Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 167: Pinnacle Mountain


"Hey, that's good, no one has booked a hotel, where do we sleep at night!" Shi Yitong wailed.

"Uh, don't worry. We will definitely find the hotel when we get there." Su Xiaoyun comforted.

However, we were afraid of what would happen, and when we arrived at Diecui Mountain, it was already evening. Not only do several high-end hotels have no rooms, but even some mid-range hotels have no rooms. Looking at the people on the street again, it is almost the same as the city center, coming and going in an endless stream.

"This...is weird." Shi Yitong stood next to a full hotel, Monk Zhang Er was puzzled, "Although Diecui Mountain is a tourist attraction, I don't usually see so many people there, what's going on today? "

"It's because of the temple fair."

A voice came in suddenly, and all three of us looked back. Standing behind us was a man in his forties, wearing a gray woolen coat, with a kind smile on his face.

"Temple fair?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

"Yeah, the biggest temple fair in Yancheng will be held on Diecui Mountain in two days, so there are many tourists in Yancheng. It seems that you are all college students who come to play, why don't you know?"

"Uh, we came here just to have fun, but we didn't expect there to be so many people." Shi Yitong scratched his hair helplessly, "Even the hotel rooms are full."

"So that's the case." The kind-looking middle-aged man smiled, "But since you're here, you can consider going to the temple fair. It's very interesting. By the way, the hotels are full, you guys There should be no place to live now."

The three of us looked at me and I looked at you, and we all nodded sadly.

"If you don't mind, how about staying in my hotel?" The middle-aged uncle warmly invited, "I remember there is a double room and a single room."

Shi Yitong's eyes lit up all of a sudden, "Really? Uncle, you run a hotel."

"Yeah, my hotel is on the back street. I went out to buy some ingredients." The uncle said happily, "Would you like to visit my place?"

With such an opportunity, why not do it, Su Xiaoyun and I also nodded happily.

As the uncle said, we crossed this street and saw an inconspicuous small hotel on the back street. No wonder the hotel wasn't fully occupied, it was a little too inconspicuous.

It has no neon signs, nor any conspicuous signs, just a small house, sitting alone on the corner of the street. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be a wooden signboard and entrance. The style of the entire hotel reminded me of Wen Jiubai's old house.

"Let's go, this is here. You don't need an ID card, just register your name at the front desk." The uncle slowly opened the wooden door, walked behind the counter, and began to rummage in the drawer, "Ah, the registration book, registration The register... Strange, where is the register?"

The three of us watched the uncle rummaging in the drawer with black lines on our heads, but we couldn't find the registration book we were looking for. As an innkeeper, this person is too informal.

"Oh, it's here. I found it." I don't know how long it took before the boss finally raised his head and handed us a crumpled registration book. "Write your name and phone number here."

Shi Yitong and I looked at each other, then reluctantly picked up the pen and started writing in the notebook.

"Uncle, are you running the whole hotel by yourself?" Su Xiaoyun looked around curiously, as if she was very interested in this quaint little hotel.

"Yeah, the store is not too big, and there are very few customers at ordinary times, and I'm the only one. Cleaning up and preparing meals are all done by myself." The uncle said with a smile, "That's right, look at my brain , I haven’t introduced myself yet. My name is Xu Yingchen, you can call me Uncle Xu, or you can just call me Yingchen.”

"Uncle Xu is a little cute." Su Xiaoyun couldn't help laughing.

Xu Yingchen laughed even more when he heard it, "Really? Although people often say that about me, it's the first time I heard it from such a cute little girl."

"My name is Su Xiaoyun, and I am a student of Yanda University. The two here are my classmates. Shi Yitong and Gu Yu." Su Xiaoyun introduced.

Shi Yitong also just finished writing the register, raised his head and greeted respectfully.

"Hello, Uncle Xu."

"Gu Yu, your name is Gu Yu?"

As soon as I looked up, I just met Xu Yingchen's interested eyes, and I was startled.

"Uh... yeah."

"The name sounds nice." Xu Yingchen laughed heartily, which baffled me.

"Okay, here are your keys." After saying that, Xu Yingchen turned around, took out three keys from the drawer and handed them to us respectively, "You two handsome guys, this is yours, the room is in 203, Little girl, this is yours, the room is next to them in 204."


We took the key and observed it curiously. To be honest, when I go to a hotel to open a room now, there is no such old-fashioned door key for a long time. I am afraid of losing it and being afraid of being stolen. All room cards are all room cards.

