Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 190: Wen Jiubai's death


I was so anxious that I took out the fastest speed and ran along the back mountain to the direction I was familiar with. While running, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Wen Jiubai's number, but no matter how he dialed, there were endless busy tones and "The person you dialed is temporarily unavailable, please try again later."

On the way, I can already clearly feel that this familiar road is not so familiar.

The small road next to the school turned into a dilapidated dirt road, surrounded by dry weeds. I walked along the small road and came to the old house. Fortunately, the waist-high weeds were still there. I hurried across the weeds and saw the shadow of the old house in the distance.

The old house is still there! And from the outside, it is no different from the house I am familiar with!

I suppressed the excitement in my heart and came to the door of the old house in three steps at a time. Just as I reached out to push the door, I found that the door was ajar.

The door of the old house was never left open. Either the door is tightly closed and cannot be opened no matter how hard I push it, or the wooden door will open by itself as soon as I stand at the door.

A bad premonition arose in my heart, and I quickly pushed the wooden door open. And soon, my hunch came true.

The yard was barren, and the perennial spring and bright flowers and plants in my memory were all gone. The plants were lying crookedly, all withered, and some even rotted in the soil. And there was not even a trace of human breath in the entire courtyard.

What's even more strange is that at this time, there was a strange fragrance passing through my nasal cavity. But all the plants in the yard withered, where did this familiar smell come from

I didn't have time to think so much, I ran quickly past the withered plants, across the yard, to the main house, and was stunned as soon as I opened the door.

The house was in disarray, as if it had just been robbed. The furniture was overturned and smashed, even Wen Jiubai's most treasured ancient books were scattered in a pile, randomly thrown on the ground, piled up with the fragments of the vase and the wreckage of the mirror.

It was a mess.

Not only that, but I also found traces of dark red on the remains of these fragments.

Blood... I resisted the urge to touch my face. In that dream, there was blood-red rain all over the sky.

What the hell is going on, what the hell is going on here? The cold feeling spread from head to toe, and I couldn't even feel my own heartbeat.

"Wen Jiubai! Wen Jiubai!" I started to shout like crazy, running from room to room. Although I knew deep down in my heart that it was impossible for Wen Jiubai to be here anymore, I still shouted loudly without giving up.

"Wen Jiubai! Are you there? Come out! Wen Jiubai!"

Please, answer me. It doesn't matter who it is, as long as there is a living person who can answer me!

"Gu Yu..."

All of a sudden, a weak and dull voice came to my ears, I shivered, and immediately turned around in the direction of the voice.

"Who? Who? Answer me again!"

"Gu Yu... I'm here!"

The voice was louder than before, and this time I recognized the owner of the voice. It was the stupid white weasel I was familiar with!

"Bai! Is that you, Bai? Where are you?"

"You idiot, right at your feet!"

I just looked down at my feet. Not far from where I was standing, a large wardrobe fell crookedly on the ground, and it was vaguely possible to see that something white was pressed underneath.

"Bai, are you trapped inside?" I was taken aback, and quickly squatted down to look at the gap in the closet.

Sure enough, Bai was pressed down by the wardrobe, his tail and one foot were pressed under the weight, and he couldn't move. The blood stained the white fur and looked very pitiful.

"Wait a minute, I'll rescue you right away." I stood up, took a deep breath, and then pushed the wardrobe up. My strength is not very strong, but this time I used the strength of breastfeeding and finally lifted the cabinet up a gap.

With a flicker of Bai's shadow, he quickly ran out from under the closet. The huge wardrobe fell back to its original place with a muffled sound and a puff of choking smoke.

"Bai, are you okay?" I immediately knelt down to check on Bai's injuries.

Bai didn't look energetic, and the fur that he had been taking good care of was messy and dirty, with mottled blood stains on it. One of his legs was injured, and he couldn't move at all, and his tail was also wounded by the wardrobe, and he was listlessly tilted to one side.

"Fortunately, let's say you survived. It's great to see you again." Bai smiled at me and said.

"What nonsense are you talking about. Wait here, I'll find something to bandage for you." As I said that, I stood up and walked into the inner room with great effort, stepping over the mess of sundries. Fortunately, the herbs and first aid supplies that Wen Jiubai prepared on weekdays were still there. I moved the small wooden box over, and just opened the lid to take out the bandages, but Bai trembled violently, and flinched back a bit.

"Take it out!" Bai yelled.

"What?" I was taken aback, unable to react for a moment.

"Spells, there are charms in the box!" Bailian shouted ugly.

