Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 164


"Oh, I'll clean it up for you, what are you afraid of!"

Just when the two of us were making jokes, a female voice suddenly joined our chat.

"Gu Yu, what a coincidence, you're eating here too?"

Looking up, Su Xiaoyun was standing in front of our table with a bag of bought steamed stuffed buns in his hand, looking at me with interest, but ignoring Shi Yitong from the beginning to the end.

"What are you talking about?"

"Uh..." I looked at Su Xiaoyun, then glanced at Shi Yitong from the corner of my eye. As soon as Shi Yitong saw Su Xiaojun, he immediately curled up like a tortoise and dared not speak, and Su Xiaojun didn't even look at him the whole time.

What are these two people doing, they look like a pair of quarreling young couples.

"We were just talking about something related to monsters." In desperation, I could only pick up the words, and deliberately pointed at Shi Yitong with my chin, "I just made an appointment with him, and I will go to his house after school later Check his grandfather's relics and see if he can find anything."

"What's the matter, is there another strange commission?" Su Xiaoyun asked curiously.

"Uh, not this time. I wanted to check it myself, it's a bit hard to explain..."

I was interrupted by Su Xiaoyun halfway through my words.

"That's it, then I'll go with you too." Su Xiaoyun smiled, "I just want to go out to buy something after school, so I'll investigate with you, how about it?"

"Of course, three people will check it faster than two people!" I quickly agreed, looked at Shi Yitong's submissive expression, and stepped on his instep.

"Uh... um..." Shi Yitong spoke hesitantly after being stepped on by me, but he was interrupted by Su Xiaoyun before he could even utter the first word.

"Then let's talk about it first, see you after school. Goodbye." Su Xiaoyun still didn't look at Shi Yitong directly, waved to me, and then left with the buns she bought.

"Are you stupid?" I stared at Shi Yitong with hatred.

"I, I can't help it..." Shi Yitong wanted to cry without tears, "She doesn't even look at me, and I don't know what to say. Maybe, I have been completely hated by her. From now on Maybe she doesn't want to talk to me anymore."

I rolled my eyes in my heart, I really didn't want to complain about Shi Yitong's typical straight male EQ. The other girls have already taken the initiative to come over, obviously to give you a step down, but you can't even grasp such a good opportunity, it really makes people speechless.

Forget it, I don't care about the young couple Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun. We can only see if Su Xiaoyun can take the initiative to forgive Shi Yitong's carefree personality.

When school was over, the three of them, together with Su Xiaoyun's cat, took a ride to Grandma Shi Yitong's house, and the scene was very embarrassing for a while. Su Xiaoyun seemed to be determined not to say a word to Shi Yitong, and Shi Yitong was also afraid that his Goddess Su would hate him, so he always stayed at the far side of the back row of the car.

The poor me was just caught in the middle by two people, I couldn't care less about answering one end and answering the other end.

"So you mean that the purpose of checking the information is to find out Wen Jiubai's real identity?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

I nodded, "Well, Shi Yitong's grandfather has a very thick diary, which contains his grandfather's records of various anecdotes about Yancheng. So I think maybe I can find some clues from his grandfather's relics .”

"Then, did you two quarrel or something?" Su Xiaoyun asked while stroking Gulu in her arms.

"Arguing? Me and Wen Jiubai?" I was taken aback, then shook my head quickly, "No, no, the two of us didn't quarrel. Or... we haven't quarreled yet. And to be honest, I don't have the right to quarrel with him. I think Knowing his identity is my own opinion, even if Wen Jiubai doesn't tell me, he can only say it's his right... "

"You can't say that." Su Xiaoyun looked at me very seriously, "If you don't tell you such an important thing, it's clear that you don't trust you. Gu Yu, you trust him with your life, we all see it I have decided, I must help you find out the truth about this matter."

"Thank you so much." I tried my best to show a sincere smile. Although I am very happy that Su Xiaoyun said that...but it would be hard for me to be caught in the middle of this conflicting young couple all the way.

"But Gu Yu, when it comes to big monsters, I suddenly remembered a legend."

This time it was Shi Yitong who spoke again. When Su Xiaoyun saw him start talking, she immediately closed her mouth and turned her head to the car window.

"Ah, what legend?" I said helplessly.

"This seems to be a story I heard from my grandfather when I was very young. If you hadn't mentioned some big monster, I would have completely forgotten about such a thing." Shi Yitong adjusted his sitting posture and said to me , "Do you know Bai Ze?"

