Urban Tales of Demons and Spirits

Chapter 191: chaotic time


I froze in place and murmured, "But, how is that possible... That's Wen Jiubai, are you sure?"

"I don't know what kind of existence that guy is in your heart, but he is not omniscient and omnipotent, and he is just a monster with power sealed away." Bai whispered.

"Sealed?" I was even more confused, too much information mixed in my brain and I couldn't react, "Why did you say he was sealed?"

Bai seemed to suddenly realize that he had said something wrong, and quickly waved his paws to prevaricate, "Uh, it's nothing, just pretend you didn't hear it."

"Bai! Can you stop treating me like a fool!" A burst of anger welled up in my chest, and I said angrily, "After so many things, I don't know everything! Wen Jiubai is a nine-tailed demon fox, right? "

"So what if it's true?" Bai looked at me angrily, "The important thing is that he was killed by someone who plotted against him, and you were the reason!"

"Me? It's obvious that you didn't fulfill your obligations and sneaked out to steal drinks all day long!" I raised my voice.

"Then what about you!" Bai retorted bluntly, "Didn't you sneak out to investigate his identity when you were supposed to be here?"

"I..." I was so choked up by Bai's words that I couldn't speak.

"Wen Jiubai didn't even have a trace of struggling, he did it voluntarily! If it wasn't for you, how could he be killed without the power to restrain the chicken!" Bai showed his sharp fangs to me.

"What nonsense are you talking about! How is that possible!" I retorted.

"Before you came back, Wen Jiubai and I thought you were dead!" Bai cried sadly.

My mind froze when I heard this sentence. I stopped and looked at Xiang Bai, trying to sort out what he just said, "Wait, you think I'm dead? What's going on?"

"You still have the face to say that!" Bai's voice became sharper, "You haven't heard from me for six years! Wen Jiubai has never stopped looking for you, even if he knows that you are probably dead, he is also Waiting silently, even if you wait until your afterlife!"

"Wait... six years?" My mind has become a mess, I raised my hand and made a pause gesture and said, "Wait, look at me, does my face look like six years later? ?”

"How do I know this!" Bai said dissatisfied, "I have never been clear about the changes in human appearance!"

"No, I'm serious." I knelt down and brought my face closer to Bai, pointing to my own face, "Look carefully, do you think there is any change in me?"

Bai approached suspiciously, and shook his head uncertainly, "It seems... nothing has changed."

"It's right that there is no change! Because this is not six years later!" I said angrily, "I just went to Diecui Mountain, and I talked to Wen Jiubai on the phone the next day! Since I left It’s only been four days so far, how could there be a gap of six years!”

"But, but..." Bai also stuttered, "But what you said happened six years ago! The phone call you mentioned was the last time you spoke with Wen Jiubai, and we have never found it again since then." You! Didn't you notice when you came? Yancheng University has been abandoned, and that's because Wen Jiubai turned the school upside down to find your trace. "

"But the time is wrong." I took a deep breath, my brain was in a mess, "It's 2016, there is no problem with the time, I don't understand..."

"Are you saying that the timeline has been disrupted?" Bai Sensitively asked.

"Yes, that's right, this is it!" Bai's words reminded me, and I immediately agreed, "Someone disrupted the timeline... Is this really possible?"

"It's possible in theory, but it should be very difficult." Bai thought seriously, "You have to use the time-space gap between Yin and Yang, and you need very powerful demon power or mana to do it."

"But, but..." I looked at Bai in shock, "If even time can be changed, is there anything they can't do?"

"It's not changing the time, Gu Yu, you misunderstood. No one in this world can change the time. All they can do is disturb the timeline and make the illusion that time has been changed, but the essence is also the same as The enchantment is no different." Bai looked at me with burning eyes, "What you see and feel now are just illusions, there must be a way to undo all of this."

