Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 176: angry beast


"Cough, that, buddy..." Shi Yitong had to hold back his embarrassment and said to Zhu Xuan tactfully, "I think you may have misunderstood me. But, I'm really not..."

"Not what?" Zhu Xuan didn't understand Shi Yitong's meaning at all.

Just when Shi Yitong opened his mouth and was about to explain something, a loud noise suddenly interrupted all of our conversation.

A huge destructive sound similar to an explosion sounded not far away, and we immediately looked to where the sound came from. I couldn't see anything, but I saw a burst of smoke and dust floating from a distance, as if caused by a giant "bang" hitting the ground.

Immediately afterwards, we heard a cry for help from far to near.


"There are monsters! Dead people!"

Zhu Xuan's expression suddenly became dignified, and then he ran towards the direction of the sound, leaving the three of us standing there in a daze.

"Gu Yu, what should we do?" Shi Yitong asked stupidly.

"What else can I do, follow me!" I patted Shi Yitong on the back, "Run! Don't lose it!"

Out of breath, the three of us chased after it. We didn't know how long we ran, but we finally reached our destination: the exit of Longning Temple.

This is a small asphalt road. There are usually many vendors selling things on the street with small carts. Now it's time for dinner, and there are not many pedestrians on the street.

The moment I ran over, I thought it was a car accident on this road. Someone had clearly been seriously injured, as there was a large, brightly colored smear of blood in the middle of the terrified crowd.

But upon closer inspection, there was no dead body on the bloodstains, nor was there any vehicle that caused the accident. On the contrary, all the objects around the bloodstains were smashed to pieces, whether it was the absorbent bricks on the street or the small carts on the street, they were all smashed apart by some very violent force.

"What the hell... what's going on?" Shi Yitong had the same reaction as me, dumbfounded.

"Auntie, what happened here?" Su Xiaoyun was the first to react, and ran to an aunt standing by the roadside to ask.

The aunt was still in violent shock, she looked at Su Xiaoyun in shock, "Monster... monster..."

"Monster?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

"A huge monster jumped out of the woods just now, and then..." The aunt pointed to the bloodstain with her trembling fingers, "The monster dragged a man away..."

"Towed away? Towed to where?"

However, this anxious inquiry was not made by any of the three of us. We turned our heads in unison, as expected, it was Zhuxuan who was catching up with us who raised the question.

"Just, go over there." The aunt pointed to the direction of the woods.

"Thank you, please hurry up and take the people around you home. Don't stay around here anymore." Zhu Xuan left these words and ran into the woods without hesitation.

"Hey! Wait!" I chased after him without hesitation, followed by Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun.

Zhuxuan soon found out that we were catching up, and said with an unfriendly expression, "What's the matter with you guys! Didn't I tell you not to follow?"

"Then why should we listen to you!" Shi Yitong was already a little dissatisfied with this boy, but now he became even more angry.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, I hurried forward to persuade them to fight.

"Okay, okay, what are you talking about at this juncture? Zhuxuan, the bloodstain on the road just now... Is it because the angry beast took a person?"

Zhu Xuan glanced at me and nodded, "With such a large amount of bleeding, people probably won't be able to survive."

"I still don't understand." Su Xiaoyun frowned and said, "What's going on with the whole 'Angriness Beast' thing? Why does the Angry Beast harm people? Is it because it eats people? Hate it to the bone? And this world is so big, why is it messing around here in Diecui Mountain?"

"No, not at all." Zhu Xuan said while pushing aside some branches blocking the way, "That monster has no special feelings for humans, and hurting humans is just a kind of revenge from that guy."

"Revenge?" We heard even more strange.

"Revenge against whom?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

Zhu Xuan looked back at her and said, "Bai Ze."

"... So, Ang Beast has enmity with Bai Ze?" Shi Yitong asked in surprise, "But why?"

"Bai Ze sealed the Angry Beast thirty years ago, and it has been holding a grudge ever since. Besides... there are other reasons." Zhu Xuan spoke very vaguely, and seemed unwilling to say more.

"Then where is that Bai Ze now?" Shi Yitong said angrily, "This is the mess it made in the past, and now it should clean it up by itself! This is a matter of the lives of countless tourists and residents of Diecui Mountain. Two people have already died in just two days, how many more people will die after that! Gu Yu, you should call Wen Jiubai now and tell him about it!"

"But..." I was taken aback for a moment, but before I could respond, Zhu Xuan interrupted me.