"Bai Ze?" I thought for a while and nodded, "That's a monster with auspicious meaning in ancient Chinese legends, right? It's all white and looks like a horse..."

"It's like a horse, but it looks like a unicorn, okay?" Shi Yitong waved his hand and dismissed my comparison, "Bai Ze is the emperor's mount in the legendary Three Emperors and Five Emperors, and it's the emperor's old man who went to hunt in that place called the seashore. , I met. This Bai Ze saw that the old man had an extraordinary appearance, so he followed the emperor back to his hometown. According to the legend, this Bai Ze is very knowledgeable and has the spirit of heaven and earth, in short, he is very powerful."

I hurriedly interrupted Shi Yitong, who was rambling, and said, "Baidu Encyclopedia knows all these things, can you tell me something you don't know?"

Shi Yitong gave me a disappointed look, "Okay, okay, then I'll start with the story my grandfather told me."

I nodded.

"That year was when I was nine years old. At that time, our village was still very small, and there were not many households. So if something happened, the whole village knew it very quickly. At that time, there was a hunter in our village. They hunted wild geese and wild ducks, and sometimes small animals, such as furs, badgers, and foxes. At that time, foxes were everywhere. Many people walked on the path next to the graveyard at night, and they could see a lot of green things. Eyes, the fox is watching. But that hunter is not greedy, if he hits the skin for a while, he will stop hunting small animals, and even if he sees it, he will take a detour."

I said "hmm" and listened with interest.

"Later, his nephew went hunting with him in the mountains, and he saw a skin with shiny fur. He looked a little shy, but his nephew was not afraid of tigers when he was a newborn calf, so he shot Pizi with one shot. You must know that when hunting, If the leather has holes in it, it won’t be able to sell for a good price, so Orion slapped his nephew on the head, and ran over to see the leather they just slapped. Guess what happened?”

"What's the matter?"

"Obviously it was the skin that was just beaten, but I couldn't find it no matter how hard I looked. Orion had no choice, so he turned to look at his nephew, and asked his nephew to help him find it quickly. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, the dead skin disappeared. The nephew's neck was slapped crookedly, the whole face was tilted to the back of the head, and blood dripped from the eyes. Orion was so frightened that he sat down on the ground. Something that shouldn't be hit. Then I prayed to God at that time, picked up a stone and threw it on my forehead. Later, when a person from the same village found them, Orion was already bleeding. When the villagers carried them down, they heard Orion Feeling like a gossamer, he muttered that he hadn't played anything since the beginning of spring this year."

"Then what happened later?" I couldn't help asking, "Did Orion's nephew die?"

"I didn't die, but I was seriously injured. I heard people said that the parts below the neck couldn't move. I relied on my family to take care of the shit and urine, and then moved to a neighboring village. Orion still hunted, but always He couldn’t hunt anything, and I heard that even the best wild pheasants ran away from him as if they had eyes in their backs. It didn’t take long for Orion to stop working and went to work in the city.”

"I see..." I murmured.

"This was told to me by my grandfather when I was nine years old. Later, I also saw Orion's nephew, a man in his thirties, sitting in a wheelchair, with that ashen-faced look in his eyes. It looks very scary." Shi Yitong clicked his tongue, "Later, the old man in the village said that the piece of 'skin' that Orion's nephew hit at that time was nothing but the auspicious beast Bai Ze. Because his nephew didn't If you violate Tai Sui indiscriminately, then you will be punished."

"Since it's the legendary big monster Bai Ze, why is it in a small town like Yancheng?"

Su Xiaoyun opened her mouth at this time, although it was obvious that she was speaking to Shi Yitong, but Su Xiaoyun's eyes kept looking at me, making my heart tremble.

"Uh, this... the old people in the village have been saying all kinds of things." Shi Yitong stammered, his eyes wandering between Su Xiaoyun and me, and finally cleared his throat, "There is a theory That is to say, in the "Shan Hai Jing", it is said that the place where Bai Ze lives is Dongwang Mountain, which is actually in the northern mountainous area of Yancheng. There is also a saying that there was a very powerful general in Yancheng in ancient times. The enemy was very powerful, but his family members died in the war. Bai Ze was very moved, so he decided to stay in Yancheng to guard the spirit of this general's family. Anyway... you know, legends, all kinds of Yes, what exactly is going on, I still have to look through Grandpa's relics."

After finishing speaking, Shi Yitong glanced at Su Xiaoyun nervously. However, Su Xiaoyun didn't mean to talk to him, but took out a ham sausage from his backpack and fed it to Gulu.