Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 174: Longning Temple


"I don't know either." Xu Yingchen shook his head, "I heard that it was a young man who died. It looked like he was taken away by a wild animal. The next day everyone saw a lot of blood on the ground, so we followed The blood was found in the woods. Then the man's body was found, only the upper body, the lower body was taken away by something, that scene was really horrible."

All three of us gasped involuntarily.

"Really? Are there really such ferocious beasts on the mountain?" Shi Yitong asked in disbelief.

"I don't know either." Xu Yingchen scratched his hair and said in distress, "Theoretically speaking, Diecui Mountain is not that big. If there are wild beasts, there are at most some wild wolves or something. No matter how big the beast is, it can't hold it."

"Did you call the police?" I asked.

"Well, of course I called the police. But the police are still clueless. They just preliminarily judged that it was an animal injury, and asked the people in the mountains to cancel this temple fair. But the old people who believe in Buddhism and some traders who are counting on the temple fair to make money here may Quit it, and refused to cancel the temple fair no matter what you said. So like this, everyone continued to hold the temple fair without telling the tourists, and most of the tourists who were interested didn't even know that there was such a thing."

Xu Yingchen shook his head as he spoke, "Although it might have been just an accident, for the sake of safety, I still don't recommend you to join in the fun."

"How about it, what do you think?" Su Xiaoyun looked at Shi Yitong and me. There was absolutely no fear in her eyes, but excitement.

Of course, Shi Yitong and I are not much different, and our hearts are also flickering with excitement and curiosity.

"Do you still need to ask?" Shi Yitong first acted scared, and then suddenly said with a smile, "Of course we are going! If we can't find out about such a mysterious incident, who else will find out? Right! Fore Mo Yu!"

"Fuck you, who is Holmoyu." I pushed Shi Yitong, looked at Xu Yingchen and said seriously, "Uncle, we must go to the temple fair. But we will definitely be more careful, please rest assured."

Xu Yingchen frowned at us who had no fear, and said slowly, "However, Gu Yu. You have to know a lot of dangers, and it's useless to be careful. You only have one life, and it's not for you guys. Reckless young men take risks."

This sudden preaching made the atmosphere a little awkward, and Su Xiaoyun and Shi Yitong were obviously a little angry.

"Hey uncle, what do you know?" Su Xiaoyun couldn't hold back her breath first and said, "You are just a small boss who runs a hotel leisurely and leisurely. You must have never gone out to take risks, right?"

"Yeah, you don't know what kind of risks we have taken." Shi Yitong muttered, "I'm afraid I'll scare you if I tell you."

"Su Xiaoyun, Shi Yitong!" I glared at my two friends and signaled them to stop talking.

Xu Yingchen's expression didn't change, and it wasn't obvious if he was angry. But I also hastily apologized on behalf of my two rash friends.

"Uncle Xu, I'm sorry. They just got a little too hot-tempered." I smiled and said, "But... we do have a necessary reason to go to this temple fair, thank you for your concern."

"So, you three youngsters didn't come here just for fun, did you?" Xu Yingchen looked at me calmly and raised his chin, "Could it be that you have some ulterior motive?"

All three of us were stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer this question.

"Uh...we, we are..." Shi Yitong looked at me, then at Xu Yingchen, and stammered.

Xu Yingchen stared at us, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahahaha! I'm teasing you, why are you so scared!" Xu Yingchen patted me and Shi Yitong on the shoulder while laughing, "You youngsters, what else can you hide? Secret, stop kidding."

The three of us breathed a sigh of relief, and smiled awkwardly.

"You can go if you want, but be careful." Xu Yingchen said with a smile.

In this way, after breakfast, the three of us packed up and went out, and according to what Xu Yingchen said, we came to the temple.

To be honest, I grew up in a big city, and I have never been to a temple fair, and I have only heard about it. There doesn't seem to be any big temples in Beining, so when I saw this big temple in front of me, I was really amazed.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Shi Yitong said triumphantly, "This temple is the largest temple in Yancheng, called Longning Temple. My grandfather took me to see it once when I was young, and I still have a deep impression on it."

"Is the temple fair held in this temple?" Su Xiaoyun asked curiously, "But... I don't think I saw many people."

Su Xiaoyun is right, although the temple is huge, but the few of us stood at the entrance, but there were no tourists or vendors preparing to set up stalls nearby. He and Bunting judged that there will be activities here soon.

