Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 179: tell (below)


"Of course I don't think so!" Ye also got anxious, and stood up "shua", "I came here to warn you, to make you be careful! That monster is inside Diecui Mountain!"

"Do you think I will believe it?" Zhu Xuan bit his lips and said, "You and I, we have never been the same kind of people."

After speaking, Zhu Xuan stood up and walked into the depths of the forest without looking back.

"Hey! Zhuxuan!" Ye chased after him, but within a few steps, Zhuxuan's shadow disappeared and disappeared into the depths of the forest.


"I don't know if he really doubted me until now. But I will never have a chance to know." Zhu Xuan lowered his head.

"What's going on?" Shi Yitong asked.

"It's the beast of anger." Zhuxuan said, "It's the huge eagle-beaked white beast you saw today. It destroyed the village at the foot of Diecui Mountain, Ye's village."

"Then, the people in the village..." Su Xiaoyun covered her mouth.

Zhu Xuan nodded, "Many people died. Old people, children, and many middle-aged men. I frantically searched in the ruins of the village and found Ye's dead wife and children, but I didn't find Ye's body."

"So he's not dead?" I asked.

Zhu Xuan nodded, "Not long after, I met a Taoist priest near the ruins. I don't know why he was there. He said that he also came to find the bones of his dead relatives, but I have never seen him .and he told me…”

"Wait, Taoist priest?" I interrupted Zhuxuan and asked, "You said you saw a Taoist priest?"

Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun also gave me puzzled looks.

"Yes, a Taoist priest."

"Is he wearing Taoist robes?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

"Of course, otherwise how would I know he is a Taoist priest?" Zhu Xuan was puzzled.

It seems that the Taoist priest mentioned by Zhuxuan is probably "that Taoist priest" hidden in the mist.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhu Xuan looked at our reaction in bewilderment.

"Oh, it's nothing, you can continue." I smiled apologetically, "You just said, what did the Taoist tell you?"

"He told me that there are some strong men in the village who are still alive. They formed a small team and vowed to avenge their family members. Together, they went up the mountain to find the monster." Zhu Xuan said.

"There is Ye in there?"

"I didn't find Ye's body in the ruins, so I guess he survived. I ran up the mountain quickly, and then saw..." Zhu Xuan paused, took a deep breath, and seemed to be adjusting his mood.

"I saw blood and corpses all over the mountains and fields, almost paving a road. Then at the top of that bloody land, I saw the beast of anger."

"However, you once said that anger beasts do not hate humans." At this time, Su Xiaoyun interjected, "You said they hurt humans because of..."

"It's because of me. That's a long story." Zhu Xuan said, "The Angry Beast wasn't in Yancheng in the first place. It was my fault that it came to Diecui Mountain. It came after me."

"So, does Angry Beast have any hatred towards you... towards Bai Ze?" Shi Yitong asked.

"Almost. It's jealous of me." Zhu Xuan sighed, "You may notice that the Angry Beast is actually very similar to my prototype."

That's right, they are all giant white beasts, but the Angry Beast has no wings, and has a vicious look.

"From the origin, the beast and I have the same origin. According to you humans, it is... we are twins." Zhu Xuan said seriously.

"What?" The three of us looked at Zhuxuan in surprise.

"We were born in one place, but grew up in different environments. I love everything in the world, love human beings, learn and know the laws of the world, and be familiar with the wisdom of the universe. But the beast, it just wants to become stronger quickly, what does it want? You get powerful power without paying anything, so it didn't take long before it fell into the hell of anger, that is, "anger", and was finally classified as one of the five poisonous substances. During the period of the first emperor, the beast of anger was sealed by the first emperor and handed over to the West The white tiger guards. However, time passed and when people gradually forgot about our existence, it took the opportunity to escape and followed me all the way to the foot of the mountain.”

Zhu Xuan lowered his eyes.

"For so many years, I stayed on the Diecui Mountain, but I didn't find any trace of it. The beast is meticulous and cunning. It has been lurking under my nose for several years, but I didn't even notice it. And when I found it, There have been irreparable consequences.”

"Then what happened afterwards?" Shi Yitong asked, "What happened to that Ye you mentioned?"

"When I rushed over, I saw Ye and the beast confronting each other. All his companions fell down, and he was also covered in bruises with a spear in his hand."


