Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 156


I could feel the trembling in my body getting worse, but Chibai remained silent, not saying a word.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" I asked eagerly, "This situation is not a good time to be in a daze."

The villagers were massacred, and blood was everywhere. The ghost knows what happened in this village.

At this time, Hinabaro spoke with a mosquito-like voice.

"Blood… "

Blood? blood what? Could it be that Chubai is afraid of blood? A ghost who has been dead for hundreds of years is afraid of blood

"It's okay, we're all here." I could only comfort her like this, "Get up, don't squat here, Wen Jiubai is still waiting for me in front."

"No!" Chubai's sudden raised voice startled me, "Let's go! Get out of here!"

"What?" I was taken aback, and tried to persuade her with a pleasant face, "This is not okay, that monster has killed so many people in the village, we must seal it. Come on, get up, it's okay. "

"How could it be all right!" Chibai's voice became louder, and it could be heard from the trembling of her voice that she was really scared, "Please, Son of Man, just this once, will you listen to me? Don't go any further, let's turn around now!"

"No!" I had no other choice, so I had to take strong measures to forcefully seize control of my body from Chubai, and slowly stood up, "I won't listen to your nonsense, anyway, this body is mine , even if you are afraid, just hide inside and don’t talk, just be obedient.”

My legs started to feel numb from squatting on the ground for a long time. I looked around and saw the mess in the village. Wen Jiubai and Bai didn't know where they went.

Are there any living people left in this village? Or... Sure enough, as Wen Jiubai said, the Gu carvings had already eaten the entire village

At this moment, in a trance, I seemed to hear something. It sounded like heavy breathing, but it was heavier than that, echoing indistinctly around.

Whoops, whoops...

What is this sound? Could it be that there are living people around

I held my breath and wanted to look in the direction of the sound, but at this moment, Hinabai stopped me again.

"Stupid, stop! Run, turn around!"

I couldn't help frowning, "Can you stop talking, I just said it, it's impossible to go back!"

"You really are an idiot!" Chubai yelled at me angrily, "Didn't you notice at all? The blood on the bodies of those dead villagers is still flowing, and the color on the walls is still bright red! That monster, no matter what its name is, is still here!"

Hearing this sentence, I was completely stunned.

Gu Diao, is it still here

All the villagers in the village were eaten, so the sound I just heard, could it be...

Before I could react, a big furry head poked out from the back of the house. The big head shook the fur on its body, made a strange sound between the roar of a beast and the cry of a baby, and then locked its eyes on me.

Gu carving... Is this, Gu carving

Strangely enough, I felt no sense of dread in the face of such a colossal creature. This may be because the Gu sculpture standing in front of me is not as vicious as I imagined.

It has two wings, a leopard-like pattern on its body, and a deer-like horn on top of its head. The mouth is very big, but it doesn't open now. There are only some bright red blood stains at the corner of the mouth, which proves what kind of crime it committed not long ago.

It stopped five steps away from me, looking at me very obediently, with its furry head tilted, as if studying me. Those big black eyes were rolling around like some kind of big pet.

One of my hearts was beating like a drum in my chest, I swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and stepped back cautiously, keeping my sight level with it all the time.

Let's hope it's full by now and ignores my little ant-like creature...

I leaned down as much as I could, backed away slowly, and forced a smile at Gu Diao, "Be good, be good. My meat doesn't taste good at all, you just have a lot of it, please let me go today."

Gu Diao still tilted his head and stared at me, but he never moved. I secretly breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, thinking that maybe this big eagle would really let me go like this.

However, at this moment, my receding heel suddenly stepped on a stone, and then my body became unstable and I fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, that is, in a split second, the Gu Eagle suddenly became excited, let out another cry, then stretched out its paw towards me, and opened its terrifying mouth at the same time.

A piercing pain came from my chest, and the Gu Eagle scooped me up with its big claws, and threw it into its mouth without hesitation.

"You big idiot!"

At this time, I vaguely heard Xiaobai's voice, and then I felt a dull pain in my body, my head hit a stone, my eyes went dark, and I didn't know anything.


In the process, I had another dream about Naibai.

It was dark at first, but after a while, it gradually brightened.

The first thing I felt was the fragrance of Sophora japonica, and then I saw the white flowers and the crisp autumn sky.

By the way, I am now a young white. I am watching all this with my white eyes. And this place is undoubtedly Wen Jiubai's courtyard.

"Today, the weather is also very good." I sat on the branch of the big locust tree and murmured.

Today, Mr. Wen is still alone in this empty courtyard.

I come to sit in his courtyard from time to time, but I can't help but hide quietly when he appears, for fear of being discovered by him.

Mr. Wen sometimes goes out early in the morning and doesn't come back all day. Sometimes I would stay in the yard for several days, reading or writing, without going anywhere.

He is the only one in the huge courtyard, isn't he really lonely

I wanted to take the initiative to talk to him several times, but when facing Mr. Wen, I was always unable to say anything.

Mr. Wen is too perfect, that kind of perfection, as if standing in front of him is a kind of blasphemy, let alone asking me to speak.

When Mr. Wen is away, I will go to a nearby village to rest, and occasionally borrow the utensils of those humans to make my life a little less sloppy.

One day, I came to the courtyard again and hid myself in the dense branches and leaves of locust trees.

Ah, Mr. Wen is in the yard. Under the warm sunshine, Mr. Wen sat at the stone table, playing games on the chessboard alone.