Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 180: Night and talk


"This is what the abbot of Longning Temple told me, I don't know the details." Zhu Xuan shook his head, "If this is the case, then the Angry Beast probably sensed my waking up and ran again I came here to cause harm to one side. Then I have the responsibility and obligation to re-seal this monster and prevent it from making trouble."

"So you are quite pitiful." Su Xiaoyun showed a sympathetic expression, "Thirty years ago, I was chased and beaten by a beast, and after I woke up after sleeping, I have to deal with this mess again."

Zhu Xuan seemed to be hit by these words, and became even more depressed.

"You said you wanted to seal that bird-beaked monster, but, uh..." Shi Yitong said cautiously, "You were beaten quite badly by it today."

"I know." Zhu Xuan said dejectedly, "Since I distributed my vitality to Ye's soul last time, I have lost a lot of power. And now the anger beast is stronger than before, and now I Let alone sealing it, it is already very difficult to protect itself."

The three of us fell silent as you looked at me and I looked at you. Because what Zhuxuan said is the reality before us. The monster became stronger day by day, but Bai Ze was scarred by the temper of time. But if the angry beast is left alone, then in the end it will only repeat the mistakes of 30 years ago, and countless innocent people will die.

Just as we fell into a deathly silence, a voice suddenly broke the silence.

"So, do you want polenta porridge or sweet potato porridge? There are only these two ingredients in the kitchen, so I'll just cook both—" Xu Yingchen walked into the room with the dinner plate in his hand, facing our unanimous gaze, he A little embarrassed, he said, "What happened?"

"No, no no."

"It's okay, it's okay, we're fine."

"It's corn porridge, bring me a bowl."

In this way, the day passed peacefully. The few of us didn't talk much after that, we each had our own concerns, and after nine o'clock in the evening, we greeted each other and went back to sleep.

But even in the middle of the night, I was still tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep, so I simply climbed out of bed and came to the third-floor rooftop of the hotel.

Although Xu Yingchen's hotel is not that big, it deliberately reserved a very romantic rooftop. I stood by the fence of the rooftop, the cold wind messed up my hair, which made me feel sober and more comfortable.

There are no stars in the night sky today, only the light of the moon dimly seeping through from behind the thick clouds. It looks like it might rain tomorrow.

I took out my phone from my pocket, leaned my elbows on the railing, and swipe the screen aimlessly with my fingers.

I couldn't tell whether it was intentional or not, my fingertips finally landed on Wen Jiubai's name in the address book.

Do you want to tell him what happened today

No matter from which angle we look at it, the matter of Diecui Mountain is beyond our ability to deal with it. If we cannot seal the chaotic beast, the consequences may be unimaginable...

Just as I was hesitating while holding the phone, a clear voice suddenly came from behind.

"It might rain tomorrow. There isn't even a single star in the night sky today."

I turned my head, standing behind me was Zhuxuan who was still wrapped in a blanket, and he was looking up at the gloomy sky.

I couldn't help laughing, and said, "In my hometown, I can't see stars almost every day. But that's because of air pollution."

"Air pollution?" Zhu Xuan frowned strangely, as if he was unfamiliar with this term.

"Yes, because the city is so big, people build a lot of factories in the center of the city. These factories and the cars on the streets emit sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide, and some other exhaust gases. So the atmosphere is polluted and the stars are blocked." I looked at the sky, shrugged and said.

"You mean the sky is covered by humans?" Zhu Xuan raised his eyebrows suspiciously, "Really? Can humans do it?"

I couldn't help but smile, "Yeah, there are far more things humans can do now than you can imagine."

Zhu Xuan seemed to be still thinking about the problem of covering the sky, so I quickly changed the subject, "Speaking of which, are you able to get out of bed already? The injuries on your body..."

"It's okay." Zhuxuan walked in front of me, and untied the bandage wrapped around his arm, and then I saw that the place where the wound was originally a hideous wound had now turned into a piece of smooth skin, "I didn't You humans are so fragile."

I breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "That's good. If you don't get well soon, the few of us will be tortured to death by the guilt in our hearts."

Zhu Xuan also laughed, "So why are you here? Can't sleep?"

