Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 163: Undercover investigation




"Your Highness, it's time."

time? What time

I opened my eyes, and the figure of the maid was reflected in my eyes. In front of me is a magnificent bedroom, with large curtains, light silk, and rouge and jewelry in front of the dressing table.

By the way, it's time for "that".

I sat up from the bed in silence, my long hair fell down like a waterfall, and let the maid comb behind me.

"The princess's hair is always so smooth." The maid's voice rang softly behind her ears, "It's really enviable."

I chuckled, "It's a pity, after today, this long hair doesn't belong to me anymore."

The servant girl suddenly lost her voice. I thought she had finally settled down and concentrated on tying my hair, but unexpectedly, the force behind her head suddenly loosened.

"Miss...can you not go?" The maidservant's voice suddenly turned into tears, and I felt something hot and humid falling on my shoulder.

"Impossible." I turned sideways and held the maidservant's hand, hoping that she would feel at ease, "This is not for myself, but for the life and death of our country. Don't worry, my sacrifice will definitely be exchanged for more something of value."

With the maid sobbing softly, I untied my clothes, stepped naked into the barrel, soaked my body in the warm spring water, and washed away all filth from my body.

After getting out of the bath, put on brocade clothes. The white robe dragged very long on the ground. The golden embroidery on this skirt took twelve capable craftsmen seven to forty-nine days to complete, just for this moment today.

After that, there is the other end of the wide moat... on the distant mountain top.


"... Gu Yu, Gu Yu!"

On a distant mountaintop...

"Gu Yu from Class 16 Hanben!"

I woke up suddenly, and stood up from the seat reflexively, and the chair was kicked to the ground by me with a "bang".

"To, to!"

Immediately there was laughter in the classroom, and the teacher looked at me very dissatisfied on the podium.

"Gu Yu, translate the sentence I just said."

"Okay, uh..." I quickly lowered my head and flipped through the English book, but I didn't know which sentence the teacher said.

"Here, here." Just when I was sweating profusely, Shi Yitong in the front row turned around and pointed to me quietly, "Table tennis."

I cleared my throat and replied, "Table tennis is a sport which gains much popularity and praise in China. It means that table tennis is a very popular and respected sport in China."

The teacher frowned and glanced at me, and raised his hand after a long while, "By the way, get your chair up and sit down. Don't sleep anymore, do you hear me?"

Only then did I breathe out a sigh of relief, and cast a grateful look at Shi Yitong.

Speaking of which, it seemed like I had a very strange dream just now. But now I don't remember anything about the dream.

"I always feel that you have been a little absent-minded these two days. Are you okay, are you sick?"

On the way to the cafeteria, Shi Yitong asked with concern.

I waved my hand, "It's okay, maybe it's because I haven't had enough sleep recently, and I feel sleepy when I go to class. But I can't blame it, it's because the English teacher's class is too boring, and I just follow the script, so that people don't have any desire to listen."

Shi Yitong laughed and elbowed me, "It's your fault, you doze off when you doze off, what excuses do you have?"

I also laughed embarrassedly, and changed the subject, "By the way, I saw Su Xiaoyun walking out of the classroom alone when the get out of class was over just now. Why didn't you ask her to eat with her?"

As soon as Shi Yitong heard my words, he immediately frowned, "Oh, don't mention it."

Seeing Shi Yitong's expression, I couldn't help being curious, "What's wrong? Are you two fighting again?"

"What do you mean, what do you mean fighting again?" Shi Yitong patted me angrily, "Goddess Su and I have never quarreled before, okay?"

"Okay, okay, if you say there is no, then there is no. Hey, what's going on?" I asked enthusiastically.

"It's actually like this." Shi Yitong scratched his hair irritably, "Yesterday Su Xiaoyun called me and said that there was something wrong with the computer, and there was a software that couldn't be installed, and asked if I would repair the computer. Submit a paper. In fact, I don’t know much about computers, but I know a little more than the average girl, so I agree? As a result, after Goddess Su brought the computer over, I thought it was a problem with the computer system. Reinstalled the system again. End, the result... "

"As a result, the computer is completely unusable?" I interjected.

Shi Yitong became even more frustrated, and nodded, "I didn't expect this to happen. As a result, her computer can't even be turned on now, so she has to send it outside for repair. Although I paid for the repair of the computer in advance, she now Still looking very angry."

