the patch of weeds taller than a person, I warned Chibai repeatedly.

"If there is another time, I swear that I will throw you to Wen Jiubai without mercy. I don't know what he will do to you. Do you understand?"

Chubai's voice was very lazy, she didn't take my words seriously at all, "Oh, I got it, I got it. Why are you so narrow-minded, you still care about these things with women."

I couldn't laugh or cry, "That's obviously because you went too far! I warn you, you must never appear in front of Wen Jiubai. He is a demon exorcist, and he specializes in dealing with evil spirits like you!"

"Who are you talking about! Who is the evil spirit!"

"Possess other people casually, you are not an evil spirit, who is an evil spirit?"

"Okay, okay, I really won't come out casually again." Chubai's tone suddenly became very boring, and he muttered softly, "Anyway, even if I show up, he will definitely not..."

I didn't hear the second half of the sentence clearly, but I didn't listen carefully either. Because Wen Jiubai's old house is close at hand.

I pushed open the old wooden door and leaned in, "Wen Jiubai?"

Still as always, no one responded. However, feeling the warm air in the courtyard and seeing the blooming rose bushes, one knew that the owner of the courtyard must be in the house.

I sighed and walked in very depressed. I don't know what the important thing Wen Jiubai said is.

"Wen Jiubai, I'll—"

Pushing open the door of the main room, I hadn't stepped in with one foot, and was stopped in the middle of my words.


I was startled, my feet dangling in the air swayed, and when I wanted to retract them, I tripped over the threshold, my feet slipped, and I fell forward. But fortunately, before falling down, Wen Jiubo stretched out a hand quickly, and firmly held my wrist.

"Really, why are you still so careless." Wen Jiubai said helplessly.

I stood still in shock, my eyes scanned the room for a week, and my eyes widened, "Rather than saying that I was careless... why don't you explain what you are doing in the room?"

Starting from the door where I was standing, to the bottom of the bed in the deepest part of the room, the floor of the whole room was in a mess, piled up with all kinds of books and allusions, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, and some yellow talisman papers. These things are all over the floor, and there are almost no gaps for feet.

Bai was also in the room, squatting behind a certain thread-bound book and looking at it seriously, his brows furrowed—well, if weasels had brows.

"It's nothing, just check something a little bit." Wen Jiubai said lightly, he walked barefoot on those scrolls and papers that looked very old, and bent down to tidy up a place for me to put my feet.

I stepped on the place cautiously, "Check a little bit? I think you two have emptied the bookcases!"

"Aha, Gu Yu is here!" Only then did Bai notice my arrival, and ran towards me very happily, followed by several stacks of scrolls, which were all thrown into my arms.