Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 185: temple fair


Shi Yitong laughed dryly to save me, and muttered, "Okay, you can say yes. But if it were me, I wouldn't just put myself in danger just because of a stranger."

Shi Yitong was right. What is the reason for me to willingly join this dangerous world, I am not very clear. But it is undeniable that from the moment I met Wen Jiubai, I was completely attracted by this kind of life.

Dangerous, like a flame. Knowing that if you get too close, it is easy to burn everything, but you still can't restrain your urge to get close to it.

Just like Wen Jiubai, he is full of mystery and fatal attraction. Thinking about it carefully, I don't even know him at all, but I always follow his orders without hesitation and rush into the unknown world.

"Speaking of which, how many days have we been here?" I asked suddenly.

"Uh... three days, if you count one day on the road, it should be four days." Shi Yitong thought for a while and said, worried, "Speaking of which, except for weekends, it seems that we only took two days off, right? We finally finished it, shouldn't we go back quickly... "

Has it been four days

If I count the week when I deliberately alienated Wen Jiubai, I haven't seen Wen Jiubai for almost two weeks.

After calling him in the middle of the night last time, he also uncharacteristically did not make any contact with me. That being said... it would be better to call him before going back.

We spent the rest of the time chatting with each other. Later, Shi Yitong fell asleep lying on the table, snoring loudly. And I was scrolling through Weibo aimlessly, until around five o'clock in the afternoon, Su Xiaoyun broke into our room.

"Hey, what are you two doing!" The queen raised her chin and patted on the door, and Shi Yitong, who was sleepy, was suddenly awakened by the loud noise.

"What's the matter?" Shi Yitong sat up straight in fright, not even wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, "Goddess Su! You scared me to death!"

"You really have too much heart. I admire you for being able to sleep like a pig at this time." Su Xiaoyun said angrily.

"What's wrong? You don't have to take care of Zhuxuan anymore?" I also put away my phone and asked.

"So, I just want to tell you about this." Su Xiaoyun turned her head and gestured to the door of the room with her chin, "He's awake."

Only now did we see that Zhuxuan's hair was disheveled, and the bloody cloth shirt on his body had been replaced by a large white shirt kindly provided by Shi Yitong. He smiled at us embarrassedly.

"Sorry to make you worry."

Shi Yitong and I stood up at the same time, and breathed a sigh of relief, "You're fine, that's great."

"Is the wound alright?"

"It's okay." Zhu Xuan showed a soft smile, "Thank you, sealing the anger beast is more important than anything else. Tonight's temple fair can also be held normally."

"What are you talking about." Su Xiaoyun patted Zhu Xuan on the back, "Obviously you are alive, it is more important for us all to be alive!"

Su Xiaoyun was still the same Su Xiaoyun, Shi Yitong and I both laughed.

Xu Yingchen made dinner for us not long after, Zhuxuan also changed into new clean clothes, everything returned to peace, and everyone chatted about some topics at the dinner table.

Xu Yingchen never asked what we did when we went out, and I am very grateful for his consideration for us.

"By the way, you children, do you still want to go to the temple fair at night?" Suddenly, Xu Yingchen asked, "It seems to start at five o'clock in the evening."

We all froze for a moment, the chopsticks stopped in mid-air. After all of this, I'm not even sure if I want to go to temple fairs anymore.

And the kind and enthusiastic Uncle Xu is still talking, "If you want to go, I can just give you a ride. My cousin borrowed my car the day before yesterday and returned it today, and I just happened to go shopping nearby. , how? Do you want to go?"

Just when the three of us were still hesitating to make eye contact with each other, Zhu Xuan spoke.

"Go. Why don't you go for this rare opportunity?" Zhu Xuan smiled, "Maybe you can buy some novelties at the temple fair."

"What about you?" Uncle Xu looked at the three of us again.

"Go." I nodded, and Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun also said they would go.

"Yes, it's a rare opportunity." Su Xiaoyun smiled and whispered next to my ear, "It's rare for us to save the world once, so we must take a look at the world we saved."

As we imagined, there were not many people at the temple fair, and there were few vendors. Red lanterns and exquisite dragon models hang on the trees, making it more or less lonely. Even the tourists who visited the temple fair revealed a little tiredness and fear in their smiles, and the shadow of death still hovered over the people in Diecui Mountain, lingering and lingering.