I nodded and said hesitantly, "It's just... I don't really want to sleep, so I came up to get some air."

"Is it because of the anger beast?"

I nodded.

Zhuxuan lowered his eyes when he heard this, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry. It's all because of my lack of strength that I caused you to be implicated as well, and the entire Diecui Mountain residents were also implicated."

"What? Of course it's not your fault." I smiled, "It's the monster named Chen who caused the disaster, and you are the one who has been doing your best to protect people."

"No, it's indeed my fault. It's my responsibility to guard the beast. It's the same origin as me. I have the obligation to guard it. In fact, I defeated it last time. I should have killed it. But I didn't do that. These are all my faults, whether it's the man who died in Longning Temple, or the bones around the mouth of the beast we saw on the mountain today, these lives should be recorded on my head." Zhu Xuan murmured.

Even at a distance, I can feel a strong sadness from Zhu Xuan's body. The two emotions of sadness and regret are intertwined, burning into ashes after the fireworks exploded.

"But you must, love him very, very much." I murmured.

"You mean Ye?" Zhu Xuan gave a wry smile, "Yeah. Sometimes I feel that after staying with Ye for a long time, even I have become like a human being, and I have become selfish and selfish." Big, in order to save a person who doesn't know if he can be saved, but now sacrifices so many other lives... "

"But you don't regret it, do you?" I blurted out.

Zhu Xuan looked at me in surprise, "Why do you think so?"

"Right?" I asked persistently.

"...Yes." Zhuxuan surrendered, admitting, "I think, if I were given another chance, I would still do it. I just, love him so much. And he deserves to live on, and his life Deserves something better. Maybe I'm really selfish, he wants to avenge his family, and I don't grant his wish. I want him to live, even if it's just my selfishness, but as long as I think , in which corner of the world he may be living happily now, I can motivate myself to continue living in this world, otherwise... "

"... In this human world where it is becoming more and more difficult to integrate into other people, it is really too lonely." I murmured.

Zhu Xuan looked at me in surprise, "How do you know what I want to say?"

That's when I realized that I'd just said exactly what was in my head. Facing Zhuxuan's surprised eyes, I showed a smile and changed my posture to lean on the railing.

"Well... sometimes, I can see things," I said.

"See what?" Zhu Xuan asked.

"I don't know either. Sometimes it's a dream, sometimes it's a scene that floats in front of my eyes, and sometimes, like just now, it's an emotion." I looked at Zhuxuan, his face looked so immature, but his eyes were so tender. The vicissitudes of life, only the eyes tell how long the person in front of me has walked in the world.


"Well. I was later told that it's called empathy. I can empathize with a lot of people—even non-human ones. Sometimes I can see their past, what they've been through, and how they're happy, sad, Sadness and despair." I leaned on the railing and looked at Zhuxuan, "It's like a book, sometimes I can secretly flip through a few pages, and then know a short story in their lives."

"So, you also read my book?" Zhu Xuan asked with a smile.

"Yeah, that's why I know what you were thinking just now. I also know how deeply you have feelings for that boy named Ye." I made a face.

"How many stories about people...or monsters have you read?" Zhu Xuan asked.

"I don't know either." I murmured, "There are people, there are female ghosts, there are cat demons, and there are even evil parasitic souls."

Zhu Xuan's expression suddenly became serious, and he looked at me with some unknown emotion in his eyes.

"Then you must be very brave." Zhu Xuan said in a low voice, "These stories are not something an ordinary human being should bear. Knowing these emotions and stories must be very painful for you."

Only then did I realize that the emotion in Zhu Xuan's eyes was something called sympathy.

"Pain? No, no, I don't have pain. What you said is too exaggerated." I laughed twice, "I'm just maybe a little more sensitive than others, and I know a little more stories, which doesn't affect My life. And a lot of the time those stories are funny too."

"And what about your story?"

I couldn't react to Zhu Xuan's sudden words, "What?"

"What about your story?" Zhu Xuan looked at me seriously and said, "You have seen so many people's stories, so what kind of story is your story? You and your friends come here, It's not for homework, is it?"

That's right, Zhuxuan is not a fool, he is the divine beast Bai Ze who has lived for tens of thousands of years, of course he can see our lies at a glance.