"It feels deserted, and it doesn't look like a temple fair is going to be held at all." I agreed.

"Come on, let's go in and have a look."

When we walked into the temple, apart from seeing some sweeping monks one after another, we rarely saw tourists or vendors. On the contrary, there were some lanterns, dragon decorations, etc., some of which could be seen as props for preparing for the temple fair, and they were piled up on the ground in a mess, and no one took care of them.

"What's going on?" Shi Yitong asked strangely, "Has no one cleaned up these things? I remember that many people helped to clean up these things during the temple fairs in previous years."

"Yeah, these things are piled up here, it's really..." Su Xiaoyun bent down, picked up a paper lantern and held it in his hand to look at it.

"Benefactor, please don't touch it!"

At this moment, a young monk's voice suddenly came, and Su Xiaoyun was so frightened that he almost threw the paper lantern to the ground.

"Be careful, benefactor!" The little monk took the fragile paper lantern from Su Xiaoyun's hand and put it on the ground smoothly.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Su Xiaoyun said in a panic.

"It's okay, the benefactor just needs to be more careful." The little monk looked about fourteen or fifteen years old, he was very handsome, and he had a cute smile.

"Little monk, these things should be decorations for temple fairs, right?" Shi Yitong asked.

"Yes, they are all preparing for the temple fair tomorrow night."

"But... why are all these things piled up here, and no one takes care of them?" I asked strangely, "My friend said that in the past, some vendors and old Buddhist believers decorated things very early."

"This..." The little monk showed a forced smile, "This year is a little different from previous years."

"Why is it different?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

"This, this little monk is not very clear."

"This year's temple fair seems to have a lot fewer people than in previous years." Shi Yitong insisted, "I didn't see many tourists coming, what's going on?"

The little monk's forehead began to sweat, "This... all benefactors, don't you want to go to other places to pay homage?"

"Is it because a tourist died in the temple?" I said this suddenly, and the little monk and my two friends were all taken aback.

"This, this..." The little monk was pressed to nowhere by us, and he simply confessed, "Oh! All benefactors, please forgive me! This matter has already been brought to the abbot, and I You're just a sweeping monk, and you don't know what to do!"

"So, someone really died here?" Su Xiaoyun asked in surprise.

The little monk swallowed, nodded, and beckoned us to come closer.

"The monk is not very clear about what happened. I heard from the elders in the temple that last night, someone found a male benefactor who died violently in the wilderness, and the blood was dragged from Longning Temple to Diecui Mountain. Elder Huineng in the temple heard about it, and took his brothers and sisters up the mountain overnight to search for it. Finally, they found it, but the benefactor was torn in half by some beast, and Elder Huineng only found the upper body. !"

As he spoke, the little monk couldn't help shivering and shook his head.

"And what happened next?" I asked.

"After Elder Hui Neng saw this bloody scene, he wanted to hide it so that the temple fair could go on as usual. But I don't know which benefactor at that time directly called the police, and now there is no way to hide it." The little monk said with a sigh.

"What did the police say?"

"The police said it was a beast attack, but we have lived at the foot of this mountain for many years, and everyone knows in our hearts that this is not a beast at all." The little monk shook his head sadly, "The brothers all said... It was the monster that came back."

"Monster?" The three of us looked at each other.

"The three benefactors don't live in Diecui Mountain, so they may not know about it." The young monk said hesitantly, "That's right, the 'Annoying Beast'."

"Ah... what?" All three of us were dumbfounded.

"Buddha said that greed, anger, ignorance, arrogance, and doubt are the five poisons, which will hinder the practitioners from achieving the right results, and cause people to do evil karma. They are designed to harm people and disturb the purity of Buddhism." The little monk said nervously , "The origin of these five kinds of poisons comes from five kinds of extremely vicious monsters. During the period of the first emperor, there were five gods who suppressed five evil beasts respectively. The green dragon in the east suppresses greed; the white tiger in the west suppresses anger; the white tiger in the west suppresses anger; The Suzaku suppresses idiots; the Xuanwu in the north suppresses slowness; the central Yinglong suppresses doubts."

"Then...these monsters should have been suppressed by the beasts." Su Xiaoyun was unexpectedly interested in the little monk's words, "What happened later?"

The little monk nodded and continued, "This kind of statement is a kind of statement... But, I don't know if it is because the seal has been loosened because of the passage of time. Or the legend of the five gods is simply a lie. In short, in fact The Angry Beast has been harassing Longning Temple since a long time ago."