I don't know if Xu Yingchen saw our thoughts, and said from the side, "Little brother, although my hotel is a bit old, the rooms are all clean and tidy, and the bedding has also been disinfected. , don't worry."

"Ah, no, no." I quickly explained, "It's just that I haven't seen such an ordinary key given to a hotel for a long time, so..."

"Well, I run a small hotel, and I don't usually have many people. I don't bother to spend money on those high-tech ones. It's so old-fashioned." Xu Yingchen waved his hands in a nonchalant manner after hearing this, "That's it. It is unique and unique. You know, there are many priceless ancient paintings in the rooms and corridors."

We all thought that Xu Yingchen was joking, and we all laughed at that time. Of course, we found out later that what he said was true, so that's another story.

"How is it?" Su Xiaoyun sat down on the bed in Shi Yitong and I's room unceremoniously, "Have you decided, where are you going tomorrow?"

"Hmm—" Shi Yitong flipped through the Baidu map solemnly, with a look of deep thought, "It's hard to decide whether to pick the oranges first or go boating first."

Su Xiaoyun slapped Shi Yitong on the head, "Hey, who asked you to think about where to go to play. Let's help Gu Yu find Bai Ze's clue first, okay?"

"Oh oh oh, looking for clues, looking for clues..." Judging from his tone, Shi Yitong seemed to have completely forgotten the purpose of coming to Diecui Mountain.

"Uh, but even if you are looking for clues, how can it be so easy to find?" Shi Yitong put down his phone and said with a sad face, "This thing is not a tourist route, just follow the Baidu map. The brochure we found also There is only one sentence, only the place name Diecui Mountain."

"That's true." Su Xiaoyun also lowered her head and thought about it, "I think we'd better look for those ancient scenic spots with a sense of history first, maybe we can find some clues to the legend of Bai Ze."

"This won't work. Diecui Mountain is a tourist attraction, and even if there are any clues, you can't tell whether it's true or if it was added on purpose for hype." Shi Yitong shook his head and objected, "This suggestion is rejected. "

"Then tell me what you have to say."

"Hey, I think we should go to those deep mountains and old forests where no one goes. Maybe we'll run into the old man Bai Ze directly!" Shi Yitong said, patting his thigh.

"I think you can't hit Bai Ze and hit the wild wolf first." Su Xiaoyun rolled her eyes, obviously scoffing at Shi Yitong's suggestion, "Gu Yu and I don't want to be buried with you. Hey, Gu Yu, you came to find me clues, don’t you have any good ideas?”

I pondered for a while, then looked at the two people, "I think, rather than going to some scenic spots, we should find someone."

"Find someone?"

"Well, this place has a long history, and there must be some old people living here." I said seriously, "For such ancient legends, I think it is better to find a place than to fly around like headless chickens. If you find the old people here, you may be able to ask some interesting things."

"Hey, didn't the boss surnamed Xu at the front desk just say that there will be a temple fair here in the next two days?" Shi Yitong immediately said excitedly, "You know, the elders and aunts in Yancheng like this kind of traditional event very much. You should be able to see a lot of local elderly people.”

"That's really great! Isn't it all effortless?" Su Xiaoyun clapped her hands and applauded.

"That's how it is." As the final decision maker, I made a decision, "Well, let's go to some historical attractions tomorrow as Su Xiaoyun said, and see if we can find some clues. Then we will go back in two days. According to these clues, go to the temple fair and ask those old people to see what happens."

"Hey wait, what about my proposal?" Shi Yitong pointed his thumb at his head and looked at me expectantly.

"Your refusal was not discussed!" I rolled my eyes.


"Don't hang it up, it's so heavy!"

That night, the three of us chatted in the room for a long time, until Su Xiaoyun yawned and said that she couldn't hold it anymore, and she slowly went back to the next room to sleep. Shi Yitong and I didn't feel much better. Looking at the watch, it was almost twelve o'clock, so we hurriedly urged each other to wash up and go to bed.

When I turned off the lights, I saw something light up on Shi Yitong's wrist.

"Hey, Shi Yitong, what is that on your wrist? Why is it glowing?" I asked curiously.

"Ah? Are you talking about this?" Shi Yitong stretched out his hand that had just slipped into the bed when he heard my words, and I saw that there was something softly glowing in the dark.

"This is my grandfather's relic. It's a jade bracelet. I don't know why it glows at night, and I don't know if there is any special ingredient in the jade." Shi Yitong squinted and said, "My grandma thinks it's very auspicious. Yes, let me wear it as a talisman."