What a happy ending. I patted Shi Yitong on the shoulder comfortingly, "You, you are just too clumsy and do bad things with good intentions. How can you catch up with girls like this? Let me tell you, you should greet her with a shy face at such a time. Say a few nice words, girls like it."

"Goddess Su is not an ordinary girl." Shi Yitong became even more depressed after hearing what I said, "Now she must hate me even more."

"No, what you need to do is to ask her to make a good apology. Although Su Xiaoyun's personality is a bit straight, she will definitely not forgive you." I smiled.

"Oh, let's not talk about this." Shi Yitong scratched his hair and said, and changed the topic to me, "By the way, Gu Yu, how is the matter between you and Mr. Wen? I haven't seen you in the past few days Old house."

Yes, speaking of this, after the incident with Nabai last time, that was the last time I stayed in the old house, and it was already last week.

On the surface, he and I still behaved as usual, chatting and drinking tea, helping him get medicine, and receiving guests. But I know best in my heart that the gap between us is getting deeper and deeper.

And the root cause of this estrangement, in the final analysis, was the identity issue that Wen Jiubai was unwilling to reveal anyway.

The longer you spend with him, the less you can fully trust this person. However, Wen Jiubai may be the person I want to trust the most in this world. This tormenting double feeling is almost driving me crazy. So I decided, at any cost, to find out Wen Jiubai's identity and his past experience personally.

What kind of monster is he, why did he live in that old house, what happened in his past, and most importantly, what unspeakable secrets did he hide from me.

"Gu Yu, hey." It wasn't until Shi Yitong pushed me that I came back to my senses, "I asked you something. Why didn't you answer, where did your mind wander?"

I looked at Shi Yitong, and suddenly an idea formed in my mind.

"Hey, Shi Yitong!"

Shi Yitong was probably frightened by my appearance of harboring evil intentions, so he took a step back.

"What happened suddenly?"

"Tell me, is there any big monster with a long history in Yancheng?" I touched my chin and asked tentatively.

"Big monster?" Shi Yitong was inexplicably asked by me, "Uh, what kind of monster is a big monster?"

When Shi Yitong asked such a rhetorical question, I was stunned and scratched my head.

"This... is probably a monster with a long lifespan and strong demon power."

"Gu Yu, tell me the truth." Shi Yitong looked at me seriously, "You haven't been able to sleep well these days, is it because you stayed up late at night to read online novels?"

I slapped it up, "What kind of online novels are you reading? You only read online novels! I'm asking a serious question!"

"Oh, how could I know this." Shi Yitong rubbed his head and complained, "You must know that I haven't stayed in Yancheng for a few years. Now that the city is slowly developing, folklore is becoming less and less. It's true There may be something in my grandpa's diary..."

My eyes lit up, and I immediately asked, "Really?"

"Of course, but you have seen the pile of information in my house. I don't know how much effort it will take to find it." Shi Yitong looked at me strangely, "However, what are you asking this for? Could it be from Has the surname Wen received any weird commissions?"

"No, not this time." After dinner with Shi Yitong, I found a seat with few people in the cafeteria and sat down. I explained my thoughts to Shi Yitong simply and simply.

"...Although I really want to believe him, but his attitude of concealing his identity makes it impossible not to doubt him." I sighed, "If this continues, I will think of him whenever I see him. If you hide something from me, you will drive yourself crazy."

"So you decided to find out his real identity by yourself?" Shi Yitong said as he put a large spoonful of rice into his mouth.

I nodded, "Now I don't know much about his possible identity information. I only know that he seems to have lived for a long time. The old house with a sense of age is the former residence of Cao Xueqin, and there is The female ghost who possessed me said that Wen Jiubai was alone for a long time, as if waiting for something."

"What can we tell based on these." Shi Yitong shrugged, "It might be a ghost, or a god, or maybe it's the Taishang Laojun who ate the elixir."

I pushed him, "Hey, are you serious, I'm discussing something serious with you!"

"Even if you ask that, I don't know." Shi Yitong spread his hands and said, "I can only take you to my house to look it up after school."

"Good buddy!" I said with a high five, "I'm waiting for your words!"

Shi Yitong immediately looked at me full of sorrow, "If I mess up grandpa's belongings again, my grandma will definitely lose her temper with me."