"You said it lightly. How to get rid of it depends on me? Who do you think I am? I am neither a demon exorcist nor a Taoist priest. I am just an eighteen-year-old college student!" I said with some collapse, " If there is anyone who can solve the predicament, it must be Wen Jiubai. But you just said, you said that Wen Jiubai has already... "

"Gu Yu, calm down, if even you can't calm down, who will Wen Jiubai rely on!" Bai shouted at me, baring his fangs again.

what did he say

By the way, Bai Gang also said it when he saw me, what did he say...

— You must save Mr. Wen!

"Wait," I hesitated, "but you said that Wen Jiubai is dead. But you asked me to save him... What's going on?"

"Oh, you stupid human brain!" Bai jumped up and hit me angrily, "If death is the end, then what are all the ghosts and resentful spirits you have encountered so far!"


I reacted suddenly and almost jumped up. Death is never the end, but the beginning of everything. If there was no world after death, I would not have encountered supernatural events at first, and naturally I would not have known Wen Jiubai either.

"That's right. Boy, find him and ask him what's going on." Bai lazily narrowed his eyes.

"But Wen Jiubai is a monster like you, right? Do monsters have souls after death?" I wondered.

"'Monster' is actually not a very appropriate name for us. The correct word should be 'ghost'." Bai licked his paw and said seriously.

"Ferrets, beautiful snakes, or the Jinhua cats you have seen before, we all have prototypes and bodies. Even if we lose all the demon power, like me, the worst thing is to return to the original body. The ashes disappeared. And some evil things bred by the human heart, such as sprites and parasitic souls, are not so lucky. And Mr. Wen is different." Bai thought and said, "If I guess right, His essence, or soul, should go to the underworld, because that is the only place where the soul can be judged... Hey, Gu Yu, wait, I haven't finished talking yet, why are you going!"

I didn't listen carefully to what Bai said, so I ran outside. The reasons and reasons are not important at all, at this moment, all I need to know is where Wen Jiubai is.

"Hey! Do you know how to get there!" Bai shouted angrily behind me.

"I don't know!" I yelled over my shoulder as I ran, "but I know there must be a clue somewhere!"

Although I know that it seems unkind to leave Bai alone in the house, but I don't have time to think about it because I am eager to save people. I ran along the once familiar, now unfamiliar road, yes, I still remember that place, if I am lucky...

I ran all the way to the end of Jinhua Road, standing in front of the gray wall, panting heavily.

The moss-covered alley did not appear, and I wandered anxiously in front of the wall, shouting loudly.

"Boss Cat! Boss Cat!" I yelled, patting the wall with my hands, "Let me in, please! I have something important to do!"

However, the long silence terrified me. No matter how I slapped the wall, shouted, or even kicked the innocent wall, this dead end seemed to be mocking me, and there was no movement.

Could it be that... Boss Mao's shop is no longer here? Or is the entrance of Yin and Yang already closed

I sat down against the wall, gasping for breath, filled with despair.

What the hell is going on with all this? Why was Wen Jiubai attacked, and why did the school look abandoned? No, none of that matters.

After I left Yanda, what happened here? Who is that weird Taoist who has been hiding behind the scenes? what purpose

I have not been able to glimpse the tip of the iceberg of the whole incident, and I am completely in the dark. Is it all over? How could this be reconciled!

Just as I was sitting on the ground annoyed and pulling my hair frantically, the wall behind me suddenly disappeared, causing me to become unbalanced and lie directly on the ground.

A cat's face appeared on top of my head, and said slowly with a distressed expression, "Oh, oh, what a worrying customer. Didn't I say it a long time ago, the shop will be closed until dusk It’s time to open for business, and it’s only now…”

Boss Mao stopped in the middle of his sentence, and his bright green cat pupils met my eyes.

"Oh, aren't you that human customer? What's the matter with the one who yelled at the door of the small shop?"

I jumped up in a jerk and almost hit the boss cat's nose.

"Yes! There is something! It's very important!"

Unexpectedly, Boss Mao had a very clear expression on his face, "Isn't it because of that old friend that you came here?"

old friend? By the way, Wen Jiubai once said that Boss Mao is his friend. They also helped each other out.

Boss Mao sighed, didn't say anything, just turned around and waved to me, "If that's the case, the store can only make an exception and open earlier. Come with me."