"The anger beast has been sealed, but these people don't know it yet. They are afraid that someone will die when they don't know." I sighed, "Can't we find a way to tell them that the matter has been resolved?"

"If you want, you can tell them." Zhu Xuan smiled, "It depends on whether they believe it or not."

"They definitely won't believe it." Su Xiaoyun shook her head and said regretfully, "Most people won't believe that a legendary monster ate people. I think they are more willing to believe that it was a beast attack or a murder case. , or some government conspiracy theory."

"Human beings are always so stupid." Shi Yitong clicked his tongue, "I'd rather believe in any political conspiracy theory than believe in the facts before my eyes. How could this be possible?"

"Don't say that about your fellow clan, Shi Yitong." Zhuxuan seemed to be amused by Shi Yitong's argument, "Humans are very alert creatures, they can easily detect the dangers around them, and then quickly let the whole group panic. Blend into the atmosphere of vigilance. It's just a biological instinct, and there's nothing stupid about it."

"But the danger has passed, right? Diecui Mountain is safe, and there will never be any strange monsters coming out to eat people again. These people can rest assured." Shi Yitong said nonchalantly.

"Not necessarily." Zhuxuan gave us an unexpected answer, and narrowed his eyes with a serious expression, "I think the current situation is far from the word 'safety'. They are still afraid And vigilance is smart behavior."

Before Shi Yitong and Su Xiaoyun could fully understand what he was saying, I already understood what Zhuxuan meant.

"The one on the top of the hill, right?"

Zhu Xuan looked at me in surprise, "You also found out?"

I nodded, "Although the distance is too far, I can only see a vague figure."

Zhu Xuan immediately said: "But it also shows that his power must be very strong, otherwise it would be impossible to affect the beast at such a distance."

Shi Yitong interrupted us in a daze, "Wait, what are you two talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

"When we confronted the Angry Beast, we were already doomed, right?" I had to patiently explain to the two people, "But for some reason, the Angry Beast suddenly seemed to be bound by some force, Suddenly I couldn't move, remember?"

Shi Yitong nodded desperately, "I remember. I remember asking you if it was your fault."

I shook my head, "It's not my fault, I didn't do anything. It's a figure standing on the opposite mountain. I can't see what he looks like, or even whether it's a man or a woman, but I'm sure There is an inexplicable powerful force coming from that direction."

"You really have very strong spiritual vision." Zhu Xuan looked at me with a kind of admiration, which made me very embarrassed.

"So you are saying that we were able to seal the anger beast because of the help of noble people?" Su Xiaoyun said in surprise, "But... who will help us? I thought only a few of us knew about the anger beast. "

"You asked the wrong question, Goddess Su." Shi Yitong shook his finger and said in a serious manner, "It's not a question of 'who', but a question of 'why'. Why does that person help us? Also, if he is friendly Why didn’t he help us stop that big guy in the first place? He didn’t show up until the last second, and disappeared without a trace after the matter was over?”

"That's right." Zhu Xuan nodded in agreement with Shi Yitong's point of view, "I've thought about it for a long time, why this person helped us seal the beast, but he never showed up like an invisible person from the beginning to the end. After much deliberation, only A possibility."

"What is it?" Su Xiaoyun asked.

"That is, the person who helped us today is the perpetrator himself." Zhu Xuan said affirmatively.

"You mean... Undo the seal of the Angry Beast and let him out to harm the cannibals?" Su Xiaoyun said in surprise.

"How could it be?" Shi Yitong asked puzzled, "Since he is the one who started the crime, how could he help us?"

"Because he realizes he's playing too big." I can't help but interject. "Whatever his original intentions, this man doesn't want to see us die. We can't die, he won't let us die, So in the end, we helped us successfully seal the beast. With such great power, he must have the ability to restrain the monster, so I suspect that the instigator was the Taoist priest who sealed it thirty years ago. "

"That Taoist?" Su Xiaoyun asked in surprise.

"That Taoist priest who is always everywhere?" Shi Yitong touched his chin and thought about it, then looked at us in horror, "I don't know why, but I think your reasoning is quite reasonable."