When I lowered my head, I saw a few old and yellowed talisman papers lying in the corner of the wooden box. I hastily took out the talisman paper and tore it into pieces with all my strength, only then did Bai's face soften.

"Idiot! What is your intention to approach the injured me with the talisman paper!" Bai yelled dissatisfied.

"Yeah, I'm going to kill and skin you and make it into a mink coat." I couldn't help but rolled my eyes, and took out bandages and wound medicine from the wooden box, "I see you can yell so much, it seems Even if the wound is not bandaged, it will be fine."

"What are you talking about, boy!"

"However, why haven't I seen you react so strongly to things like talisman paper before?" I took Bai's injured paw and carefully applied the medicine and bandaged it.

"The past was the past, and now is the present. Now I'm injured, and the only remaining demon power has been deprived." Bai glanced at me, and the uninjured paw suddenly rested on my knee. I unexpectedly found sadness and earnestness in the animal pupils.

"Gu Yu, it's a good thing you're back! You must save Mr. Wen!"

Hearing the words "Mr. Wen", I felt a thump in my heart, and even the movements of my hands tensed, wondering if I had strangled Bai's wound.

"Where is Wen Jiubai? What happened here? Why did the old house become like this?" I asked like a cannonball.

Bai shook his head with a dignified and sad expression.

"The man in gray...the man in gray took him away."

"What? The man in gray?" I was confused, "What man in gray?"

"That's right, a group of people in gray Taoist robes!" Bai said frantically, "They took Wen Jiubai away, and cast strange spells, and then made the house like this, oops..."

"Wait, speak slowly." Although I was even more anxious than Bai, I still suppressed the confusion in my heart, "Tell me from the beginning, what is going on."

Bai looked at me desperately and shook his head, "I don't know the details. I rarely stay in the old house these days. I found an abandoned ancestral hall in the woods behind the mountain. There are often some The little goblins gather there, and I can follow them to find the house where the good wine is hidden..."

"To put it bluntly, you just want to steal a drink, skip this paragraph and get to the point." I said angrily.

"Okay, okay, so yesterday, after I was full of wine and food, I thought I hadn't come to Mr. Wen's place for a long time, so I ran to the old house with half a bottle of wine, but I didn't expect... the door of the old house was wide open Then, there were many people in gray priestly robes standing in darkness in the yard."

"Grey Taoist robe? Is it a Taoist priest?" I asked.

"I think it should be... There are about a dozen people. They all have magic weapons in their hands, and every magic weapon is stained with blood. The expressions on their faces are very indifferent. I can't describe the feeling, just Like a cold object."

Halfway through speaking, Bai licked the wound on his leg and took a deep breath, "The moment I walked in, I could feel a very strong magic power, which instantly deprived me of my remaining demon power. It's really a terrifying power. They probably set up a barrier on the old house without anyone noticing it, so I didn't even feel a little bit when I came in, and those people were just like ghosts."

"And then?" I asked.

"Then... I saw Wen Jiubai." Bai suddenly looked unable to continue, with deep fear reflected in his eyes, "I saw..."

"What the hell did you see!" I was so anxious that I wanted to pour out the words from Bai's stomach.

"I saw Wen Jiubai, who was dragged out by those Taoist priests."

My mind went blank for a moment, "Drag it out?"

"Although I didn't run over there, there was a sense of evil spirit between the monsters. At that time, Wen Jiubai was lying on the ground, not breathing at all." Bai closed his eyes, "I'm sorry, but Wen Jiubai was killed by them Yes. I'm sure of that."

Bai's voice was like a boulder, and with a "bang", I was completely smashed. I couldn't help but reached out and grabbed Bai's fur and asked, "How is that possible! It is impossible for Wen Jiubai to be killed, he is I know what kind of person he is!"

"Don't get excited, it hurts, it hurts, you're pulling on my wound!" Bai showed his fangs to me, and I hurriedly let him go.

"As I said, we don't need to get close at all, we can sense it. The proof of the monster's survival is the power and aura they have cultivated all their lives, that is, the monster aura. If the monster aura disappears, it is impossible to survive. Then The group of Taoist priests also understand this truth." Bai stared at me, still gritted his teeth threateningly, "In that case, I couldn't get close to Wen Jiubai at all. One of the Taoist priests also found me very quickly, if it wasn't for the big The closet fell down and pressed my body, preventing the Taoist priest from doing anything to me, and what you saw when you came over was the rotten corpse of a ferret!"