"Come! Come if you want, you stupid big white bird!" Ye tightly held the javelin in his hand, "You ate all my family, my father, my wife and my children, they It’s not enough to fill your stomach, is it! Then come on, come and eat me!”

"Ye!!" Zhu Xuan chased after him, shouting loudly at the back of his beloved.

Ye was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head, "Azhu?"

"Come back quickly! You stare at its eyes and step back, so it won't attack you!" Zhu Xuan shouted, "Hurry up! I'm right here, put your spear down, or it will eat you of!"

Ye stared blankly at Zhuxuan, tears rolled down his eyes, he shook his head gently.

"I'm sorry, Bamboo! But I swear I will avenge my family, I can't run away."

"But you can't defeat that big guy, let me do it!" Zhu Xuan roared heart-piercingly.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry for you, Ah Zhu! You are the only person I've truly loved in my life, you really are!" Ye raised the spear in his hand, tears streaming down his face, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... "

Ye turned his head and looked at the beast. With its neck held high and its huge beak open, it howled and assumed an attacking stance.

"Die!" Ye roared loudly, raising his spear and rushing towards the beast.

However, the spear failed to pass through the beast's hard body, but struck its feathers and fell to the ground. The angry beast opened its mouth wide and tore Ye's body in half.


"I watched him being torn apart by the angry beast." Zhu Xuan said calmly, "In the end, he still died in front of me."

There was silence in the room, none of us knew what to say. But Su Xiaoyun couldn't help asking.

"So... what happened next?"

"Later, I couldn't suppress my grief, turned into a prototype, and fought desperately with the beast. I bet my own life, but the beast devoured many villagers, and gained more power than it had before. We I fought in the depths of Diecui Mountain for three days and three nights. Fortunately, I was better than it, and I won in the end, while the Angry Beast fell to the side dying."

Zhuxuan's fingers rubbed the quilt covering his body, "At that time, I had two choices. I could use my last strength to end the life of the beast. I knew it was my duty. I should do this to save more people. lives. But... I chose a different course at the time."

"What is it?"

"Using my last remaining strength, I saved Ye's soul."

"That's okay?" Shi Yitong said in surprise.

Zhu Xuan nodded, "It is possible. Human souls will still wander around the body seven days after death, and will only find their destination after seven days. Some enter the underworld, and then enter reincarnation, and some get lost I lost my way and wandered in the world. I was lucky to find Ye's soul very quickly. It was only then that I realized that even though the ghost was still so confused and didn't even know who he was, he was always in the middle of the war. Stubbornly clutching at my fur and refusing to let go. So I used my last strength to keep Ye's soul. His body is already useless, but if he is very, very lucky and can find a healthy enough container, he will can live on.”

"So it's like this..." I murmured, "No wonder you recognize Shi Yitong as Ye, because you don't know what Ye is like now."

"So, did he survive?" Su Xiaoyun asked hopefully.

"I don't know..." Zhu Xuan whispered, "I really don't know. But I really hope he survived."

"What about the man-eating monster?" Shi Yitong asked, "You said you defeated it, but didn't give it the final blow?"

Zhu Xuan nodded, "Yes. After saving Ye's soul, I fell into a coma. After that, I don't know how long it has passed. I have been sleeping in the depths of the forest until I opened my eyes, which was a week ago. "

"So you slept for thirty years?" Shi Yitong said in surprise.

"Don't be so surprised, son of mankind." Zhu Xuan glanced at Shi Yitong and said lightly, "Time is fleeting for us. Thirty years may be a long time for human beings, but for us For me, it's just time to take a nap."

Eternal time, and short life.

The love between Zhuxuan and Ye is like a flower in the epiphyllum, extremely beautiful, but also extremely short-lived.

"So, that is to say, you just woke up from a coma a week ago. In other words, you don't know what's going on with the return of the beast?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

"After I woke up, I went to Longning Temple to ask about the anger beast. The monks in Longning Temple have also changed a group of people, but fortunately, I know the current abbot of Longning Temple. He told me Thirty years ago, the Angry Beast was sealed by a Taoist priest, so it has not appeared to disturb everyone's life for a long time."

"Taoist? Taoist again?" The three of us looked at each other and frowned.