Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 154: hit the road


That must have been the most embarrassing time in my ghost life, I answered indiscriminately, while trying to get down from the messy branches, I didn't expect the branches to get entangled with my skirt, and after a struggle, I actually fell upside down down.

My face turned red with a "swish"—an illusion, this must be my illusion, how could the ghost still blush!

"I, I can't feel it..." I got up in embarrassment, and then stammered and said incoherently, "That, because, I am a ghost, so, that, I can't feel it anymore. What is the difference between the weather and the temperature?" Category… "

It's over, it must be hated.

Obviously intending to present it in front of him with the most beautiful posture, even though it has been rehearsed thousands of times before, it is still so embarrassing in front of him...

"Really?" Mr. Wen showed a very gentle smile, "However, it's too one-sided to judge whether Qing is good or not just by feeling."

I sat on the ground and stared blankly at him. Yes, he was not angry, not only was he not angry, he continued talking to me!

"Whether the weather is sunny or cloudy is the wealth bestowed by God on nature. Human beings see with their eyes, hear with their ears, and smell with their noses, but in the end they still have to judge with their hearts." Mr. Wen said slowly, "If you are in a bad mood , sunny days will turn into rainy days, if you are in a happy mood, then rainy days will also be sunny days. This is the mood of human beings.”

I stared straight at him, dumbfounded. Then the words slipped out of his mouth without knowing why.

"Then... how do you feel about the weather?"

"Me?" Mr. Wen smiled and looked at the most beautiful fire cloud in the west at dusk, "For me, there is no difference."

"No, is there no difference?"

"Sunny is sunny, and rain is rainy. Days and evenings, and the waxing and waning of the moon are just plain natural laws." Mr. Wen said flatly, "After all, my heart no longer exists."

He said... his heart no longer exists, what's going on

Why on earth would he say such a thing

At that time, I didn't understand the meaning of Mr. Wen's words. But from this sentence, I can feel infinite loneliness.

However, how could his heart not exist? Last time, he obviously saved me from the monster's mouth. I began to firmly believe that if I could break through the ice shell on his heart, I would be able to see his warm heart.

I must…


"Gu Yu, Gu Yu! You lazy bastard, get up!"

In the morning, I was woken up by the sharp white claws. I slowly opened my eyes, and it took a while for my eyes to focus.

"Lazy! Get up!"

Probably seeing that I didn't respond, that guy Bai became even more rampant, and started jumping wildly on my stomach.

"You bastard!" I reached out and grabbed Bai, sat up from the bed at the same time, and said viciously, "I will stew you into weasel soup one day, don't you bother me!"

"You have the nerve to say it! You don't get up so late, be careful of being late for school!" Bai kicked my hand with his calf, and managed to break free from my restraints, "Be kind as a donkey's liver and lungs!"

Ah, it's over! After Bai said that, I realized that I have a class to attend this morning. When I looked at my phone, it was only ten minutes before class started!

"It's over! I'm going to be late!" I jumped off the bed in a hurry, and put on my clothes and shoes.

Throughout the whole day at school, Hina Bai did not show up casually. She seemed to have suddenly become obedient, even if I took the initiative to talk to her, she just responded casually and stopped talking.

... Has she noticed that I have peeked into her memory from my dream

Moreover, I became more and more curious, what happened between Xiaobai and Wen Jiubai that led to the current situation

"Why are you still in a daze? It's time to go!"

Bai's urging voice brought me back to reality. By the way, it's already afternoon, Wen Jiubai, Bai and I are going to leave the old house to the village with the entrustment to seal the man-eating Gu carving.

"Ah, good. I'll be right there." I came back to my senses, took my backpack and coat and followed.

There is still the fish tank on the wooden table in the room, and the goldfish given by the cat owner is still swimming in it leisurely.

Looking at it this way, this fish is quite cute.

"Gu Yu—what are you still doing!"

Just know how to urge people, this annoying weasel. I pursed my lips, picked up my backpack and walked out of the courtyard.

"Speaking of which, where are we going?" I took a few steps forward, caught up with Wen Jiubai and asked.

"From here to the west, about 60 kilometers away, there is a small village." Wen Jiubai carried a bag on his shoulders, and I guess it should contain some weird runes and magic weapons.

"So far?" I asked, "Then how do we get there? Shall we call a taxi?"

... If you call a car, it must be very expensive.

"No, if you have a car yourself, why call a car?" Wen Jiubai smiled at me and shrugged.


Before I could react, Wen Jiubai took a few steps forward and lifted off a rain cloth. This rain cloth is so big that I didn't even notice its existence just now.

Under the rain cloth is a red Ferrari sports car. That's right, it was the coquettish Liang Kaifeng's father's car that Wen Jiubai had been in during the last case.

I was so surprised that I couldn't close my jaw, and I couldn't say a word for a long time, "This, this is not..."

"It was one of the rewards that the Liang family and his son gave me in the last case." Wen Jiubai showed a very harmless smile, opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, "Of course I don't want it for nothing."

I lowered my head and sat in the co-pilot, and said angrily, "You are so flamboyant, one day your home will be stolen by thieves!"

"That's good." Wen Jiubai said with a smile, "Because the most insignificant thing in our house is money."

ha? What's the meaning

"What he means is that if you sell the cultural relics and ancient books in the old house, you can buy ten Ferraris." Bai interjected in the back seat.

This sentence hit me hard in an instant. Damn, is it great to be rich? It's like I don't pay attention to me, a poor student who eats in the cafeteria and saves money to live!

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that." At this time, Wen Jiubai had already started the car, and this eye-catching luxury car drove along the winding mountain road all the way to the main road, "In this world, Money is the most worthless thing. Humans like money, just like crows like glass balls, it is the most boring instinct."

... I have no objection to this. But if you drive a Ferrari in the mountains, you are not much different from a crow!