"It's useless, it's useless for you to find anyone." Zhu Xuan said with gloomy eyes.

The three of us looked at Zhuxuan strangely.

"Bai Ze is dead, it can no longer appear here to protect everyone." Zhu Xuan said in a low voice, "It's just that human beings have too much expectations for the so-called gods."

"Dead? How do you know it's dead?" Shi Yitong asked in surprise.

However, before Zhuxuan could answer Shi Yitong's words, he was interrupted by a loud roar coming from in front of him.

"It's the Angry Beast! It's right in front!" Zhu Xuan shouted, and immediately ran forward.

"Hey, do you want to die by running over like this!" Shi Yitong was startled, and immediately chased after him.

"What? I still have to run!" Su Xiaoyun was already out of breath, and complained, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't be wearing these shoes when I came out today!"

"Okay, let's go." I took Su Xiaoyun's arm and chased after her.

The strange roar was a bit like a lion, and a bit like a wolf. But no matter what kind of animal we are, we can hear a sense of victory in this roar.

"Over there!" Zhu Xuan stretched out his hand and pulled away the branches blocking the way in front of him. In an instant, there was an open space in front of him.

A huge white beast was lying in the middle of the clearing. It had a wolf-like body, an eagle's hard beak and sharp claws, and three thick tails flapping on the ground.

There was a pool of blood in front of the giant beast, and upon closer inspection, human bones were mixed in it.

"Ah—" Su Xiaoyun turned pale with fright and screamed.

not good! The screech brought the giant beast to our attention. And it seemed to be still in the excitement of a successful hunt, howled to the sky, turned around and rushed towards us!

"Be careful!" Zhuxuan pulled Shi Yitong, and I pulled Su Xiaoyun and fell to the ground quickly, narrowly avoiding the claws of the giant beast.

"Get up, get up! Hurry up!" Zhu Xuan was the first to get up from the ground, and shouted, "Run!"

The few of us didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately got up and ran.

"Try to run as deep as possible into the forest, it's too big to catch up!" Zhu Xuan shouted, our brains went blank, and we couldn't think at all, so we could only run desperately with Zhu Xuan.

In the end, the four of us walked through the dense bushes and hid in a narrow cave, panting heavily.

"It should be safe here..." Shi Yitong had just opened his mouth when Zhu Xuan covered his mouth.

"Don't talk, breathe lightly." Zhu Xuan said softly, "The Angry Beast is very cunning, absolutely don't give it any chance."

As soon as the words came out, we all held our breath immediately.

It was very quiet all around, and the excited behemoth just now couldn't hear a sound at this time. There was only the sound of the wind and the rustling of leaves.

I don't know how long it has passed, but time seems to stand still. We all stared nervously at each other.

"That monster... shouldn't be chasing it?" Shi Yitong asked very nervously.

"I don't know either. But it looks like... I guess I haven't found this place, right?" Zhu Xuan said, poking his head out to see the situation.

At this moment, it is almost like a scene in a horror movie. At the moment Zhuxuan probed, a huge animal face suddenly appeared at the entrance of the cave!


That monster has never left, just guarding the cave entrance and waiting for us to probe out by ourselves!

"Run!" Zhu Xuan shouted.

This time, however, we didn't have time to escape. As soon as the giant beast's sharp claws grabbed into the cave, my whole body was grabbed by it.

"Gu Yu!"

After being dizzy, I saw the huge mouth of the beast in front of me, and there was only one thought in my head: it's over, am I going to die here

I wasn't killed by a serial perverted murderer, nor was I killed by a ferocious man-eating Gu Eagle, but today I was somehow eaten by a big bird who didn't know what it was

Just when I was disheartened and ready to accept my fate with my eyes closed, suddenly, the beast let out a roar, as if it was very scared, and suddenly threw me out of the air.

I was caught off guard and fell into the mud and felt dizzy. Fortunately, the ground was soft and the soil was soft, so I didn't break any bones.

What's going on... Why did the angry beast suddenly throw me down and decide not to eat me

I sat up, rubbing my aching head, and suddenly realized why.

Due to the shock just now, the blue fan that Wen Jiubai gave me fell out of my clothes.

Could it be this? This monster is afraid of this fan

I picked up the fan tentatively, and spread out the fan face to it with a "swish".

Sure enough, the Angry Beast let out a howl of fear, and slowly took a step back.